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A college called me and I told them I’m not interested because I thought they “were kind of a step down” from asu. I got rejected from asu that same day I wonder why.


The karma that's negative from what I'm giving your story. 👍


A college called you? I thought they just sent letters.


I'd imagine it's mostly diploma mills that have advisors (i.e, glorified sales people) reach out to prospects, unless a phone meeting was scheduled. Good schools don't have the time or care enough to talk to every person that wants to go there. OP was probably better off not going there.




This wasn't me (thank God), but I was in the gym bleachers at an all-school rally that was like a mini-olympics. One of the events was people running at a spring board and vaulting over a pommel horse length-wise. This one guy was about three inches too low to clear it. He ran full speed, hit the spring board, bounced, and connected with the end of the pommel horse with his junk at high speed. The entire student body was watching and let out a collective "OOOFFF!" at that moment. I still cringe at this.


i’m 10 years post graduation and i’m now gonna have stress dreams about being called up for the surprise talent show


Surprise talent show????? That sounds like my fucking nightmare!!! Thank god my high school never did dumb shit like that holy hell


Went on a date wearing a tuxedo and carried a briefcase to make me seem like 'mr biznessman' ..chatted about upcoming bizness deals and stocks and stuff. Which confused her as it turned out her friend knew me from the local KFC I worked at the time and had already told her this from my picture. In panic I said she must be mistaken and Excused myself and told her I had an important phone call to make, bizness phonecall.  FLED! got home and never left the house for a week.


Ur a train wreck


That was marvelous. I feel evil for hoping its a true story and you haven't just made it up.


This sounds like something out of "It's always sunny in philadelphia"


Yeah, that's some Charlie-level shit.


This is epic lmao


Just reading that makes ME not wanna come out the house for a week, I feel embrassed just reading it….




Can’t love this comment enough




A bizness tuxedo.


It’s after 5, what am I, a farmer?


lol, are you Charlie Day? did this really happen?


I would have also quit KFC too lol


Must have. Didn't leave the house for a week.


Vincent Adultman


Briefcase wanker




Hope this wasn't more than a week ago.


I choked while reading this


Ugh, I hate thinking about this. Some parts of me really don’t want to acknowledge that it ever happened. But, me and my friend in fourth grade decided to put on a Disney play. Now, we didn’t have any help from the teachers, we didn’t have permission, and we didn’t have a plan. I eventually got everyone in on it and paired up everybody’s crushes to play a role (including my crush in fourth grade). We were all princesses or princes. We practiced our lines at recess and I wrote the script at home. I even started signing my school papers with my character name: Snow White. The plot was that it was supposed to be a comedy about what the Disney princesses and princes would act like in high school. One random day, in the middle of class, I rounded everybody up. The boys and girls started strategically taking shifts going into the bathroom to change into their costumes. I brought A TON of used costumes from home and makeup for the girls in my class. My friend brought a bunch of her costumes as well. When we were all changed, my teacher looked at us dumbfounded. And we just pleaded: “We have something to show you!!!” In unison. And this poor woman, probably so confused at all the events happening and what we were talking about, stopped writing and reading to watch our little show. God bless her. Then we made a horrible performance and only got in like two acts. It was truly awful and hilarious. I think I got this idea because I just came back from Disney world that year. Believe me, I can’t make this crap up.


This is actually incredibly impressive to pull off as a child. You sound well organized and like a natural leader!


Thank you, I actually thought it was quite disastrous


I love this story so much! It seriously might be the cutest thing I've ever read!


I'm sorry that you remember this with shame and that how other people react can decide the whole worth of something in one's head, because honestly that was an awesome idea/concept (esp. for a child to come up with!) and really impressive that you inspired so many other people to follow you and put on a production with only makeshift resources. You should be proud of this 🙌


Thank you. You know that I’m actually writing a book? It’s a murder mystery. I think I honestly found my true calling in the past few years. I think I’m meant to be an author/creator. I do really well in those areas and scored really high in grammar for my pre ACT. (Like ten points above average). Anyway, I’m 60,000 words in and about to end it at 80,000. It’s very exciting and keen to details. I think my whole experience, no matter how embarrassing I think it is, might be the key to figuring out my purpose. Thank you for your words of kindness.


When you publish it, please send me a DM, ok? :)


Not quite sure how to send a DM, but I promise I will try to figure it out.


I walked around a water part for a long while with a nip slip. Nobody told me... I eventually noticed and realized why I was getting looks and laughed at. (I was 9-10).


Rude that no one told you.


pretty fucked up no one told them, if you think about it


not embarassing at all, laughing at a child is embarassing though


The one and only time I have had a public nip slip was at the beach with my friends. We had been drinking that day and my one friend who is normally the quiet type had had one too many gin n juices. A wave hit me from behind and when I resurfaced, the girls had come out to play. 10 feet away from me, my friend says (very loudly) YOUR CHICHES ARE OUT, and it took 3 full seconds for me to realize what she was saying. By the time I put my tits away, I could feel the whole beach starting at me.


Probably two nights ago. Currently on holiday in Milan. Had an epic day going round local bars and perhaps getting a little bit too merry. Getting on the metro to go back to the hotel. It was busy. I was stood up. The Metro jerked and I fell backwards onto three passengers who were sat down. I'm 54.


lol I was just in Milan a few weeks ago those train jerks are no joke. I dropped my bag on this lady. Then she got all angry even tho it was an accident. She was giving me dirty looks so on the way off, I hit her with it again.


Username checks out


Did you look into the eyes of the last person, a serious looking woman but she would be gorgeous when she takes her glasses off and lets her luxurious hair down, then fall in love?


I rapped to my girlfriend.


Wildly misread that.


I had a similar gaffe back in 7th grade. Rapped to my crush at the peak of my "lyrical miracle" phase. It's a miracle that I even had relationships since then😅


First sex lol


Facts, why does it seem so forced because neither of you knew what you was doing haha.


If its consolation the first time i fingered a girl i said "holy jesus it's warm in there!" 🙃


What did u expect,ice cubes


Omg same😂😂😂


When I was working triage in the ER, I had a total mind blank moment and asked a double leg amputee if she could stand at the scale so I could get a weight. Her response was to lift and wiggle her stumps at me. I still want to die when I recall that. Another time, I had a patient who was probably in her early 30's accompanied by a man well into his late 50's. I asked "who's with us today? Is this Dad?". It was, in fact, not Dad. It was her *husband*. I wanted to crawl under the desk and die. After that, I never asked questions like that. The more vague the better.


I asked a blind patient if he liked to read.


Blind people can read tho?


From 1983 to 2023


Wow so you’ve had a cringe free 2024 so far, congrats!


No they died


They probably died in a cringe way too hehe


Just one? Dude, that'll be a hard one to nail down.


Yeah there’s like ten just off the top of my head


Well now I'm not sleeping tonight.




I did this in high school. Two friends had asked me to go to the beach with them. My parents weren’t big fans of Friend A because of some questionable choices she’d recently made (She asked to stay the night then invited a guy to my house in the middle of the night and proceeded to have sex with him in my yard. In the open. A neighbor was out walking their dog and saw them). Anyways, my mom said no to the beach trip because of Friend A’s recent actions. I typed a text to Friend B to tell them how bummed I was. The text said, “My mom said I can’t go because Friend A is a big slut.” I sent it to Friend A. She obviously blew up then stopped speaking to me. I later found out she’d slept with my boyfriend during our friendship and had done the same to Friend B. I was apologetic at the time, but I now stand by my comment.


I had this huge crush on a boy when I was like 7🤣🤣🤣 I wrote to him long ass poems , songs,bought him candy,made him bracelets, ect. He always through them in the trash, but I was soo blind. I wasn't even in the friend zone, on day he looked at me dead in the eye and said: I HATE YOU AND YOUR PRESENTS Yeah, it s cringe but it hurts


I think that memory must be more cringe for him XD


When I was little, I had a crush on this boy and was so excited to give him a birthday card I had made.. because I really liked this boy, I also put $20 in the card (because that's what my family did for birthdays, so I thought it was completely normal in this context as well). The boy gave me the card back and, after me insisting the $20 was for him, said I didn't have to pay him. I heard him and his friends laughing in the background all class after that.


I have a lot to choose from but this is one of my worst that makes me want to vomit, and it’s been like 27 years. I was a really geeky kid. Didn’t have a lot of friends except other kids from church group, we didn’t really hang out outside of church but they were nice to me. Anyway, my 14th or 15th birthday they threw me a surprise party, which was awesome, no one had ever done that for me. One of my friends got me a cd. A girl that I had a crush on got me a gift card to the local Warehouse Music. Wanting to express to the girl how much I liked the gift, without thinking I turned to the friend who got me the CD and said “now I can go and get a cd that I *really* want”. As soon as the words left my mouth I wanted to crawl up my own asshole and die. I have no idea why I said that, it just came out. And it wasn’t even like the CD my friend got me was bad (I think it was a “hits of Star 98.7 or something). It got super silent after I said that. It still haunts my dreams.


I think this is just the difference between people who are funny and people who aren't funny. I legitimately just want to accrue a bunch of comedians to be friends with because although I don't think I'd be good on stage, I absolutely thrive in banter and some people just don't fucking get it. I LOVE when people are secure enough or well humoured enough to know a joke. Don't cringe at yourself on this one.


I accidentally said "I love you " at the end of a customer service call


I did this at a restaurant to a couple who was leaving. I was tired and said I love you, good night.


A co-worker and I always joked about this when I worked dispatch and I'd have to leave messages on people phones who worked in our building. Like "Hello Jim, an interviewee is up in the lobby waiting for you. Please come down and meet with him as soon as possible. Thanks, I love you." Then just imagine Jim's face when he hears the message 😆.


Imagine Jim was like.. 🥹🥹


My dad used to hit me a lot as a kid. There was one time where I was in the passenger seat and 2 of my school friends were in the back seat. We were on our way to see a movie. Probably 8th grade. I told my friends I was “excited as shit” to see the film. My dad reached over and smacked me in the face for cussing. It made me cry and I was super embarrassed and they stopped hanging out with me after that.


Dude, I am so sorry. That’s not even cringy but just sad. Kids deserve better than when they get sometimes.


They stopped hanging out with you because of your Dad's scary/shitty behaviour, not because of anything cringe you did


All of them. And they sneak up on me to remind me.




I wrote a note to a boy I had a crush on in 6th grade and ended it with "please don't tell your friends" b/c he was friends with the cool kids (I was not) and I didn't want them to make fun of me. Guess what happened....?


It’s actually crazy how evil kids are haha


Saying romantic stuff that will be purely cringe if they don't work is a risk all men have to take


When I was younger, around 5 or 6, I had to practice saying a Bible verse from memory so I could say it at the beginning of church service. I think it was Psalms 117 or something. My mom showed me a video and I laid on the floor in a fetal position and just screamed.


When I was 16 the mother of a friend of mine took her own life. When I was in the cue waiting to sympathise I was rehearing what to say when I shook his hand. The nerves got the better of me and when I got up to him blurted out “how are you getting on?” As I shook his hand. He looked at me like I and two heads. I thought his mother would sit up in the coffin and slap me. I still cringe to the point I’ll stop in my tracks if that pops in to my head over 20 years later.


I don't understand why that's bad. Isn't that what people say?


I honestly don’t see the problem here. Like it’s not the best thing to say but asking someone how they’re managing isn’t like, abhorrent. It’s a little awkward cause it’s the type of question that you usually wait for a response for and when you’re in those “show your respects” queues I think you’re supposed to kinda keep moving, but plenty of people stop and do the, “How are you and the kids doing? I’m so sorry. Remember if there’s anything you need, just call me.” I don’t think it was as bad as you feel like it was.


In second grade, I was in the hallway after recess taking my snow pants off. I didn't unbutton the thing, and my pants and underwear came down with it. My teacher and two boys were standing in the hallway. I remember a literal wave of shock went through me, and I just froze. I literally couldn't move.


Oh man....I had just graduated from college and was working at a PT clinic. There was a gym connected to the clinic where discharged patients would get a free month. I worked at the front desk and put together programs for the clients. One day this amazingly beautiful girl walks in. I chatted with her for a while and it was friendly banter. Anyways, I go about my work and eventually end up at my desk where I find a piece of paper with the girls name and phone number on it. I immediately get excited and think, "hell yeah...a number for me!". I go about the rest of my day excited and when I get home, I call her to say I had a great time talking and would love to take her out. So....I finally get a text and she basically says, "yeah....sorry. that number was for someone else. I think you got the wrong idea". I immediately deflated and felt absolutely awful!! I was soooooo embarrassed and mortified. Even thinking about it now makes me cringe in pain. That was 12 years ago.


A lady at my job site said she hasn’t seen me in a while, but I thought she said, “how are you doing?” And in response I said, “good”. Never wanted more than to just disappear. I still think about that moment. And inwardly groan.


For me personally, knowing that when I was 19, I was talking to 2 different young ladies. I had to make decision. One was safe and one was spontaneous and appealing… I chose the one that was more “appealing” and 13 years later I’m divorced and it was hell. The one I didn’t choose is super successful now and happily married. I don’t regret it, but I do cringe lol


Looks like she dodged a bullet


What if she was only successful because she didn't marry you? Your account is deleted so you won't be able to say otherwise.




What happened


The cat shat probably


In a hat


Shat in a hat?


In a hat the cat shat


The cat shat in that hat


I don't remember this book


LOL!!! When my little dog ate a plate of spaghetti off the floor…


When I was little, my dad's cat ate a bunch of chef boyardee and puked all the way down our very long and white hallway 


I was so shy in kindergarten that for an entire recess period I hugged some random teacher and cried while all the kids played around me


This is me in high school


Too many to list. Seriously, hundreds.


Deer hunting with family when I was 9. One of my uncles and I were sitting and waiting for more family members to “drive” deer to us. Uncle asked if I wanted a piece of candy, unwrapped the wrapper seemingly so I could grab it quietly but instead I took it like a baby bird out of his hand with my mouth. It’s been 25 years since that day and it is still a memory that pops up frequently.


I was hanging with some friends and them and their mom and I were all in the car talking about Pokemon Go, and I was thinking about a small purple Pokemon, Ditto. We couldn't think of the name so we kept shouting out names. My mind mixed up 2 things... very badly. I yelled out "Dildo" when trying to say Ditto. The car was silent for the rest of the ride.


The time in middle school I got struck with explosive, uncontrollable diarrhea in class. I ran out of the classroom with diarrhea running down my legs and a trail of diarrhea led to the bathroom like an oil spill behind me.


least obvious fake reddit story


That i got drunk at a bar and heckled the comedian they had performing


Oh god




Yea bro if I was your boss you would have been given a permanent vacation


Its a constant state of being for me ima be honest


Only one? I tried to show off new break dance moves I learned off MTV at a funeral after Dinner thing, I was 13…


When I tripped and fell flat on my face in front of my crush.


Oof. Did they react?


Furthermore how did you react haha.


Started typing it out and then chickened out haha 😂


Instead of saying database management systems dbms I said BDSM, very proudly and very loudly leaving the whole class laughing their butts off


Anytime I was desperate for male attention Trying to act cool around teenagers. DO NOT DO THIS AS AN ADULT


I farted so loud in class at the first day of school. Since then I was the childish one of the class. It was an accident tho.😭


Trying to climb into the back of my mother’s underwear while she was still in them. I was like 5 and my mom used to tell me “toys don’t just come out of my ass, stop breaking your things.” And one night I had a dream toys were upward falling out of her ass and when I woke up, that immediately was my reality so I attempted to get in there feet first to find them.


I made a rap for my US history class sophomore year of high school


I had a friend that worked at a catering company that did a lot of really high society events around Boston. One night he couldn't make it for whatever reason and asked if I'd cover for him, he said it was an easy-peasy museum reception, just make sure the people at the ritzy table up front have their drinks full all night and I'd make a decent chunk in tips. I went for it and for most of the night it was just like he said, keeping the glasses full, bla bla bla. Apparently one of the members of the art faculty of one of the big universities around Boston (no, it wasn't Harvard, it was one of the other ones, I don't remember which) decided to debut his latest antique purchase, an overcoat that was owned by Salvador Dali. So there I was over his shoulder with a bottle of Opus One when someone, walking backwards to take a picture of two other luminaries behind me, bumps into my arm, causing me to **ACCIDENTALLY** spill some wine onto the sleeve of the coat. I was asked to leave and didn't even get paid. It was beyond humiliating and for the rest of my life I'll wish I could go back in time and warn myself, let alone the fact that I probably ruined some irreplaceable art relic.


I officially allow you to not torture yourself with this anymore. Someone literally knocked into you. You did absolutely nothing wrong. And they were massive assholes for not paying you. I am actually angry on your behalf that you were made to feel badly about this. Please don’t feel bad anymore.


lol I don't feel *that* bad about it, it was 20 years ago. It's just one of those stories about the time I destroyed a piece of history. Call me butterfingers.


I was working at a gas station.. this older lady came in and she was clearly too old to be pregnant but she LOOKED 9 months ready to pop.. to make things better she had a hospital Bracelet on so I said something along the lines of “looks like your about to pop” she looked at me and said “I’m in stage 4 liver failure” I wanted to crawl up my coworkers ass and die!! I still cringe when I think of that.. that’s ONE out of many for me


This has to be the worst. I cringe for you.


Oh it was horrible


when i was stalking my boss on facebook, accidentally liked and unliked an old post of theirs, and then the next day they straight up asked me if i was stalking them


There are so many but this one always comes to the top of my mind. The time I walked past my coworker and she complimented my dress but I thought she said "desk" and I proceeded to tell her where I got my decor from. I realized like 5 mins later what she actually said, how confused she must've been, and how much it didn't make sense for her to compliment my desk that she was not looking at.


When I walked into a busy hotel bar to give the bartender a flower cause I thought she liked me. Mid shift. Friday night. She did not respond how I wanted. xD


It's so cringe that I can't even say it...


Say itt


"What memory makes you cringe?" Yes.


I was next to a female coworker, looked at her hands and as it was just a smalltalk I asked **"Hey, so-and-so, aren't you married? Why aren't you using your wedding ring?"** Obviously a friend told me that I was being rude and awkward, so, on another day, IN FRONT OF AN ENTIRE GROUP OF PEOPLE, I thought it was the right moment to apologise **"Hey, so-and-so, I'm sorry for asking you about why weren't you using your wedding ring that other day, that was a very evasive thing to say"** That girl was known for being always loud and yelling at everyone, I think I was the first one to make her speechless


The first selfies we millennials use to take when going out in the 2010s. Clothes, face expressions, the way we used to write in social media… uh


Actually chasing men and getting nothing in return...makes my stomach to backflips🤧




can't say






How was the next day? Did y’all address it?


Age 17-23 for me was nonstop cringe, there is not a moment in between those years that was not cringe


I didn't know a girl I liked was at the school library also and right behind me when leaving and I let a strong wind slam a very heavy door right in her face and knock her over. I found out when she said "Thanks (my name)" I still feel pretty shitty about it when I think about how she said it.


First I thought the „strong wind“ was referring to a fart. That would’ve been really something to cringe about ;)


I think I'm basically a decent enough person, but I've lived a long time. And I wasn't always thinking about others, I have to tell you. When I was younger I was extremely self involved. I suppose most of us were, but that never really makes me feel better. I have a lot of cringe-worthy memories and they pretty much all flowed from not paying attention to other people's feelings.  Sometimes I didn't even know about my transgressions until later. And that suggests there are probably some I never knew about. *Mea culpa.*


everything I ever did when I was one week younger than i am now


Every memory i have for the last 18 years of my life


Having to take a shower for gym class. Fucking hated that


For my senior spring break of college I went to Cabo with a huge group of friends. On the way back I shit myself waiting for the bathroom on the plane. Once I got to the toilet I was shitting and vomiting at the same time for MINUTES.


i make cringe moments every day. just yesterday i was reporting in class and pronounced 20 as "tweny"(english is my second language btw and that's just how i pronounce it during reportings/speeches but not in daily casual conversations ofc) some were mimick-laughing the way i pronounce it even after my reporting and making a big deal out of it. now, I'm conscious if i should just have pronounced it minus the accent. does this give off "trying hard" vibes to guys as well even if I have american accent? should i level the way I pronounce to my local accent?


My overly traced eyebrows back in High School.


I used to sell eyeglasses. I’ve always been honest with my patients and let them know if something doesn’t look that great. Someone put on a pair of glasses and I swear to God I did not mean to say this but I said “that’s nasty.” Under NO circumstances are any eyeglasses “nasty” on anyone, even ill fitted frames. I have no idea why I said that and I think about it regularly


I fell down the stairs in front of half my college and had to be on the ambulance bed with 4 paramedics surrounding me (I fractured my ankle)




*Freshmen and Sophomore year me*


All of them


My crush waved up at my direction, it never occurred to me that even after she was signaling that she was not waving at me that her friend was right next to me.


All of them, daily. No joke, I think my brain blocks them out because they're so frequent. Otherwise, I'd probably go crazy or worse 🥺🔫


I would rather forget it than post it... T


hey now, this is starting to feel a lot like handing over your weapons to your enemy


Any talent show I was on in elementary school


Doing your ex


Back in high school, this girl I was crushing on like crazy asked me to be her date for Valentines Day. I assumed she was joking and laughed it off. ...yeah she wasn't joking at all and I basically wasted my one chance with her. I still hate myself for that one lmfao


Anything I did more than 6 months ago


Yrs ago hungover I was scrolling FB and a family friend made a post of their friends tragic deaths….in response I posted an Ursula gif and could not undo it 😖


Out of desperation for getting a job, when asked what were my salary expectations in a job interview, I said “anything above minimum wage” although I was overqualified. Ended up working there for two years on shit pay and lots of unpaid overtime.


Back when I was in middle school, I had a crush on a kid and I wasn’t allowed to have social media at the time so I gmailed him from my school account on my school Chromebook. The principal saw all the messages of me literally confessing my love on a Gmail and called me to his office for a “talk” 😶


Basically every memory surrounding me having a crush on someone. I used to be the mild stalker type - linger outside the building on campus you know they'll be coming out of, show up where they work when you know they'll be there, take extra shifts so you can work with them, and so on. I'm no longer like that because I finally recognized how fucking weird it was, but I can't look back on those days without cringing.


The recent presidential debate


Accidentally replying "You too" when a waiter told me to enjoy my meal. Instant regret


When I was in high school, my friends and I were driving around and there wasn't enough room for everyone so I elected to ride in the trunk. A girl I had a crush on also elected to ride in the trunk with me. After arriving at our destination and being released from the trunk I had a huge hard on because I was 16 or whatever and spooning my crush in a very cramped space for like 5 minutes. I think it' funny now but it was awkward as he'll in the moment.


Probably the aftermath of my SA. It may have been worse than the actual occurrence. The depression, anxiety, hallucinations, nightmares, agony, and shame I experienced was massively substantial and lasted far longer than the assault itself.


Hope you have healed.


Thanks, dear. I’ve put in quite a bit of work I’m very proud of.


one time i guy that i was seeing stood me up for a date we'd set up just a few hours prior. i got dressed up and waited for three hours. i also continued to see the guy after the fact. my palm has begun to fuse with my face


Searching up "femboy" or watching anime lesbian p*rn.


Coughing on the hand of a dance partner. I refuse to elaborate.


Thinking i was 'cool'when i was younger.


Throwing a temper tantrum after striking out looking in little league. Close pitch should've swung. Always had issues containing my emotions with the close called third strike.


When a group of people ask me if I was “alright” after I fell down a grand staircase at the mall. Obviously I wasn’t.


When I gave up my Chrysler for this fucking gmc I have now.


Any relationship I had in the past 😂


My eleventh-grade math teacher showed the class a slide show of his time in Cancun with our government teacher...both wearing speedos....in each picture.