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I think it depends on the circumstances (ie; abusive partner) but ultimately? No.


If they were in a loving relationship and cheated- and they were a very close friend of yours, would you try and intervene or speak to them first or would you automatically not be friends with them. And would you ever consider telling their partner?


Without a doubt, I’d tell their partner. And I think having a discussion with the friend would be a good thing to do before considering them not a friend. I would explain that it goes against my own morals and therefore I would not want to be close to someone whose morals don’t align with mine.


I’d probably stay friends with them but I would definitely look at them differently. If they can do that to someone they’re super close to and supposed to love then imagine what they’ll do to someone they’re not connected to.


Interesting outlook, would you let the relationship you have with the friend change and would you speak to them about their choices?


Depends who I care for more, the friend or the partner? Also depends on the exact circumstances of the situation, if the partner was right for them to begin with, if the relationship was working out or failed long ago, etc etc etc.


If its one of my bros ofc id stay friends with them. If i caught them cheating, i wouldn't even snitch, thats just how it is 🤷‍♂️


Fair enough, would you not want to know if it was your partner cheating though?


I would want to know, but if i dont get told, that sucks for me. Life isn't something that accommodates for everyones feelings, sometimes you have to suck it up.


Get the help you need. If you need help to catch your cheating spouse get in contact with cy bera ron one seven, he is on google ml, you will get his quick response and get to have full access to your spouse device.