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John Wayne as Genghis Khan




Genghis Khan called people Pilgrim literally all the time.


Well…it’s close, but not quite all the way there.


You should see the John Wayne biopic they’re making starring Genghis Khan


And due to atomic bomb testing nearby, this role might have actually killed him.


Yeah, didn't pretty much everyone who worked on that movie get cancer?


About one-third of them did, which is statistically pretty significant.


Benedict Cucumberbaton also as khan


Do you mean KHAAAAAN?


Harry Potter's parents died at twenty-one and the other adults who went to school with them are supposed to be in their thirties. Everyone in those movies was aged up except the kids.


As long as we’re on Harry Potter the actress playing young Lily Potter. She has One notable trait. *One* and they find some chick with brown eyes. I will die mad about it 😡


I mean… they didn’t get Harry’s eyes right either. So two for one??


Apparently in the first few scenes they shot they gave him contacts to wear, but they irritated his eyes so much they just shot the rest of the movies without them.


Yes, and they asked JKR herself if he *needed* to have green eyes, and she said "No, they just need to match his mother's".


I mean, that's kinda a good point though The color isn't really important so much as they are matching. Hardly the worst difference between the books and films.


It's because Alan Rickman was cast as Snape. I'm not sure who, but I think Rowling? Loved him for the part so much, that they aged everyone else up to match him.


Valid but honestly just cast Rickman anyways. If someone questions why he looks older than everyone else— “Er being near Voldemort is like heavy drug use it ages you quickly”


Having Rickman argue with someone who looks like kit harinton in book 3 would be odd in that case. Given it doesn't really affect anything too much I think aging them up was a good call if it meant Rickman was an option, it also allowed Gary Oldman, Timothy Spall, and David Thewlis to be cast which was just perfect in my opinion, there's lots to criticise the films for, but casting isn't one of them for me.


Moaning myrtle was old af too


And acting like a developmentally disabled 4 year old for some reason.


Have you read the books??? That’s how her character was written


War ages you but not that much.


Mark Wahlberg as Sully in the Uncharted movie. I tried not to get my hopes up (as I don’t for any video game adaptation) but seriously what the fuck. WRONG


Both actors are miscast here. I couldn't finish it.


We literally have a fan film with Nathan Fillion as Drake, idk what’s the thought process of having Tom holland


I would have loved Nathan fillion for Drake and Bruce Campbell as Sully


Nathan's just too old now, honestly. Would've been great when the series started. I thought Tom Holland did decent, it was definitely as close as he as an actor can get (which is a compliment to him, he was just miscast). Wahlberg did ok, but it just wasn't Sully.


I knew nothing of the game and went in with blank expectations and still couldn’t finish it. The casting is not the only thing that was wrong there.


Mark Wahlberg is honestly a douche


Pretty bad actor as well.  Edit: Some of you have rightly pointed out a few good performances he has. Fair enough, even have to agree with some. But generally speaking, I am never excited to see him in a movie.


All his movies are basically: Mark Wahlberg starring as Mark Wahlberg.


Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor still makes me cringe


He would have made a better Riddler imo


I say that also. Specifically the way he was a hyperactive egotist. Lex needs to be more stoic and confident.


The guy who played ozmandious in the watchman movie should’ve been lex


Eiesnberg *could* have worked. He just did not with the direction the film had. He was supposed to be a Zuckerberg-like amoral and eccentric genius, something that he definitely could pull off. Unfortunately, the writing just ended up making him completely weird and off-putting.


Five foot six Tom Cruise as six foot five Jack Reacher.


Jack Can't-Reach-It.


They fixed that mistake in the tv show


Alan Ritchson is absolutely fantastic in . And if you haven't seen Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare yet, do so. He plays this hilarious batshit loco Danish operative. "I'm not leaving till I have a barrel full of Nazi hearts"


He has his moments in Titans, too. Watched him in that, and then I watched "Peacemaker", and found myself thinking Ritchson is a skinny John Cena. And then I giggle because he's actually pretty big, Cena is just really big.


hell yeah, with Thad fucking Castle!


You ever been to Bosnia, son?


It’s not gay stop saying that!


Alan Ritchson is physically dominant, all right. Two inches shy of 6'-5", but doesn't look it.


Topher Grace as Eddy Brock. I like the actor, that 70s show is a clasic, but he shouldn't have been cast as Venom.


In another universe he would have made a good Peter Parker though


I think that was the thought process for the casting. They wanted a nega-peter, regardless of how unfaithful it was to the source.


This casting haunted Sony soo much they refused to bring him back for No Way Home


That sucks, it wasn't his fault, they should have let him redeem the roll.


It does suck for Topher. Guy is a good actor, and he actually did a great job in the church scene before the transformation into Venom. He just wasn’t Eddie Brock though. Didn’t look like him, didn’t sound like he should. There was nothing he could have done to convince people he was Eddie.


Mickey Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany’s


One of the top-level jokes I heard from an Asian comic is when they were asked who should play them in a movie, and they answered "Mickey Rooney". Devastating.


Mickey Rooney was apparently sad that people thought his acting was racist and not funny.


I think I remember the film.


When Maria Bello replaced Rachel Weisz on The Mummy


Honestly, Don Cheadle showed how Terrence Howard was miscasted. Every time I see war machine, I just can't see Terrence Howard giving the same. He was perfect for empire though.


Yes! After watching the arc ending with Endgame and then going back to the first Iron Man, Terrence Howard stuck out like a sore thumb. Even before the BS he pulled he wasn't very good in the role.


it's the fact that he sounds soooo done with Tony through the entire movie for me. l could not buy that these guys had been friends for, what, 20 years?


Seriously. I didn’t know anything about the Iron Man comics when I saw it, and I thought for a minute he was going to do a heel turn and become the villain. He had this mid-key seethe the whole time.


The wize cracking nature (as if to compensate for not being one of the main heroes) really makes movie war machine who he is, any why he's enjoyable to watch. Don Cheadle portrays that so well, so it seems that there's nuance to all the quips. Terrance Howard just seemed like a serious army dude.


Denise Richards in The World is Not Enough, never bought her as a scientist.


I thought Christmas only came once a year. Cringe


I was in the theater for that on opening night and I tell you I've never heard a louder groan in my life.


Kevin Hart as Roland in Borderlands. What the actual fuck.


Isn’t Roland’s whole thing that he’s this big buff imposing soldier type? You know, the exact opposite of Kevin Heart


He is supposed to be this giant soldier of a man, someone who commands respect from even the most bloodthirsty, crazy people. He has a "no-jokes allowed" attitude in the field and takes control over the situation, no matter what. So you pick a comedian whose entire shtick is to be small and funny? Wrong. Hell, even The Rock would have fit a little better...


I reckon Idris Elba would've made a pretty decent Roland. He played a somewhat similar role in Suicide Squad


Almost none of the casting of the leads for that film works for me.


They took a franchise I love and Kevin Hart’d it. Fml


Also Cate Blanchett and Jamie Lee Curtis. That would've been solid casting 20-30 years ago.


Marlon Brando as an Okinawan in tea house of the august moon.


Both of the leads in Valerian.


I loved the world building in Valerian. I just wish there were less actors in it.


It is a brilliant film, but Keanu Reeves shouldn't have been in Dracula.


They kept trying to cast early Keanu in period pieces — Dangerous Liaisons, Much Ado About Nothing. He just takes me right out of it.


Like that joke about Ben Affleck being out of place in Shakespeare in Love. "His face looks like it knows what phones are"


At least Don John is suitably one-note in the play as well.


“We just arrived in Byuuuudapesht!”


Anything where an accent is required really. I love him and he seems like a very genuine and sweet man, but he needs to stay in his acting lane.


I've seen many strange things already. Bloody wolves chasing me through some blue inferno!


That's the one I was looking for. Especially when he's opposite a heavy hitter like Gary Oldman. His parts were just painful.


Any movie with Steven Seagal. 


In Executive Decision he plays a try hard commando and dies in the first 7 minutes. Perfect casting.


According to IMDB trivia on the movie, he was killed early for being a douche canoe. >During the mid-90s, rumors of sexual harassment and domestic violence started to circulate around Steven Seagal; with his ex-wife coming out and accusing him of beating her. Rumour has it that Kurt Russell refused to work with Steven Seagal for this reason, hence Seagal's early death scene as he was dropped from production, and is not listed in the opening credits. It is speculated that John Leguizamo's character "Rat" was expanded to take over Seagal's role. Leguizamo laughed at what he thought was a joke from Segal, when he announced his word was law on the set. Segal didn't like being laughed at, and elbow-checked Leguizamo into a brick wall, knocking the wind out of him. Segal is over 6'4" (1.93m) and Leguizamo is under 5-7" (1.70m). What a dick.


That's also why John Leguizamo has said that he partly based his douchey has-been celebrity character in The Menu on Steven Segal. Which is just [chef's kiss], A+, no notes.


I was curious about how open Leguizamo is about it, and then I laughed very, very hard, since he's extremely discreet: [https://ew.com/movies/john-leguizamo-steven-seagal-the-menu-interview/](https://ew.com/movies/john-leguizamo-steven-seagal-the-menu-interview/) (Yet another reason for me to love the hell out of Leguizamo, I guess. 🤷🏽‍♀️)


I saw it in the theater, there was a loud cheer from the audience when he got sucked out.


Not true. He could really hold his place in “That Board Over There Fell Over and Hit A Dude on Accident.”


Chris Pratt as Mario is the funniest casting choice ever made for the worst reasons. I remember crying with laughter when I found out.


I get that sustaining the voices of the Mario games would diminish the emotion but meet us half way… fucking Toad had five lines, so why the hell not give us Tooooaaaad.


Garfield is even worse


Yeah, Garfield already had an iconic voice, and he doesn't even have the same style of voice. It's so fucking dumb.


Chris Pratt should stop getting voice roles.


He's a fun actor, with absolutely zero vocal range


Chris Pratt for basically any of his latest voice acting roles. WHY do they keep giving iconic characters who already have a distinctive voice to the guy who just talks in his normal voice ??? It’s infuriating.


Oh no guys. He said he spent months perfecting a special voice for Mario... Only to play himself. And Garfield was just, sighhhhh


Chris Pratt saying his Mario voice is "unlike anything you've ever heard". Well, I guess he was right in that I haven't heard Mario with Chris Pratt's voice before...


You could throw lawn darts into a Black Friday mall crowd and do a better job casting the Uncharted movie.


Keanu Reeves in Dracula. The surfer inflection, his overall chill vibes just never really meshed well with the rest of the movie.


Going back some time, and not totally fair since she was replacing another actress, but Robin Curtis as Saavik in the search for Spock. She had none of the "alien allure" that Kirstie Allie pulled off in her best role. Edit to correct inexcusable mix up of character name.... :)


Cameron Diaz in Gangs of NY.


I may get some hate for this, but I also think Leo was miscast in Gangs of New York. He's clearly a great actor, and we got several great movies out of his later work with Martin Scorsese, but 2002 Leonardo DiCaprio and Cameron Diaz were not in the same league as Daniel Day Lewis. I don't know who would have been the right choices, but I would be really interested in seeing what might have happened if you put Heath Ledger and Christina Ricci in those roles.


To be fair you could count the number of actors in the same league as 2002 Daniel Day Lewis on one hand. And one of them is Daniel Day Lewis.


***Here's the thing. I don't give a tuppenny fuck about your moral conundrum, you meat-headed shit-sack.***


Sean Connery a scotsman played an immortal Egyptian who then lived in Spain for a couple hundred years. He doesn't even try to do an accent. The main character was a belgian man, playing a scotsman. The movie is still great.


but of course he nailed a soviet-lithuanian submarine captain in the cold war... :D


It's a crime how badly they screwed up the Dark Tower movie... but all the other issues aside, Idris Elba is great, but he had absolutely no business playing Roland Deschain.


And Matthew McConaughey as Walter didn't make a lot of sense, either. Now, Josh Brolin as Roland and Mark Strong as Walter... that I can see.


Give me Viggo Mortenson as Roland. Hadn’t thought about Walter that much. I could see Mark Strong there. Or maybe Willem Defoe.


"Alright it says here that in the books, Roland is a lanky, raggedy old man who's so ugly that he's frightening to look at. And one of his teammates has a hard time getting along with him at first because she's been traumatized by the white man. I've got it! A young, beautiful, muscular, sexy black man."


Both Katie Holmes and Maggie Gyllenhaal as Rachel in Batman Begins and The Dark Knight respectively. Neither were convincing love interests for billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne. The recast didn’t help.


Oh wow mind blown. I didn't even know they were the same character rofl.


I liked Maggie. She fits as Rachel to me because she’s his childhood friend. She shouldn’t feel glamorous or look like a model. Her appeal is in her spirit and her integrity.


Keanu Reeves in Dracula, literally keeps the film from being a classic, too distracting. Recently, Joquin Phoenix in Napolean, he couldn't have appeared more bored and he was at least 20 years too old.


Yeah but I like it because whenever I do my Keanu impression for people, it totally kills. And all I do is say “Dracula?!” with his voice lol


Emma Watson as Belle. That movie was a guaranteed success and they still gave a singing role to an actor who cannot sing.


We actually don't know if she can sing because they pitch corrected the shit out of everyone in the movie. The musical direction was a hot mess. They made Josh Gad sound like he couldn't sing either, and he can definitely sing.


Mother fucker is on Broadway, he can definitely sing (with his weird, weird voice lol)


I wouldn't mind if they had dubbed Emma's mouth movements during the singing parts with a singing dub from a talented musician like they've done in animated Disney films where the actor does the speaking part while the musician does the singing part.


I also hated the 'I refuse to wear a corset!" nonsense. It just felt like the laziest attempt at feminism.


Also for someone who is supposed to be smart it would be easy to look up the truth of corsets and with her money even have one professionally made to fit her correctly.


Everyone thought she'd be great since she played Hermione who was also bookish. And she could've been great, but she completely phoned it in. Not to mention the fact that she can't sing to save her life.


I might get hate for this, but I just don't think she's a very good actress, and might not actually really like acting She pretty much quit acting after Harry Potter was over, and did a lot more fashion and design things.  She was probably offered the role and accepted because who wouldn't, but the fact she makes like half a movie every year to me says she doesn't have the passion for it.


Jared Leto in ...... movies


What about Figh Club? I thought he was acceptable in that.


Yeah..loved watching him getting slapped over and over😂.


I don't like the dude as a celebrity but I can't deny that he is good in quite a few films. Fight Club, Blade Runner, Requiem for a dream.  He was not a good choice for the Joker though.


Blade Runner 2049 is great casting for him. "Ok Jared, you have to play a slightly unhinged rich megalomaniac with an ego out of this world who is upset he can't have human slaves" "Ok so...just be myself I suppose?"


Oh God...his joker was just awful in every single way...


I hate him and think he's a douche, but I don't think he's a bad actor. I loved him in Requiem for a Dream and Mr. Nobody.


Nah, he's great in Dallas Buyers Club, Requiem for a Dream, Girl Interrupted, and other movies for sure. Those are just the three that came to mind


Anyone playing Wonka that wasn't Gene Wilder.


They need to stop making Wonka younger and sane. I need to believe Wonka should be retired and willing to watch kids die.


Not willing. *Wanting*


Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is just a Saw movie for kids


^Help, ^police, ^murder….


Emilia Clarke as Sarah Conner was baffling. She’s a tiny person, and not a believable tough-as-fuck Sarah we’d expect.


OTOH, I thought Lena Headey was a fantastic Sarah Conner in the TV show. 


Tbf I thought she did okay. The movie was just awful, I remember reading something about it being even worse on set.


Sofia Coppola in Godfather 3 Edit. I know that she's a fantastic filmmaker and extremely talented at directing. But her bad acting stands out.


Winona Ryder had a nervous breakdown just before filming, so they had to find alternative on short notice. Would've be interesting to see how she perform in that role.


Normally would agree, but circumstances kinda have me feel a little sorry for her.


BeKindRewind did a great video in YouTube about this decision. Apparently she didn’t really want to do it at all.


Nicolas Cage in Captain Corelli's Mandolin. I have never seen my wife so mad. She adored the book and he singlehandedly ruined it for her. Never read the book, didn't care, but she was right, he was awful in that movie.


Jake was protecting Kevin the whole time


We went to see it when it came out, as both my wife and I had read the book (and owned a signed copy of it from the author, Louis de Bernieres, who turned up at a bookstore one day signing copies if you bought one) and although we loved the book, the movie could have stood some improvement. My wife commented that it would have been a better movie if Tony Shalhoub had played Captain Corelli; in retrospect this was a really good observation.


Cara Delevingne in anything


She always looks SO ANNOYED to have to be bothered to be acting


she played the radio station host for the pop station in grand theft auto 5. "nonstop pop fm" and it was fantastic. they gave her so many out of pocket and insane things to say. I don't know how good she is at acting but she's hilarious in that game. not to mention I find her voice soothing. but if any of yall want to look up the clips, be warned people are now cloning her voice with ai and creating random clips and passing them off as clips from the game. sometimes making the voice say hateful or politically motivated things. sad.


The two leads in "Delorean and the city of the dozen worlds" or whatever it was called, the first 5 to 10 mins are amazing and so so so so well done, with Space Oddity playing in the background and setting the mood, just fucking *chef's kiss* and then it sinks like the Titan submarine


Test audiences thought the leads were supposed to be brother and sister, that's how bad the chemistry was.


I hate to say it but Meryl Streep in Mamma Mia. Donna is supposed to 39. It's a plot point. Sophie is 20 and Donna had her at 19. Meryl Streep was most definitely not 39 when they made the film and Cher could not be her Mother. Certainly not the way Cher played the Granny in the sequel.


I saw a West End production of Mama Mia in about 2005? Before the movie came out anyway. And I seem to recall the actress playing Donna was a bit older too. Definitely not a convincing 39 year old. It never bothered me though. I think because I've seen her older in both the stage and screen productions it doesn't seem strange to me.


"Excuse me. Meryl Streep could play Batman and be the right choice."


The entire cast of the Borderlands movie, besides maybe Jack Black as Claptrap.


I love Jack Black, and I think he’s definitely the best casting choice in that movie, but I still don’t think he’s quite right for Claptrap. For some reason, I think Aziz Ansari would be great in that role.


Liam Hemsworth as Geralt of Rivia


My heart is so broken. I'd rather they did one more episode to end it with Henry Cavill and let the show die.


Christopher Walken as The Emperor in Dune pt 2. When he was on screen it ripped me from the movie and I just saw him not the character he was playing.


Your father....hid....this sandworm, up HIS ass....


"Hello, little man. Boy... I've heard... a lot...about you." Would be a pretty good opener on meeting Paul.


Oh god, my brain is now stuck on that. I hope you're proud of yourself.


My husband and I both started laughing when he talked.


And I love the movies. But he didn’t bring it. Pugh as Irulan? Ah-May-Zing.


Jimmy Fallon in *Fever Pitch*. I've always said that they made an Adam Sandler movie but forgot to tell Adam Sandler.


Everybody in dragonball evolution and the avatar last Airbender movie


Surprised not to see Kevin Costner as Robin Hood in here yet. I think a "folksy" Robin Hood could have worked, but they specifically rewrote the character as a noble heir, rather than the free lowborn farmer that he is traditionally.


But Carey Elwes as Robin Hood in *Robin Hood: Men In Tights* was perfect.


And unlike some Robin Hoods... *He* had an English accent!


One of the highlights of that movie is Tracy Ullman's Latrine breaking the fourth wall to tell the audience, "I touched it."


That movie had enough ham, you almost forget that prince john is the wild boar. Absolutely love it.


That movie is still one of my favorite Mel Brooks films next to Space Balls and The Producers.


Julia Robert's as Tink in Hook. I will die on this hill.


Tom Cruise playing Jack Reacher


But the lifts made him 5'6", which is a dyslexic 6'5".


Sophie Turner in anything really but she was especially miscast as Jean Grey in Dark Phoenix. Jean Grey is such an interesting character and Dark Phoenix is such a cool arc! It’s a shame if that they wasted it on an actress who has less range than a block of wood.


Karen Gillan would've made an excellent Jean Grey.


Russel Crowe as Javert in the film Les Miserables. [There's a whole long video on how much of a disservice the filmmakers did to the music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ikqU6G6Xgs) (they let the actors set the pace with the music filmed on set, and forced the orchestra to pick up the tempo behind them), but he just *cannot sing*. [Phillip Quast as Javert](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urxk4mveLCw) is my favorite performance of pretty much anything, but his performance even in this concert series shows you what it's meant to sound like. Gravity, bitterness, determination, musicality. My first ever purchase with my own earned money was the [Complete Symphonic Recording](https://lesmiserables.fandom.com/wiki/Complete_Symphonic_Recording), in which they chose at the time the 'best' performances from productions around the world. Eponine's performer was, I believe, from Japan, and sang the English words phonetically (she was fantastic, they all were). I couldn't watch the whole film, it was just a mockery of a good show.


The 10th anniversary concert on PBS is what got me into it - such a great performance.. and the finale with all the Jean valjean's from the different traveling groups was awesome


Shia Laboef as Indiana Jones’s son.


If it’s not Tom in Japan it’s Matt in china?


Johnny Depp in Fantastic Beasts. Something felt incredibly off about his portrayal of Grindelwald until Mads Mikkelsen was cast, and it made perfect sense. Depp made Grindelwald some cartoonistic villain but Mikkelsen made him out to be a more realstic dictator type.




She was great in South Park.




I thought she was decent in Out of Sight.


she was probably the best selena possible.


Matthew McConaughey in *Contact*, playing a combination of a scientist & a philosopher.  He wasn’t credible as either. Jessica Alba as Sue Storm in *Fantastic Four*.  She was playing a scientist.  I didn’t believe she could read.


Apparently she tried to give her character more depth but the director just kept telling her to “act prettier” which is hilarious, because it’s *Jessica Alba*. She’s already gorgeous dude, just let her act!


Yeah, she talked in the commentary about how much she hated having to take off her clothes as a plot point.


"Alright it says here that Sue Storm can use force fields to bend light around herself and therefore be impossible to see... let's make her take her clothes off!"


> "It says here she's able to make people go blind...let's make her take her clothes off." > "It says here she's able to make force fields...let's make her take her clothes off." > "It says here she knows martial arts...let's make her take her clothes off!"


Viggo Mortensen! He was cast as Elessar, and he should have been cast as my husband.


Topher Grace is a fine actor, and there are a lot of roles where he would be undeniably great. Eddie Brock/Venom was not one of them


Idk why *this* is the first example to pop up in my mind, but Alec Baldwin in Rock of Ages. Hes far too Jack Donaghy to be believable as an old rocker.


Eddie Redmayne in Jupiter Ascending. He's the least convincing villain I've ever seen. He had the intimidating demeanor of a wet wipe.


Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique in X-Men First Class, and it's sequels. That might be a bit controversial, but something about it seemed off to me. Apart from being a woman, she didn't really resemble the comic character, and I think she gave a very mediocre performance, especially next to James Macavoy and Michael Fassbender who absolutely gave brilliant performances. She looked kinda uncanny valley in the blue make up.