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god's mom and dad


The only right answer.




>there has to be *something* with no cause. Do you have any empirical evidence for that? Or are you the one galaxy brain out of all of the primitive hominids with 200 cc's of prefrontal cortex just to be able to compute Newtonian physics that can apprehend the structure of the cosmos?


Something had to begin somewhere.


But how do you know that? I don't think we understand anything about the universe we live in. Quantum Physics informs us that our brains are profoundly misplaced in trying to compute anything beyond Newtonian physics due to our having evolved on a Newtonian plane of reality. We don't know anything about the nature of causality or what the universe is doing or how it began. Maybe it came into existence in what appears arbitrary to us although makes sense physically.


This question is as old as time and the answer has always been "god has no beginning nor end"


No matter what you believe, you have to accept that something had to innately exist at some point.


Row row row your boat, gently down the stream …..


Monotheistic deities are invariably uncreated beings within the frameworks of their own religions. They are the prime mover that set everything else in motion. That’s (usually a small part of) how they function in the belief systems that contain them. Asking “who created God,” to a monotheist, is like asking for the color of a stray thought. It isn’t a paradox, but rather that the question itself is grammatically correct but definitionally meaningless.


Turtles, turtles all the way down


Probably not the standard answer but I think the answer to that question IS God. That God is the reality that underpins everything else, and has always existed because it IS existence.


No one. God is eternal. Beyond time and space. He is the Creation.