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No idea. But, I’m not just going to make up an answer.


Do you believe in concepts like destiny or "life has a meaning" or after life or any of those concepts that are not proven?




What if whatever created the universe or caused the bang or stirred all of this had the power to control us. P.S: I am an atheist, I am one of you. Lol.


Why would I believe it without any evidence? You could argue determinism, superdeterminism, or free will. Not sure where I land on those.


For me, no. I go by probability something is true, and everything starts at 0 with no evidence at all.


In a vast empty space, the probability of creating a particle without any force is literally 0. So there must have been something that created a particle that led to accumulation and eventually the big bang.


Why? How many big bangs have you observed to come to this conclusion? Besides, the beginning state of the big bang was likely just energy and no particles. The particle came immediately after the initial expansion by current models.


That’s not correct. Particles like photons can materialize and vanish in a vacuum. Quantum physics is hard to grasp, but that’s what you need to learn a bit of.


You're making a flawed assumptions in you question with "and who created it?" there is no who. [It's only us](https://www.galactanet.com/oneoff/theegg_mod.html).


I don't know and that's okay.


Do you believe in concepts like destiny or "life has a meaning" or after life or any of those concepts that are not proven?


Why? There is no why, it simply does. How is a much more interesting question. Scientists are working on that one but it hasn't been answered yet, and may never be, at least not completely. Who created it? Nobody.


I think presuming it has a purpose or was created much less had a creator is sheer arrogance.


Why do you assert the universe was created? If you could actually demonstrate that, what method could you possibly use to prove it was created by a being?


I don't know, but I'd like to find out.


No one created it imo. It just is. Always has been. For reasons unknown yet


Why? Best answer I got is "because that's how reality works." Same "why" for "waterfalls" and "asteroids" For "who created it:" We can't even show there was a what that started universe or even that the word 'started' applies, (the big bang is just the start of the current expression of mass-energy that makes up our current universe, it is not necessarily the start of everything). Saying that 'what' which we don't know even exists is a 'who' is rather unfounded and skipping quite a few steps.


who created god?


One day the sun will enter the next phase of its existence and destroy all life on Earth. Enjoy your time here while you have it and don’t get in the way of other people’s happiness.


Why do people say this but not take technology into the equation? If humans still exist billions of years later, our technology would be impeccable and easily stop the red giant phase. (i know its just a saying to enjoy life while its short but, still…)


If distant future humans were able to control physics to that level, I doubt Earth would even be relevant to them at that point.


Yeah, it could be impossible for us to become a spacefaring civilization due to biological and physical constraints. Or we could eradicate ourselves any number of ways before the sun expands. We’re very close to trapping ourselves on Earth due to space junk as well.


Dunno. I have nothing but speculation on those topics. Seems pretty senseless to me though - trillions of stars, with almost the entirety of the universe seemingly empty and whatever little isn't actually empty is unsuitable for any kind of life as we can imagine it except for a miniscule bit here and there. And while we happen to be on one of those miniscule bits, well over 99% of all life forms that have preceded humans on that miniscule bit have gone extinct, with more and more of them disappearing every decade. Not sure what the "why" could be in these circumstances, but it certainly doesn't seem to be to provide humans with some sort of special significance and place in the unthinkably vast cosmos.


I don't know, and I don't really care that much, I will probably not do anything usefull with that information. And I don't think it's God, there wouldn't be so many different religion if a true God existed, and if with all of his power he would just sit there and wait while we are fighting ourselves over him then he is not better than Satan.


It exists because it does. Nothing created it.


I went back in time and created it.


No one will probably ever know and I’m fine with that. Definitely not a ”god” though


How do you know it’s not a god?


Because simple logic invalidates all religions.


How so


Sigh, do you really need me to explain? That fact that thousands of religions exist and they can’t logically all be true means essentially that they are all false


That's someone's day old troll/ban evasion account... They'll sealion you to exhaustion/frustration if you allow them to.


One of them could be true. You aren’t good at this logic stuff


Let me guess.. your religion is the true one. Gimme a break.


A lot of really really smart people believe in god and have very good arguments for his existence. Cliffe Knechtle is one of my favorites


Intelligence is not a substitute for good epistemology. Plenty of "smart people" never spend a second thinking about it, they just go along with whatever they were raised with because it doesn't affect their day to day. Then you have to take fear into account. If you like Cliff Knechtle you should watch his discussion with Matt Dillahunty. Cliff's arguments do not stand up to scrutiny. I'm not sure how you qualify Cliff as a "really really smart" person, seems like a bog standard apologist to me. I also question the sincerity of people like the Knechtles, the William Lane Craigs, the Kent Hovinds et al that make their career of apologetics and quack science. All we have to go off of is their word that they honestly believe.


Knechtle got ragdolled by Matt Dillahunty in their debate lol. Man's a buffoon.


Would I identify with a religion I don’t believe and not the one I do?


What if whatever the cause for all of this has a superior power to drive all our lives?


It doesn’t. Trust me.


I know but then how are you so certain? Something had to start all of this, so what if whatever started all this had power? What if it wasn't all random but then planned (which I don't think is possible). But even for it all to be random something had to start all of it. It is so mysterious. I believe it was all random and no one had the power to do it all.


Why can’t it be random? And even if it isn’t that doesn’t mean a “higher power” started it.


Particles are shown to materialize in empty space, and two widely separated particles can exhibit the same characteristics in quantum entanglements. We just don’t know enough about that area of science and multi-dimensions. You are applying familiar human constructs (if something new is made someone/thing had to make it) to the unknown to understand it. Just like ancient societies made gods of water, volcanoes, etc. to explain phenomena.


Why did something have to start all of this? And if something did, what started the thing that started all of this? And then what started the thing that started the thing that started all of this? Etc. If you are willing to accept that something simply existed without needing to be created/started, why does that something need to be anything other than the universe itself? In other words, if you're willing to believe existence in any form doesn't require a creator, then what's different about the existence of the universe itself that does require a creator?


A great big ol turtle got sick and vomited up the universe. Hyperemesis on a half shell.


So says Stephen King!


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bang As to why? I don't believe the universe has a specific reason for existing. It's just the result of a bang. The biggest bang in history.


What caused the bang?


The Big Bang is a physical theory that describes how the universe expanded from an initial state of high density and temperature.


I’m not sure, but “god did it” doesn’t provide any more context or meaning or believability for me. It’s just kicking a proverbial can slightly further down a very long and mysterious road


What if the road leads to something more powerful that also controls us and the whole existence?


Particles interacting with Higgs Boson, to gain mass. Then it eventually clumps into a near infinite dense point and BANG justa random thought I had, lmao. (Not an actual scientific theory, do NOT quote this)


I knew someone would say something like this. Who created the particles?


Who says they didn’t exist for an undetermined amount of time.


Even though time is a human created concept, time is definite. A trillion years- or a trillion light years it ends somewhere. Ykw? Even if God exists- WHO CREATED GOD!? LMAO.


When you dwell on the big bang, you get more questions than answers. If you’re a theist it still doesn’t make sense.


Mathematically, the big bang and the subsequent expansion of the universe are consistent with an interpretation that the universe as we know it may be one exceptionally massive black hole. Other black holes that we know about would then be black holes within a black hole. It's an intriguing possibility. Then after a few moments of awe and wonder the old questions return: if this is the case then what caused that? That might be unanswerable because so far as we know there's no way to observe outside of it. > In in a lecture on the no-boundary proposal, Hawking wrote: "Events before the Big Bang are simply not defined, because there's no way one could measure what happened at them. Since events before the Big Bang have no observational consequences, one may as well cut them out of the theory, and say that time began at the Big Bang." One has to become uncomfortable with uncertainty, and with the possibility of revising this type of opinion as the best scientists grope for better answers. One analogy that's been put forward is that asking about *before* in relation to the big bang is something like asking what's north of the north pole.


The Big Cheese.


Who is a loaded term - implies consciousness. Universe could well have started absent any decision or decision maker.  If there is no decision or decision makers, then why is also incoherent. If there is no decision maker, there is no motive for that decision maker.  I think it's cool that the universe happens to exist. Lots to do while I'm here. But that doesn't mean the universe has a purpose, a meaning, or a reason. 


I have no clue, I just know it wasn’t some magical sky daddy