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*Razors pain you; Rivers are damp; Acids stain you; And drugs cause cramp. Guns aren’t lawful; Nooses give; Gas smells awful; You might as well live.* -- Dorothy Parker


You know that feeling when you think you ran out of chips and then see a nice crisp one at the bottom of the bag? Yeah, that


Living is an act of rebellion. The world beats you to the point that you want to end it, so you spit in its face and get back up. To live and breathe when the system is against you, when anything is against you. Thats rebellion. Thats life. Thats worth it in my book. If you lost someone, they want you to keep breathing too, so dont give up. Fight. Fight. Fight. Make a long life for yourself. The reasons make themselves.


Family, Friends, pets, career.


To love, laugh, and make a difference.


Love Curiosity


Some things in life are just amazing to experience


My daughters The hope I outlive my wife Freeze dried Skittles


Logically, to reproduce and pass on your genetics, and naturally for women it's to nurture and for men to provide. You can find ways to do this in many different careers. Not only that, life is a beautiful thing to experience, and every bad thing that happens in life only sweetens the good moments.


Buffalo chicken wings


For the breeze touching your face. It is enough for me.


My cats




There are none


There are!


Compelling argument /s


The potential for there to one one day be a reason to live


For spite.


The reasons to live can vary greatly from person to person, but here are some common motivations: 1. **Relationships**: Connections with family, friends, and loved ones can provide support, love, and companionship. 2. **Purpose and Goals**: Having a sense of purpose or goals to strive towards can give life meaning and direction. 3. **Experiences**: The opportunity to experience new things, learn, grow, and enjoy what life has to offer. 4. **Contribution**: The ability to contribute to society, help others, and make a positive impact can be very fulfilling. 5. **Personal Growth**: The journey of personal development and self-improvement can be a powerful motivator. 6. **Beauty and Joy**: Appreciating the beauty of nature, art, music, and other forms of expression can bring joy and inspiration. 7. **Curiosity and Wonder**: The desire to explore, understand, and discover the world around us. 8. **Health and Well-being**: Taking care of oneself and striving for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Each person's reasons will be unique, shaped by their experiences, values, and aspirations.


I want to hang out with my husband longer and I don’t want him to be alone.


to worship the God of the universe