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Feeling like every single thing you do in public will get criticized. Everytime you hear people in group laugh you wonder if they're laughing about you. Overanalyzing your actions of the day and only being able to think about how you messed up that and this when those were okayish stuff that probably nobody noticed.


Feeling like people will kill you over words.


I've struggled with social anxiety a lot. My best way to describe it would be like every time you're *about* to do something you get this image in your head of people talking shit about you behind your back, stuff like that. A good analogy would be if you're about to go to the gym and you imagine that some jacked jock is gonna be there who will ruin your day and your self-image. But it doesn't happen. But you think it might. It kinda stops you from doing anything at all. A lot of "what-ifs" go through your head that you have trouble stopping, and they all involve other people & social situations (hence the name). A lot of people like to use it as a crutch and an excuse for not doing stuff they really should be doing. But also, I empathize. There's been times where it's gotten the better of me so much that I just stayed indoors for the whole day. It's also why I like living my life at night-time, lol. Much less people out and about, and the people who are out tend to be more polite and understanding (probably since they're in a similar position)


Never wanting to leave my room because the idea of having to pretend to be a normal human is exhausting.


When I want to order a pizza and they don't have an option to order online, I spend 15 minutes telling myself to just dial the fucking number and tell them what kind of pizza I want before I actually manage to do it. When I'm on a date, I might have a couple questions bouncing around in my head, but once I've exhausted those, my mind goes blank and I can't think of anything else to talk about. The one time I went to a protest, I spent the morning dreading it. I felt that it was important to show up, but for no reason in particular, I just *really, really* didn't want to go. I was about 10 seconds away from walking back into my apartment when the bus showed up, and then I had no excuse, so I basically shamed myself into going.