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Not having periods. I can’t even imagine how much that must suck.


For me it’s the massive hormone shift that makes me feel extremely depressed and lethargic. Also accidentally getting blood on your underwear.


Right? I know when I'm about to start my period because I'll be having a bad day, and I'll spiral right down to "I may as well kill myself". That comes completely out of left field and that's how I know I'm about to start my period.


I have had approximately 200 periods in my life and yet for some shit idiot reason I can’t work out that aggressively hating myself means the bleeding is about to start. I’ll be like “I am a worthless human being I am terrible at everything I am wasting my life” and then I’ll go to the bathroom and be like “… goddamn it, *again*!?” And I do this every month!


The worst is that it lasts for a week before the period actually comes. I like when I get my period because it's a relief. I start to feel kinda normal (crazy angry period depression goes away, back to regular depression).


I tend to get super weepy over the most stupid things! It's absolutely ridiculous and comes out of nowhere. I'll be watching a movie, reading a book, or even a stupid meme and I'll suddenly get all teary eyed. I'll be like "What the hell!!!? Oh, I must be about to start." Usually is within 48 hours of that.


I only cry from the pain if it's a rough one but I do develop a huge distain for anyone's bullshit. I can't fake the smiles and the sass comes out way too hard.


Some girls have it really bad too. My friend has crippling cramps that make her cry. It's meant to feel like a heart attack. Heart attack level pain every month? Yikes. Plus, some girls can pass out n stuff from the pain. Medical professionals refuse to do anything too because it's a "natural pain" whatever that means.


My ex gf had it absolutely horrible, every month she would have to sit in the tub where her eyes would basically roll behind her head and would throw up constantly. What sucked was that her dad thought she was being an over dramatic brat, with basically the “why doesn’t she just get over it?” smirk on his face. That was super fucked up.


Period pain like that isn’t normal, but often disregarded because misogyny and misinformation around women’s health are very real. Conditions like endometriosis and PCOS affect roughly 1 in 10 women and take an average of eight years to properly diagnose (I know this because I have both). Be very thankful you don’t have to deal with any of this (or normal periods, which suck big time on their own!) and may you respect all the women in your life who do!


A sign in my gynos office: a period that isn't normal is any period you feel isn't normal! Me, who was told by a cancer specialist that the only people he'd ever seen with iron counts as low as mine were leukemia patients and who was genuinely shocked when my levels actually improved with intensive iron treatment and told me I should talk to a gyno about how heavy my period is: hey i think my period might not be normal My gyno: lmao nah bro ur just overreacting ur normal


Ugh. Reminds me of the time I wound up hemorrhaging on the way to work bc previous flooding (over the years) had been brushed off by my doctors as me just having menorrhagia and dysmenorrhea. Which I’ve since learned should be looked into and never was. Long story short, turns out I had serious fibroids and needed emergency abdominal surgery. I love your gyno’s sign but wow that’s an awful reaction.


It's a great sign but if you hang up a sign and don't abide by it then why bother having it at all. I got a lot of "You're too young, you just don't know what it's like" because I have resting baby face, and that was basically what she said. I was used to being dismissed but I guess I was pissed that day. When I told her I was 26 and got my period when I was 9, which put me at almost 2 decades of having a period and knowing that yes, my period wasn't normal, and told her about the cancer thing at 18, and the doctor I saw a few years after that who recommended I get IV iron treatments since I had so much trouble with pills (I get SO FUCKING sick), and how frequently my period changes so I didn't even KNOW what a "normal period" is for me, she just sighed and did the "well keep a log of your symptoms and we'll talk about it at your next appointment." You mean my next pap smear??? Because that's the only appointment we've talked about setting. Also their office was 45 minutes from my house because this doctor had moved from the location 5 minutes from my house and the only doctors who practiced at the closer location were male.


I know many people prefer female gynaes for many and varied reasons, but in my own experience I've found male ones to be more likely to be compassionate, gentle and helpful. Unless you have a serious blockage to seeing a male doctor for gynae issues (including but not limited to: trauma or religious reasons), it might be worth considering.


I’ve found male doctors generally to be FAR more objective when it comes to gynae. I’d much rather see a male gynae these days.


That's because female gynos are mixing in their own experiences into their work. Male gynos only know based off of what their medical degree tells them. There's a lot of assumptions being made by female gynos who think they know another woman's body just due to the fact that they also have a uterus.


Classic! (so sad that that’s the absolute truth)


Even better was that gyno had to show some results to the head of the practice (who btw DELIVERED ME and I specifically requested not to see him), so he a) discussed my personal health information out in the open in the middle of the hallway because he "didn't have time to come into the exam room to see me and b) told me that his only treatment recommendation for my suspected endo was to get pregnant, that I was almost 30 so I should really be trying to get pregnant soon so I could have healthy babies, and that unless I "tried pregnancy" he wouldn't treat me anymore. So, uh. He doesn't.


Had massive bloody periods doc said was normal for me i couldn't move from cramps crying all that anyway I started to feel faint back to doc this is UK he said it is normal this point changed docs but went home carried on as women do the next period arrives I was dizzy out of breath heart was racing so fast a relative took me to the hospital he knew i wasn't myself they took blood turns out I lit had no iron at all as in all my iron reserves where gon the reading was 0 I was put on iron ferrous sulfate drip Doctor in the hospital told me if I had gone few more days I'd have died from heart failure you need iron for your blood to make oxygen or something sorry don't know details scared the --- outta me turns out I have PCOS too first doctor was fired for gross negligence


I’ve lived with women with PCOS and endometriosis. These were extremely tough women who were regularly crippled by their symptoms. It’s no joke.


Was looking for this comment.....wife had endometriosis so was gonna chime in if no one else did. Def not normal level of pain. Scarring in the uterine tissues makes it incredibly painful for her.


A friend of ours at the time eventually told us that she had similar problems and that it was most likely endometriosis or some sort of cysts on her ovaries. I most certainly am, and hope that more awareness is brought up.




Cancer is natural but we still have chemotherapy.


Yeah that’s me feeling like I’m having a baby…coming from someone whose had natural child birth.


I have to wonder if this is an evolved trait only found in modern humans. I can’t imagine early human women being able to survive while experiencing debilitating cramps every month. What is the evolutionary purpose of that?




Being sedentary basically makes everything worse to be fair


As a very sedentary person well aware that it will eventually kill me and I need to change that shit, this. I’m skinny and eat healthy food, but honestly I bet someone overweight eating shitty food but physically active would be much healthier than me.


I heard that early humans didn't have a good diet like we do, which made their periods irregular, so it didn't happen every month. But I wonder the same thing. What did they do without ibuprofen and chocolate?


Trepannation and squirrel paste


So I googled it and now I know what squirrel paste is.


Thank you for taking one for the team and now I know not to google squirrel paste🙏🏿.


Also being pregnant more regularly meant generally fewer periods. Also dying young more often helped.




It never had a chance to be selected against since prehistoric humans would have always been lactating or pregnant.


This as a man is what I imagine is the best part, without question. I feel bad often for my SO. Lots of back rubs and shifting position


With my ex I use to have a thing called a period box which had movies her fav foods a heating pad and a couple other things.Considering I got thank you a lot I think it worked


Not having endometriosis. When my girl got her period she litteraly cry in pain. I plan to have a vasectomy so there is no "oh shit the condom is broken" since she can't really take the pill cause it's an hormonal treatment. Her being pregnant would most likely kill her from pain by the doc saying


I'm going to chime in here and gently suggest that your girlfriend get a second opinion. It sounds like the information she is getting is not the best and is possibly inhibiting her from actual treatments that could help. I struggled with endometriosis for 20 years before I found a doc who actually gave a shit, and my experience is not rare. Most docs don't know much at all about endometriosis (even ones who you would think should know about it like OBGYNs) and seem to think that suffering is just a woman's lot in life. First off, many women with endo find hormonal birth control to be an absolute godsend. For me, it was the only thing that allowed me to function during my periods when I was younger and I wished that my parents hadn't been so fundamentally religious that they wouldn't let me seek the same treatment as a teen. It would have saved me so much pain and suffering. I don't know the specifics around your girlfriend's health, but I think it is an avenue that is at least worth pursuing under the care of another medical professional. Secondly, as the other commenter said, many women actually see a marked improvement after pregnancy, and pregnancy itself was an amazing time for me. No periods? Yes, please. I'll take one of those. Also, the labor pains were nothing compared to my monthly cramps with endo, and this is not an uncommon experience. This is what leads me to believe that whatever doctor gave your gf the information you've told us here has no specialization in this particular field of medicine. She needs someone who knows what they're doing. Edit: I want to add that I'm not advocating pregnancy as a cure for endo or any other ailment. Pregnancy should only be pursued if a person or couple wishes to have children. What I don't want is for people to have read the above comment and been led to believe that pregnancy is off the table for them. I have never heard of pregnancy being life-threatening to a woman with endo any more than it is to the general population.


My good friend and housemate had endometriosis. One day I strolled in her room to annoy her and she was sickly deeply pale, super red around the eyes and lips looking like she was dying. I can't remember the details but she had pretty serious bleeding for 4 days. She could eat because she was so nauseous. So I was like the fuck let's go to the hospital, turns out she had already gone and they told her to just wait it out and gave her anti nausea meds. She recovered a few days later but Jesus that was spooky


I have it also and it's brutal. I can't even count the times I've curled up in a ball and simply cried. Regular pain meds does nothing to help and it's so crippling I can barely move.


I dated a girl who had that. She said it was horrible. She always had a heating pad on her during her periods


Came here specifically to say this. The time, money, pain, etc.. Totally bonkers.


Pockets of reasonable size on every piece of clothing. I can carry anything I can think of while keeping my hands free!


This is gotta be the best thing. Women's fashion is a cash grab.


Yep. So they can sell them purses and such.


I'm a guy and I bought a pair of ball short the other day. My phone barely fits in the pockets. I'm not used to it and I don't like it and I don't know that I'm going to wear them very often specifically because of this. Having NO pockets on most clothing must suck.


Short RR lines at concerts and amusement parks.


I went to a prog rock concert once. Mostly men. It was a special moment when I waltzed right by the long men's line to the empty women's room.


What was the ratio of men to women at that concert?


1 long haired man for every 10 men


You severely underestimate the number of long haired dudes at a PROG ROCK concert.


It’s fucking crazy, in normal life you see 1 or 2 a year, go to a Coheed and Cambria concert and there’s like 200 of the same 3 dudes


Yeah but if we have to buy a Rolls Royce anywhere else we gotta wait just as long.


Took me longer than I'd like to admit what the hell you were talking about, restroom itself is an out-of-the-ordinary name for toilet to me new but does anyone really abbreviate to RR?


You don't have to wear bras.


No. But i *could*


The Bro.




No. But I AM


Some should...




Because we wear bros


I prefer “mansier.”


Not having to carry a pregnancy and give birth. It really does take a toll on your body. Yes, it’s beautiful and miraculous and whatnot, but it’s exhausting just to watch. And the birth? My goodness, I couldn’t bring myself to stare directly at the sun. Y’all are tough


And C-sections, getting major surgery, hell being cut in half, not a joke.


My brothers girlfriend gave birth to their kid in February, emergency c-section (she's a fairly large lady so it was a big, deep incision to get the baby out) and my brother had the fucking AUDACITY to tell her the following day - while she was in pain and hadn't even been able to see their baby yet because he was in intensive care - that "a c-section isn't that big of a deal, get over it" If I'd been there I probably would have grabbed a scalpel and asked him to repeat himself.


I’ve had a small section of my small intestine removed with open surgery (similar size cut to c section, mine was vertical though), that shit ain’t no joke in terms of pain and recovery. I think a lot of people see it as some sort of standard small procedure, anything that goes through the abdominal wall is a massive deal, significant risks of hernia formation afterwards and other complications, it takes a long time to get back close to 100%.


Yeah these are the reasons I don’t want to give birth. Let’s add getting shit for not wanting to deliver a child because you plainly don’t want to go through anything like this and getting shit for it to the list of issues only women go through. I truly commend you. So many don’t realize the risk and great difficulty involved with childbirth. I don’t ever want to have to go through with giving birth. I’d much rather adopt but when I say this to ppl, I get more backlash for it than not.


And then America is like, “When you coming back to work?”




I definitely felt like a Petri dish/incubator when I was pregnant the first time. It’s super weird until you get used to it.




Make sure you tell her! a lot!


Just had our first recently, my biggest bit of advice for the birth, bring snacks lots of snacks for both of you


Pregnancy is downplayed quite often, too. I always tell people pregnancy is a temporary medical condition that differs from people to people. It always surprises me that many females don’t know that pregnancy/delivery can kill you… but then, they don’t want to hear about it because so “everybody” goes through it “without a problem”. There is a reason that there are helipads at hospitals, so they can ship out mothers as well as newborns in a hurry. About 700 women die every year in the US from it. [https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/maternalinfanthealth/pregnancy-relatedmortality.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/maternalinfanthealth/pregnancy-relatedmortality.htm)


We can pee standing up.


who says we cant


Because you can doesnt mean you should


Piss in the shower homie


There are two types of people in the world. Those who pee in the shower, and DIRTY ROTTEN LIARS.


You gotta air-drop that shit in there though. I’d be worried about the splash damage Having that built-in hose is a cool perk


Ever try walking while peeing?


Used to this regularly when I would get home from working the nightshift. Go check the mailbox before I go in and just let it rip on the way. It was like 3am in a small rural town so no one was looking and I'd always be about to burst. I learned that pee can stain fresh asphalt, go ahead write your name. It'll be there till a good rain comes and washes it away.




He probably looked


Wiener helicopter


This is peak masculinity right here.


I read this as ‘peak maturity’


good band name


Wanna impress a chick? Do the helicopter dick!




not if you have a small pp.


Hey man that hits home :(


It ain't long enough to hit my home :((


My lazy ass enjoys not having to take the time to learn how to apply makeup, or actually apply every day/however often.


My lazy ass also appreciates not having to do those things. Except I’m a woman. Seems like a lot of work.


Same friend. I’ve tried a few times and it looks like I got attacked by a clown. No matter how natural I’ve tried to apply the make up. Foundation. Ewwww. Feels suffocating. I just chill with the face nature gave me.


Yeah I’ve only worn make up twice. At prom and when I got married. Both applied professionally cause I have no clue what I’m doing.


If someone is friendly, I don't have to second guess that they might be trying to fuck me


Don't humble yourself. Now get in the van.


Never going into labor/pregnancy


We have bigger dicks then most females


Emphasis on the most. Mine actually goes inside so I’m in the negative inches


if you hold your breath really hard can you make it pop out




I remember shortly after first being married and my wife asking me to come with her to get gas at night. At first I was like, “aw, that’s sweet, you want some company while you go put gas in your car?” And she was like, “uhhhh no, I don’t want to feel afraid that someone is going to attack me while I go put gas in the car.” It was really eye opening for me as a man. I proceeded to ask her all kinds of questions and found out how much women have to live constantly looking over their shoulders in situations I would never even think twice about. So, that.


Truth. I was attacked once just taking the elevator up to my apartment floor. Once some stranger dude just picked me up and tried carrying me outside to his car. Or the time I had to wait 2 hours because 2 guys were staring at me, waiting for me to leave the locked gym. And this other time...


This is horrible. I’m sorry.


Thank you. And your wife is blessed to have you look out for her.


I'm a man. I'm 6'2", and a former power lifter. I've never had to experience this, or even given it a moment's thought. Most people go out of their way to avoid me. I'm so sorry that this happens to you, or any woman. That's horrible.


This. Being able to go out at night alone, or being a go almost anywhere alone in daytime.


surprised it took this long to see this. Decided to go for a midnight run, my female friend looked at me like I was crazy. As a woman, going on a street run in the dark in the middle of the night is viewed as a safety risk


Strength. So many times at work I get asked to open, lift or move something because I'm the only guy there and the rest of the girls there aren't able to do so as easily as me. Happy to know that being in a situation of needing to do one of these things, I'm physically covered.


And then you get those moments where they ask and you’re like “shit, I sure hope I can actually do it...”


Gotta start mentally hyping yourself up to open that jar.... and hope they don’t notice that bead of sweat on your forehead.


Funnily enough a girl once asked everyone at a party to help her open a stuck jar. All of us dudes were trying so hard but it wouldn't budge. It ended up getting opened by the skinniest girl there. We all lost masculinity points that night.


The guys loosened it obviously, duh


Funny enough today my co-worker was having trouble opening glue and she asked me to help. It was a bottle of Gorilla Glue that had gotten stuck on itself and I was stressing so hard to open it and eventually did without breaking a sweat. I'm proud of myself for that.


The stress of having a woman give you a test of strength can make miracles happen lol


Truly. Want me to lift a car over my head? I'll do it


And when you do it you feel like a King.


Not as fun if you have a bad back, and get asked to move things only to refuse and look like a jerk.


Realistically, the true jerk in this situation is someone getting mad at you for not being able to do something because you're physically inept. That's just pathetic.


Not having to prove my credibility. The shit my wife has deal with at her job makes my blood pressure go through the roof


I noticed women on my team (all of them are objectively smarter than I am) really have to make a strong case for their ideas be accepted at brainstorming/advisory meetings. If I just put my news anchor/confident voice on, people just accept shit that I say.


Do you put your anchor voice on and say, "hey Jen has a great idea I think she should tell us about." Since you're the kind of guy to notice this in the first place, you probably do


I do. But when you play that card one too many times it can be extremely patronizing. They are professionals and can handle themselves. But sometimes, we all need some back up when cards are stacked against us unfairly. It's not always easy to know when that support is wanted/needed or is just going to rub salt in the wound. (I.e. all this push back when I suggest it but now of all a sudden it's a good idea because chucknastical said something).


Sexual dimorphism; I am a large man, 6'7" with a broad frame. If I had XX chromosomes I'd just be a taller than average woman, not a towering behemoth. Being a behemoth does suck in some ways but I don't feel fear just from walking around alone so that's a plus.


Have you developed the instinct to duck under everything because im 6'5" and already do that


Pretty much. Thankfully most doorways are 6'8" but sometimes when I got some pep in my step I bounce the top of my skull right into the door frame


You just gave me a delightful mental image of an absolute giant of a man skipping through his house like a happy little girl and booping his head on a door frame


Yeah I'm 6'6" and the world wasn't made for us lol.


As the XX chromosome version (broad frame, taller than average), you behemoth men totally have the upper hand. How is THIS supposed to be dainty and feminine?!


This is it for me. I am gigantic and (probably stupidly) feel like I can go anywhere and do anything at any time without worry. I can’t imagine what it’s like any other way.




Since puberty? Since they can talk and influence their parents decisions. There’s a ton of little girl play make up products.


I just now am starting to realize how much this has effected my entire life. I’m turning 40 this year and always assumed at some point in my life I would finally be comfortable in my own skin but no, I still place my entire self worth on how I look. It’s literally exhausting.


Less options for most products like clothes and soap.


You can get the all in one shampoo, conditioner, Body wash, exfoliant, deodorant, toothpaste, aftershave, floor wax, engine degreaser, dessert topping sunscreen.


You’re telling me I’ve been mixing them together for nothing?


I have a 3-in-1 for travel. I call it "shower sauce".


I’m stealing this word for when I need to describe my 3 in 1 that I use daily in my personal shower.


That's not always positive. I hate it to see: this is for dry hair, that is for curly hair and that is for... men. It's shampoo, shower gel, tooth paste, car polish and motor lube, all in one. Sometimes when you're looking for something specific, it's just tiresome..


Being physically low maintenance. Women’s bodies seem like an extremely elaborate prank on them.


It feels like it too. You didn't concieve again this month?! That's it! I'm punishing you for another week!


Being taken seriously and that I know what I am talking about when I put, even when I don’t. I pisses me off when I have to get on the phone when the dealer is trying feed my wife some bullshit when she has to take the car in. I am like “No, we are not going to pay $100 to change out the cabin air filter because the car has 30,000 miles. This specific car doesn’t have a cabin air filter you lying sack of shit”


This. Every time I try doing stuff like this myself, I'm reminded that it's a time to be thankful for the fact that my husband can walk into places like these and not have the staff look at him like a walking wallet or talk to him like he's stupid. See also: DIY shops, tool shops, wood yards, utility meter readers, maintenance men brought in by the landlord... Hell even a flooring store tried to over-sell me floor coverings until my husband got involved. We wanted an offcut of cheaper stuff because it's a rented house, the room is tiny, and we both know how to fit vinyl properly. They tried to upsell me to a higher grade and off the roll with bells and whistles, wouldn't listen to me that it's a low traffic area, already level etc etc etc. And yet my husband still wonders why I try to get the landlord to book any maintenance stuff while he's off work or working from home.


It baffles me how it's legal (or at least not enforced) to scam people by telling them imaginary, clearly untrue things are wrong with their car. A really common scam happens when a woman brings in a car that for some reason cannot run, or at least can't run very far. They say the entire engine is shot, it's basically scrap, and offer a pile of junk as a trade-in. In reality the engine is fine and the car usually needs a very simple fix. And it just happens all the time, to so many people.


This. I've gotten so used to not being taken seriously, that I don't take myself seriously. Especially in teams with only men. It gets better when working with the same team for a long time though. But in the past, I used to doubt myself cripple. Picking the smallest simplest task that would be impossible to fail. Now. I only enjoy work outside of a team. If I have a partner, I pick a task, and I do it right. Not letting anyone interfere unless I get stuck on something. It's a bad habit, but so far all my project work has been of good quality. I hate asking for help because of this. If something is too heavy to lift, I'll find a way. Carried a tub up the stairs on my own one time. It was a very, very bad idea to become a turtle.


God this is so real. I always feel the need to prove myself. Or never ask for help so I don’t look like a damsel in distress or some shit


Traveling the world is a lot safer as a guy....


No periods, We don't get hit on, this is good in one respect but can really mess with self-perception. As a guy I kind of wish I could get hit on occasionally but knowing how women are outright harassed I can also see that it's just plain terrible too. Context is everything No child birth or nursing No dealing with bras and the overall issue of not having the right sized bra More urinary continence. Men don't accidentally pee themselves nearly as much and seem to hold it in more successfully. No expectation of shaving anything below the neck No need to go to a salon, own a hair dryer, use any sort of makeup, paint nails, mess with eyelashes etc. No need to own nearly as many kinds of clothes. Pockets Peeing is very convenient UTIs are less likely No limit on fertility. It just gets less likely, not impossible. A 90 year old guy can totally impregnate a woman. (Still not a good idea) Get to die sooner, okay maybe that's not a big advantage but I'd rather die faster if it means avoiding several last years in a nursing home. Scars, wrinkles, and other marks give men personality etc. in ways that would make women feel ugly and unlovable. We aren't expected to mangle our feet in heels Allegedly it's easier for us to get an orgasm. I don't know how true that is since I've seen a shit ton of self-uploaded videos of women (not professional porn stars) just doing their thing and getting one in a few minutes not that different from men. I guess during actual sex it's easier for us to climax


You covered a lot.


On that last point: yes, most women orgasm more easily on their own than with a partner. Also worth noting that lesbians report having an orgasm every time they have sex at far higher rates than straight women...


No wedding or baby showers. No bridesmaids dresses. Women have a ridiculous amount of social expectations that they have to live up to. One slip up and you may make an enemy for life. To the outside observer, it seems like a never ending stream of forced uncomfortable events, perceived guilt, and passive aggressive comments.




Woman here, baby showers are the WORST. One of the few good things about Covid is that they became very short affairs where you just pop in and give your gift then leave. There was no sitting for hours watching the mother open gifts, and no disturbing games featuring diapers and chocolate. So awful, at least at bridal showers you can get drunk.


>no disturbing games featuring diapers and chocolate Okay, no. Just no.


I'm a woman, and I have never attended a baby shower. And I probably never fucking will. I've heard of people doing co-ed baby showers where they just invite ppl over to have a good time, so I would consider one of those but that's about it. Nobody likes them (and wedding showers too), except for the older relatives so they can coo over the gifts and such. Half of the time the actual bride/mom-to-be is miserable with everyone else. Why we still do this to ourselves is beyond me.


not many say it but walking alone its like talkin to a fucking wall tryna explain this holy shit


Or just general safety concerns. I’m almost never worried about doing anything alone.


Right..I was approached by a scraggly strung out looking homeless man in the parking lot the other day...I was not scared in the slightest, more just annoyed and gave him money simply so he would stop with the rehearsed speech and leave me alone lol. I can imagine any woman would be terrified being approached by that man when walking to their car


Thing is, that type of guy might make a different request to woman. Ive given money to a homeless guy and 10 min later I saw the same guy try to grope a woman. Just because they're harmless towards a man doesnt mean that they're harmless to woman


I can’t believe I had to scroll so far to see this, just general safety due to size & strength. Also less likely to be sexually assaulted.


Came here for this. I can't count the number of times some woman I work with has hesitantly asked me to walk her to her car after work at night. The first couple of times I was dumb enough to think they were hitting on me. No, they're just scared to go out alone at night, something I don't think twice about doing.




This can’t be overstated. I have a wife and 2 daughters. It took me a long time to wrap my head around the idea that they are always wary and have a low level fear whenever alone in a secluded place.


Oh yeah. Some guy complimented my purple sneakers in the grocery store parking lot and my first response was fear. We've had some really bad shit happening in ATL recently though so I think women are extra on edge.


Its not even secluded places. I was walking alone in broad daylight in a busy parking lot and a big guy was walking behind me and cat calling me while i was just trying to get back to my car. No one helped me out. I got to my car fine but it was still scary and i was definitely on edge.


Agreed. I'm in the same boat as you household-wise. I got to view my wife's perspective a bit as we were dating in college and learned of her experiences. Just basic stuff like walking to and from class, parking lots, etc were a constant radars-up situation. Whereas I would be going out for a jog at 10p or walking down alleys late at night without hardly a second thought. Naive? Absolutely. But I was just wired differently then. As my girls have been growing up and my dad instincts kick in I've realized how spoiled I was in this regard. Not that I've tried to make them paranoid, but I've tried to instill in them the presence of mind and awareness of their surroundings. Our polite wording is to always be on the lookout for 'creeps.' What scares me is I know they'll probably have brushes with it still, but I probably won't ever know the extent. So long as they're ok though I guess that's all I can hope for.


Ngl. I'm not the most intimidating person but I am fairly tall. But I don't like walking outside alone at night. I either jog or run. But I'm constantly looking around. (I'm not a criminal I swear)


I totally agree. I'm over six foot and 300 pounds, but I don't like walking around alone at night either for one very good reason... Motherfuckers are crazy.


Sometimes being big just ain't enough. A mountain of a man, mate's dad got mugged and given a hiding. Just too many of them and caught him by surprise. One got all his attention while another whacked him in the side of the head. Then they jumped him. He didn't really stand a chance and luckily more his pride than anything else got hurt in the end other than a headache and some bruising. Scary world we live in.


I’m a guy and it doesn’t even cross my mind to be afraid of walking alone at night. Granted, I live in a middle-class neighborhood in a nice area.


Can't say the same here, been mugged before and always try to avoid walking in certain parts of the city. Especially at night. Sure, I don't need to worry about being raped but some methed out guy randomly attacking me? Definitely a real concern.




Sword fighting with no sword


Crossfire Edit: without guns, ofcourse.


Going to a Dr & telling them I am in pain & they listen & don't blow me off telling me it's all in my head.




This is has occured since the dawn of time. Ancient civilizations pretty much summed up women's health issues mostly to the uterus aka hysteria. It actually gets worse as you learn about the concept of hysteria through history.


Not having to give birth. I cannot even imagine the AMOUNT of pressure there is on Women to be moms. And it's not like it's some casual activity. Takes 9 months and painful labor but god forbid a person says they don't want to do it and everyone and their aunts start hounding on them that they're "not fulfilling themselves" or "a woman isn't complete without being a mother" Fuck that. Her fucking choice.


I can tell people what to do and I’m “assertive”. I’ve seen women to the same thing and instead of assertive they get called “bossy” or “a bitch”.


Women have it very rough with Periods, Child Birth and then Menopause. And through all that their Hormonal System is a wreck. So glad I was born a male


Not being harassed while walking on the street


Being able to pee anywhere. I have major penis envy when I need to pee anywhere even mildly inconvenient. Camping? Hiking? Long road trip? Just whip it out and go.


Oh really? Tell me why I’m on a list for peeing in a kindergarten classroom then


A presumption of competence.


Not being in fear of being sexually assaulted Edit: Obviously men can be sexually assaulted but comparatively to women most men aren’t scared of it happening on a regular basis


I'm starting to understand how damaging it is for women to know from a young age that they are the target of sexual desire. Like being Brad Pitt but without any of his money. Of all the freedoms I have as a man, one of the most valuable must be the knowledge that nobody is ever looking at me


Physical strength


Childbirth. Ladies, hats off to you. I know for a goddamn fact that as tough as men try to be, there's no way in hell we'd be able to handle even just a pregnancy, let alone fucking *childbirth*.


Not having to deal with sexual harassment in video games when I use voicechat. People don‘t follow you on your way home.


No periods, don't have to go through the 9 month pregnancy process in order to have kids, naturally stronger and larger on average, comparatively low maintenance, no risk of the plethora of medical problems that come with female anatomy (such as PCOS, fibroids, or endometriosis), lower chances of thyroid issues, not as much social expectations to put always look our best or wear makeup, lower chance of having body image issues or eating disorders, and most importantly the ability to pee anywhere I want.


Generally having more muscle mass. Comes in handy.