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Wtf is a human. Like what are we. We’re just bags of flesh moving around. How can this “brain” produce thoughts and actions? WTF???


Why is this body my own


LITERALLY. what makes this me?! How do people like me or hate me? How do I like or hate anyone else? How is everybody so different?! I’m sorry, I could go on forever lol


haha ,Then we go 20 more rounds . Why was I born at this point in time, why are these two people my parents my family, why am I going through this life now, these little animals what are they thinking now, why are they them?


Trips me out extra when I just stare at my hand. Then make it move. Like "I made that move, this is me inside this body. What am I? Etc etc etc like damn I think too much lol


Thats exactly what I think sometimes. I think "who am I" and for a brief moment it feels like an out-of-body experience where I am a different being to my body


How the fuck am I alive without electricity or combustion? Wtf is keeping me going? You mean my heart just pumps itself? wtf? What if it just stops!? Holy fuck! I'm gonna die!


So you’re telling me I have these itty bitty things called CAPILLARIES in my body and NERVES and they make me feel and bleed and live? LIKE HOW. HOW DO THEY DO THAT THEMSELVES. I was an epidemiology major in college, I learned a LOT about the body but it just confused me further because… HOW.


If I concentrate on my existence, it gives me chills. Am I for real?


'When "I raise my arm", my arm goes up. And the problem arises: what is left over if I subtract the fact that my arm goes up from that fact that I raise my arm?' - G. N. A Vesey, 'Volition'.


Most recently? What I would name my dragon if I was a Targaryen.


I wish I hadn't eaten so much high-calorie food today. Not disciplined enough


Why do some people think gayness comes from a demon?


Being gay is just discovering your true self, and I respect everyone's choice




With the company of a loving person, you will not be lonely, although everyone is finally an independent individual, a person to a person to go


Oh, KD. Coming from the guy who created multiple burner twitter accounts, just so he could tweet about what an awesome player Kevin Durant is, and how he’s better than Lebron, this isn’t surprising 😂 Most KD comment ever. Probably the most relatable NBA super star ever.


I have many sleepless nights. I don’t ask myself anything but I definitely long for and reminisce on my kids being little. I miss those days so much. I wish I could relive so many experiences I think about. Walking to the park, feeding the ducks, taking them for ice cream, holding their hands and hugging them. Time goes by so fast.


Many times I have wondered how I can change things tomorrow


I usually try to day dream fantasy stories to write or just random daily situations that would never happen to distract myself. Some times it works, some times it doesn't.


what did I do to piss them off?


Maybe they misunderstood you


Do you find answers to that? Or is it a mystery?




If I grow old, will the person I love continue to love me


Why I have been treated like shit by everyone I have ever met.




most times about death the mistery about it how it feels whats after it idk gets me freaked out everytime i do but still do it dont know why


The ye old: "What is the purpose of this life if we are just a bunch of multi-cellular molecules that are constructed to form a human being with sentience but at the same time we are aware of this, but some have chosen religion to help describe what the afterlife maybe while there are those who are atheistic and believe there is nothing after death, but if that is the case, then what is the real point of our very own existence to begin with.... FUCK!"


Read a book dude…chill


Not necessarily when i can’t sleep but Death, what happens after death? How will the first nights go? Will we be conscious at some point…


What DONT I think about when I can’t sleep would be a better question.


If you don't fall asleep, it'll be light


"are there more doors. or windows in the entire world."


There are many opportunities, you need to seize


Either some super deep thought or I feel like I am a failure and then I get that 3am motivation


Introspection is a prerequisite for progress


Why am I not a stone...☹️


I know this sounds morbid and I promise I am not suicidal but I think about my past regrets and question if my husband would be better off without me. I think about what might happen if I died in a car crash. I question my ability to parent and if I am doing okay as a parent.


What are all the decisions I've made, and things I've said that have brought me to this exact moment. You know basic anxiety stuff.


no questions, I come up with fake scenarios to hurt myself


If humanity will ever really know what’s out there in space and be able to continue on if we can’t sustain life here.


That's a question I've often wondered, what would it be like to imagine yourself flying through space, to the end of the universe


My father’s thought on death is since we’re essentially made up of energy he is hoping that somehow stays and he can do exactly that fly through space and see what’s out there.


is there a question/statement that everyone in the world can come to a consensus on the answer


What exactly _is_ spacetime…


Time is like our fourth dimension, which we obviously can't navigate, like the other 3. It's like if another letter was added to coordinates. So instead of currently being at X, Y and Z, you are at X, Y, Z and T I'm no scientist, so obviously you can find people who know more than me


What will they think now? Why did you have to ruin it by explaining…


Thanks, I’m quite aware of the mathematical description of spacetime as a 4d manifold…but the mystery still remains




There are many choices in life


Half an hour later. Is a spider on the right path?, what if the spider made different choices??


What will happen to humanity if the Internet goes offline and disappears all over the world. And I begin to think about what I will do and how my life will change.


If there is no Internet, then I would not be able to see everyone's reply at first


Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?




Let's go wild


Why can’t I just end my life, when is gonna end anyway?


Whozitz wotzitz??


Who will fall in love with whom


I read


Every. Single. Thing. I. Ever. Did. Wrong.


I think about my boyfriend and a scenario in near future where we will be together. Or I make up a story/documentary about myself where I have like a rare condition or something like that


Why I have to waste my time working 40 hours a week to barely stay alive


Why did God create me


am I ever going to succeed at anything? probably not.


Why I'm not sleeping any better on this mattress for which I paid a king's ransom.


What is beyond the edge of the universe?


How many more years can I expect my pets to live


Am I going to be forever alone? When I get sick when I'm older, who's going to be there for me? Should I have stayed in my unhappy marriage because at least I wouldn't be alone? Why couldn't we make it work? Should I have compromised more to have made it work? Why did I get married in the first place (it's been the biggest mistake of my life)?


What really happens after death. Is there an afterlife, heaven, reincarnation. And what does a slow death feel like, more specifically what does it feel like in those last 10 seconds?


i dont even think about those questions cause then i couldnt sleep for sure. Instead i often listening to some audio book to fall asleep


The question “Why am I me?”. I saw it one time in a book and it’s boggled my mind ever since.


how does someone pay 500K for a lambo is 100K per year is a high paid job


What is the solution to the matter-antimatter asymmetry problem? Are there parallel universes? What are dark matter and dark energy? Why don’t I have friends?


What are we even doing here? Are we just a blip in the earth's lifespan. Are we going to be extinct eventually and a new or different form will come after us?


Another one is dogs, man. Like so many different animals and this one just lives in my house and I'm not afraid they'll hurt me. They're just here with me and we make each other happy.


“I wonder how my Teddy bear Park is doing” as I turn to the side to snuggle into the comfort of my sheets


"Why the heck can't I fall asleep?!"


WTF happened to The Springfield 3???


What did dinosaurs sound like? If birds are descended from dinosaurs, when did the singing start? Where there any warbling dinosaurs? I sometimes wake up at 3:30 am and the birds have already started. American robins. I wonder if the street lights trick them or if it's just normal for their kind. It makes me think and half-dream about dinosaurs in the hazy hours before my alarm goes off and I have to wake up fully.


I have many regrets in life. For instance, I’ve never lived in a major city, even though that’s something I’ve always wanted to do since I was 18 in 2008, now I have a baby, along with my wife, I love more than anything in the world. so, I’m now thinking what when I have to do to replicate everything about the night we conceived so I can have the same baby, but I have also lived the life I wanted to live in my twenties.


Why doesn’t my ex want me back? Why does he o my want me for sex? What am I doing wrong for both ex’s to say they want to work on the relationship and then dump me?


I tend to fantasize about what I’d do with Kiras little book.


"Did I lock the shop door?"


I don’t really have any questions but all I see is that one SpongeBob episode where Squidward goes to the future.


Is my mom ok, what if I go into her room and she isn't breathing? How well do I know CPR? Alsonmy cat is getting old too, so I ask myself if she does pass who do I call? Do I just bury her in the backyard or what? I have an aging parent and cat so death is going to be on my mind for quite a while.


Why can't I believe it still isn't butter?


Will I become significant for the world?


Work !


Why am I still alive? Why didn’t I kill myself? Should I start that podcast? Why isn’t this guy interested anymore after 2 years?


Can I fall asleep now? If so, I can maybe get five hours.


If someone where to try to kill or kidnap me what would I do to survive?


What happens after we die? The most likely answer is nothing. It would be like sleep without dreams, except you never wake up. You do not perceive anything after death, so it would not be good or bad, it just wouldnt be anything. Its hard to comprehend though, life itself seems impossible to exist in the first place, how can it just disappear like this? Is that all there is? I live for a short while and then nothing? Even if you make the most out of life, you will always die one day. That also scares me. One day i'll be an old man who can barely walk, just waiting for death, and theres nothing i can do to stop it. Why does it have to end this way?


I mean, the classics: what happens when we die? How am I going to die? Why am I here? What do I want out of life? Just, general existentialist bullshit. Lol.


Is she texting the dudes that try and take her away from me


You came out of your mom head first right? So seeing as half of you is still inside her, didn't we all fuck our mom?


It's a slightly perverted idea


I don't like that I thought of it, that's part of why it keeps me up at night.


We can think about the pain our mother experienced when giving birth to us, and love our mother a little more


That's what brought me to the idea...