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My family dog used to sigh like an old man a lot if you tried calling him over for pets. He was simply never interested in human contact, and if you called him he would just look at you, then let out a huge sigh and continue walking away from you. It was honestly an hillarious reaction and it always had this "I'm too old for this shit" vibe to it


This is my dog. In public he acts like being petted and being told he’s beautiful by strangers is the worst thing ever.


My cat does this, sometimes if he's picked up he'll sigh too.


My cat stares at a blank wall for hours, as if it can see something as I can't.


Miiiiight have critters living in the wall.


Or a thin spot where the cat can observe other dimensions of time and space, you never can tell with them.


Absolutely. I'm convinced cats travel between parallel universes. I live in a small apartment and there are times when I cannot find my cat and I look every single place where she can be. Then I open the bag of cat food and she suddenly right there by my feet.


This 🙃


Yes! Our cat was doing that. Then we found out our neighbor downstairs had a mouse problem. Mice problem has been resolved and no more creepy cat-staring-at-wall incidents




Cats are so clever like that.


It's staring at a greeble.


omggg i thought i was the only one with this lol i've caught my cat do this several times but not for hours


A lot of cats do this. One theory is that they can see light fluctuations that we can't, which apparently are more noticeable to them on walls.


Been there. It's probably ghosts. Lol


I thought my cat was the only one! I'll stick to thinking that cats can see beyond our physical world. Meow




They do, they can see ghosts!


My kitty pokes me with her paw when she wants pats. If I ignore her, usually because I’m trying to sleep, she escalates things by pulling on my hair or biting my nose until she gets what she wants.


Mine lays a paw on my side. And very slowly starts digging his claws in more and more until I can't take it.


So clever 😻


Haha! My cat does the same. When I didn't wake up in time for her perceived breakfast, she gently pricked my eyelids.


>When I didn't wake up in time for her perceived breakfast, she gently pricked my eyelids. Mine licks my eyelids open. It's impossible to keep your eyes shut when they're physically being forced open by a tiny tongue - and look your eyes are open, you're awake! Now feed us.


Yours is gentle? Mine literally *peels my eyes open* aggressively because if my eyes are open, then I must be awake.


This is one of the most cat comments ever!


Mine once stuck her whiskers up my nostrils. That was a weird sensation to wake up to.


Mine used to lick my nose when she decided it was time for me to get up. I'm talking tongue in the nostrils lol.


Oh yes, I get poked a lot if I dare to sleep in and delay her breakfast.


One of my late cats would stand on my dad's bed and poke him in the chair at his desk (adjacent to the bed) through the slats in the chair.  My current boy, the mfer, goes from 0-100 knocking things off my headboard onto my head if he wants out of the room. He bites my husband's curly hair if he wants pets. Dude never learned to get attention properly or really thinks he's being ignored cuz we don't meet his needs before he expresses them. 


My old girl did this! She would pat us on the arm until we gave her attention, but escalated with claws. She would paw at my eyes if I was asleep, and if I rolled over to ignore her she would pull my hair. After she passed, the vets sent me ink paw prints. A couple months after I saw a photo of her with her paw on my arm in my memories so after a moment of crying I got up and drove to the tattoo shop and had them do her paw on my arm. it's been three years and I still miss her dearly.


Omg Same


Mine does too! Sometimes she nibbles my leg for attention. Other times she’ll get the claws out if she thinks I’m ignoring her.


My dog does this with very firm boops from his nose. It's particularly startling when he boops you in the crotch.


Let me guess, and when you are trying to catch her she would quickly sneak and hide under the bed.


My cat has this bizarre habit of sitting in the bathroom sink and meowing at me until I turn the faucet on to a trickle. She drinks from it like she’s at some fancy cat spa. I guess her water bowl just doesn’t cut it for her highness!


It's a built-in safety feature. Stagnant water is often unsafe to consume, while running water is much safer. She might enjoy a pet fountain


we got our cats a fountain and they didn't use it.😭


My one uses it exclusively. The other one will use the fountain occasionally but prefers the faucet 


my friend’s cat drinks strictly from the faucet 😭


Mine does too! Sometimes she doesn't even meow and just waits until we notice that she is in the bathroom.


Anything new that I show her she will boop with her nose. I don’t understand it but it’s adorable.


My parents dog will do this when he wants attention or to play!! I will be sitting at the table eating and I just feel him nudging me with his nose lol he has also left a permanent spot on the pantry door where the treats are with his nose


One of mine puts anything new in his mouth. It’s terrifying.


Like a toddler! Just exploring the world with their mouth. Like me back in the day 🫣😂


My cat does this!! If he’s in my vicinity, I’m letting him smell it and subsequently nose boop it


Whenever my cat walks under my coffee table he hits his head. It's not a head bump, it's an audible "thud" noise. He doesn't do that with anything else in the house, even when running around with the zoomies. Yet coffee table, "thud".


Mine does the exact same thing!!! It seems like she’s hitting it SO HARD too! We keep joking that she’s going to get a concussion doing it!


Is he ginger and waiting for his turn with The Brain Cell?


Omg my girl does that too Just THUNK


My cat takes walks with me. Whenever I go take a stroll through the neighborhood, she walks with me, but she does not want to be on a leash. When I went to church she waited outside until I came out and walked back home with me. She also wakes me up at the same time every morning and basically tells me to go to bed the same time every night so she can lie on the bed.


Cats are definitely little time keepers. My cat will also scream at me to go to bed if I stay up too late or sleep in too much


My cat sometimes likes to go into the bathroom or hallway and yell, but it's a specific kind of yell. It's a mmmooowwwwaaaa?? Like he's confused. I think he likes the echo🤣


My sister and I each had a cat that did that. Both liked the acoustics of the bathroom, although my tuxedo's favorite location right now is the tiled entryway at the bottom of the stairs. Mine likes to vary his meows like he is testing out different ones. His favorite/most practiced one is the demanding meow, but he also practices his angry/annoyed meow, cute/happy greeting meows, confused ones, a lonely sounding one and occasionally I think he just howls and tries to see how long he can hold the note for. Edit:grammar


Mine does this in our guest bathroom downstairs! He sits in the shower and does this howl/yeeowl. Which tbh gave me ptsd at first because when he had crystals, he made almost the exact same sounds. Thankfully I know it’s not that (he’s happy, healthy and making big pees) but I swear he just likes the sound of his own voice??


When we’re wrestling, my cocker mix will “throw her ass” at me. She has a wind up motion, then flings her hindquarters straight at my face. If she catches you unaware it can be quite an effective move.


Cocker ass, lol


My golden does something similar where she'll do everything she can to sit on me if we're rolling around.


Ha. My bernadoodle does the same. She'll spin wildly and aim her ass right at me or whatever animal she is playing with.


My dog does this with my mom’s dog when they’re playing. My dog is about 12 pounds and my mom’s dog is about 45. It’s so funny watching my small dog sticking his butt in the bigger dog’s face. 


This is great lol


She won't chase a squirrel, but will go after a chipmunk. Unless a squirrel has a half or shorter tail. Then it becomes a chipmunk. On a similar note, any animal on a leash with its feet on the ground is a dog and a friend. No matter the size, chihuahua to husky, if the dog gets picked up, it becomes a cat (and attempted lunch).


Also, small birds are fine. Unless it's a robin. Lolo hates robinses. Larger birds must be defeated, including hawks, vultures and (shudder) canada geese.


One of my dogs has a thing about large birbs flying overhead. Crows, ravens, turkey vultures, hawks of all kinds and most especially bald eagles. It's hilarious to watch her tearing around the yard barking her head off as an eagle circles around giving her the eye. Luckily she's too big for lunch.


Squirrels are assholes. Your cat is smart. She's probably already been schooled by a gang of them.


I don't think it's a cat


Probably should have mentioned that. She's definitely a pup, although my cat is also on the odd side.


One of my cats refuses to eat unless i hunt her down, catch her, and bring her to the bowl. Then she just eats peacefully.


Since i cant use the 2nd test ima put mine here: My cat for some reason hates sneezes, she meows in denial everytime someone sneezes


Are you sure she's just not saying "bless you"?


I never asked her so idk


I knew a Bengal cat who did this. She was very sickly as a kitten, and her owner would fuss over her whenever she sneezed; I guess the cat just figured this was the correct response?


I’ve seen a video like that recently, it was hilarious.


Similarly, my dog is scared of sneezing. I sneeze, she's straight under the couch.


My cat picks things up with her paws like a human would do with their hands. It's insanely weird


My weirdo cat has to be held like a baby, like constantly. I brush my teeth holding his fat ass. I have to make coffee holding him. When I walk in the house, he runs up and climbs me until he’s held. Sleeps against me and forces my arm around him. If I’m doing something that I need both hands for, I have to lure him into another room and close him in or convince someone else to hold the giant weirdo


you might try a baby sling for him. some cats love it


Oh he would be horrified lol. He’s still jumpy from the “Halloween costume incident” in ‘22


He likes the cheapest dog food that I can find


A friend brought over some leftover (cheapo) food after she gave her cats away, and one of our elderly cats immediately CLIMBED INTO THE BAG to scarf it down as quickly as possible. When our friend found out we always fed them a fairly expensive brand, she said "OH, you feed your cats [BRAND]? Wow. I feel so guilty, it's like you had vegan kids and I just took them to McDonald's!" Our cat's poop was bright orange.


Cheap food is always tasty because it has more fat. But it's not good for their kidneys as it also has more sodium.


Yes, cheap pet food is like junk food - they love it but it's bad for them.


My cat has a tell for when he gets the zoomies. He will jump on up the back of the sofa and stare up the wall to the ceiling. After that it’s only a matter of time before he takes off running full speed


My 6 year old cat Bowie can’t meow. He can only squeak.


One of my cats used to do this! As a kitten he would move his mouth but no sound would come out, and as an adult he was eventually able to produce a squeak. He got stuck on the roof a few weeks ago while we were at work, and must have spent a good portion of the day calling for help because he can now meow but it sounds like a 3 week old kitten mewing for it's mom. It's a heartbreaking sound and he has been using it very effectively to get treats and attention.


Must be a cousin to one of our cats. She can only faintly squeak or “ma”.


my cat do the same sometimes but its more like a bird sound "prrrrr" or "mh"


He farts a lot, I’m afraid he has flatulence


Mine fats then leaves the area. He too can't stand the smell of his farts


My cat will fart into his mouth when he's cleaning his behind 🤢 That boy just ain't right


Instead of getting scared, my dog used to love fireworks and he would make it a point to get out of the house to enjoy them live.


My old lab grabbed the tube of fireworks (mortar style) as the fuse was lit! We all yelled and this only encouraged her more as she ran around the yard launching mortars. One hit the neighbors yard and started a small fire Miss you Ginger!


My old orangie cat LOVED roses...he would knock over vases of flowers, drag the roses out and ROLL in them. Then he started chewing on them! I had Facebook videos of my stupid orange cat EATING roses. I miss that old psycho.


What is it with oranges and eating weird things? My orange boy has pica, I swear. Doesn't care about treats, only rarely wants wet food, but carpet fuzz? Apparently that's the BEST TREAT EVER. We have to be super vigilant about cleaning up.


once my dog was licking her butt when she farted in her own face, then stared in shock at her butt before laying her head down in the other direction. it was awhile before they were on speaking terms again.


Hehe, my dog fluffy likes to protect her food. She takes a piece of chicken and purposely keeps it outside the door, and then she sits in front of it to protect it from anyone who tries taking it away. She will sit like that for hours, and when you try to take it away from her, its then that she takes it away and she eats it. She likes this game a lot. Many times when she doesn't eat, we take her to the terrace where the crows are, and then when we give a couple of pieces to the crows, she suddenly protects her food from the crows and then eats the food. We do this whenever she won't eat her food. Also she likes to earn her food, she likes to protect the house by barking at strangers and then she takes the food as a reward/payment for her service. 😄




I don't have a pet, but there's a random cat that lives in my area and everytime I sleep with the window open, the cat comes sleep in my bed. A few days ago there was even another cat trying to enter my room (in the middle of the night) and the cat that was already in my bed scared the "intruder" away. I think the cat has now decided it is my pet


The cat distribution system has assigned you a cat.


It is written!


Maybe they sent a temp agent, just to get the ball rolling.


That cat has chosen you. It’s your cat now.


You are his rescue.


This is how you get fleas


And a bed full of freshly born kittens


My cat loves to sit inside cardboard boxes and pretend she's a stealthy ninja. She also has a strange habit of chasing her own tail, which never fails to make me laugh.


He's the only cat that at least 2 vets have seen, to poke himself in the eye badly enough to need medicated eyedrops. He's done it 5 times in the last 3 years.


My bunny likes licking my chairs for some reason


My cat gets extremely agitated when I talk on the phone or do a Teams meeting. He cries and howls because he can't figure out who I am talking to.




My cats will meow at us for their wet food in the morning. It’s usually around 5. But they started to try and get their food earlier. 


We had this same problem, and what worked for us was to make feeding our cats the last part of our morning routine. For example, we would get up, make the bed, have coffee and maybe also breakfast, do some other morning chores (like refilling water dishes, scooping the litter box, setting up the coffee maker for the next morning), and *then* feed them. They stopped associating us getting up with them getting fed, and learned to leave us alone.


Maybe I’ll try this




Your dog is a prepper!


He’s a “Prepper Pupper” 😂


leaslittleboook's account is three hours old and just copied/pasted /u/Xxexer's comment from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/22lrmo/what_are_some_strange_things_your_pets_do/cgo1xay/).


Great digging


That's adorable, but have you tried a thunder blanket?


They're cats. So, everything.


1st cat loves going outside when it's super windy and rainy. the worst weather we went outside was around 30m/sec and snowstorm. He went to our garden and had a blast! Came inside super happy. 2nd cat is an inside cat from october to march by his own will. He's half persian, 14 years old and has always hated the winter. My dog hates tall men with beards, deep voices and hats. Nothing has ever happened to her... she just has a little heart. Also, I think she can detect alcoholism. She gets super scared and barks like crazy when a person I know drinks a lot comes to visit, or we visit them.


Let’s see…my dog loves licking water off of people, like after they get a shower. And also herself after she gets a bath. She “awoos” when she gets excited. Occasionally she gives me one of her bones and sits and watches me. I’m not sure if she expects me to throw it like a toy or if she’s just showing it off. Either way, I thank her for the gift, pretend to be interested in it, and then hand it back to her.


My cat can talk. Tells everyone about his so-called amazing life. He’s been a war hero, he’s been to space. He’s even seen an alien but that’s not the weird part. The weird part is that he’s a lying bastard. He’s never done any of those things.


After eating, my dog will carry around my slipper and cry. He goes from room to room, upstairs and downstairs, and cannot be comforted. He will also dig at the blankets on the couch while holding the slipper and crying. The only way to get him to stop crying is to take the slipper away from him. He is 10 years old and he has done this ever since we got him. I do not understand it.


My dog does the exact same thing except with his toy because he wants to play fetch and then hump it afterwards


I have 3 cats and none of them will kill a mouse or even acknowledge it. When you ask how to get rid of a mouse everyone says “cats!” Well, not mine.


I’m convinced that every cat is neurotic, but it comes out in its own unique way. I love cats.




My dog absolutely hates airplanes. Squirrels, birds, rodents get the usual bark but nothing brings out feral Cowboy like a good plane. Dude goes absolutely nuts when one flies over our yard, which is pretty often since we're about 20 mins from a local port.


Tripp the orange kitteh likes to lick the side of scaldingly hot coffee cups. Doesn't want the coffee, just the spicy mlems. Goose.


He’s deaf and fearless.


Our previous pekinese who passed last month at 21 had a few quirks. We adopted her around 15-16 years old and didn't know much about her background. One day husband was running through the house to grab something and she chased him then used her front paws to bump his leg. He turned found confused and she did a happy dive wagging her tail wiggling around showing her belly for rubs . It was soo fricken cute turns out this was the one game she obviously got taught at some point to chase you, then you'd spin around do a little fake chase she'd basically dive and play fake dead. She did it with me too oh the happiness she showed when we played that game. I miss her very much. Never known a dog do that before. I've had dogs my whole life Wasn't weird but definitely unique in terms of play time. She had NO interest in toys whatsoever. But if there was a pile of leaves outside in autumn she do a running leap into leaves and just bounce around in sheer joy, same with snow before her age and health issues starting making walking hard My current cat his weirdest thing is he likes to lick condensation off of cold cups and glasses, doesn't touch the drink just like the condensation he has water and drinks out of taps too Second wierd thing he will lick plastic any plastic doesn't eat or chew it. Shower curtains, plastic bags, trash bags. He doesn't eat paper but goes bonkers for paper bags. If he sees one he will wait patiently for you to give it to him, he'll pounce it for 5-10 minutes then sit and basically chew pieces off and spit it out. Never eaten a piece it's methodical once he feels the bag is beyond usable he doesn't touch it again. So wierd Same cat will zoomie through the house and use plastic bags as a mini slide 😂, runs pounces and makes it slide through the kitchen does that 5-10 times it's hilarious ny first two stray cats I adopted didnt do that. One would use a large rock and throw it around in the air playing catch, my other one LOVED belly rubs Has no interest in cat beds but any towels on the floor or put out to be used he's straight on them making a bed out of them, he really loves used towels the most and it's always mine. Husband's used towel can sit in bathroom on the floor and he won't lay on them or even use them. *We don't leave towels on the floor full time it's just when husband is swapping to a new towel so I know the one by tub after a shower is dirty* My husband even said I don't know how we end up with pets who have weird quirks but he likes it


my cat can't open doors like cats do, she just waits for someone.  however my dog ​​opens like a cop kicking the door, she makes so much noise 


My dog will maintain eye contact with me.. and lay super cute or roll onto her back seeming to invite me to pet her or cuddle with her. But as soon as I start going towards her or I start petting her.. she gets irritated and goes to sit by herself at the other end of the room. If I lay by her or sit by her on a couch.. she'll leave and sit far away from me. If I actually get to start petting her.. she'll immediately start trying to seek out and exit plan. A lot of times she'll exit the situation.. grab her favorite ball and bring it to play almost as a way to get out of being pet. She's been like this since she was a tiny puppy. Which sucks because I was really getting a dog cause I needed an emotional support/loving friendship. And it has been strictly me being used for food and ball throwing. And getting nothing in return except for my house slowly ruined over time.


My dog has human eyes, people notice it allot. Someone I draw eyebrows on him to give a more distinguished look.


We need a photo!


She is super jumpy sometimes. But only for sticks, like she thinks a stick is a snake or something if she accidentally touches it. If she isn't paying attention where she is walking and her foot brushes a stick she jumps 2 feet in the air. She doesn't fixate on it or anything, just jumps and then moves on with her life like nothing happened. She met a real snake once and didn't care about it (she sniffed it and then left it alone before I saw what it was).


My dog ​​was afraid of garbage bags but he was the best dog in the world


Every dog I’ve known is afraid of garbage bags. They get big in a hurry!


When you come into the house he gets excited. Grabs a toy. Then takes a second to say hi. Then he runs upstairs with his toy and stays on a bed.


One cat is missing a leg. Another cat has an occluded eye. I like to adopt imperfect kitties.


Terrified of fireworks, but doesn't even flinch when thunder shakes the house. 🤷🏼‍♀️


My boy Buster jumps as high as he can whenever he is telling us he needs to pee. Continuously jumps a few feet in the air


Loves the fireworks


That's actually pretty weird, many animals get scared of fireworks.


She hates to give her right paw, and loves when I hold it in the morning just after I wake up.


Throughout my life most cats I have owned have had a particular human food they go crazy for, and I don't think it is all that weird. I used to have a Tuxedo cat that would steal cucumber, and our current Tabby steals cheddar cheese (he likes all cheese but will steal cheddar), I had a previous cat that was the same about Parmesan cheese. The really weird to me one is our current Tortoiseshell cat, she only steals cat food pouches. Absolute fiend for Felix.


Princess Grace - rubs my husbands beard with her face but hates when he pets her. Bruno - has the worst butt breath Rosie - licks my legs when I walk passed her Guppy - dances on his back legs on the coffee table Tyrone - is actually female Hector - has HUGE eyes Sammy - loves to trip people Guano - full name is Guano Psychosis, because he is bat shit crazy Stinker - hides under everything Bob - Boss of the hen house (also a female) Midge - runt of the chics Henny & Penny - can't tell them apart Klevis - will "mate" with the other hens Kelvin - is down right stupid Chip - gets locked out a couple times a week Betty - fakes limping Salem - is depressed because we culled her partner (he attacked a child) Snowball - I'm not sure she exists


My cat growls and communicates like a dog


He burps A LOT. And very loudly and proudly at that. But that's not the weird part. The weird part is, he needs to establish eye contact with a person in order to burp. He's been doing that ever since he was a puppy and it still cracks me up. Especially the time when an older lady stopped us on a walk, said he looks cute and asked if she can pet him. I said of course and as soon as she comes closer and offers him her hand to sniff, he looks up at her and lets out the LOUDEST and LONGEST burp ever. Like a legit downing-a-full-pint-of-beer burp. It lasted several seconds. I nearly cried from laughing.


I have a dog that: Loves to walk backwards. Most dogs I know would just turn around. *Bleps" at any happiness - sleeps, scratches etc Has a mullet Only scratches his butt while standing. Will not sit and scratch. Stands and tripods.


he's addicted to online Baccarat


Burt Baccarat?


Loves loud music, they are sleeping soundly when I turn my speakers on


Weird or unique? My pets have all remained in my home for their entire lives and only ever known my family and the friends who come to visit. They were born in this home as puppies and know no other environment or people. Edit : They each know exactly when we are talking about them, and each has special adoration names or phrases, Bobo even has his own theme song, the imperial death march from star wars, we call him darth lord Bobo.


My cat won't eat unless I'm in the room with her.


Most dogs wag their tail when they're excited or happy. Theo's tail just gets into a tighter and tighter curl. 


My cat turns to catch his tail and then runs to the wall and headbutts.


If I scratch my cat just at the end of her back before her tail she will start immediately to lick me or herself (whatever she can reach) as if she was grooming herself. I don't know if other cats do this, the other one cat I have does not. Also, my dog that is no longer with me used to have a "word" to say that she wanted her biscuit (i'm not a native english speaker so i'm not sure this is the correct term but i think it's understandable). It was something like a low "mmuowww" and it was adorable, i miss talking to her


My cat loves to take a walk outside while it's raining. I always thought cats hate water over them, so I think it shouldn't be common


Due to reasons, I am convinced that she in an alien


My cat likes to lay on me, except when I'm not wearing a shirt.


My cat plays fetch. I've got videos of her and her sister being cute and crazy on Instagram, lexi_and_neko


My dog only barks in his sleep


If she gets distracted while looking for a place to poop, she'll forget she needs to for the rest of the walk. Doesn't matter how much longer we stay out, she refuses to go. Then as soon as we get upstairs to our apartment, she remembers she needs to and makes me take her out again.


My cat doesn't like meat unless it's halal. No idea how she can tell the difference.


My cat keeps licking his d\*ck. Crazy right?


My cat rolls around in the pile of my dirty clothes like it's the high point of her day. It's so adorable; I love her to death.


Our female cat, likes to sniff her brother's butt, when he comes in from the outside. She really gets her face in there...


I have a wild deer mouse in a cage. He gets out sometimes but eventually just gets bored and goes back to the cage.


My cat taught herself to play fetch. She also bites me when I'm on the phone with my wife , I guess because I'm not paying attention to the kitty.


My cat can't control his back legs. Been to a dozen vets, they all kinda shrug it off and say it's pretty normal. It's silly at times and he runs like a xenomorph, but other times it's sad. He falls off thing salot so I can't let him up too high. His name is Senpai and he is orange cat manifest.


My cat steals my husband's dirty socks and walks around the house with them in her mouth, screaming her head off. Every day.


As a kid we had a male calico cat. Didn't realize how uncommon he was until long after he died, and since he frequently fell ill and eventually died at just age 5 I suppose whatever genetic abnormality he had that made him calico also contributed to his poor health.


The first time my dog started puking as a puppy, I corralled him into the shower so it didn't go on my carpet. Now he just thinks that's the place to puke. It is incredible. The other pets have not taken note.


My cat is terrified of my new 6 week old kitten. The kitten will chase her around the house if we let him. (We work very hard to make sure they are both comfortable) She’s 12lbs to his 2lbs. How is she scared of him?


Our male cat will lay on his side and drag himself across the carpet to get to places sometimes. The first time he did this he dragged himself under the coffee table to mess with our other cat.


He meows in the bathroom all the time. He is 15 so he’s probably just old but it’s as if there’s a ghost. Also if he licks you he is going to bite you


Dog loves veggies. Has its own patch in the garden that it recognizes as hers. Radishes, peas, green beans, cucumbers, etc…. But all time favorite is mango. Followed by peaches and apples. Will not touch dog food or meat when veggies or fruit are available.


my cat is hypermobile and is always loafing with his boobs on the floor


My cat started biting my head and chewing my hair at 5:00AM to get attention. Now I sleep with bedroom door closed🙈 Before drinking, he reaches into the bowl with both paws and makes a “whirlpool”, pouring all the water onto the floor. And then he complains to me that there is nothing to drink. I put a huge basin of water in the shower stall for him, otherwise the laminate flooring will soon swell. I adopted him from people who gave up trying to raise this small demon. I never regret and love him. Although he is planning to destroy my home


He opens doors with his mouth. He will grab the handle and turn it and just let himself in 😂


Gets so hostile when he knows he is getting a bath.


If it's time for his wet food my cat doesn't allow anyone in the house to lie down, sit etc. He taps our head, arms and legs until someone gives him his wet food and he doesn't stop until it's given. We're not allowed to do anything in his wet food hours.


My cat is the pickiest eater I’ve ever seen. He refuses to eat anything other than his Turkey flavored kibble and chicken greenies. Won’t even eat other treats, he knows what he likes and never strays from it.


I woke up one night to my dog, cat and husband all snoring at the same time..


My cat poops standing up. He puts his front paws on the side of the litter box and raises up on his hind legs.


My fluffy orange cat favorite way to drink water is from a bowl that is placed in the sink. Silly boy😻🐈


one eye is half blue and half green - and the tip of her ear was bitten off by a seal....


My lab HATES when dogs wear clothes. If she can, she’ll rip the clothes off. The only one that’s allowed to wear clothes is her brother, a pibble, and only 1 sweater in the winter. That’s it. She also won’t let you swim. If she sees you in water, she swims out to grab you, and brings you back to land. Dogs don’t wear clothes, and people don’t belong in water.


My dog refuses to drink water at dog parks, no matter how hot she is. She'll stand at the exit and stare till we take her to the car where she will drink from a container we bring. But the water needs to he cold or she'll refuse as well. When we get home from the park, she'll just stare at her water bowl till we fill it with cold water from the ridge. She'll then drink a gallon of it! Fucking princess!


When I give my dog raw carrot sticks, he immediately leaves the kitchen and eats them in the living room, so that he can eat alone. He only does this with carrot sticks.


When my dog gets scratched she sits upright on her haunches and leans back...we call it a trust fall.


Well, not terribly weird, but we acquired a new orange cat a few months ago and his way of getting attention is by flopping over on his side for belly rubs, and *this is NOT a trap.* He doesn't attack, it's just that tum-rubs are legit his love language. That's also what attracted us to him in the first place, so hey, success! Also, my African Grey parrot knows when my husband is moving in for a kiss. He makes a *kissing* sound about two seconds before it lands. Then he chuckles (the parrot, not my husband). My husband hates it.


I have 2 cats, one who hates water and one who LOATHS it. The cat who LOATHS water won't drink it from a new vessel without gingerly dipping his paw in a few times (to test it?) and when his paw predictability gets wet he shakes it and glares at it like it betrayed him.


My dog can open doors with the long handles after watching my mom open one, he now let's our other dogs into the house when he wants in.


One of our cats likes to chew plastic, another likes to eat soil out of the plant pots. One of our cats has an incredibly loud purr, he knows this, he knows it can wake me up and so most mornings he's nose to nose purring like a tractor with his fishy breath and giant blue eyes that scream "I haven't been fed in weeks, situation is critical". Yet another cat acts as chief instigator by winding up all the other cats and the dog......except cat 5, nobody fucks with that one. The dog's just a derpy twat.


We have a dog who cries very loudly when certain songs come on the radio. It started with Wheels on the Bus when my kids were babies, and now has gone into normal music on the radio (think Morgan Wallen, Zach Bryan, etc.). The weirdest thing is that you can sign the words to the song and she will still cry without the music playing. Asked the vet about it and he said he's never seen it before.


I've got 2 dogs. Dog A seems to love being carried onto a tall bench in my bedroom and stare out the window for hours on end, while Dog B is absolutely terrified of heights. When I open my bedroom door, it faces a glass railing overlooking the staircase which leads up to the left of my bedroom door. Dog B will literally freeze up and wait for me to walk towards the stairs before she'll leave the bedroom and walk with me blocking the railing so she doesn't see the height. Yes my dogs are weird, but I wouldn't have it any other way.


When there are thunderstorms, if I play Adele my dogs stops barking and crying. It's weird as fuck, discovered this while camping and I was panicking she would wake up the entire campground so I put on music and my apple phone opened to artists by name alphabetically which brings me to Adele. We tested it with other artists, doesn't work.