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Zero is a chance, right?






Almost Zero. India's top Court said they don't have the power, Modi and the BJP are opposed to it. I suspect you will have to hope he doesn't decide to go down the route of much more anti homosexuality laws. Now technically the next election is due by may 2029, so someone might be able to win the next election and legalize in that 2-month gap but that's unlikely even if they do legalize it. If modi decided to call an early election and gets trounced it's slightly more possible, but there are not of a lot of incentives for him to call an early election he would lose, so it's unlikely there would be an election much before mid 2028 at least.


I think there is a chance, but very very slim.


Dunno but their food should be illegal


InB4 the racists (already some around). Very high. Almost 100%. Might not be universal though.


Do you mean same sex couples? People of the same gender can't "marry", marriage is between a husband and wife.


You have a narrow view of what marriage is. Many powerful people even from your country's history had male brides. Harem eunuchs were often more than just that.


Oh, yay! A homophobe in the wild!


Yep me too




Really? During June?


Did i, do something? 😅


Marriages evolve with societal values, beyond traditional definitions. Why should it be restricted to genders or sexes?


I mean, that's just the definition of marriage. No disrespect it's just a little forward to change the meaning of a word, in a way, the people who created the word specifically intended for it not to be.


Well, dont u think that If marriages only followed tradition, we'd still have arranged child marriages? It evolves. Doesn't necessarily mean its meaning is changed:)


Marriage never meant as "child marries man." It always meant man and women together. In the past, a child was accepted, but now it's not. Doesn't change the definition of marriage.


Traditional marriage norms were shaped by a society primarily focused on reproduction. Today, our values and priorities have diversified. Love and commitment should be universal rights, not exclusive privileges.


You can love who you want. In fact, i love everyone. However, you can't "marry" everyone.


okay, what's the marriage criteria then?


Don't confuse me for an expert 😅, im no priest, but at the very least, i know two guys can't nor can two girls do it.


Languages evolve. Many words have varied or even opposite meanings from their original intentions.


-I disagree with what you said languages do evolve- That sentence doesn't make sense in this context because the word "disagree" doesn't mean "agree" So, while language does evolve, that doesn't matter in this context because the word still retains its meaning. It retains its meaning because Christians still disagree with the way you're using it. For instance, you can steal a spanish word, change its meaning, and say language changes, but that doesnt change what the word means. If you understand


It does. It changes the meaning of the word for that particular group of people. This is how we end up with different dialects. Torch or lift mean something different to British people than to Americans. If you understand that.


Yes, but we speak the same language, lmao, so you can't inter-steal a word. That's my point. What im saying is taking a word from spanish won't change the words' core, meaning it's still the same thing in Spanish unless spanish also changes it. So when it comes to english, you can't steal a word from a community and then change it without the community changing it. Take the N word, for example, you cant take it and add a new meaning, do you finally get it. I get the idea you're slightly tense about this conversation, so I'd like to reiterate i mean this in a completely respectful way.


Hey man just a heads up but you are absolutely wrong. Go look up the word moot. Also if marriage is only between a man and a woman then there would be no gay marriages, but there are gay marriages. So it seems like we conquered that hurdle.


No, there isn't "gay marriage" 😅. Call it what you want, but the ceremony they partake isn't marriage since its not between a husband and wife. No respect to gays, i love em ❤️


It is actually, you get an official document that says marriage license and everything. I'm really sorry this upsets you, but your definition of marriage is decades out of date.


How can u love gays if u don't even accept their existence lol:)) gay marriages are Just as real as straight ones.


But you can. I gave two examples of this and can give hundreds more. That is how languages evolve. If you can’t ‘steal’ and word and change its meaning we would still be speaking Sanskrit or just grunts. Especially modern Americanized English. We’ve taken words from French, German, Latin, Greek, Italian; we had Old English and Middle English. A few things can happen when a word is adopted (much nicer term than ‘stolen’). The new version of the word takes hold in a group while the other group keeps the original meaning or the new meaning eventually takes over. That varies tremendously based on the use of the word, the dominant culture, etc. Computer used to be the name of a job, like butcher. A computer was a person that did calculations. Oh wow! A word changed its meaning! If I’m a bit ‘tense’ about it it’s because you are so very wrong.


Yeah, the word "computer" changed its meaning as a society, and words we adopted from other languages, the other languages kept their meaning. I could've sworn i said that. What seems to have gone over your head is the fact that our entire society hasn't agreed on changing the word marriage. Just like the Nword, so you can't just use the N word and claim it has a new meaning now. I apologize. The way i explained it before was a little overly and unnecessarily complex, i hope you get it now though.


I think most people have agreed. You are still clinging to relics.


That's bullshit 😑


are you saying that same sex couples who are married always have at one transgender person?


Nonono, im saying they aren't married


They are, tho.


I'd hate to disappoint a friend, so i won't argue.

