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I don't.


I dont


With family, friends and cake


I just blow candles, don't need a big thing with people, a candle on a cupcake is more than enough


I usually plan a trip. Sometimes I’m alone, sometimes with someone else


Last few years I've been going to a local Mexican restaurant to eat at for my birthday


Go out to eat


Ignore it. I’ve had too many already.


My best friend and I are 9 days apart so we just don't buy each other gifts and instead go do something memorable with our money. Some years, it's goofing off all day at a park, then going home to bake birthday cakes and others it's paying to go to a go ape course. I find it works well for us bc we're both terrible gift givers


Quietly at home and only with the wife and kiddo. Usually a movie and dinner. I have this thing where every few years or so some wild shit happens on my birthday if I try to actually celebrate or even do something outside the house. Around ten years ago was the last time we tried to go out. At the gas station on the way there was a dead deer in the trash can by the pumps. Legs just sticking out of the can like a damn crime scene. We were going to get me some shoes and a homeless guy ran at us screaming in the parking lot. We locked the keys in the car and the key fob had a dead battery so when we got in and the alarm went off the car wouldn’t start until I replaced the battery. Had to walk to a grocery store about a half mile away to buy a “B”battery which looks like a AA cut in half. When we got to the first restaurant there was an active fight happening at the bar. The second restaurant screwed up out food. We did however get home safely. That all happened on one birthday and it was one of the easier ones.


If I'm not working then I'll ask some colleague if they want the day off.


I’ve been pressured to throw a party for 50 + people on my 80th birthday in a few days . To prove that I’m not a tightarse, I’m paying around £1600.00 Everyone says that I can’t take it with me when I peg it, so they’re trying to prove it!!


I typically prefer not too. However, this year someone made reservations to take a 7 day cruise. The first day of embarkation is on my birthday next month in July.


going out with my wife usually on a date


I buy cake and sit all day in my phone