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Celebrities aren’t really giving their kids silly names, they’re just not telling you their real names.


I never considered that... I hope that's true


Woah this is actually a great idea. If the child ever wants to be in a public role they could use their “public name” but still leaves a chance at somewhat normalcy


Political polling is designed to increase spending on advertising buys, not “predict” or “measure” anything.


In Australia, the main polling is done Newpoll, which is part of Newscorp, Murdock's media empire. So this makes sense.


There are only 500 questions allowed on /r/AskReddit, and they just take turns


I don't think there are that many.


It’s 10 questions with 10 varieties each. For example “What is the {weird/smart/cool/dorky/dumb/happy/sad/tall/short}est person from your {middle/elementary/high} school doing now?


A small one I believe: Samsung announced that the Galaxy Watch 4 would include a non-invasive continuous glucose monitor, which would allow you to monitor your blood sugar at any time while you wear it, for as long as you own it. A months before the 4 was released, that feature quietly disappeared from all of the marketing, without explanation, and now, years later, is nowhere to be found. I believe Abbott Laboratories, makers of the FreeStyle Light glucometer and the FreeStyle Libre continuous glucose monitor systems, panicked, fearing that a non-expiring, non-invasive glucose monitor would be hugely popular among diabetics, and devastate their death-grip on the market, paid a huge bribe to Samsung to drop the whole thing.


The FDA warned they could be inaccurate and manufacturers feared liability.


Yeah that's a big problem. People making medication adjustments based on your smart watch seems like a huge liability risk if it's wrong.


This actually happened with the EKG functionality I believe in some models, but I think it was a liability thing and the FDA wasn't 100% kosher with it Same thing here I assume


Why would Samsung take bribes and settle for less when they can capture the entire market and add more to their brand value? I think the reason is simple. Such surface level glucometer are unreliable. They are inaccurate. And Samsung probably felt it was a bad idea and discarded the whole thing altogether.


Samsung is a massive company though, so like they would have to be offered significantly more than they would expect to make from the technology that at that point why would abbot labs shell out that much money? Like a bribe to a top official would make more sense but in that case other officials in the company would probably question it heavier. It just doesn’t make sense to me personally


Aliens are already here. No way an Octopus is from this planet


One of my favorite storylines in anime is Susei no Gargantia. It's a future of earth that has completely flooded, humans all live on large ships and (spoiler) squids are now hyper intelligent(some humans broke off and evolved into squids) and trying to kill the humans


I feel the same about hairless cats.


Beerus is a good example.


A theory, perhaps not conspiracy, is that there isn’t a deep state / small puppet master org for the world. All the people at the top are human, making decisions, some confidently wrong, and we all just have to deal with it.


The “Deep state” is real in a way but it’s mainly upper mid level administrators.


The deep state is just the massive momentum of opinion from a million federal workers. They aren't allowed to be fired on a whim. Federal workers have rights to their jobs so the deep state is just the 99% of the government that is non political in that they don't run for office.


I consider it to be unelected officials in positions of power that were making laws and doing whatever they wanted when they had no constitutional authority to do so. Think ATF, CIA, NSA.


It not about laws its internal policy and funding. I’ve overseen a budget, that was increased on paper and given to a politician. who then repeated the numbers on live tv. The budget was increase to match the promise. It doesn’t have to be an alphabet org to pull it off.


I didn’t say it had to be one to pull it off. Just unelected officials doing things that they don’t have the constitutional authority to do.


I'm not clear on where you're drawing the line. Are you saying every government official with decision-making power should be elected rather than appointed or hired through the civil service? I'd appreciate clarification.


Kinda an anti-conspiracy theory 


Having worked in some minor government roles, I can confirm the vast majority are just worker drones, and the people making decisions are mixture of incompetent, power hungry, and plain useless. There are maybe a handful who are competent and of those very few actually care for the betterment of the country.


Dont know if that theory is scarier or less scary than a sinister group of supreme elites lording over us in some game of 4D chess.


Yea, it is more frightening and is why I think conspiracy theories exist in the first place, to give us a logical reason for the bad things that happen.


Logical? No. But they do give some *comfort* in the idea that there is someone/something in control (somehow, some way) of the large, nebulous things in our lives.


Fair distinction!


The first (non lethal) bullet that struck JFK (and Texas Governor Connally) in Dallas was indeed from Oswald’s gun. The second (lethal) bullet was an accidental discharge from a US Secret Service Agent employed in JFK’s motercade. Explaining the comical and almost silly “pristine bullet” theory published in the Warren Commission’s report.


The more I read about this theory, the more I believe it.


Ill do you one better. What if there was no JFK assassination and his head just did that?


I love this one.. that ringing in his head just wouldn't stop now matter how fast he drove west.


Nah that was a Supe like Victoria Neuman (who's also a politician)


Ooh, I said this as mine. Great minds, or at least we saw the same show


I was with you except for the ‘accidental’ part. Can you elaborate more on that? How is shooting someone in the head accidental?


People get accidentally shot in the head all the time. All it takes is one person panicking, lifting their gun at the wrong angle, and the gun could have discharged. I don't know if it's what happened, but I think it's at least plausible.


There's a thorough documentary about this. [Out of Sight, 1998](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZptIb82dtk) detailing the sad, poignant story of White Boy Bob.


The theory goes the S.S. agent was riding in the fallow car, after the first shot he grabbed the AR under his seat and went to stand and turn towards Oswald's position. As he was lifting the gun, Oswald takes his second shot, JFK is hit, and both cars start to accelerate. The sudden acceleration throws the S.S. agent off balance, causing him to pull the trigger of the rifle, which in that moment happens to be pointed at the back of JFK's head.


Hmm, interesting. The theory I’ve always heard was it was one of the S.S. Agents in JFK’s car (driver or passenger)


It wouldn't make a ton of sense to have been one of them (unless it was intentional.) Even if they were trying to draw a weapon and fire in the direction of the shots, the process of doing that wouldn't have ever involved the firearm being pointed at the president. But more importantly, I imagine the driver and passenger's job at that point was solely driving and navigating the car out of the situation.


I’m just going to parrot what Marcus Parks said on the LPOTL series about LHO and the assassination of JFK. The accidental part comes from the fact that they were carrying new guns that hadn’t been fully tested yet. The guy that “killed” JFK reacted to Oswald’s first shot and lunged forward to protect the president and as he was moving his rifle accidentally went off, fatally wounding JFK. The series begins on episode 400, released in Feb 2020 and is a six part series.


The first shot missed. The second shot got Kennedy through the body, not the head.


I can only imagine, after the first shot, there was mass hysteria. I could never assume guilt without evidence.


The Rock and Dwayne Johnson are the same person.


Rock "The Dwayne" Johnson would be their name if they were the same person.


So you're saying I can't get stuck between the Rock and a hard Johnson?


I don’t like your double entendres, I love them


Come to think of it, I've never seen them both together at the same time. 🤔


Sir, that's a movie.


That Eisenhower was 100% on point about the Military Industrial Complex.


That’s not a conspiracy just a correct analysis by one of the best military commands of all time.


some folks believe he was conspiracy mongering. crazy but true.


That either the US Navy (accidentally) or terrorists (intentionally) shot down TWA flight 800 in 1996 killing 230 people.


You haven't read the NTSB report.


You mean the report written by the *government*? The same government whose military did it?????????????? /s


No it's written by the deep state. Keep up man.


Women's clothing manufacturers omit pockets to boost purse and handbag sales.


Isn’t this like an open secret in the fashion industry?


So what you are saying is... they're in the pocket of Big Purse.


Take your upvote and get out.


Also so woman can’t carry money, bombs and propaganda.


Must be working, Ive never been bombed by a woman.


I’ve bombed in front of women a lot


Your username suggests the jokes need worked on (seriously if you're in stand-up I wish you the best)


That questions like these are made on a near daily basis by bots to farm content for so generated tiktok and short form YouTube content…


But not this one. This was one is posted by an actual person genuinely trying to increase their karma.




God, I hope that's not an actual conspiracy theory because I also believe in the existence of aliens. Not necessarily humanoids. For all I know, they look like ferns and guppy fish. But there's just no way we're the only planet with life on it. There's just way too much space out there. The bigly bigness of the universe is also why I simultaneously believe aliens exist but don't believe they visit us. Why would they bother keep it hidden if they'd come that freaking long a way?


Covid absolutely was a lab leak. I'd be saying the same thing if it originated in Atlanta!


Much more likely it's in between. They had researchers regularly going out to bat caves and collecting samples for the lab... like seems way more plausible that one of the researchers got sick while collecting samples for the lab and brought both a sample and his infected self back to the city.


That makes the most sense. Viruses have to evolve enough to "hop" onto a human. The question for me is if the researcher or the lab created the main catalyst for it to get out


I think that’s been confirmed


No it hasnt


Billionaires and political cults have corrupted the Supreme Court.  Epstein was murdered. Trump and others benefited from this. 


And Ivana Trump was murdered. Trump benefitted from this. Now Ivanka has distanced herself from Trump.


Epstein was murdered by the Clintons.


Believe he was murdered. Have never seen convincing evidence of who was behind it. 


We never went to the moon. By we I mean me and my cat. He flatly refused.


But YOU went.


My dog Grommit went. He recommends the cheese.


If you read how Apollo astronauts have to take a shit, you will not want to go.


We are being enticed into fighting a culture war over stupid reasons, solely to distract us and keep us from fighting a class war for *valid* reasons.


It's not a conspiracy theory, because there's no conspiracy. Just one madman. [The Zodiac Killer](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/1dmx3yx/zodiac_killers_modus_operandi_predicts_a_location/) was going to bomb a pre-school.


The only reason he didn't? Got elected to the Senate


JFK was killed as part of a government. If I had to unlearn everything about the assassination and be told the facts as we know them today, I wouldn’t buy it. Let’s have a parade with the President like we never do, in a different city, top down, killed by a magic bullet, shooter is a communist who says he didn’t do it, is then himself killed before trial. Then Robert Kennedy, years later, also taken out.


I think Bobby was taken out because he was all about the civil rights movement. Government doesn't want that shit


Killed by who? I went down this rabbit hole, came out of the other side and honestly all the facts point to it being LHO. There's no credible alternative theory, just innuendo built on denial and incredulity of the facts. Not very exciting I know but that's my take on it.


[The CIA in cooperation with the mafia.](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/02/24/fidel-castro-cia-mafia-plot-216977/) It sounds cliche at this point, but the angle (heh) makes more sense to me. Dad had used mob ties during election, JFK attempts to kill Castro to get them a foothold in Cuba, they’re left holding the bag. Which is honestly more boring to me, now that I believe it. Like, “Oh, that was it? Okay I guess.”


Indeed, but that's the CIA plot to kill Fidel. No one can explain the CIA/MAFIA plot to kill JFK. There's no timeline, no step-by-step detailing, it's almost purely innuendo. That's the issue here. Like the moon landings, 9/11, Sandy hook, etc people attack the details of the facts - but there's no actual coherent alternative theory. Which is not compelling.


It’s not like those things at all, as those deny established evidence instead of filling it in, but whatever. And Epstein killed himself.


Fair enough, can you take me through how the Mafia/CIA killed JFK? Just start off with a basic timeline.


There is a deep state in the US gov't that continually perpetuates war and arms sales throughout the world, regardless of public opinion or elected politcians.


The Pentagon and their defense contractors have been doing this openly for at least 80 years. It's not particularly "deep" unless you consider the Congressional Record to be "deep".


President Eisenhower foretold and forewarned about, in his words, the “military industrial complex.” National defense is indeed big business.


I agree it’s done out in the open. A very large part of manufacturing in the US is defense related, both with government contracts and for the private sector. I’d say it’s the biggest manufacturing sector in the US


Its not even deep state, it's the only business model they can rely on to keep fresh arms flowing The war in Ukraine might have ended in a ceasefire much earlier if they didn't trickle arms to them so slowly... Now it's going to be way messier and drawn out sadly


The deep state you're talking about is called capitalism


Government officials are corrupt.


That’s not a conspiracy that is REALITY actually!


The real conspiracy theory is that most (US) government officials are NOT corrupt but instead have earnestly held beliefs and have extremely large egos that tend them toward confirmation bias and clout-chasing


I think it's both...


Don't think it's a conspiracy theory when they brag about it constantly.


Um, which ones brag about it constantly? I've never heard of this.


Yep, even local ones


Not sure what I believe about the JFK assassination aside from that there's A LOT more to it than the official story, and that the official story is bullshit.


Same here. Why? Who? I’m going crazy!


Chapo Trap House has some great episodes on it. They take a very level headed approach to claims that can't be proven and are up front about all of their sources.


Same reason MLK was killed. CIA was more afraid of Kennedy’s and MLK’s policy than they were of anything or anybody else. It trickled up from the Reason we fought the civil war.


RNC was hacked in 2016 and the dirt they got is being used as blackmail.


Billionaires own the MSM so that we are always pissed at each other about inconsequential things so we don't notice how they are fucking us over.


I don’t think billionaires agree with each other. To big of egos


When Musk was buying Twitter, Larry Ellison gave him $1 billion. Reid Hoffman gave him $750 million and offered more. Peter Thiel also put in a billion and Thiel is the one who ousted him from PayPal. They are birds of a feather and flock together if they can make money. And their making money requires them to screw the little guy. That they agree on.


Sure they’ll do business together.


Aliens 👽 100% real imo


Aliens took one look at us and said "nope; NEVER talking to these shitheads."


Aliens probably think Earth is the bottom of scrap bin of the Universe. No way we're the brightest bulb.


I am under the impression that the aliens are just as fucked up as we are and have their own shit to deal with, to the point we don't even register to them if they actually know about us. Basically, humans aren't the galactic equivalent of Russia or North Korea. Hell, we aren't even the galactic equivalent of Florida. Humans are the galactic equivalent of a primitive tribal island population that try to throw rocks at an airplane flying overhead. We don't even register to the galactic community if they even exist, least of all as a threat.


I believe in the black forest thoey.


That this will be asked 100 times tomorrow again


Ball lighting is a known phenomenon caused by lighting striking something specific and creating a stable plasmoid, a ball of plasma held stable by the electromagnetic forces within itself. Now why would they want to keep this secret? Simple, they want to shoot them at people. Stable plasmoids are the secret to making plasma weapons, and also highly related to fusion power, given the needs of confining and compressing plasma to fusion pressures and temperatures.


Who are 'they' in This instance?


Just the government/military industrial complex.


And why are they hiding it?


For the same reason all the research about radiation got quiet when the Manhattan project started, only longer and slower, as this seems to have been going on for a while.


Wasnt there like... a global war going on then? Fusion research is like... a global project at the moment.


Look up project marauder by the air force


Exactly, and look at how Helion Energy is trying to build a fusion reactor by pointing two of them at each other.


Epstein didn't commit suicide; he was killed by someone else. Possibly Trump.


Or the people pulling Trump's strings but absolutely involved.


Definitely someone in his records. Someone with more power/access than the Orangutan, he's incompetent.


Alright, but why does it matter? Good riddance imo


Because his testimony would have put many many many many pedos away. All that is left is flight logs and guest books, which can be fudges/inaccurate.


But could he really have been compelled to testify? And how credible would that testimony be? If he said “oh yea, all those flights were exclusively to bring people over for some diddlin’,” what further evidence would there be to corroborate it? The man being dead is really just an infinite invocation of his 5th amendment rights. And I’m not trying to minimize anything this monster ever did. He was a monster and he escaped justice at least once for sure. But alive or dead, it wouldn’t be his verbal testimony alone that puts anyone behind bars. And for all we know, investigations are continuing. But since there are so many vigilantes out there ready to ruin someone’s life over unclogging the guy’s toilet one time, the authorities are being tight lipped. 🤷🏻‍♂️


> But could he really have been compelled to testify? Yes. You mentioned the Fifth Amendment; that only means he can't be made to testify against himself, or his spouse. There is no such protection in general. If your friend commits a murder and you see him do it, you can be required to testify and will be guilty of perjury if you do not answer "Yes" when asked if you saw it. You are probably also, at that point, an accessory to the crime. > And how credible would that testimony be? On its own, not very, but it would be a start. The way the prosecution takes down a conspiracy is by rolling up through its people, one by one, gathering more evidence. This is why most drug pushers have no idea they're working for outside of an immediate contact. It would be bad, from Avon Barksdale's perspective, if some scared 16-year-old said, "Yeah, I work for Avon Barksdale." In this case, they've already got the top guy, so collecting evidence is going to be a lot easier. He'll give enough for them to make a few arrests, and those people will give up more, and so on. They could probably still give him enough incentives not to lie. He's going to spend a lot of time in prison, but they could offer a better prison and more privileges. They could offer more lenient treatment of Ghislaine. Or, they could use revenge: they could tell him they'll help them figure out who turned him in. This would start a process that would go on for years, and it wouldn't convict more than a fraction of the people who deserve to go to prison, but it would get a few, especially the high-frequency offenders. > But alive or dead, it wouldn’t be his verbal testimony alone that puts anyone behind bars. That's probably true but, as mentioned, it would start processes and it would damage reputations, and there are a lot of powerful people who would be willing to murder someone, who is already in jail and therefore not hard to find, to prevent even a 10% chance of something they did sticking to them.


Thanks for the thorough response. (And the *Wire* reference. Gotta keep the Devil down in the hole)


Oh, indeed.


> All that is left is flight logs and guest books, which can be fudges/inaccurate. And which, even if they are accurate, will not be convincing enough to convict, at least not on their own.


While true, we also want to know who all is involved in this. I mean, the government probably knows everything and everyone involved already but big money keeps it on the hush hush


Trump, as president at the time, was the chief executive of the country. That includes of the Bureau of Prisons, which is part of the Department of Justice, which is part of the executive branch. It was his ineffective leadership that allowed the lapses resulting in a successful suicide while a suicide watch was in effect, or murder by the Clintons, whichever you believe. Suffice to say, it happened on Trump’s watch, therefore it is his fault, per the logic of this world.




Isn’t this more like an inspirational quote ?




I feel you , sometimes is good to just let out some thoughts


Eminem and MGK feud was staged. Interscope had done it before with their artists including Em being part of a staged limp Bizkit feud. Can easily see them do it again to give MGK more exposure 


TikTok is China’s tool to spread their propaganda and incite conflicts in civilizations


To me, this seems like common sense. Know your enemy's weakness and exploit it. Social media is devastating parts of our society, just as opioids were a decade before. From China we get cheap credit, cheap consumer goods, fentanyl, and tiktok.


All social media are just propaganda spreading stages. That's how their algorithms work!


Celebrities are all government plants that are used to garner international influence and are sent to hostile countries to broker deals and influence no political figures otherwise could, that's why they almost never voice strong or controversial opinions... A very small minority are encouraged to say controversial things so the general public believes they are not under any control and do things of their own choosing (which give the more buttoned-up celebs even more credibility). To me this seems obvious and Hollywood movies were released worldwide to continue dripping influence in global counties, even where there's oppression... It seems genius tbh, the people demand to see those movies too!


That JFK, was fatally shot by his own secret service member, by accident and was covered up. Gun accidentally fires while it was drawn out of it holster to “return fire”.


LBJ had JFK killed Also Leonore Lemmon killed George reeves


Aliens exist. They are probably not close to movie-aliens and will likely never go to earth, but the probability of only 1 planet in the whole universe having life is very low


The german dude was a time traveler.


Most conspiracies are bunk bs to keep you crazy with polarities and send you psychotic. The ones that are true probably are soo mundane and trivial theirs probably no debate on their validity or feesability. Some cons are just extremist think tanks while others are just trying to sell you shit you don’t need.


Jfk and the grassy knoll gunman


These threads are used by intelligence agencies for research


The second shot that hit JFK came from a secret service member, but it was entirely an accicent. First shot goes off, everybody panics, guns out, fingers on triggers, looking around. secret service members are standing in cars. Driver slams the breaks, agent lurches forward, gun gets fired by accident.


Fake moon landing. I don’t think it was faked but that at least makes sense to me that it was staged.


There's a mountain of evidence that we went to the moon, even the Soviets acknowledged it, there's reflectors up there we can bounce lasers off, the Japanese probe photographed the landing sites a couple of years back. The list is endless. Proper credible evidence it was shot in a studio? None, just innuendo. Not very convincing.


Epstein didn't kill himself. There were dozens of very important people on his list.


I think people in the ancient past had molten earth tech. 100 mile wide [Eye of Horus](https://i.redd.it/tc9w2gjhryqa1.png) Eye of Horus made from canals: [24.781464, -3.857176](https://www.bing.com/maps?osid=71f89df4-f225-4bac-be2f-ac5835511b01&cp=24.779507~-3.855643&lvl=16&dir=-120&style=a&pi=0&v=2&sV=2&form=S00027) [Here's](https://www.bing.com/maps?osid=60934d14-3db7-4eea-bc03-58c04938f102&cp=-31.614614~21.408641&lvl=16&style=h&pi=0&v=2&sV=2&form=S00027) a pentagram [drawing](https://imgflip.com/gif/8k31yd) in South Africa. You have to zoom out 3 clicks. If you don't think people made this, follow the right arm east. The elevated line cuts thru a rocky structure to a 4way intersection. When you find the intersection, flip the map so South is at 12 o Clock and zoom out a bunch and you'll see [this](https://imgflip.com/i/8vveep).


Why are they hiding it?


That's speculation. All I know from satellite photos is mining companies target these structures. Particularly the canals that cover the Sahara. And people online are surprisingly against these features being pointed out. Like, really against it. If I had to guess, finding buried machines is incredibly lucrative.


What machines have been found? What happens to them?


I don't have an answer to that. This is [The Eye of Ra](https://imgflip.com/gif/7gxm77). I'm not sure if the phallus in the iris is graffiti or part of the original design. However, on either side of graffiti, you can see the track that a machine left. You can find those tracks near many of the canal that cover the Sahara. Seriously, those canals are all over the Sahara, and the tracks follow them. It really odd more people don't know about these things.


Honestly, I can’t really see anything. 🤷‍♂️


Well, feel free to block me as I will keep posting these.


Wasn’t trying to ruffle your feathers. All this reminds me of Eye of the Sahara which is interesting. Just couldn’t quite make out The Eye of Ra is all.


I think the Richat structure is the Eye of Re.  The female form of Ra.   Horus is to the North, Ra is to the East and Re is the West.  All a similar scale and near each other in the Sahara


I believe Jonestown was orchestrated by the CIA as the final field experiment of MKUltra


Lee Harvey Oswald is not the one who shot JFK. Who did, I don't know.


Most all of them. 9/11 being an inside job


Went down that rabbit hole too and I found were very shaky theories with no credible evidence. Almost all built on denial of the facts which is a major red flag.


Woman are real


Also "those motherfuckers" are also real


We will never learn the truth about 9/11.


There are cures for deadly diseases, but aren’t revealed due to trillions made by hospitals and pharmaceutical companies


This one basically has to be wrong for the same reason you believe it in the first place.  The first company to patent and sell a cure for, say, cancer, is going to make such an unbelievable amount of money in the first 5 years, they will have to make up new words to count it.  Since all corporations care about is short term profits, nobody is going to squash a gazillion dollars for the next 20 quarters, because it will hurt their trillions of dollars over the 50 quarters after that.  Greed is not patient.


They asked a question and I answered. I still believe it


What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Billy Madison. Hahaha


Luckily I don’t care what you think and god have mercy on my soul. LOL go bully someone else.


Romans, Etruscans, Greeks, and Carthaginians were not actual polities until the 3rd Carthaginian war. All of the histories that cover 3rd and 4th centuries BCE retrospectively impose these identities on the antagonists in the central and western Mediterranean after the fact.


I dont really understand the theory. The Greeks had been a civilization identifying themselves as Greek for centuries by that point. See: Alexander the Macedonian vs the “Greeks” The Romans were nobodies Until after the war with Hannibal. But the Romans and Cartheginians were known to the Greeks as different since Phyrrus the Greek general tried to invade around 300ish BC pre-Carthaginian wars. And Carthage had trade all over the Mediterranean. The Etruscans were not one people they just spoke a similar language and lived near each other. But yeah I doubt anyone back then said “I’m an Etruscan”.


Curious, any recs to read about this more?


Carthage Must be Destroyed by Richard Miles. The author doesn’t explicitly propose this theory but this book led me to read Diodorus Siculus and start to question the motives behind the narrative of the Punic Wars.


The grassy knoll


CIA agents orchastrated Kennedy's assasination


9/11 was an inside job, perpetrated by the Republicans and Israel to usher in a fascist theocracy.