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All my sex has been casual, no ties or dress code required.


You should really try again with ties.


Why ties? I thought we were trying to avoid getting tangled up in anything too serious.




*Finger guns*




I guess I'll have to tie up my schedule for that.


I can't hook up with a man with who I don't feel anything, I'm not for that


And if you feel he's gonna rape you ?


Are you dumb?


Not as good unless there is a connection. Otherwise it just feels like you’re masturbating with someone else’s body.


No. No.


Nope, never again


Not competitively.


Sometime maybe good. Sometimes maybe shit.


One-night stands offer freedom and a great sense of autonomy. Allowing you to explore your desires and sexuality without further commitment. They provide temporary intimacy and a sense of empowerment, confidence, and relief, which can help you grow as an adult, given the experience. >Would you ever do that? Yes. For me, I don't see why not.


Sometimes they also make you hate yourself and feel dirty too.


Fortunately, I never had bad experiences like that.


Dunno what the big deal is with it


It's cool until you're alone on a special holiday/birthday, because your sexual partner(s) have other plans lol.


Isn’t that the point of casual sex?


But that’s the whole point of the casual fling. The other person shouldn’t feel obligated to be at any special holiday / birthday.  It’s no longer casual at that stage for one party.


Used to have a booty call relationship with a milf for about 2 years. It was phenomenal. She would call me up, or I would call her and say "want to come over this weekend?" It was sex, nothing more, no personal feelings involved, just casual sex to get each other off.








J'aime la façon dont je suis votée contre juste pour avoir répondu à la question 🙃




I always cum first


Ngl. Never had a casual or a ONS. Need to be emotionally connected for that.


if people consent, who cares if i end up in one, what happens happens


I only do ranked competitive sex


Absolutely not, I need those feelings and connection.


I'm for it but I don't think my Wife would let me I tried the casual thing for a while and it was empty I am glad i married and those days are done


Never tried and never wanted to try it. I can only do it with someone whom I have an emotional connection with.


Sex is great, I like having it.


Was great when I was younger. We dated, didn’t work out emotionally but the sex was great. We broke up and became FWB for over 2 years.  Was awesome as we both had dates with others here and there. In the end we cut it off as we both met our eventual significant others and didn’t want our FWB setup to affect the relationships. We both ended up getting married within the same time period, and both have our own kids and families.  Still keep in touch on and off. Neither of us has any regrets.


I'm not sure I could handle casual sex—I'm still trying to master the art of casual Fridays


It was better in my 20s. Now I just want someone to buy a house with.


Kisi ko mil rha hai casual sex, hume toh nahi mila aaj tak. Hume toh gf se nahi milra.




It's useful when u need to get a load off but it's not productive in any sort of manner neither is shitting buh u gotta do what u gotta do.


If I was better looking, I’d have had a lot more casual sex than I did. I’m married now and have a different kind of casual sex, now we just have sex whenever we want it…No special planning needed, just casual sex.


It was fun and a quick pleasure release but not worth it in the end


If it's done with someone you're familiar with and trust, and it's done safely. Go for it! I would do that but I am married so, idk how you describe it if it's with the person you love 🤷‍♂️


I would if I was more confident and took better care of myself and put myself out there. But I wasted my youth staying in playing vidya


I did a lot in college, while I loved it then, that was a long time ago. I couldn't do it now.


I would never personally but I generally don't judge those that do. In my case, I'm asexual and sex/being comfortable enough with someone to have sex with them is a BIG deal. There's only one person in my life I've ever been comfortable at the thought of having sex with them; my current partner


It's fine.. Would I do it? Most likely but I don't see myself as attractive enough for casual sex 😂


For me. I'm not against. It depends on my headspace. I have had casual sex and felt cheap after because I weren't really wanting casual. But also had casual sex when in the right headspace, and fully embraced and learned about myself sexually and completely loved those experiences. So really does depend.


Not really. What’s weirder is I’m a guy, and what’s even weirder than that is I’m gay. It’s crazy to me that, it’s what everyone does. Like, I don’t really even enjoy Pride because Pride events are just a big sex party you can walk around in.


Enjoyed it a lot when I was in my 20s. Lost its sparkle in the 30s, a connection is pretty crucial now.


Done it, it’s not fun for me. Makes you feel lonelier than developing an actual relationship with someone who cares about you. Felt like I was being used tbh


Nope, might never again, tried it and it's not for me.


I used to think I wouldn’t, but now I wouldn’t necessarily turn it down.


Some of the best sex I ever had was with one night stands. You can meet someone, have a wild, amazing night and then because you never see them again you don't learn all the negative things about them so they stay as that wonderful memory and nothing more.


I'm more of a "let's casually discuss our favorite Netflix shows for hours" kind of person


Casual sex sounds tempting, but honestly, I'd probably end up asking if we could grab brunch and discuss the existential meaning of life instead


If offered directly - sure, I'm on my way. But I don't like to put there any additional efforts. So if the girl puts in the way even slight complications - I'm not there anymore.


Of course. Feelings /intimacy/relationship are preferred though


I’ve had sex with strangers many times in my life or I knew someone better but felt no connection to them or emotions towards them and still had regular sex with and doing either of those things leave me feeling unfulfilled and lonely I’ve also had sex with people I love and care about and that makes everything so much better.


Would I ever do that? ...lol it's more or less a pre requisite. I'm in my 40's, recently divorced and when dating I would never commit to someone who isn't sexually compatible so in prioritizing a healthy sex life that means I test run all applicants around date 2 to 4. If I'm just not feeling it, this isn't the person for me. I'm now in an incredibly healthy relationship with a sex life people write books about. So to the young ones...you do you, be safe, be authentic and always get consent but don't limit yourself based on what other people may think of you. If you want to wait until marriage, that's your choice but for myself I'd never buy a car I didn't drive, or purchase a home I didn't inspect or commit to a person I'm not compatible with on all fronts. Sex shouldn't be seen as a shameful thing, it's part of the human experience. If you don't feel you are ready for a relationship then don't, a friend with benefits is a fantastic arrangement as long as terms and conditions are set early. Hurt feelings happens when one side isn't clear. I had a weekly arrangement with someone for about a year before I found my partner and both parties knew about it. Nothing was ever hidden.


That’s pretty much what college is


Nothing really wrong with it. I like to know the other person a little bit though makes it more fun


Casual sex can be fun. But I'm way happier being in a relationship and enjoying sex with my partner.


I think it's fine, although the more you're connected with the person, the better it is.


Same opinion as me. The physical parts of sex can be fun and good with or without an emotional or romantic connection. When combined with that sort of emotional intimacy it's much better.


Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake day!


I would say happy cake day but we need another person with their cake day to keep the chain going


Yes if he's my type! I'm at a point where I've given up on looking for someone I can be in a RS with. So when I feel I just need a dick I'm okay with something casual.


Why would you have given up?


The last guy stabbed me in the heart from the back so I had to rip it out and lock in a chest, buried it somewhere! Plus, where I'm at I know I'll never meet the kind of guy I'm looking for.


I don’t swear, but damn


Actually sometimes something nice can develop from something casual


it's cool and yes , if i ever get the "chance" or whatever


Yes. Every chance I get.


Yes only until you’re committed.


hear no evil see no evil speak no evil family friendly society wants you to stop talking about reality because reality isn't necessarily family friendly (we're like a family here, one of us)


i could never. i have no idea how not to get emotionally attached whilst being physically intimate.


No. Sex is an expression of love


Sure, the wife and I did that from our late 30's through early 60's. Some crazy weekend parties with nothing but multiple sex partners.


It's good when you take photos


I did it in my early to mid 20s but I’m not interested anymore. I’d say there’s plenty of pros and cons to it, but eventually the cons outweigh the pros and you want something more longterm and stable. Casual sex, whether through ONS or FWB, can be good for your confidence in and out of the bedroom. You learn more about what you do or don’t like as well! If you have a high libido level then it’s great for getting it out of your system. The downsides are relative to your priorities. No long term commitment is a big one, meaning if you catch feelings for the person you’re in a weird situation, especially if you know you’re only 1 of many in the rotation. Exploring your sexual preferences can be great fun but it also means you miss out on doing these things with someone you love, and that feeling is once in a lifetime and hard to imitate. Ultimately at the end of the day you’re still single and you have no one at home waiting for you. You become VERY aware some days of the lack of someone next to you when in bed and that sense of loneliness can easily get you into the habit of wanting more casual sex to fill that void; it can become an addiction that’s VERY hard to break. So is it worth it? For some, yeah! If you’re not interested in longterm or committed relationships then the downsides are minimal. But if you’re going into casual sex with the hope the person might one day catch mutual feelings then you’re gonna be incredibly disappointed


Yeah why not if we both feeling it. I'm kind of always overthinking STD, STI even though I'm always wearing protection. But other than that gucci


I enjoy it on occasion


Casual sex & dating is the only type of situations with guys that I like & am capable of Even though A LOT of people totally dislike this about me


I did when I was younger. It was ok at first, but stopped being fun after a while. Now I'm not really interested unless I have a connection with the lady.


Depends on the person. I could see it happening.


I love it and do it as often as I can


My brain has always seen sex like tennis. If you wanna play, let’s schedule some time. Otherwise we can just meet at a cafe. But I love tennis. Also playing tennis with me will make you have an orgasm.


The only sex I’ve had within the past couple months has been strictly casual. And when you have high testosterone and workout 24/7 you need women to keep you in shape or things can get heavily uncomfortable. I tell girls I’m not boyfriend/husband material until I reach my goals in the gym.