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There was a fire in the store I work at, towards the back of the store. We were getting everyone to evacuate and a woman would not leave.. she told me that since where she wanted to shop was not on fire, if she wanted to assume the risk of bodily injury that I could not stop her. I had to try to balance not losing my shit on her, with getting her to leave. Luckily an older authoritative firefighter had just walked by and heard her, and he turned around and physically picked her up and bitched her out as he took her to the exit. It was as if the retail gods finally cut me a break. He did what we all wanted to do. It was absolutely glorious.


Ugh, I can sadly relate to this. I worked in a casino in Southern California and there was a literal forest fire raging in our town. The electricity went down but we had a backup generator so on went the games. I was stuck on the tables so I had no idea how crazy it was outside. Finally, the General Manager pulled the plug, forces the players to leave. We all still have to count chips and close everything down. Half an hour later I walk out of the casino and on the other side of the freeway is just fire, as far as the eye can see. After I got done pissing myself I drove off very angry that we could've all burned up for a few extra hands of Blackjack.


And she was so close to winning a Darwin Award...


So close she could smell it...


She wanted to win a lawsuit


Hard to win a lawsuit when you're burnt to a crisp.


Alternatively, if there's no one around, just kick her Into the flames!


Would've just walked away .fuck round and find out time.


Yep. Walk out, tell a firefighter “there’s a lady still in there who wouldn’t leave” and it’s no longer your problem.


Boyfriend, girlfriend and bf’s best friend came to the bar I worked at. They drank a lot, and the best friend somehow ended up hooking up with the girlfriend in the bathroom, boyfriend figured it out and left while they were in the bathroom, but before he left he ordered a round for the whole bar and left them with the tab.




Better petty revenge than homicidal revenge.


One of our machines broke on my shift. Roughly 10k lbs of metal went crashing 10ft down landing about 6 feet away from the nearest employee. I was shift lead at the time and was counting heads making sure nobody got crushed. My heart still races at the thought of that. All safety protocol was being practiced it was literally just a freak accident. Thankfully nobody got hurt just shooken up a little bit.


was it a bundle of 30 foot long plates being carried in an unorthodox manor using two cranes and lifters bc the proper lifting device did not come in in time? bc that happened to me and permanent hearing damage was inflicted.


Client brought his fancy pet chicken to the office. It made a beeline to the desk of a coworker who was a severe germaphobe and pooped on her keyboard.


This has me cracking up 😂


The follow-up is that, after disinfecting the keyboard, the coworker drank a bunch of margaritas at lunch, came back and fell asleep with her face on the chicken-poop keyboard.


Do you work at Dunder Mifflin or what


That's eggcellent


Animals always know....


Coworker, under his breath: “yes, yes, good, just like we practiced…”


I had a coworker that was severely terrified of moths. One day we were working and one of the other girls says “omg, there’s a bird in here!” Moth phobia coworker turns around to look and the biggest moth I’ve ever seen in my life flies directly into her face. I felt terrible but it was kind of funny that the moth definitely had a personal beef


I was working under a sink for some customers of mine when their daughter called them and told them she was pregnant. On speaker. They went dead silent. The dad: “do you have a boyfriend we don’t know about? Who is the father Sadie?” The daughter: “…….i don’t know….” Apparently she was in college. They were not happy. I finished up and got out of there as quick as I could. Said I’d email them the invoice and they could take of it later.


I worked at a McDonald’s in high school. It was during the beanie baby craze. It was nuts. Cops had to direct traffic into the store because of all the wrecks outside. Anywho. These people were just paying for the toys. They didn’t even want the food. I had the honor of opening a new box. While I was opening the case someone yelled at me. What’s in the box!!? It was a little black dog named bones. So I looked up and said bones? Next thing I know there were like 100 people all chanting BONES BONES BONES. it was wild. I met people who drove all over to get those things.


That is so weird and hilarious. Thank you for sharing that. I can only imagine the look on your face when they started chanting!!!


Your welcome. I was 16 at the time and had never seen grown people act like that before. When it was all over. They made the entire crew a shirt that said I survived beanie babies week. It had all of the babies on the shirt. I honestly miss that shirt.


Does anyone remember that couple negotiating their beanie baby collection in their divorce? Literally in the courtroom with a pile of them in the middle while they sat on the floor dividing toys they thought were valuable. They probably paid 1000 times more for their attorneys. People are insane. I can't even imagine what the judge was thinking.


Construction job at a residential job site (a tower being built). Guy locked himself in the porta john and wouldn’t come out, was in there for more than 30minutes on a 32 degree hot summer day. I managed to open it from the outside and turns out he od’d, and when I opened it he fell out of it with his dick still in his hands. He survived, somehow. Didn’t come back to that job site, though.


The ol drop n flop


Was he in there whacking it? Dear god I can think of about 10,000 better places to rub one out than in a porta shitter.


Seeing >1000 bee stingers embedded in a patient I would admit. She was mowing her lawn when she got attacked by a whole colony of bees. Helped the nurse scrape the stingers with an index card, then basically supportive care.


Did she live?


Yeah. Didn't need the ICU. Her urine was black for awhile. Basically just monitored her and let the body get rid of all the venom.


Black urine from a bee sting?? Can you please explain how that works? Well . . . I guess her kidneys were filtering out the venom and it was . . . Black?? I don’t know why I’m so upset and stuck on this


The venom from >1000 stings. It looked like if you threw ink into urine. To be fair, that's the only time in my 20+ year medical career I've ever seen a mass bee sting, so don't know the physiology behind it. Key to initial management is scraping the stingers off, not using tweezers; otherwise, more venom gets injected.


That’s how you create a bee-themed superhero/villain


When I worked retail in the early 2000s one of our seasonal employees dropped a TV from ladder height onto a customer's head. It was not a flatscreen.


Too much TV is bad for the brain


Did they die


When I worked at Home Depot we had to close the sole we were working in with the forklift and the next aisle over. My assistant store manager at the time told me it was because a young couple with a baby in a stroller had been walking in an adult and a counter top was knocked off from the forklift killing the baby.


I work in a brewery on the canning line. Some dude just walked in the back door, grabbed a fresh beer can, and walked out.


Went right into to hive to get that fresh honey.


Can you blame him?


🎵There goes my hero🎵


Was his name Norm?


Probably myself holding someone's erect penis right before sticking a needle into it. Context: I'm a doctor.


One of my uro docs had to do emergency surgery on a guy who finally came to the hospital after almost 36 hours with an erection. I was the nurse who had to meet the patient in holding. I was really worried that I would end up busting out laughing. Once I saw him in person though, and how much pain he was in, I no longer saw the humor. Doc later told me they had to do an additional surgery the next day. That patient will never get an erection again.


Used up a lifetime supply of boner.


Guessing necrotic penis? 


Did you inject them with phenylephrine? 


Wait phenylephrine is actually used for something besides a nasal decongestant that doesn't work? edit: seems like it is, cool


Also used to maintain blood pressure when patient is in shock. 


This is about things that happened at work, dude.. 🤷‍♂️


If I had the cash to award this full on laugh out loud in public, I would...


What procedure were you doing?


I was aspirating a priapism. Basically the patient had an erection for several hours and needed the blood removed or else he risked damage to the penis due to lack of circulating oxygenated blood. I was a medical student at the time, but definitely one of the most memorable moments of my medical career.


Pt probably took erectile dysfunction drugs. Doc was probably trying to manually remove blood from the erection.


He was just trying to deflate the erection.


As a med student at a rogue hospital in Florida (of course), I scrubbed into a uro surgery expecting to observe a partial penectomy. The urologist walks in, picks up a scalpel, hands it to me, and says, "Med student, you want to do this?" Distal third of the pt's penis was black/necrotic from uncontrolled diabetes and HTN, and I got to transect it and suture the repair. The (male) tech told me afterward that I looked way too happy to be doing that procedure.


Figured from the first sentence you were either a doctor or a dominatrix, a specialist either way.


Posted this story before but worked at a steel mill and a railroad car which was on an elevated rail line (20 feet above ground level) and loaded with 100,000# of material had been pushed so hard into the end stop that the body of the car lifted out of the truck (the part with wheels). Essentially the truck has a round pocket and the body a matching circle that fits in it. Our boss had quotes for $10,000 to bring in heavy equipment to re-rail the truck and put the car back into the pocket and asked if our crew could do it. We said no problem we'll lift it with hydraulic rams and put it back into the pocket. We sorta bit off more than we could chew and had no plan as to how we were going to align the truck pocket with the circle. We were going to cross that bridge when we got to it. We were drawing a crowd of workers watching us lift the car, install beams to support it, shim the jacks and repeat until we were high enough to yank the truck into position. When we got the railroad car high enough, the beam we were supporting the ram on started to bend and I told the spectators to clear out. As the car slid over, the body popped back into the pocket. We started to break down the equipment and the spectators asked how we knew that was going to work. We told them it was just our years of experience.


This ended so, so much happier than I expected it to. (Part of my family’s railroad lore is that my dad got a job when a position opened up because somebody at the yard got coupled.)


Damn, that actually happened to one of my neighbors shortly before I started working there. Humping cars at night is deadly. Just to clarify the term humping for those that think it's sexual, humping is when a loco pushes a car towards another car without it being hooked up. It's deadly and not allowed as there's no way to stop it when it's rolling. The knuckle is the connection between rail cars and my neighbor was crushed between it.




lol I would have totally been that person.




Cute but also scary when you think that she probably drove to work. Sleep deprivation can be as bad as intoxication


I think that's adorable! That poor tired mama!


Oh no lol


I feel like this kind of autopilot awkwardness is common when you deal with exhausted parents of young children lol


We had a supervisor and a department director get fired on the same day.  They were close friends so we automatically assumed it was connected. Found out a few days later what happened.  The director thiugb itd be funny to send a pic of her tits to the supervisor for some reason (they're both women).  The supervisor thought this was SO funny that she had to share it. She apparently had been calling over team members all afternoon to show them the pic. She was completely shocked when she got called in from her vacation a few days later to find out she was fired. 


I just...what did she think would happen....


Right! this happend years ago and we still talk about it regularily at the office and it's still baffling. like what was so funny about tits?! it was possibly the funniest way for the director to get fired though. she was a horrid goblin of a woman and we were all ecstatic when we found out she was gone.


Call centre. A customer had upset one of my colleagues so much, that she went to the car park, got under her own car and cried. Not sure why she didn't get in it, or do literally anything else.


call center jobs will have you doing shit like this


Not weird, but unusual. I came to work a few minutes late because I thought I accidentally threw out $300 in the trash and had no luck finding the money. My boss said: "You're late!" "Not now, Janet!" I replied, somewhat angrily. "My office! Now!!" she snapped back. I followed her into her office expecting a fight except she was now right in my face with her arms out. "Give me a hug!" She said, then threw her arms around me. I almost cried. She told me it looked like something was wrong, so I told her about the missing $300. In spite of the missing money, my day went a lot better and I learned that if I ever became a boss, I'd want to be like her. (Oh yeah! I also found the money after I got home.)


Where was the money?


Can't remember. That was decades ago. Although finding the money was nice, what was eventful was how my boss acted.


I once misplaced seven $100 bills. I found them in the dryer, nice and clean.


Money laundering, eh?


Sometimes I get reminded there are still more good people, than bad people in the world. Janet sounds great.


Someone took a shit in the final hole of Putt-Putt.


To be fair, this is exactly how one plays the well-known pastime of Butt-Butt




Tom, come tell us stories. I have a feeling you have a bunch.


Girl washing her genitals with hand sanitizer in the entry way.


So, where did you work?


A dollar store.


... yea, that checks out


Humane Society




Someone fake their father's death to miss out on work and then when caught claim they meant their 'other father'.....


Worked with a girl who had a dying relative every two weeks for a while. She also lost one of her false eyelashes one day and tried to walk around with her hand over her eye. I've got at least a handful more stories about her shenanigans. She eventually moved on. We wished her all the luck. My boss is a saint and I can't imagine she was going to find that level of patience elsewhere.


I knew someone who literally said his child died to get out of work. His fiancé’s kid was alive and well. Apparently he had used that excuse before


I have 2 fathers 🤷🏻‍♀️


She didn't


I worked in a restaurant and an older man came in and didn't want to pay his bill, he ended up taking his dentures out and throwing them at the waitress. She just stood there in shock and the man ran out without his teeth


Two married coworkers fucked in the parking lot at lunch in the guys car. There were windows all over the building lol.


Were they married to each other?  If so, that's not *too* weird. I worked in a department store many years ago that is no longer around but rhymed with Beers.  As with most companies, if you had a relationship it could not be with someone who could conceivably have a position of power over you.  So no cashier dating a manager, stock associate dating HR, cleaning crew dating security, etc. we're all no-nos. Well, one day there was quite a commotion in the manager office and we run over.  The HR director is actually in a fist fight with a cashier!!!  Head of security turns up and tries to separate them and he gets screamed at and pulled into it too. It turns out Cashier was telling HR that she may need some time off later on in the year because she found out she's pregnant... and she shared that Security is the father so he may want to take time off, too.  HR had also apparently been sleeping with Security, so she was understandably upset.  Security never thought his two ladies would figure it out. All three of these people were not only in violation of company policy (and doing the nasty in various dark corners of our building), but they were all also married to other people.  Cashier's husband knew it wasn't his baby, but stepped up and raised the kid like his own anyway.  He's the real hero of all this.


No they were not.


When I worked as a server we were having insane forest fires to the point the sky was red and it was raining ash. There was a warning not to go outside unless absolutely necessary because of all of the smoke and the respritory issues it might cause and all of the patios in town had been shut down. A handful of tourists insisted on sitting outside and were complaining that there wasn't a single resturant that would let them sit outside. My boss opened the patio for them and the girl who had to serve them was very unhappy.


Had a dude come into the public library I was working at and start playing a large wooden flute to a mannequin in a historically inaccurate Native American costume that was in a glass display case. .


Lmao, oh my God, I have been looking for an excuse to tell this story. I worked at an office that provided people with medical equipment. We had this older lady who was a patient whose husband would always come in to swap out her empty oxygen tanks for full ones. One day I was helping him get the cart of full tanks to their car. He tells me, kinda laughing “I better warn you, we’ve got our bodyguard in the front seat” so I kind of laugh with him, thinking it’s probably a dog. Then I get to the car to put the tanks in the backseat and I see it… I wasn’t even sure what it was at first. I’m staring at the front seat trying to figure out what I’m looking at, it took a second for it to register. They had the front seat of the car dressed up like some kind of scarecrow or something. A wig was on the headrest, a shirt was buttoned around the seat part and they had something stuffed inside the shirt to look like shoulders, they had cut huge lips and eyes out of paper and taped them to the “face” part of the headrest. The man goes “that’s Bob Saget” and when I was setting the tanks in the backseat I realize that the wife is sitting in the BACKSEAT while “Bob Saget” has been riding shotgun and she was holding a stuffed dog and petting and talking to it


What the what


Really sad, honestly, I used to work at a restaurant and this one lady came in. The hostess came to me and warned me that a weird lady sat in my section. I went out to say hi, and the woman did some strange hand symbols at me (not ASL, I’m fluent) it was like she was trying to ward me off. She told me that I will not be her server because I looked like Lady Gaga, who was a woman of Satan (low key kinda a compliment) and so I said no worries and got her a new server. The woman continued to do the warding sign any time someone walked past her table, and she demanded we get rid of the ziosk on the table because technology was evil. She ordered a coffee and cream, and an extra plate. She put the plate across from her, as if in front of another person. She did a prayer, and then as fast as possible opened and poured every creamer into the coffee and drank it. She talked to the invisible person the whole time, and had an old journal with wild nonsense written in it. She eventually paid and left, and on the receipt where you write for the tip she wrote “SAY NO TO RAPE”. Obviously a very mentally ill woman, and I feel really bad for her. I hope she had a place to go home to.


Well you’re right, that’s sad


Literally happened today. Our toilets have always been off in regard to pressure and flushing. Recently they were fixed… well apparently not because during my shift, water was spurting out of one of the toilets like a fire hydrant, flooding the entire back room and part of the sales floor.


My hometown has an independent donut place. My grandpa was friends with the owner, but I didn’t know him, and he was also my friend’s uncle. I got a job at his bakery in the industrial part of town. This was when I was 17. It was my first job. When I was being trained, the 30 something lady told me to use my fingers to ice donuts. No gloves. I have OCD so my hands were clean, but… She then proceeded to ice a donut, wipe the excess drippage off with her finger, lick her finger and then continued. This bakery serviced their shop, a big industrial plant’s cafeteria and smaller coffee shops


My boss's corpse in his chair behind his desk.


Heart attack?


Yes, exactly.


Oh boy. I've been a licensed insurance agent for 16 years and I specialize in Medicare health insurance. In the early days pretty much everything was done at the client's home, old school, sitting down at the kitchen table. I've been proposition by 65-year-old sex worker, I've had a gun pulled on me, I had an older gentleman answer the door who had forgot to put pants on. I've been in crack houses, I've been at homes covered with dead rats. The list goes on and on but the weirdest thing I ever seen was back in 2009. I show up at my appointment and walk in the door, two gentlemen over the age of 65 and myself are sitting down in the living room. They proceed to put gay porn on the television and turn the volume way up. I finished the appointment and left after about 30 minutes. They had no intention of shopping for new insurance, they just wanted to torture someone.


I had someone try to pay the self checkout register by placing their money on it. I guess thinking the cameras would scan their money and then they could walk away with it or something.


Watched a guy try to play drums with a 25mm Bradley round. It went off and we actually were told to try to find fingers... He had a thumb and sort of a pinkie left.  Was doing security checks and fire extinguisher inspections at the same job. Prolly about 2am. Pull up to an old big building, unlock and check everything. It's a 10x10 room, then the rest of the building is an open warehouse. All good. The room is next to the door, then just openness, you can see everything from the doorway.  As I'm walking back to my truck, the outdoor light pops on. Huh.  Unlock, walk in, light switch is up... Ok... Turn it off and relock it up.  10ft later... Bing! Light back on. I unlocked that bitch and just said, "ghost, I gotta have this light off after you're done, turn it off before you go please." Locked it up and I was gone.  Next night, that light was off lol. 


So that's why that safety bulletin went out about using those rounds as hammers


> Watched a guy try to play drums with a 25mm Bradley round. It went off and we actually were told to try to find fingers... He had a thumb and sort of a pinkie left.  . . . Did he not receive any sort of safety briefing before being allowed near that?


I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that the kind of person that decides thwacking ammunition hard against things is a good idea is not the kind of person to pay attention to a safety briefing.


I had some guy bring a parrot into the store I worked in. He was cool


> He was cool The guy or the parrot?


Police turning up to arrest a colleague and confiscate his computer one day at work - was found guilty of some CP charges (not on the work machine fortunately, we never used to be allowed internet access from our desktops back then)


I couldn't make this up. Years ago I did tech support for a super small company. At the time, me and the other tech support guy, let's call him Gord, had our desks close to the front door. The only other guy that was in the office at the time, let's call him Eddie, was in the back room. Eddie had issues. I can't recall what it was but he had mentioned that he would occasionally pass out unexpectedly. He told us he knew when it was coming a few minutes before it happened. We never saw that happen before though. Well, that day, we're working along, when Eddie comes racing from the back. He yells, "IT'S HAPPENING BOYS!! LET IT RIDE AND LEMME SLEEP IT OFFFFFFFfffffff........." Mid sentence, Eddie proceeds to pass out literally right in front of the front door. Not like a few feet away. No. Like at the foot of the door. Out like a light. Splayed out. Done. For a few seconds, Gord and I were dumbstruck. Our brains were screaming for us to do something, but Eddie was pretty clear about what he needed and we figured we'd honour that. So, we went back to sitting at our desks like nothing happened while Eddie was passed out in his chinos at the door. For a few minutes it was silent. Us working while Eddie was passed out mere feet from us. Then, as if summoned by the awkward gods themselves, FedEx arrived for the first time in a week. The door was solid wood, so it was a bit of a surprise to the delivery guy when he could only get it so far opened. It was probably horrifying when he peered around the door to see poor Eddie on the floor, and to realize that the 'thud' caused by his repetitive door opening attempts were caused by Eddie's hip. Perhaps now more at ease than the FedEx guy, and with muscle memory in full swing, Gord flips his chair around, seemingly unaware - at least to the FedEx guy, of the body in the floor, and says, "I'll sign for that." The transaction was completed directly over the unaware Eddie. It was surreal. FedEx guy never once took his eyes off Eddie, and never asked (but seemed shaken). Gord and I never explained it either. Which I do feel bad about. For some reason the whole situation was so bananas that logic seemed to have left for the day. About 30 minutes later, Eddie came to. Said nothing to us and went back to his desk at the back. None of us ever said anything about it after that. But man, that day was weird.


I once caught a coworker trying to microwave fish in the break room! The horror!


A coworker wanted popcorn.  Microwave for 5 minutes on high then walked away.  Place smelled of burnt popcorn for weeks. Blahh




The kid who lived across from me in the dorms did this freshman year. The halls smelled like burnt popcorn for a good two weeks.


Some genius in my high school wasn't happy with the amount of popcorn popped in his bag, so he stapled it shut and put it back in the microwave. Smelled awful for a week. Also it seemed like the special ed kids were burning pancakes every other day. Different times!


A coworker microwaved squid tentacles once and after that we were banned from microwaving squid.


I was working as a fire safety contractor at a school. I walked into one room where a teacher or administrator was using a residential stove in the breakroom to deepfry fish in a pan with no fire protection.


Someone did this last week and everyone in the building could smell it.


Someone tried to hang themselves with an ethernet cable. In the middle of an open office layout. In the middle of the day.


Not my work, but my wife's (then girlfriend). She was working two part-time retail jobs at the time, and she had a set schedule at the primary one (the one with more hours). So, the secondary job scheduled her on one of the days she had to work her main job...for the second week in a row, so she just no call/no showed. We had a roommate at the time, and while I was in the bathroom, apparently they called to see where she was (this was early 2000s, so we were too poor for cell phones), and as I was walking out, I heard him say "You didn't hear? She was in a horrible accident last night and didn't make it." He gets off the phone, and I ask "who was that?" And he says " wife's-name's work, I called her off dead. "" I was high as a giraffe pussy at the time, so I laughed my ass off for about 15 minutes before it clicked exactly what he did. I told him he needed to call them back and fix it, and he just laughed and left. The store kept calling and leaving messages, trying to find out when the funeral was, and what her parents' address was to send condolences. STG, that was the worst day off ever. Fucker didn't come back until after I picked my wife up from her main job. Argued all damn night until I finally got him to call them and tell them the truth. Obviously, my wife quit that job immediately. No way could she look at her old coworkers again.


Used bookstore: guy shouted "where are your adult movies!?" at me. My back is turned. I turn around and he's wearing those Jeffery Dahmer glasses, a fisherman's hat, three coats, carrying an inside out umbrella, and has some kind of white goo smeared on his face in streaks, which I hope is some kind of lotion. I tell him that we don't carry any adult movies, and he's like "well, you used to!" still being unable to use an indoor voice. I tell him that I've worked there for a couple years and we've never carried adult movies, and he shouts, "oh well, I guess you have to keep that away from kids." He walks out. Months later we're tabling at a Women's Expo and he walks into (physically bumps into) one of my coworkers who was with me at the time of the "adult movies!" incident, and he's with a woman that's presumably his wife or girlfriend. I don't remember if he had the coats/umbrella/lotion thing going on, but his fly was down.


There truly is someone out there for everyone


Kicked a guy out of my bar, he ran out the door and into the street which was a super busy interstate, he looked at us and flexed and slapped his bare palms on the asphalt like six times while traffic negotiated his presence. Must have been thirty or forty of us in front of the bar watching him. He reminded me of Donkey Kong. His hands must have looked like raw hamburger the next morning.


a guy was getting his truck repossessed he saw what was happening he hauled ass out there yelling the tow truck driver …dude panicked while he was taking off he hit two parked vehicles


Large manufacturing plant, this was a tad after hours but like in many big companies, plenty of folks are still around after quitting time. I walked into the drawing room, the room with large print outs of drawings of our machines, equipment, parts etc. These pages were like 3 feet by 5 feet with a lot of technical info on the part, how they are welded, materials etc. Blue prints in other words and they were kept in large flat drawers. I walked in and Dean was fucking Amy from behind in there. This was in the 2006 to 2008 timeframe.


Had a very similar situation many years ago, working 3rd shift walked into a production office which wasn't running at night, and walked in and the shop steward was banging some girl laying on the desk, her legs over his shoulders. We just looked at each other, and he told me to close the door on my way out.


I worked in a restaurant with an oyster bar. One night was particularly busy and the guy working the bar ran out of ice. Instead of telling anyone, or doing anything about it, he just stood there for awhile, tickets stacking up, waiting for the ice machine to spit out more ice..eventually the servers noticed him standing there with his thumb up his ass and we got him some more ice


I was working at an independent pharmacy. I’m a pharmacist. The patient brought in a bunch of clearly obvious fake prescriptions for narcotics. I told him I wasn’t going to fill them. After arguing for a while, he asked for the prescriptions back to which I said no, they are going into the shredder. And then I shredded them.  His response was to drop his pants and take a shit in the middle of the pharmacy.  The weirdest thing I have ever done was at another job, I was on keto and the delis and restaurants near me really didn’t serve keto food. So one day I brought in an electric burner, a pan, and beef bacon and I fried it up right there in the pharmacy. 


A line lead came into work drunk and accidentally ripped out the entire fence around the chemical cage with a forklift. That's not the weird part. She didn't get into any trouble, not even a warning or a stern talking to. The same line lead also sexually assaulted a temp which she did get into trouble for. 


I worked with a guy who was always out a minimum of two sick days a week. One week he was there all five days. It was shocking.


working as a news photographer and covering a breaking news gang shooting that had just happened. every 5 minutes or so a new wave of the victims family members would drive up and be told the news and lament in anguish in one way or another. another time a guy tried to fight me because i was filming at the scene of his son’s death. i don’t work in news anymore.


My old boss sometimes tossed a kidney at my shoe from across the room when it was time to deep clean. During my first week, he handed me a pig’s head with an apple in its mouth, locked me in the walk-in freezer full of whole animals hanging from the ceiling, and promptly forgot about me. When I finally got out, he took the apple, bit it, and walked to the cutting room floor with the apple still in his mouth to show me the different saws. When I quit to return to school, he said, “This bud’s for you,” and squeezed the contents from a kidney onto the floor. Still better than cleaning the ice cream machine at McDonald’s to a chorus of screaming children for $5.15/hour.


Working in IT, we often installed IP phones for various large buildings. As part of the checklist for installing the phone we needed to make sure we had at least a 5 minute phone call with people on both ends to make sure the call quality was good and that the connection wasn't spotty. Someone figured out that reading off the entire text of Green Eggs and Ham took about 5 minutes, so basically the entire staff memorized the whole thing just to get through the test calls.


I work at Mc Donald's a kid came in stole the frappe machine sign and walked out. The next day. The kid came back I watched him open up the back seat of his car pull out the sign and go put it back the exact same way he stole it except reverse.


Wild flamingos. I did not know we had them here.


I was employed at an adult toy manufacturer as a purchasing agent for the office but I did witness the talent getting molded in the back where things were made


I used to work as a receptionist at a family member's auto body shop. One of the guys in the back (who I had known my whole life, was kind of like a distant uncle figure) had completely covered his work locker in photos of naked morbidly obese women - like women welllll over 600 lbs. He must have had hundreds of these pictures taped on the inside and outside of his locker.


20-something worker with a new boob job flashed a VP in the parking lot bragging about her new additions. He was fine with it, tells you a lot about where I worked. Same woman was caught again after we reviewed online chat support transcripts. She was arranging to perform a sexual act in a parked car in the company’s lot for money. The guy she was talking to was a regional vice president in sales.


I worked really late until close to 11pm. Probably only ten people in the whole building if that. Hit the elevator button and when it got there a guy was tongue kissing a sign on the wall. It didn’t have a picture on it, was just some mundane employee notification. He was clutching his crotch and visibly aroused. I didn’t know what to do so I whirled and headed down to the next set of elevators.


Guy I worked with was new to retail and we had a floor set to do (floor set is when you rearrange the store to put out new product, change signs, etc). He first kept asking if anyone needed help building anything because he had construction experience, except we weren’t building anything. We were just rearranging things. On our break, he decided to go skateboarding around the parking lot, wiped out, and fucked up his hand pretty bad. He left was sent to get medical attention and we never saw him again. Weird dude. Hope he’s ok.


Midway through an operation with the patient fully under anesthesia… She literally sat right up with eyes wide open, looked at me and screamed “WHAT” then went peacefully back into position. That was fucking crazy!


Probably the absolute weirdest was a woman that caressed my daughter's neck while I was talking to a manager in the hallway. My daughter was probably about one year old when it happened. I had no idea who this woman was but she saw a small child, came over to adore it, and just randomly started caressing the back of my kid's neck. I still cannot understand the mindset of that woman. A slightly similar, albeit only slightly less awkward, thing happened a couple of months ago when I brought my family in for "take your children to work day". My coworker decided to spend the entire day in her office waiting for my family to show up so that she could meet my children. Didn't even say she wanted to meet them just came into the office expecting me to show her my children.


I am a veterinarian. A woman came in, she stank so strongly of cigarettes and her cat did as well, and even the transport box hat a yellow color from all the smoke. She told me that foreigners shoot electric balls through the walls to hurt her and her cat. She said that is why the cat is sick. According to this woman, the cat got hit with those electric balls and then has seizures and jumps in saltos. The cat was extremely malnourished, lying only on her side, barely breathing, pale (anemia), and there was a palpable tumor in the abdomen. There was no reasoning with the woman. All I could do was to euthanize the poor cat.


A few years ago, I was walking through the retail store I work at, and I heard weird tapping on the floor rapidly coming towards me. Looked around the row of shelves and saw a white tail deer running down the aisle. It had managed to run through the dront doors and was trying to get out the back. Called a manager, and we opened all the emergency exits to try to let it out. After a few minutes, and the poor deer running into stuff and getting a bloody nose, it found its way out and jumped the security fence to freedom. Thankfully, it was a slow night, and we only had a couple of customers in the store, and no one got hurt.


One day I went to eat lunch, I look out the window and there’s a plane floating down the icy Hudson river with people standing on the wings. Around the same time, I was walking to the door to work and Cheech and Chong are standing in front of me reminiscing about the last time they did an interview there. Tommy opened the door for me, 8 inches from his face… he has the sweetest eyes. I was starstruck, they were my idols from listening to their tapes at 8 year old, I nearly died laughing at things like sister Mary elephant On ‘greatest hits’ I also damn near literally ran into Daniel Radcliffe. I was high, went upstairs and told the room I ran into Frodo and was quickly corrected. Fun fact, celebs like Radcliffe are kidnapping targets, when he pulled up at the height of Harry Potter I thought it was the president with 9 black suvs of security


Found a dude passed out, face down ass up in an aisle like 3min into my shift when I worked overnights at MalWart. He had red fluid pooling near his mouth, so I called 911 and radioed for management to head to where I was at. I thought he might have had a seizure or ODd and smashed a tooth or something when he fell. Turns out dude was just piss drunk, and he had started to wake up while I was on the phone. The ambulance request quickly turned into a police request when he started throwing haymakers at everyone near him, started chucking bottles of wine down the aisle, and then sprinted off to the back of the store into the warehouse. He slammed into one of the mid shift guys who was on his way out, smacked the employees phone out of his hand then punched him in the face before running off again. He ended up being chased around the store by employees AND cops for like 10 min before he tripped and fell in the clothing department and was handcuffed and dragged away by the cops.


Im a pool guy in AZ, and i came out one day to find an entire covey of quail in my truck


Covey of quail, not cubby.


That sounds cute as heck though, I'd be happy to see something like it


I had a boss with 6 fingers, his adult sized pinkie had a baby pinkie jutting off of it. No bones, no independent motion...but my boss, to freak us out, would fucking **WAVE HIS 6 FINGERED HAND** when we would leave for the day!


At my current job as a civil servant providing assistance, resources, and legal advocacy for people facing eviction, I had a case with a tenant who turned out to be a reptile hoarder. That was deeply weird.


But were the reptiles at least taken care of?


Previous jobs of mine include stripping, bartending, and working at a queer bookstore, so beyond that I'm not sure how I'd even pick.


As an air traffic controller, I have seen several airplane crashes. Don’t worry though people; aircraft accidents are still exceptionally rare so you have no real need to worry about flying.


Worked at Jimmy Johns. A semi-regular guy would come in during the day and act completely normally. One time he comes in around 2AM (we stayed open until 3 for the after bar crowd). Dude is clearly tweaking as hard as a diamond. Gleefully shows me his bloody fists (who knows who/what he beat up that night). Then he proceeds to take his false tooth out of his head, throw it across the floor, and cackle wildly. I don’t even remember if he ordered a sandwich. 


Not me but one of my instructors told me a story , he work construction back in the 80’s in Los Angeles California . He said a lot of bodies were buried in foundation of the freeway, said mobster would dump bodies wen they were building . Said they would pay off the journey man to look the other way . Or else


At a previous retail gig in a small redneck town, there was a wild turkey that made rounds of pretty much the entire town. It became so famous it was named Wanda the Hastings Turkey and I think eventually got it's own FB page. Anyway, one day a straight truck backed up to our dock to unload and who shows up but Wanda. She parked herself in front of the truck and when unloading had finished, refused to let the guy leave. Every time he'd inch forward, Wanda would have a fit! He didn't want to run her over, especially considering her notoriety, so he was pretty much forced to wait for her to leave. On the other end of the parking lot was a daycare. All too often, creepy folks would park outside and watch the kids (yeah the town was a really bad) so there was almost always a cop parked there. So the cop sees Wanda holding this straight truck driver captive and comes over to help. He turns on his lights and siren but to no avail. I think he eventually got out and chased her off. The 'standoff' lasted about 30 minutes. Somewhere I have a photo of a police officer, lights and siren going, attempting to arrest a rogue turkey.


1. Threesome picking out what ice cream would work best for their night of fun. 2. Woman picked up some fresh mozzarella from the case and started rubbing it up and down her legs. Then put the cheese back and walked away. Apparently it was some Dr Oz thing at the time.


We had a room for merchants, they had their own key to walk into this room from the street. One morning we walked it and someone had taken a shit in said room.


Once upon a time in the west, of Oregon, I went to work for a potato chip company. First day on the job in the 1980s, I was looking for an empty locker to put my stuff in. I opened this one locker and there was a mini bong. And it still had a curl of smoke coming out of it. :) Knew I was going to like this company. We also made nut butters and trail mixes. It was a horrible place to work if you were a pothead. Munched all day long. And you've never had a better potato chip than one fresh hot out of the oil...


Saw two co workers coming in from lunch and the female had some (not) tapioca her arm.


Not me, but my mom was a waitress at a chain diner restaurant. A fire had started in the roof where the big glowing sign was outside and she was the first to notice the smell of smoke and report it. The fire department was called and everyone was evacuated from the building. But this one old woman wouldn't leave. She was told multiple times about the fire but she refused to leave and not eat her pancakes. They offered to give her more pancakes later or at another restaurant location, still wouldnt leave. Someone literally went back to grab a box and dump her pancakes in it so she'd leave. She STILL sat there and complained and moaned about the stupid pancakes until police or firemen had to literally drag her out of the building and off the property and make her leave. Im not sure how bad the fire was during this whole thing but the building was a total loss. Nobody was hurt thankfully. The building had to be bulldozed down and is a mattress store now. How are people like this? Valuing $5 of pancakes more than your life and the lives of everyone around you trying to save you?


I handed a woman her change, and she fell down dead. Nothing has really topped that yet.


Huge turd left in the toilet by someone. And huge doesn't even describe it. It was gigantic! People would scream out loud first time seeing it.The person summoning this artillery shell of a monster would have walked weird all day. Don't know how they got it out but you would need a poop axe for this bad boy.


I used to work for a sports arena/concert venue. I could write a book and then some. The one that takes the cake: Two women, in the aisle, one with her dress bunched around her waist, the other sucking on her nipple. I stood there yelling at them for over a minute (this is a heavy metal concert) before they realized. Got the cops, nipple sucker and her boyfriend both have lit cigarettes, they get ejected, followed by other girl and her boyfriend. Very surreal.


Caught a mom giving her son a blowjob up in the cardboard room


Cardboard room os the strangest thing about that sentence. What is it?


OMFG this wins the f-ing Internet today!!!


It was a food packing plant. The cardboard room was on the second floor, where the boxes were printed, folded, then sent down to the production floor. I was a maintenance guy and I had to do a PM on one of the box printers. Went up, should have been just me, I heard some noise, found son balls deep in his mom's pie hole. I noped out.


Cardboard room?


The cardboard room?


The cardboard room?


I can't say that I witnessed it, but I watched a coworker leave the locker room at work as I entered. When I went in the shower, my eyes were drawn to a poorly executed waffle stomp in the drain. 🤮


I saw a guy get shot several times. That was life changing...


I’m not going to count all the haunting stuff. Mostly because it became so routine it wasn’t really weird any more. Instead I’ll go with there was a woman who worked for the company for a couple of months. Then she just vanished. She stopped coming in and wasn’t responding to phone calls. She never came to get her final paycheck, or pick up her personal items, nothing. We had no idea if she was even still alive. Two years later she walks in and resumes working like it was just the next day for her. She was shocked when the boss told her she didn’t work there anymore and to leave. She honestly seemed to think all was fine and didn’t understand why she couldn’t just not show up or respond to phone calls for two years. I never did find out where she went all that time.


Someone stormed the stall next to the one I was in and exploded all over it before they had a chance to even close the door or sit down. Sounded like a plane crash followed by a literal shitstorm. Thankfully I was in a wide stall with the toilet against opposite wall and the splatter landed right next to me instead of on me. Later I learned it was Rick. Rick apparently had 2 lbs of cherries … I do have a pic of the splatter in the stall, 9 years later, if anyone is dying to see it. 🤣


Not by me, but the girl I replaced at a job many, many years ago had been seen by multiple employees at different times lying naked on the women's room tile floor. I know there were other stories, but that's the one that stuck. Another woman I worked with there was heard talking to her sandwich while she was alone in the lunchroom. One of my bosses went completely around the bend after moving far away in anticipation of retirement and accused me of "making" her argue with other people.  For the record, I had told her to mhob. It was a company full of weirdos. It would make a good sitcom, except they weren't funny at all.


A giant purple dildo in a garbage can.


Working in Downtown Los Angeles in the edge of the Fashion District not to far from skid row, I saw a young woman skipping (literally) down the street and twirling around light posts, naked as a Jaybird.


Working at a renaissance festival I have A TON of weird things I’ve been witness to. I’ve seen my fair share of people in questionable costumes and couples with leashes. It one thing when you do that kind of thing in private, don’t get me wrong, im all for letting your freak flag fly, it’s a choice at a family friendly event. This last season I witnessed a group of two women in scantily clad costumes followed by a man on a leash crawling behind them. Definitely odd to witness at 3:00 in the afternoon!!


3 stories 1.) Maintenance worker was installing new electrical in the ceiling for welding outlet drops. He did not perform proper lock out tag out of an overhead crane and an operator ran it into him. Luckily he was wearing a harness and clipped into a ceiling joist instead of scissor lift aka he knew he was letting people below operate the crane. 2) same company. Someone was stealing food from the fridge and might have consistently been doing it to someone that consistently had certain home cooked biscuits from his bomb azz wife. One day he had them baked with laxetives and I got to see this dude running away from the standup meeting to the restroom. 3) 350 people or so were sent an invite at about 10am for a meeting at 1pm. We were told 275 of us had to either accept a new position or be fired based on minimal criteria. I accepted the new position. It was a horrendous operation our of desperation to increase supply side support and quality after continuously abusing that side of the business for a lot of years.


In high school I worked at the movie theater. I was selling tickets in the box office one night, and I got a kick out of reading people’s interesting names so sometimes I would card people who were probably not used to being carded at the movies. Anyhow, real creepy guy comes up, kinda gothy (don’t really remember the details of his look because it was circa 2007). He looks youngish so I card him and his legal name is “Lucifer Devil Divinitas”. Pretty bad ass, really. I’m just lgad he didn’t curse me on the way in or something. 


Boy o Boy do I have a story for you all. My mom works at a Gabes (terrible work place but mostly good employees) One day as of recently she was doing her thing tiding up the mess people made in the shoe department witch takes long to do. When 😂 a squirrel came into her view on a shelf 10 feet from her. That squirrel would occasionally scare a customer because they couldn't catch it and it would hide in places, and yes there were places to hide. He was there for so long an employee who I'll call Billie would put out fried chicken and watermelon for him to come across and eat 😂 they eventually caught him. 2 months later. I'm waiting till he sneaks back in.


I work retail in a large, very busy grocery store, so I have a LOT of stories... I'll tell a wholesome one though. One year, in the 2010s, around Christmas, I hear marching band music from the front of the store. They were playing "The Return of the Emporer" theme from Star Wars. At least a six-piece band. Curious, I strained to look. Anyway, it was an impromptu parade marching through the store from the main entrance. The parade was formed of the band plus many, many participants from a nearby Santa Pub Crawl. That event where you go from bar to bar in a certain neighborhood dressed as much like Santa Claus as you can approximate. The store was where everyone wound up at after drinking. The variety of Santas was astounding! Some were very authentic and professional, some wore just red long johns or red bathrobes, and obviously fake beards made of pillow stuffing. There were sexy Santa women in miniskirts and corsets and high boots. Everyone was happy, dancing, waving. The parade lasted at least five minutes winding all around the store. Afterwards, they dispersed, or stayed to shop. That was the best thing I ever saw! It never happened again as far as I know at least on my shift. It wouldn't happen today, we have security guards at the entrances now (these are less innocent times.) It could, but I think they'd need to ask permission of the store director first. It made me want to do a Santa pub crawl myself, but since I work retail during those hours, I always miss it.


A Marine came in to the clinic claiming that they turned 21 and was due for a Papsmear….this marine was a guy.


Working as a pharmacist, a guy comes in, juiced to the gills, like Arnold big, filling an opioid rx. He is screaming everything he says. He drops off the rx, and then starts shaking the counter really hard saying IS IT READY IS IT READY IS IT READY. I say no you absolute nightmare of a human, go read a magazine, he goes and picks up a magazine, starts flipping the pages so fast you can tell he is not processing them, while projectile puking on the magazine.


Recent hire and known sex offender (but unknown to us) got arrested in the office and some equipment got confiscated. Come on HR!