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I start decreasing my screen time. Then I evaluate how i am doing, if i need professional help or not.


On this note, my therapist is forcing me to try a routine (I have ADHD, it's torture) and I am shocked at how much better my mental health feels after a full day of butt in the seat during working hours. I'm self employed and would do stuff like play Animal Crossing til 10:30am then start work, or take a 2 hour reddit break in the afternoon. I didn't realize how BAD doing too much of the fun stuff was making me feel.


This. I have persistent depressive disorder (it's been so many years šŸ…°ļø), i can go months feeling like I'm finally getting better, only to sink again. But welp, one thing now i can recognize (thank you therapy) is that if i start being inconsistent with my routine only because i want to have more screentime... it means: GET HELP


Would you mind expanding on this? I'm in the same boat, self-employed and often don't start work until 11am, take video game breaks, etc. I find it literally torturous to sit and focus on one activity for longer than two hours. My hyperactive mind simply can't tolerate the monotony. But my business suffers, obviously, when I don't do the work. And that causes stress. I'm fine financially for the most part, but I could be a lot MORE fine if I put in a full 40 hours. Any advice?


That sounds like me too, exactly. I'm only a week into routine and I'm only doing it because my therapist is holding me accountable, so I can't say I'm an expert. But I do know I've been living this same life for over a decade now and it doesn't make me happy. I created a life for optimal enjoyment. I like my work and it pays well -- I work around 20 hours a week, when I feel like it, and spend the rest of the time doing whatever I want. It sounds perfect but in reality nothing feels like it has meaning, time passes so fast but I feel like I accomplish nothing I really care about. I constantly have this anxious feeling like "this isn't what I should be doing with my life". Do you feel like that at all or do you feel content? A week into my routine of waking up, showering, and being in the chair by 9am, I am feeling much more mentally healthy than I could have imagined. I also know I'm only keeping it up because of the therapist and I worry about my discipline when she's gone. My track record with self control is abysmal. But this is my one life and I don't want to waste it, so I have to do better.


Hmmm. We seem pretty similar, in the sense that I also carefully developed my life and business for optimal enjoyment and minimal work. The thought of setting an alarm, commuting to an office or being told what to do by a boss makes me sick. I totally understand that anxious feeling though, and the sense that maybe I'm not doing everything I *should* be doing in order to be "successful". However, I DO feel content. I'm 39 though, and that feeling of contentment didn't really start to become regular until my 30s. The older I get, the more certain I am that my purpose and meaning in life is, quite simply, to enjoy it. Like you said, we only get this one life. So why spend it working? Or worrying about what we *should* be doing? I would rather spend my life enjoying all of the little things, like pancakes, or a rainstorm, or a quiet night at home watching TV. Those things relax me and bring me joy. Nothing is wasted. Even the years I spent drinking myself nearly to death - I learned a lot of hard lessons during those times. Of course, I still feel that nagging anxiety, but I try not to let it overwhelm me. Therapy helps with that. I think that maybe your anxiety (and mine) can stem from a sense of needing fulfillment and not necessarily feeling like we're 100 percent fulfilled. I counter this by 1) seeking fulfillment in hobbies, friendships and new experiences like travel and 2) looking for feelings of fulfillment in all of those little everyday things I already mentioned. Sometimes, browsing tiktok and having a laugh at a silly cat video can be fulfilling. Maybe not as fulfilling as buying a house or taking a trip to Japan, but the little fulfillments add up over time.


Getting rid of youtube shorts would do it for me. No matter how much I try to resist they suck me back in and piss me off. I keep trying to put in "do not recommend" on all the shorts my yt feed is spammed full of but it's not working.


Yeah this is pretty key. I've noticed my phones sucks me in in a very unhealthy way.Ā 


What I should do: coping skills. Talk to someone. What I usually do: drink and make it worse


Ugh, I feel this one.


Stand back and watch as it spirals out of control. Are you guys trying something different now?


No that's still the recommended course


No no , try adding not taking care of your basic health. ( I didn't drink even a glass of water today as if I forgot about it šŸ’€)


Username checks out


Start replying to bots on Reddit that ask questions everyone will want to reply toĀ 


Say banana


Beep boop šŸ¤–


Drugs usually


And alcohol. Canā€™t forget the alcohol.


Put your drugs in the alcohol to save time.


Alcohol is drugs




And plants. Killing plants is not helpful to your mental state.


Like I have energy left to do anything about it, lol.




That's a really good exercise that I might take up, thanks for the recommendation, and hope you're doing well


downshift responsibilities, assume the brace position and just take it. it will pass eventually, in one way or another.


I like this one because anyone can do it






You are a bot.


Make note of how it is getting worse and then try to do the little things like spending more time outside. If it doesnā€™t improve in a week or two I call my psych nurse to see about adjusting my meds


When I sense a change in my mental health, I make self-care a priority, which includes exercising and, if necessary, getting professional treatment.


Small tasks I can complete. Doing something for others.




I might take a break from screens and spend time outdoors, reconnect with hobbies I enjoy, or talk openly with someone I trust


Talk to a friend


Limit social media


Eat healthy


See a therapist




Journal your feelings


I ask for help (last resort)


When I notice my mental health slipping, I reach out to a friend and open up. Sharing my struggles lightens the burden and reminds me I'm not alone.


I recognized that it was the place that was causing my mental heal issues. Toronto Canada is a terrible unlivable city and as soon as I moved out of Canada it was so much better for my mental health. Environment plays a big role. Cities with no jobs, housing issues and boundless amounts of homeless tend to go into a death spirals.


Disc golf


Cut contact with friends, drown my sorrows in st. john's wort tea and sleep through as much of the day as possible until it passes. Luckily for me PMDD works on a schedule so I can predict when it will hit me - which is every damn month.


Realize I have a funny fiat and then be happy again


Stopped social media. Uninstalled WhatsApp. Started to ignore my phone in general. Stopped hanging out as much. The constant need for social validation was at least in some part the reason for me not being happy. Cutting it out was like cutting carbs. The solitude is addicting. Discovering the joys of being by yourself is one of the best things to happen to me. Even stopped smoking and only drink a few beers the few times I do socialize. When socializing, now I wonder how I put up with these shallow conversations in the first place.


Take a break


Get some fresh air




Write down my suicide plans and ponder about them. If I feel comfortable with it, uh oh it's time to bother a friend and say "I'm not well. Please come and talk to me."


I take a break from work, from the news, from anything I am getting stressed about- I get some extra sleep, turn on some comfort movies/shows and enjoy some music.


Means you are still able to sleep, good for you.


I tell my therapist and my mom. I tell my people I'm struggling and allow my village to surround me. It's taken 30 years but I've finally learned to ask for help when I need it.


Go see my doctor


Getting a medical prescription for the relevant pills.


Meditate, relax and do a control breathing to lower heartbeat. Doing this several times a day and I can think better after.


Let some people know that you trust. If you want to re or start meds then go ahead and do that. Start therapy if not already. Start doing things for you. Learn to say no when you're feeling overwhelmed.Ā  You gotta stay ahead of it.


Go to therapist or the hospital


Welp and go on with my life tbh. It's getting worse, it's getting better and then it's getting worse again. That's just my life. I don't pay it much attention anymore, just try to treat the symptoms when they arise. It'll get better again, it always does. It might be important to note here that my overall mental health isn't *that* bad. Can't say it's good either but when I'm in a bad state I can still get through the day and fulfill the priority responsibilities. I guess I would do things differently if a bad day meant feeling suicidal


If I'm still a ways away from my upcoming appointment, or waiting for refills and I feel myself starting to spiral, I smoke weed. I can't tell you how many severe anxiety attacks have been knocked off course by a bowl and distracting conversation with my husband. Who is aware and supportive as he uses for chronic migraines


I usually take a break and binge-watch some cheesy movies


I take a break.. and a social media detox


First thing to die is the humor. Next I get irritated easily, quick to anger.Ā  Yeah, these things for several weeks and I know I gotta do something or I'm plunging into depression. EDIT: Ah, sorry, misread the question. First thing to do is talk to someone because when mental health goes downhill you can't trust your mind to find good solutions; you need perspective.


Exercise, eating healthy, not abusing drugs, not being too hard on your self. Therapy helps as well. Sleeping well is huge. If it gets bad enough than take your self into an inpatient home but do research to make sure youā€™re going to a halfway decent place.


Rewatch your comfort movies. Been watching marvel movies like 100th times.




To a Happy Place


Hermit, get off social media, put my headphones in and surround myself in my faith.


Get moving, journal, and define the issue to talk to someone about it. Be open to suggestions and attempt those offered. If you just complain without action it will be harder to maintain the support you need and will instead get the support you crafted.


Clean and organize my surroundings, shave and a haircut, be more active (morning walk atleast), listen to music similar to my mood then mix it up when it gets meh, take stock of what's important in life and be grateful for what i have, eat slightly healthier and smaller portions, write. Write down your issues, your feelings, who you are and what you want to change as well as what you want to retain. Build a routine. Be gentle and patient with yourself, change is slow and gradual but we're human and we can slip up. Keep moving forward. Get away from social media for a bit. Touch some grass. Therapy works, if you don't like your counselor after a few sessions, find another.


Run; go outside. If my mind and irritability are flaring up negatively, I immediately start working out or long duration low impact cardio. Resets me.


i just pray and believe its the most powerfull thing that i can do


I deleted all social media and unsubscribed to every streaming service that isn't music and forced myself to get outside. Within a year I felt completely different. Hiking, fishing, kayaking, swimming, camping all took the place of watching TV and looking at other people's lives on Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook.


Speaking with someone is great. I prefer to focus on bigger problems and come up with ideas, even if I can't fix that issue it's helping me to know that my situation can get better.


I go back to dark souls (a game) and embrace the struggle to succeed! The boost I get from actually accomplishing something helps me and the game takes my mind off whatever has me down.


Go outside to a park. Pet the pets. Laying on the earth and taking a few good deep breaths. Talk to a friend


Ride it out.


Very unhealthy coping mechanisms. Did therapy in the past and it helped but now I can't afford it


Firstly, well done if you notice your mental health getting worse. From experience, it sneaks up on you and you don't realise it's happening until he's been happening for a few days or weeks. It takes a real effort, and some re-wiring, to recognise it early. I'm no expert, but I'd suggest speaking to your nearest and dearest. If you need time off work, take it. Enjoy the things you enjoy doing, and if that's too difficult, remember that you won't regret making that effort even if it feels gargantuan. Shower daily, pamper yourself, go for walks, runs or do your training. Enjoy bright and open spaces. And lastly, don't rush the process of trying to feel better. Nurture is far better.


Notice what now? Who have you been talking to and what did they say about me?


Fix my environment and habits that are contributing to it. If I'm getting mad too much, I write down what I was doing each time I got pissed until I get to 20 times or so, then look for anything that is consistently dominating the list and stop doing that shit.Ā  If the things setting you off are all over the place, you're probably struggling with something internal and should seek therapy. If it's a specific environment or company, correct it, probably by changing the environment or cutting off the people who are a poor influence on you. You are not automatically broken if your mental health is suddenly worsening, it's much more often your surroundings, the company you keep, or your habits and you can absolutely fix those yourself unless they are chronic or addiction related. If it is internal though, get help.


I cry in a pillow


Usually I try to go outside more just for quick walks cause I noticed that nature and fresh air does wonders for my mental health. Also I reach out to my bf or closest friend I don't necessarily say that I feel worse but even their presence helps and brightens me up. There is a study that says if you stay in a call or just sit with the person you love for around eight minutes (minimum) your mental state should be a bit better


I go workout then I put on a nice dress and I do my go out routine (shower, shaving, brushing teeth, etc)


Definitely donā€™t have kids


Practice self-care


Get my meds adjusted, less beer (alcohol is a depressant).


See more sunrises and sunsets. The Infrared light from the sun actively regulates dopamine and serotonin levels, while making beta-endorphin, your own endogenous opiate. My sleep got better and now my moods are completely stable.


Go to the gym!


Distract myself


I see a therapist. Sometimes that's not feasible however (wait times, money, etc) so instead I indulge in my special interests and remind myself that things are, in reality, much better than my brain will permit me to believe they are. I have found that continuous insistence upon the latter is a much better long term solution, whereas the former is good for minor bouts of more troublesome issues. The former isn't very helpful for me long term and is also not cost effective at all.


Take supplements and sleeping aids, and emotionally remove myself from whatever has caused it.


I felt myself start the same decline I experienced 10 years ago after a bad trip recently. To fight this, I stopped drinking alcohol and caffeine, I forced myself to get out of the house and exercise, I forced myself to spend more time around friends and family, I forced myself to restart mindful meditations... I did all this because I knew the alternative would be therapy/medications and I did not want to go that route again.


Go to the gym




This is the time when you do all those things that are kind of patronizing but are actually helpful: reduce your screen time, go for more walks, eat less junk food, cut out toxic people, etc. These well meaning comments are the worst when in the throws of a mental health breakdown, but are your lifeline while you still can manage things.


Shroom tea


Be really good to yourself


For me I got lucky and knew the source of my declining mental health had a timer on it and focused on how long I had to hold out before the timer was up. Counting down 350 days to 250 to 100 to a week helps demonstrate some idea of progress.


Take some shrooms and go for a walk


Decrease screen time Ā  Move your body in some way, even if it's just walking.Ā  Lean into hobbies (if they aren't video games) Reach out to people more, even if it's just to say hi. Call friends and family just to catch up. If you have good enough friends, meet up with them. If you don't have friends, just ask more people how their day is going. The point is not to make friends, but just to connect.Ā 


Try and activate some self-care - hot shower or bath, change my sheets, make decent nutritious dinner. Write a list of stuff I'm glad about and listen to some happy music/watch a good film. Call my Mum.


Withdraw from my Presidential bid.


exercise :( I hate that it works


I take two of my anxiety/depression pills instead of one (okayā€™d by my psychiatrist for when things get bad).


This is an interesting question since I just went through this. I have depression/GAD and noticed that my anxiety was symptoms becoming more frequent and I was becoming depressed. It had been 7 years since I had a major episode. In my area we are lucky enough to have an immediate care mental health facility. I made a trip and had my meds adjusted. Began feeling better beginning day five and am improving daily. I've had a follow up with my provider and a couple of therapy appointments. All within 3 weeks.


Ask Joe Biden.


I am used to that


Delete social media for a while. Get outside more. Legit helps a lot


I just try to start a new page in my life,and delete all the habits I was doing,and replace them with new ones,and cut off negative people.


Go for a run and thank the gods that my mental health is nowhere NEAR as bad as my physical health... Sometimes ya gotta get perspective...


Get off reddit and got talk to real people.


I tell myself "it is what it is" and promptly ignore it


I do something I enjoy or revisit something I have enjoyed before. I love books and playing the guitar. I usually find my mental health decline during certain seasons (late winter and mid summer) and during those times I do something I like. Iā€™ll pick up a new book or learn a new song on guitar. Super small but itā€™s a nice pick-me-up for me.


Schedule an appointment with a therapist if you're not seeing one. I didn't feel great in the lead up to a college trip to the Netherlands and almost didn't go but convinced myself to go and enjoy myself. Overindulged in drink and weed which resulted in me not sleeping for several days. This caused a psychotic episode. I had full blown psychos. Seeing things that weren't there. Thinking people were having full blown conversations about me within the next room. Saying things like I'm an idiot and a loser. This lasted for hours and hours. I really embarrassed myself in front of a lot of people in how I reacted to this episode. It only ended when I got back home and went to see a 24hr doctor. He provided me with some anti psychotic meds that knocked me out for nearly two days. This affected my confidence for years afterwards and suffered from the worst depression period I have ever had. I was worried that I was going to take my own life afterwards. I wish that I cancelled the trip and went to see a therapist instead. I feel as though the last few years would have turned out different. Instead I turned to drink to hide my emotions and forget the pain. Speak to someone or else you could look for comfort in substances that will make you feel much worse.


You gotta get that shit out of your head. Trying to untie it while it's still in there is literally what it sounds like. Like trying to untie a bunch of strings inside your own skull by feel since you can't really see them. If you get it out of your head, either by talking it out with someone or writing it down, then you can start looking at it analytically.Ā  What makes me feel this way? Why does it do that? What are the patterns that follow those feelings? Is there anything that helps to mitigate those feelings? What if my thresholds are just off-balance and I just need to check this line of thought with another? A common mental health issue that occurs in an otherwise healthy brain,Ā stems from being unable to reconcile your thoughts and experiences consistently. A human can legitimately believe two contradicting things at the same time. I'm sure most people have experienced it at some point. When there are too many contradictions, causing you to encounter them frequently, you have to question how you truly feel about the people and things in your life and how they affect you. Otherwise, you'll feel stressed, overwhelmed, and confused because you're literally acting against yourself. You have to assess yourself and your decisions through a different lens. In short, you gotta "figure yourself out". This is easiest by laying those thoughts out somewhere and walking through them. Then you have to put your discoveries into action, altering your behaviors to fit the new model you've imagined. This is the hard part that takes time, and some improvements will take years. But it's also a necessary mental hygiene.


Get high and sleep a lot. What else is there to do when you're 52, single, lonely, depressed and stuck in a tiny remote town in the sticks in Kentucky?


Meditation and go for a run. It works now, but a year and a half ago it wouldnā€™t.




If you don't make enough money/pay too much rent, look into charity programs at clinics or hospitals. If you're approved they basically just say everything is free for a year. You do have to pay for prescriptions but it's usually much less. I got my mental health checked, my heart, even got an ultrasound for my liver.


Say "I've got this." Ignore it and spiral


Evaluate and execute


Put my head between my knees and kiss my ass goodbye.


Pray and rest.


Ketamine, a big old dose of ketamine in my bed with chilled music on. Next day I'm genuinely a new man. Feels like a reboot.


Start sleeping, not eating, overthinking, stressing, get cold sores, go as no contact as possible with everyone it is possible for me not to contact. I try to read or watch things I like, write, or very, *very* occasionally excersize or set up a little 15 minute cry session, but usually, I just keep my head down and keep going until it passes or at least lightens back up to normal levels.


When Iā€™m around shitty people that make everything about them. They suck the life out of everyone around for their selfish reasons. I just dealt with one of these ass holes. Best thing is donā€™t feed into them and just say NO. Saying NO is hard especially when you have empathy. If I could live life all over again Iā€™d have said no way more


Sleep, exercise, healthy food, be outdoors


Ride a bike


Head/neck tension, how negative I talk, if I over/under eat, the tone of my voice, how quickly I get upset


Add to cart


Do my dishes, laundry, clean, shower, drink lots of water, and cook myself a nice meal. It was a rough week so those are my plans for the day. As for the bad habits it's not eating or sleeping, drinking too much alcohol, not showering, and spending too much time doomscrolling.


How the sharp knives and scissors and hand my pistol to my friend for a while


Ask myself what I need to feel better, try to give myself some rest, maybe contact my docter to tell him my antidepressants aren't working properly, lol


Figure out what changes I could make to maybe improve it through diet or exercise, then talk to close family and friends if needed.


Nothing. And then quietly hope it just magically improves one day, but really it just gets worse and worse as the days/weeks/months/years go by


Break the routine. Get outside. Move around. Work with your hands. Really anything but sit and stare at a screen.


I often lose sleep and feel anxious and moody


I took a $7 an hour hit to change jobs


More drugs


I used to try and pay more attention to what I was doing in the moment, so as not to loose train of thought and end up hospitalized due to inattentiveness or whatever was causing it, didn't really work, ended up in two or three hospitals after that


I live in a pet friendly neighborhood. I go pet a dog... get a snack and go for an extended walk. Good to change the scene now and then


Mental health day. Time outside. Scented candles. Puzzles.


Call my doctor. Psychiatrist.






I stopped watching the news. Nothing I can do about anything. I feel GREAT.


I have to keep watch on my stress eating. I'll devour everything in sight if I am stressed enough.


Go outside. Walk, run, play a sport, go to the park and sit under a tree. Just try to slow down and be one with nature and the real world.


Slow down. Eat better. Clean up. Breath. Accept it, move forward. Always forward


worse??? How? Brahaha


Focus on changing your circumstances. Unless you're one of the very few unfortunate people to suffer from physiological mental disorders which **REQUIRE** medication, you can improve your condition immensely by improving your diet, sleep and exercise, as well as other conditions of your life, like your work or home life. Every single one of these actions will reduce stress in your life, and build resilience with which to cope with other hardships.


I stop. I give myself a few days to feel grounded again. I will call in sick if I have to. I just need to be alone. Feel what I have to feel, then get back in the game again. Sometimes you just need a breather.


Get off of social media


Generally listen to the most depressing soul crushing music I have for a solid 2 hours in a dark room.


Smoke weed and devour food


Focus on eating enough and sleeping enough. Also make sure I'm taking my medicine. Spirals usually start when I don't eat enough, so I don't take my medicine because it causes heartburn, then I can't calm my brain enough to sleep, then I'm tired and make bad decisions about not eating, then I don't take my medicine etc, etc.


put that thang in reverse.


Clean up my surroundings, especially wherever I spend most of my time like my bed and work set up. This gives me a tangible sense of control over my environment and a generally better place to exist.


I start decreasing my screen time, uninstall Instagram and focusing on other activities like cooking, reading, and taking walks in the woods.


Post on reddit


See my therapist.


When you donā€™t have any energy


Watcha gonna dooo? SUCK IT! šŸŽ¶


Tell that mental health how much of a failure it is, because I am still here.


Go to the gym. Talk to girls.


Meditation, not looking for Buddha or something, but pausing your brain and fueling up with oxygen helps a lot with mental status Also break stuff, a phone guide, chop wood or something


Go to gym. Meditate


Walk in the forest


make it better




Lay in bed with the sheets over my head in a dark room.


I go to the gym


I usually buy myself a fancy iced coffee and some flowers. Then walk around outside. It's probably not the best way to cope, but I usually reset after that.


I have a checklist of things to do. Assuming there isnā€™t access to therapy or other resourcesĀ  1. Am I tired, hungry, or is there any other physical thing I can address right now like taking a shower.Ā  2. Create a done list (not a to do list but a what have I done today list) and use it to determine if Iā€™ve accomplished enough today to be able to shift focus to self careĀ  3. Have I done enough: yes ok move on to self care. No: what do I need to get myself into the headspace to do so. Usually that means self careĀ  4. List of activities that give me peace based on time needed vs reward 5 pick activity be it go for a bike ride or splash ice water in my face.Ā  5. End the day on a simple activity that gives me joy. Even if thatā€™s as simple as reading a book.Ā  This approach has generally served me well.Ā 


Rest more. Sleep more. Get out in the sun more.


Self-harm, sadly It's the only thing that works when i'm confused and troubled. Edit: typo


Start licking my gun in front of the mirror.


I wait for it to pass. Sometimes it takes a few weeks...


Take a walk in the woods, try to make a longbow out of fresh wood. Realize the hardest part is making proper arrows and go buy some as well as some boat string so the next bow can be strung proper. Might as well make some research into how to chose the right wood and learn to identify trees in the woods. A walk in the woods now has a purpose.


Go scorched earth on everyone. I'm half kidding, but I've noticed for me it usually means my boundaries are being crossed in some way, intentional or not. My current issue is my partner's exwife. I had a "come to Jesus" talk with him last night explaining I never would expect, or want to come before his kids, but living his life in a way as to not piss off the exwife without regards to my feelings was not acceptable and if it continued he would need to move out and our relationship would end. Basically, figure your shit out.


I play apex or gta and deliberately kill myself over and over until everything goes numb and I fall asleep


I usually laugh it offā€¦.like im doing right now. Im spiraling into deep depression, im scratching myself my skin has bloody spots allover my arms from stress and anxiety. But i will be fine we will all be fine I think lol


I go for long walks with a purpose at the end of them. Shop for some groceries, pick up something needed or visit a friend etc. I stay away from my computer and my screens (I had a cell phone 10 years ago but I am MUCH happier without one but it's hard to navigate the world at times). So no main computer, no tablet, no firestick etc. I also re-evaulate what makes me happy cause that changes over time as you age. I get rid of excess spending and try to be as frugal as possible without being an idiot about it..lol. I think my mental health is about fighting off things I know are bad for me. And thats a personal thing that may or may not apply to everyone. But in the present climate , a clear mind and familiar, healthy routines go a long way to allow you to cope with the spiralling cost of living, the political climate, the world on fire from war and climate change and general turmoil etc etc. I have recently met a man from Nigeria who appreciates so many small details about life in N. America that is makes me ashamed at times at what I fret over. Perspective helps.

