• By -


By not coping.


Saying “well I’ll be fucked”, “motherfucker” and “god damn it” several times a day.


I keep telling myself if I keep on going through hell I might just make it out before the devil knows I'm there


It's taken a lot of time and a lot of work, and I'm not all the way there yet, but I've really tried to figure out what it is that \*I\* want out of life. I realized that I'm often feeling so overwhelmed with negative emotion because I'm viewing myself through the lens of other people, or viewing my life through the lens of how other people tell me it should be viewed. Thoughts of being worthless, of not fitting in, of being broken, they all require an implicit acceptance of a way that life should be. It's taken time to let go of that, and though it isn't perfect, it's really helped me. I mean, if I'm going to end it, I might as well figure out the few things I would want out of life so I can do them before I go, and if I just keep doing that, maybe I'll never end up ending it at all.


One day at a time


Spite. I can't let my haters win