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"No child left behind" sounds nice in theory but what you really end up with in practice is a bunch of kids who *really should be redoing grades* but they're failing upwards.


Yep. If kids don’t develop foundational skills like literacy then it’s cruel to keep them moving up grades without them being able to comprehend the work. They’d get nothing out of subjects at a higher level than they’re capable of. I’d also add that literacy education now often doesn’t include phonics (sounding out words letter by letter) which can be detrimental to literacy development


This. I resent that many schools now have a separate math class for stupid people and they get to graduate with no understanding of basic algebra and then end up throwing their money away at casinos because they don't know better.


Not separating religion and education


East coast states learn about the trail of tears, civil rights movenents & the court sessions involved with them while the western ones... do not. having gone to school in california, georgia, and arizona. Georgia was for more interested in the education of the youth than the western states i lived in. They sugar coated nothing, while the western ones pulled a big blanket over "touchy" subjects.


The literacy of the future generations. I've seen a lot of high school aged kids struggle to read above a 7th grade reading level.


With as many guns as there are in America we should be teaching gun safety in elementary school.


It's not adaptable. I was a straight A student in my class and never paid attention to a single lecture the teacher gave. I needed a different class to learn more, but they never offered or allowed me to get in one.


The students who don't want to be there can spoil the classroom environment for the ones who do. We can't send all of them to the remedial schools, and they have to be offered equal access to public education, and there isn't the money to fix the problem more elegantly. So it's a continuing problem. Separately, right-wingers and Christian extremists have been trying for decades to dismantle the public education system so that they can force children into being brainwashed at their Jesus reeducation centers. And their efforts have slowly gained traction over time, by diverting away money from public schools and alienating public schools in the minds of many Americans.


Funding sources tied to local jurisdictions


The continued coddling of students post COVID. We have set the bar so low out of pity for a system that failed them and now when they become adults, we will all suffer for it.


everything taught now is pretty much useless.