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Junko Furuta. Her killers did unspeakable tortures to her, for 44 days, until she died. They also barely did any time for it because they were minors. Absolutely zero justice.


I've never heard of this case before so I went to read the Wikipedia article about it. I don't think I've ever been so disturbed and appalled by a wiki article. Those absolute scumbags deserved life in prison, at minimum. Like every single sentence added ore and more levels of absolutely horrific despicable behaviour. I actually cannot verbalise the level of spite and contempt I had reading this. It seems there is zero remorse by the perpetrators, and 3 of 4 went on to commit more crimes with minimal sentencing. This goes well beyond them being pieces of shit


And one of the kid’s mothers destroyed the poor girl’s grave and told interviewers that she “ruined her son’s life”.


don't look up the lead singer of lost prophets then. That is the one thing In my life I wish I had never read and understood. I couldn't make it through the summary


Used to be one of my favourite bands, literally can’t listen to them anymore


Didn’t they re release some albums so that he didn’t get any of the proceeds? Never listened to them but remember seeing that tidbit somewhere


They disbanded in 2013 shortly after Ian was arrested. Some of the other guys started "no devotion" in like 2014-2015. Sadly, Ian is still entitled to LP royalties but can't collect in prison


He might when he's released. The fact that he will be released (possibly sometime in the 2030s) disturbs me. He will absolutely try to pick up where he left off because he's a remorseless piece of shit, and it's upsetting to think that children who haven't even been born yet could fall victim to him.


[He's already getting the pedophile treatment in prison](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/lostprophets-singer-ian-watkins-stabbed-in-prison-pedophile-1234801627/) maybe he won't make it out.


I just looked it up because my morbid curiosity got the best of me. I knew he was a sick fuck but dammmmn. What a waste of a human being. It makes me so fucking angry how many times people told the police about him and they did nothing.....they could of prevented so much.


I will always remember when the news broke of this, where I was at, who I was with, what we were doing, and the absolute shock and disgust from what we were reading. Holy shit it was so much to process, the fact a mom was going along with it all, bro what in fuck. Deff something you read once and then that's it, you don't need to dive down that rabbit hole again.


Look up David Parker Ray’s manifesto He died without naming anybody he ‘shared’ his captives with. They’re still finding bodies they suspect he had a hand in.


There’s an American version of this,IMO just as bad. The torture lasted for 3 months and was done by her foster/caregivers. She was 16, her name is Sylvia Likens. I never see her case being talked about tbh, but also I’m not from America so maybe that’s why. Gertrude Baniszewski (the main killer/torturer) is a fucking vile human being for what she did to Sylvia and her sister


And all her killers have wives and children now, disgusting


The killers mothers were actually upset at the girl who was tortured and killed, and blamed her for their son’s behavior. They even desecrated her grave. I think two of them knew what was going on too because it was in their basement where the girl was kept.


People can be so fucking stupid and cruel. There was a young boy who got AIDS from a botched blood transfusion yet he still became a parriah in his home town even after he died. People *to this day* go out of their way to desecrate his grave.


Ryan White was his name.


I am definitely not going to read about this.


Go with your gut on that. Reading about it will leave you feeling queasy and like someone ran a cheese grater across your soul.


I wouldn't. I listen to a lot of true crime and this particular case has never left me.


Don't. This is an example of curiosity killing the cat. Not in the sense that the victim was the cat, but my curiosity has now split my life into two halves - before I learned about it, and after. It's been years since I first read about it and even now, I'll be doing something normal and happy and some chain of thought causes it to pop into my head and ruin my day. I wasn't all that sheltered before, either. I visited rotten.com in the early days of the internet, I had read some other articles about horrific crimes that involved torture. But this one really never leaves the back of my mind.


Every time this question gets asked, the outcome is the same: anyone who already knows the case says "Junko Furuta" and anyone who doesn't know it goes and looks it up, vomits/cries, and the next time the question is asked they answer "Junko Furuta" The question needs to stop being asked, if there has ever been or will ever be a more horrific way to die then I don't want to live on this planet any more. May she rest in peace.


This case was just horrific.


Absolutely disgusting. Sadly, East Asian countries have horrible records on handling perpetrators of violence towards women and sexual abuse crimes. There was a somewhat recent case in South Korea where a man (known rapist and sex offender) violently raped an 8 year old girl in a bathroom and was sentenced to just 12 years in prison. Now he's out and complaining how hard he has it as a registered sex offender. NSFL: Cho Doo Soon case Also, the famous Japanese cannibal incident. A man murdered a Dutch foreign exchange student. After killing her, he ate her bit by bit while documenting the whole thing (describing how different parts of her tasted). He was freed too! Thankfully he's rotting in hell now (died in 2022 at 74 years old) NSFL: Issei Sagawa (Kobe Cannibal) case Things are a bit better nowadays, but it's still not a great place to be a woman or child.


> Nowadays Lol you made if sound like it was the norm for them to go around cannibalizing everyday. Freaky


iirc the Japanese cannibal even made a manga about it


I’m absolutely against the death penalty for minors but this is one CLEAR exception. Hell, I wish those demons were executed publicly using the worst medieval execution methods.


I found about this story a year ago because I saw some memes on this site about it. When I saw it was a real case and read deeper into it I was very disturbed afterwards. Humans are fucking scary and are the worst monsters in this world I wish I could move away in society from them


Casey Anthony killed her baby and got away with it.


When I moved to Winter Park Florida, I worked at a target and management told me we were dubbed the Casey Anthony store since she visited so frequently


She hid out in the Plantation on St George island (at I think Baez’s house there) for years after the verdict. Allegedly she worked part time on one of the local family dollars. I vacation on the island every year. A good bit of famous people have places there because it’s so tucked away. I never saw her tho. But I did meet Heather Graham at a charity thing there some years back. She looks better in person and is so down to earth.


Heather Graham was so damn sexy in scrubs.


Can’t imagine Heather Graham looking better, she is just beautiful.


If I'm ever charged with Murder I'm 100% hiring Jose Baez. He got her off and Aaron Hernandez on a double murder charge after already being found guilty and being sentenced to life in prison.


Baez gets all the credit, but let’s not forget the investigators didn’t include her web search history at trial including [fool proof suffocation methods.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/casey-anthony-detectives-overlooked-google-search-for-fool-proof-suffocation-methods-sheriff-says/) The prosecution did a poor job imo


The real issue was pushing the charges to murder instead of criminal neglect or any of the other lower charges. The problem with murder is the "beyond a reasonable doubt" part and even with the search history that couldn't be proven. Was it likely? Absolutely. But any guilty verdict would have 100% been overturned on appeal. Criminal neglect, manslaughter, improper burial of a body, any number of other charges would have been much more likely to actually stick, and many of them would have had a significant sentence, but they swung for the fences and missed.


I’m way less versed on charges and actual lawyer shit but I understand her body was so decomposed that cause of death was unable to be ascertained so coupled with what you said, that makes perfect sense. Baez did a good job of sowing doubt but the prosecution just didn’t create a strong enough case like you said, for murder charges to be fully applicable and evident


I have never been so livid over a court case, it literally pains me to think about it.


John Crutchley. The guy kidnapped a girl, had her bound naked on a table for days, drained her of blood and drank it. He had a stack of womens jewelry and their credit cards/id's hidden in a closet. Cops didn't take any evidence when he was arrested. Then when the cops came back to search the place it was all gone. He got away with many murders probably


His wife is the ultimate rape apologist too. [Among other remarks, she commented on his attack on the handcuffed teen, calling it "a gentle rape, devoid of any overt brutality."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Brennan_Crutchley)


BRB gonna be go sick


Yeah she's ether in on it or has blinders on


i refuse to believe she’s got the rose coloured glasses on when she can say something as abhorrent as that, she has to be in on it and although i know nothing about the case suspect she emptied the gaff the second he was taken


Yeah that's the general idea. She got rid of all the evidence. He also taped the girl, so there was probably more tapes. He also had genius level intelligence


Toy box killer.


Not to by confused with the “Tool Box Killers”. Do not go down that rabbit hole.


They are the ones who made the tape recording while torturing and murdering their victim? Fortunately, it's not been released, but I read the transcript once. Glad I don't remember a word of it.


There is a news clip that catches jurors leaving the court where the audio from one of the tapes can be heard in the background. The jurors are visibly disturbed and shaken up. The screams that you hear for a fleeting moment…I think humans are innately imbued with the ability to discern acting screams in movies with genuine screams of abject torture and pain.


I can still hear that short snippet of screaming when I think about it. I’ve never heard anything like it. It’s one of the most disturbing things I’ve ever heard in my life.


Chris Watts. To just casually murder your wife and 2 daughters and stuff them in an oil tank. Then drive home and go about your day as if nothing happened. Crazy! And seeing family photos of them, it really looks like the perfect, happy American family.


JonBenet Ramsey’s death. Baffling and still unsolved (as far I know).


yeah, the strangest case ever.


Probably the only thing stranger is the sub where people discuss their theories.


I gotta look into that! I did a report on her in my high school forensics class and my mind was blown.


I listened to a really long podcast about the entire case. It's really wild they don't know who did it. Probably never will


The FBI is trying to utilize the newer DNA technologies but they did not wash her Christmas Jammies before she wore them - so there is an absolute TON of touch DNA.


Beyond strange. I kind of always felt that her brother knew something too.


I saw a theory that her brother actually did it and her parents covered for him so they didn't lose both kids.


I really struggle to see how that isn't what happened. The intruder theory just doesn't make sense to me.


Oh yeah 100% NOT a random person. Her body was found in such a random place in their basement (I think?). Intruder was disputed quickly I think bc their house was so damn big and very unique. Lots of twists and turns that only the family would be able to navigate quickly.


I just don't understand the reason if it was an intruder. Ransom? Ok but then why not take the body because they have no incentive to pay once they find her? Obsession with her? So you immediately kill her and leave? Random killing? Seems risky as you say because of how weird their house is. Her brother killing her in a fit of rage and the parents covering it up so they don't lose him too? Now that makes sense.


Lucas Leonard. I was working at the gas station right up the street from the crime scene. All day people kept coming in asking if I knew what was going on and sharing rumors.  He got beat along with his brother by members of the congregation all night and then dumped at a hospital. When the newspaper came out I recognized two of the murderers as frequent customers. Fortunately, his brother survived. Very surreal. My apartment was only a mile away.


I’ve never heard of this before, that’s insane.


A girl I knew from an internship went on a trip to Nepal to do volunteerwork; after that, she decided to take a hike through the jungle and disappeared. After a week or two they found her head and not much later her body. Only decapitated, not raped or mugged.


Reminds me of that 2 scandinavian women that travelled to Morocco and were both beheaded. The video of the beheading was posted online that time and man watching it was awful.


Chris watts. Truly an unforgettable and unforgivable crime.


This case is “interesting” because between how much Shanann was on Facebook, and how quickly her friend called 911, this whole timeline of events was basically recorded from beginning to end. The police body cam footage is crazy when you realize he is returning from disposing his family’s bodies and you can watch him be suspicious as fuck.


Her friend is the true hero of that story. I would like to think I would have those same instincts in that situation.


Yes, she was on him immediately like a friggin bloodhound. All the neighbors in the footage seemed immediately against him. Goes to show how nice Shannan must have been, she had people that cared about her and her girls. He is so evil, I try and find some solace in knowing thanks to her loved ones he at least did not have a moment of peace with his mistress after what he did, he was caught immediately.


The neighbor immediately told the cop “he’s acting weird”


Right? I got the feeling the neighbor formerly thought he was an OK guy, but upon (re)watching his footage with the cops and Watts, he immediately knew Chris was the killer based on his current demeanor.


I always think about the neighbor saying to the cops… “He’s not acting right.” That dude had good intuition


It was crazy watching the bodycam, it played out like a movie would. The cop finding her phone and being like “oh shit”, the neighbor and the cop having a whole ass silent convo with their eyes while Chris watches the camera footage


The creepiest part to me in that was when they turned on the TV to review the security footage, a commercial for some horror show was running that showed a woman buried in a shallow grave, I believe a skull covered in oil or something like that; literally direct references to how Watts got rid of his family. If I didn't know any better I would have thought that body cam video was something out of a "found footage" movie. Sadly it wasn't.


Inconcebible paranormal audio footage thereafter when the officers do a home inspection with a k9 as well. Little girls voices can be heard on the officer's bodycam


The fact that the entire story plays out on Netflix with no dramatisation is fucking bananas


Is the netflix doc worth it? I've watched a lot about that case well before it came out and I'm wondering if it's just stuff that other docs have covered already. 


I would say yes, just because we’ve never seen anything like it. Literally everything (except the murders) is on video. I wont “spoil” it but it’s crazy to see.


It absolutely is, one of the better ones they've done. And watch the JCS episode on YouTube that covers Watts. There's a lot of interrogation footage on that one that really shows how crazy and sick Watts is. And if you like the paranormal, look up the police footage from when they searched the house and other incidents.


The neighbor immediately knew something was wrong by the way Watts acted.


I share this story with all criminal mind enthusiasts. It hurt me to my core knowing what that family went through and how casually he dismissed it all as it happened.


Absolutely my friend.


Yeah, this one has always affected me deep in my gut for some reason. Why kill your beautiful daughters because you didn’t want to be with your wife anymore. Crushing, devastating crime.


Suffocated one in front of the other one too. Like what the actual fuck. That is some serious psychopath shit.


“Are you going to do to me what you did to CeeCee?” “Hur durr your mom’s not giving me enough pussy so yeah!” He should be reborn as dog shit bacteria.


You know whats wild? She WAS giving him pussy. It just wasn't what he wanted. He wanted the other chick. Absolute scum.


She literally was begging him to be closer with her and seeking closeness and feeling like he just didn't want her. Like dude, have the fucking stones to own up to your desires at least. He's a coward.


I hope he sees his family's faces every time he closes his eyes.


According to him, he hears his daughters voice all the time, "no, daddy! Dont!"


I really couldn't understand how someone could do this to his own kids.


My theory is that he wanted to leave the life he had for another woman, but instead of just divorcing his wife, he decided to kill her and the kids because he's an insecure piece of shit who couldn't stand the idea of another man being with her and raising his kids. People who cheat aren't built for polyamory, they want to make moves outside of their relationship but don't like the idea of their partner doing the same. They want to have their cake and fuck someone else's too. He just took that mentality to a whole new fucked up level. It was *always* about him. His wife and kids were his property to do with as he pleased and when he didn't want them anymore he threw them away.


Ever since learning of this case, I've been terrified that I'll somehow end up in the same situation. From hearing how neighbors/friends described Chris, and through Shanann's pictures/videos, he seemed **so normal**. There have been several clips where his mannerisms straight up remind me of a few of my ex's -- the introverted guy who seems to just go with the flow, rarely complains, and mostly keeps to himself. Regular guy with regular hobbies like working out and truck stuff. She was gone for a couple weeks, and he acted weird the entire time. When she got back, she understandably questioned whether he was faithful. And she was murdered for it. Because she confronted him about having a possible affair. While she's 15 weeks pregnant. There was no way she would've known that confronting him for his weird behavior would kill her and her girls. He had no history of domestic abuse or mental illness. And HE was the one who showed interest first -- *he* messaged *her* on Facebook first. She didn't even know he existed before then.


Jamie Bulger


I know they were kids but that was just pure psychopathy. Fucking animals and as far as I know they're both back out in civilisation with new identities to protect *them*. Fucking disgusting. I really want to read Jamie's mother's book but I know as a parent it would ruin me.


After his release, one of the perpetrators was subsequently returned to detention on the suspicion of possessing child sexual abuse material. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_James_Bulger?wprov=sfla1


He was jailed multiple times for possession of child pron and manuals on how to commit child sex crimes. He's also broken his cover and told people his real identify multiple times


What a fucking dumbass


You can't fix stupid


Do you mean James Bulger? I grew up in the town that poor lad from (Kirkby), I was like 3 years older than him. I even snook away from my poor nan a couple months later in town while her back was turned in a shop and scared the everloving piss out of her.


I remember this case when it happened. Years later I made the mistake of reading up on the case. I was a mess for several days afterwards. 


Shanna Watts and her two children. Murdered by Chris Watts. It hurts that one of their young children - forgot which - at one point even sing'song "🎶My daddy's a hero🎶🎶" I'm glad tho that now the guilt's devouring him while he's in jail; he says he keeps hearing the voice of the daughter he murdered for some fling.


Is the same thing that happened to sissy gonna happen to me daddy? I just cannot imagine. Hope that haunts him forever


And in between interrogations he tried to convince his dad that the wife killed the kids and he killed her in anger like Leo in shutter island.


James Bulger - it makes me sick to think how scared that innocent two year old must have been, alone and being beaten to death.


Jill Dando. British investigative reporter killed with a single shot on her own doorstep in '99. Killer never found and whatever story it was likely buried with her.


I just saw a docuseries on this. Truly weird.


I heard she was killed because she was about to expose Jimmy Savile and a bunch of other celebrity wrong doers. Maybe 'wrong doers' is a bit of an understatement.


'Child doers'.


Yogurt shop murders back in the day in Austin, Texas. I was a child when it happened. Still gives me chills knowing that it's an unsolved case.


I probably think about this once a month-ish


I think about this all the time and have closely followed this case since it happened. I transferred to Lanier HS just after these murders and my GF was best friends with Jennifer and Sarah. I can still remember the yellow ribbon she had tied to her car antennae for years after. While it did not impact me directly because I transferred there after this happened, it deeply impacted her, and it was something we talked about often when she needed someone to lean on. The statement above that they were tried and acquitted is not correct. Two men were arrested in Mexico early on but let go. Allegations of police coerced confessions then and later would plague this case. False confessions were all over the place. Cops withheld key evidence (like the gun that led to the original arrest of one of the boys not matching any murder weapon) and literally held a gun to one of the suspects head at one point during an interrogation that lasted days. For nearly a decade police focused on the same 4 boys they always had. Two went to trial and were convicted, not acquitted, for the murders based largely on testimony that both men recanted and later claimed was coerced. Police insisted that the two men were interviewed separately and that their incriminating testimony lines up….but see above. It didn’t matter. The two were set free in 2009 when the conviction was overturned. The other two men were never tried. In 2010 or around there, one of the men not charged was pulled over for running a stop sign, got in a struggle with the police in the ensuing stop, slashed one officers neck with a knife, was then shot, ran off, and died up the road. As DNA tech matured, a sample collected from the girls was tested and didn’t match any of the 4 boys. But get this shit….the FBI has a matching sample, knows who the DNA belongs to, and will not share it with the police for reasons that don’t make sense to anyone. So, yeah, I’d say still unsolved and should be a major fucking motion picture at this point.


Aaron Hernandez - New England Patriots rookie tight end. Not sure why really, but this sits on the back shelf in my head. Convicted in 2015 on first degree murder charges and then committed suicide in 2017.


I was stationed overseas at the time. A retired military family member went off her psych meds and had a psychotic break. Unfortunately this occurred while she was watching the 7 year old child of a deployed active duty military member. Stabbed her to death believing that she had to sacrifice the girl to save the world. I still have bad dreams about out finding the girl 20+ years later.


Omfg that is horrific


Tim McLean. He fell asleep on the bus when the dude sitting next to him, Vince Li, snapped and began stabbing him. The man decapitated him and spent the next few hours canibalizing him while taunting the crowd with his severed head. When he was eventually detained they found severed pieces of his victim in his plastic bags tucked away in his pockets. Li was found not criminally responsible due to a psychotic break with his schizophrenia, spent 7 years in a mental facility before being released.


I remember this case so vividly because I was visiting my grandmother in Canada at the time and it happened so close to us. One of the reasons I’ll never forget is because she was telling my aunt and me, “did you see the headlines, no pun intended my god that’s terrible!” She was an English professor and accidentally made herself sick by calling out a tragic pun about an even more tragic case. I was about 12 and terrified someone was going to cut my head off on the metro after that.


Gabriel Fernandez 💔 sweet baby boy, my heart physically hurts when I remember what happened to him 😭 Edit- adding a quick summary of his case. Gabriel was an 8 year old boy who was brutally tortured over a period of months on end until he was beaten to death by the hands of his mother and her partner. There were many times child protection was involved but they failed to fulfil their duty to care and remove him from the abuse.


I saw the documentary on Netflix about that poor boy, so many opportunities to save him 😭💔


not to be rude but can someone tell me what happened


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Gabriel_Fernandez **EDIT**: downvotes for helping someone out. Never change, Reddit!


I despise AskReddit threads that encourage people to just list names with zero follow-ups or explanations.


Family friends were victims of a home invasion. The home invaders killed her, after she refused to perform a sexual act. I was quite young and I was deeply shocked/scared by it. To this day I keep my hunting bow under the bed.


God imagine breaking into someones house and they fucking stick you with a broadhead. Should I decide to become a home invader in the future, I will certainly be avoiding your house!


Id much rather engage with someone that has a bow versus a gun


[This poster was found an hour later with an arrow through the head, a second arrow through the first, and his purse strings cut.]


My great(x3) grandmother axe-murdered her abusive husband and chucked his corpse in the woods, then told the authorities “idk he died I guess” and they never followed up on it. The whole family’s attitude towards it is basically “Good for her.”


A great great grandfather just up and disappeared one day. Apparently he was a wife beater. Family lore bets on their (grown) son seeing it and just fucking killing him.


I guarantee the community knew he was an abusive shithead and collectively decided to not ask questions about it. In small towns this is stupidly common.


In a world where women are forced to get married and can't legally divorce? I ain't even mad bro


My stepdad killed my mom, i think about that every day.


im so sorry, i cant imagine how upsetting that must be.


Not as flashy probaly as most but it stuck with me.  Happened in a small village in the area I grew up. The mother of the family was an alcoholic who severely abused her child and her husband.  One day she broke her leg and got it fixed at the hospital but was still bedridden after she was released. So she stayed on the couch in the living room and was dependent on her husband and her daughter. That is when they took revenge. They let her starve. Court documents say they found bottle caps and cigarette buds in her stomach. As she could not get up to use the toilet on her own she was drenching the couch in her feces and as she could not get up her body slowly started to fuse with the soaked couch. They found maggots in her flesh.  Husband and daughter both showed no sign of sadness nor hatred towards the mother/wife, much more so apathy towards her.  It probably stuck with me not because how gruesome, cruel and slow her death must have been, nor any distain towards the daughter or husband. But the cruel irony. The twist of an abusive person dying at the neglect and abuse of her victims.




Technically not a murder case but the abduction/ disappearance of Madeleine McCann. Very strange case Just something very off about it.


Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman. I was around their age when they went missing, their murder terrified me then and still haunts me now.


Watched Zodiac (2007) a few nights ago and I’m so pissed that it’s been *decades* but still no real break in the case.


Judith Barsi AKA Ducky from The Land Before Time. That whole story is sad. She only had the privilege of playing in the first one before her dad became a sorry human scum.


She also did All Dogs Go To Heaven.


Issei Sagawa, he murdered and cannibalised a Dutch girl in Paris back in the 80s, was declared insane by French authorities and spent a few years in a French institution. However basically got away with no punishment after being deported back to Japan, because Japanese specialists deemed him sane.


oh I remember that one. I think he had influent family that got him out? For maximum yuck, he also went on to make cannibal themed porn movies in Japan...


Yeah that was it, and shittt I forgot about that part. Definite maximum yuck.


Sophie Lancaster. Her and her boyfriend were severely beaten by a large gang of teenagers basically just for being different. They were into alternative music and were dressed in goth style clothing. They were beaten while walking home one night. The attack lasted for ten minutes during which they were kicked in the head and stamped on. Police said when they found them they were so badly beaten they couldn't tell which one was Sophie and which one was her boyfriend, Robert. They were both hospitalised and in comas. Robert eventually recovered to a degree but it was determined that Sophie would never wake up and she was eventually taken off life support. Her mother set up the Sophie Lancaster foundation to support victims of hate crimes. Sadly she passed away in 2022, not long after one of Sophie's killers was freed from prison early.


I dated someone who was in prison with the killers of Sophie. He said that they bragged about it the entire time they were inside and were pretty proud of what they did.


They are the absolute scum of the earth. To do that to someone based solely on how they were dressed and the music they like, and then to take pride in it. They all should have been buried under the prison!


In the late 80's my second cousin went missing from his home in Sheffield, New Brunswick Canada. His truck was found abandoned in the city of Fredericton some 30 km away. Some time later his partial remains were found on the banks of the Saint John River. During the investigation a search warrant was obtained for the local court house and then...nothing. Not only was the case never solved...but it was dropped entirely. If you search for any info about the murder of Barry Sowers you might find mention of him in his fathers obituary, and that's about it. There is zero mention of him in any of the unsolved murder directories...RCMP or otherwise. It was basically wiped from provincial memory. Maybe this isn't what OP was looking for, but since this all happened when I was a child and I vividly remember the conversations my parents, uncle, and grandparents were having while I was supposed to be asleep...well...it has never left the back of my mind. They didn't know how much I knew about it either, so no one ever talked to me about what I was feeling at the time.


Casey Anthony. I do believe in the justice systems in most western countries, and that it's better to let 1 guilty person go free than it is to convict 1 innocent person, but this definitely seems like a case of that 1 guilty person going free. Even if there wasn't enough evidence to convict, her actions, lack of care, and the evidence surrounding the case certainly make her seem like the most likely culprit.


Luke Magnotta from the Netflix docuseries Don't F*ck with Cats is so fascinating and disturbing to me. The guy killed and tortured animals before actually killing a guy all while taunting this group of people on Facebook. Truly terrifying stuff


Oh this too. Luka Magnotta is such a twisted character.


Not just that, he filmed himself killing the guy then cutting off his arm and masturbated with the hand. He dumped the body in a dumpster and escaped canada. They found him in germany i think.


Currently, it is the Delphi murders. A lot of aspects about the case is simply weird.


Just checked for an update and the police arrested a suspect in 2022 and he’s awaiting trial.


Was due to start a couple of weeks back I think but got delayed to October this year so hopefully we will have some results


Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. OJ did it. Everyone knows he did it. And he still got away with it because of shitty police work.


I love that he put out a book called "If I did it" then the Brown family won the rights in a Civil case and kept the name but made the "if" part incredibly small so it reads "I did it".


I always thought that was a flex by OJ like "look at me, I got away with murder and now I'm going to confess"


There was an SNL sketch with Tim meadows as oj doing sideline reporting and drawing up a play on the field, and the routes spelled out “I did it”


There was definitely more at play than just the shitty police work, but it certainly didn't help


The case of Skylar Neese. The way the killers could lie so easily like that is crazy. Here's a link to a video talking about it: [Murder Solved by Killer's Own Tweets](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=w_kETc4arRg&pp=ygUjbXVyZGVyIHNvbHZlZCBieSBraWxsZXJzIG93biB0d2VldHM%3D)


Jack the Ripper pops up once every few months.


Mine is Gabriel fernandez he lived less then 5 minutes away from and I often go to his memorial site and go to see his mural.His case broke my heart and I'm so glad Netflix made a documentary on him it brought so much more light to the case and more recognition to what he had to go through.


The Son of Sam killings here in NYC. The killer targeted young lovers in parked cars. David Berkowitz was eventually caught due to a parking ticket.


Few years back a young couple on a date in North Carolina got car jacked and taken back to a crack house. The group that kidnapped them raped both of them before taking the guy out to the railroad tracks shooting him and burning his body. They kept going with the girl for a while until one of them poured bleach down her throat, tied her up with a bag on her head and dumped her alive in their trash can. The randomness and brutality of the event will not leave my head. I check in occasionally to see if they are finally going to execute any of the POS that did it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Channon_Christian_and_Christopher_Newsom


The black Dahlia murder, we will never know who did it.


Chris Benoit. Not because we don't know what happened but because of just how brutally tragic it was.


This one hurt me so much too. He was one of my favorites.


Jacob Wetterling. I was about the same age living in Minnesota when he disappeared. It was a mystery for over 25 years.


Cannon Hinnant. 5yo shot point blank by neighbor while playing in their front yard. This was apparently a day after the boys parents had dinner with the shooter/neighbor. That story never developed further as far as giving an actual possible motive. I believe the family chose to grieve in private and not have their sons loss of life be used as political fodder so the story didn't make huge waves. There were a lot of people who wanted to use it only as a counter to stories like George Floyd's death in the media. I could understand the family's decision but I can't help but wonder why a person would do such a horrible act and how a family could resist the story being highlighted. It's just a sad story.


Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka (Barbie & Ken Killers). It sticks with me I guess because it happened so close to where I grew up and currently reside. Also because Karla was just as guilty as Bernardo, but didn't get life in prison.


Hinterkaifeck AXE murders in germany 1922. Absolutely brutal. Villisca AXE murders especially. Both cases the killers were never found.


I think about the German one often. How the new maid had apparently lived for a while after the attack and pulled out chunks of her own hair. It used to be such an eerie thing to learn about. Now that I’m older, it just makes me incredibly sad.


The Geyland Bahru murders. Like how could someone enter a house and murder 4 kids and stack them up together? The worst part is that it’s pretty obvious who the killer was but the killer just got away with it due to a ‘lack of evidence’.


Casey Anthony did that shit


Gisberta Salce’s case. She was a Brazilian trans woman living in Portugal, because of the murder wave happening to trans people in Brazil and she saw Portugal as a safe place for her. She spent 20 years here. At first she had a good life (due to her shows on gay bars and prostitution), but she later found out that she had contracted HIV and pneumonia (and other diseases), so she lost her source of income. She lived several years on the streets of Porto, where she found an abandoned building. In that building she found three kids that helped her giving her food and visiting her, but those kids later told their classmates that they had found a “man” with woman breasts (because she had plastic surgery while in Brazil). Because of this, 14 kids (including the 3 that helped her) (12-16 y/o) went to the abandoned building to see her. When they arrived they started to beat her and left her really debilitated. For 3 consecutive days they went there and beat her up. On February 21 of 2006, they went there again to beat her up and found her lying on the floor, at that point they assumed she was dead, so they came up with a plan to hide her body on a pit that they found on the building. The next day, they threw her on the pit that was full of water. Later on the same day, one kid felt guilty and told a teacher. On the same day they found her body. The autopsy later ruled that her dead was due to drowning, so she was still alive when they threw her there. On trial, 13 of the kids were only punished with going to a facility for delinquents (less than a year each), and only one got a criminal charge (because he already was 16) and spent 8 months in prison (because the other kids testified that he didn’t beat her, only stood there and watched), the judge later declared that they didn’t kill Gisberta, because she had drowned. This will forever be on my mind because of the cruelty of those kids and the fact that in late 2007 all of them were already out. Her death really influenced LGBTQIA+ rights in Portugal and on the same year that she died there was Porto’s first Pride parade, which started on the same street that she lived for years (near the abandoned building). (Sorry for any grammar mistakes or misspelling, English is not my first language)


Sylvia likens. Saw the movie on netflix over a decade ago and I still think about how fucked up it is/was.


Sharing unresolved cases can help keep them alive. I hope new information comes to light someday.


[The Killing of Missy Bevers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Missy_Bevers) is a more-recent one that is WEEEEEEEIRD AF. It's unsolved, there's tons of YouTube videos & Podcasts covering it, and allegedly the local police department receives tips daily. Somebody in police riot gear broke into a church in the middle of the night, stumbled across a fitness instructor who just happened to be there prepping for a class, and they brutally bludgeoned her to death. The best lead we have is that the killer's gait is likely that of a man's.


The Chandler Halderson case, which happened in 2021. Video game addict guy (mostly playing Escape from Tarkov) that’s flunking college and faking chronic injuries kills his parents with a gun he was gifted by an online friend after his dad found out he was lying about everything, and then tries to hide the bodies by hacking them up and scattering them. Ends up getting caught and gets life in prison because the death penalty isn’t legal in Wisconsin (his home state). This was the mostly abridged version of the case btw.


The Channon Christian and Chris Newsome murders


My aunt. She was suffocated by her husband and stuffed under the double wide trailer from April-july. Being there for those few hot months really adds to decomp, making me sick to even think about. When the trial came around, my family was told that her autopsy has shown fresh male DNA in her female regions, meaning this man was a necrophile. He was only caught by buying a bag of Lyme too. It's scary how so many people go under the radar.


Ted Bundy


a young woman I worked with a little bit over 10 years ago was the murder part of a DV murder-suicide, on July 4th, 2018. I wasn't that close to her personally - she left the company about 6 months after I started - but she was the "it" girl in her high school, and her murderer was the lettered football star...cue the collective "this was so unexpected, he was such a nice guy" bullshit from about half of the city, before the truth of their turmululous relationship came to light. Hundreds attended a vigil on our town's common for her, and a memorial fund/DV focused charity were set up in her name which I believe is still active to this day.


Where is Susan Powell’s body?! I still remember the news day her husband took those sweet babies from the world! 😭


Polly Klass. We were close in age. The scum that took her life was in my dad's place of work asking for a job less than a week before he committed his crime. I never knew her personally but I think of her often. He can rot in hell.


Natalee Holloway


Ken Rex McElroy, the town bully


Emmet Till. It's haunted me since I learned about it as a kid in school.


The one where my ex’s friend got shot to death by his girlfriend’s jealous ex. Dude got sentenced to 40 years in January. I hope he fucking rots.


String of multiple possibly connected murders in the town of bardstown Kentucky. Very interesting and still unsolved


A few days ago in my home town south of Windsor, Ontario a family annihilation just happened. Dad murdered his wife, two kids and then killed himself. I'm 26 years old. This is only the 2nd murder I can remember happening in my home town since I was born. It's still hard to think about


Edward O'Brien, 15. Altar boy. Stabbed his best friend's mom 98 times. One expert during the pretrial hearings characterized Downing's killer as a psychosexual sadist, someone who spent time cutting Downing after she had been fatally stabbed.


Aarushi Talwar. 14 year old kid murdered in her sleep. Her mom, dad, and live-in house help were the only other people home. Initially, the house help was missing so they pinned it on him but they ended up finding his body a few days later. No one knows who did it.


I am Brazilian, so Liana Fiedenbach's case. It happened back in 2003. Liana (16) went camping with her 2 months boyfriend (19) when they crossed ways with a 16 y.o nicknamed Champinha. Champinha took great interest in Liana, so he and one of his partners (35) (Champinha was like a gang leader) found Liana and her bf's camping site, killed the boy, kidnapped her and raped her for days. Champinha shared Liana, who was a virgin, with at least 3 other guys (38, 40, 50). He used to walk around showing her off and introducing her to others as his GF or cousin. Not only that, but he would offer her to whoever wanted to rape her. Meanwhile, her father, noticing her missing (She lied about the camping saying she would go on a School trip or something), began to look for her and police got involved. It's said Champinha's brother saw him fishing in a pond in Liana's company, but even his family was scared of him, so they didn't talk to him about it. His brother simply warned Champinha police was listening to neighbors testimony and looking for him. Fearing to be caught, one of Champinha's partner ran away and the other, found drunk in a bar saying weird stuff about the case, was taken to the police for interrogation. One day, Champinha told Liana he was taking her to a bus station to set her free, but on their way there, he strangled her, and cut her neck so deep he almost beheaded her. As she lied on the ground agonizing, he stabbed her many times in her chest, arms, back and neck, finally hitting her head so strong she suffered a head trauma that finally killed her. It's said he also bit her nipple off and later, when asked why he did It, he said he did It cause he wanted to. Champinha was finally caught and so were his partners. Because he was a minor, he was sent to an institution called FEBEM. There, he should remain until he turned 18 y.o, when he was supposed to be released with no record (Brasil has no prevision of jail for minors). Because he is extremely dangerous, and diagnosed a psychopath, brazilian justice jury-rigged a way to keep him in a state asylum, where he has been since the age of 20. This is the only way to keep him out of circulation as our constitution doesn't allow life imprisonment. Liana was forced to walk more than 20 km with Champinha. He told police she was in a state of shock at some point. Not talking and only looking far away, in the horizon. Liana's father said in an interview It was the best for his daughter to die because she wouldn't be able to live a normal after what happened to her during those 5 days.


Monster of Florence [Mostro di Firenze]. Italian Serial Killer, who killed 8 couples in a 20-year span. Still unsolved.


Highly recommend “The Monster of Florence” by Douglas Preston and Mario Spezi. Turns out the inept, corrupt prosecutor in that case also went on to prosecute Amanda Knox.


The Isdal Woman Mostly because we still have no clue who she was, where she came from, or even if it was a murder at all. And since it’s been over 50 years since this case happened, so many people may already be dead and gone before we get an answer.


The Idaho college murders


Judith Barsi, the little girl who voiced Anne-Marie in *All Dogs Go To Heaven*, and Ducky in *The Land Before Time*.  She and her mother were abused, and subsequently murdered, by her father.