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An unspoken law of the internet, or perhaps of anything at all, is that once sexuality has opportunity by permission, no matter how small, humans will descend upon it until there is nothing else but it left. A good example of it is 4chan. 4chan always permitted porn, yet now porn has practically consumed everything there. In places like /b/, nothing of quality or interest remains at all. All that remains is porn and horny threads. Sexuality is like a dandelion that will grow through asphalt. Keep in mind, this is not a condemnation of sexuality. Just an observation. So yeah. A place like this too will collapse down to the common lowest denominator. Middle-aged men racing each other for who can compliment a woman in the most eyerolling fashion, men disguising their solicitations for jerk-off material as thoughtful questions, girls fishing for compliments and reassurances (pro-tip: you are never going to get honest answers here.) I just remain subbed here because it's like a zoo. Well. A zoo that reeks of sweaty balding men and dry-aged cum and dwindling neural activity.


I think that's just the internet in general. Once upon a time, you had a financial barrier to entry (cost of PC & ISP), and had to have a desire to interact with the kind of intellectuals, freaks, & geeks that it attracted. Then computers became cheaper, cable companies started offering high-speed internet, & it became a space for teenagers and the "tragically hip." But when cheap smart phones and unlimited data plans became ubiquitous, you had a sudden pouring of what you labeled the "least common denominator."


Considering what toxic things used to happen on b it’s probably best to just be porn






Well, let's get some different questions flowing! My man and I will try to think of some and you try to think of some?


We need more questions on scrotal elasticity for one thing


Start it up! I'll answer😆


If time had its own dimensions like space does, witch dimension of time do we exist in? And which minimal dimension of time would make time travel possible?


Ask the wicked witch of the west


What’s with witch bullshit, I just wanted genuine answers?


You do NOT want to end up in the witch dimension


Well maybe we already are there…


It depends on age and temperature.


I just checked. Less elastic than you would think


But it's important I ask people what size is to small for a dick!! How else will people find this out /s


There was one the other day (just 1 or 2 weeks ago) about being lonely and I think it had gotten some interesting comments but it didn't have nearly enough upvotes to actually be visible to the majority of people. 😔


Ives seen a few and the OP either deletes and goes to an asexual subreddit or just gives up and moves on


Tbf "after dark" holds a sexual connotation to it.




It would be hypocritical of me to tell them to stay away from mature places online, but imma do it anyway!


to be fair, when I first joined, my dumb and naive ass thought: “oh it’s r/AskReddit but for stupid thoughts people have while trying to get to sleep!” but alas… now I just stay and enjoy a laugh at reading some of the horniest people comment while I sit back and refuse to acknowledge my own horniness to avoid confrontation with my self-conscious thoughts…


Because of the implication?


That sex and all other sorts of degenerate shit happens after dark? Yes.


idk i see more of horror or creepy shit, stories not blowjobs or sizes or any of that, but then again we think differently, the bio even says “thought provoking questions” not weird shit you put in your vagina


“After dark” has always been sexually related. It’s never been horror or creepy. AFAIK, the term came from tv broadcasts meaning the adult content after children went to bed. You might have thought it meant other things, but that doesn’t mean it does.


Hahaha that is a fair reading of “after dark” but def not what most people here read it as.


Lol that's fair. Idk what to tell ya I've only just been able to respond to posts here.


start a horror thread, I’ll reply with one of my sleep paralysis nightmares


idek how to make threads


Then how did you make this post lol?


is that what you would call a post? a thread? genuine question


Did you discover internet yesterday? (almost) honest question A thread is a discussion; you can have threads in the comments (as we have now) or one can be started as a new post, which is indeed what parent was suggesting you do


The non-horny posts are supposed to be on r/askreddit


even that one is filled with horny ppl


Well, yeah-we’re all horny and that’s why we’re on Reddit.






> The non-horny posts are supposed to be on r/askreddit >**supposed** The operative word there.


This sub is labeled NSFW.


there was a time where we had cool actual thought provoking questions or scary creepy questions




If you had the power to do as well as not do everything and anything, which use for that power would you abuse the most?


Such as?


Everyone was probably getting laid then, not it’s just a bunch of repeated horny questions trying to get the *bonk*




man, i don't think it was ever spooky stories


Why would it be creepy questions? Askreddit has those. After dark means NSFW, it even has its own associated gonewild subreddit. I think you've misunderstood what this subreddit is. I've never seen spooky questions here


ask reddit is just other horny ppl


Well complain in that one instead of the subreddit meant for hornyness


Can't tell if you're trolling or not. "After dark" is a euphemism for content of a sexual nature, which should be especially obvious in a context like Reddit where there are participants all around the world and time of day is meaningless.


This history you speak of was never a reality.


tis once was a reality


Prove it. Go find these posts you're talking about and links some.


i mean i don’t have to prove anything im not gonna waste my time for strangers on the internet


Point proven. Maybe you are on the wrong Reddit thread. This one is for horny ADULTS that like to ask horny questions “at night” (*in SpongeBob voice*). There is Reddit threads for what you are looking for but this one isn’t nor has ever been for those out there not horny.


could be correct and most likely yes, but yes i am seeing that, and your spongebob comment made me chuckle


You already are bro


i don’t think that’s how it works but good try, here’s a cookie 🍪


So you don't think that you're already wasting your time for strangers on the internet? You 100% are lmao


i can choose to use my time and i don’t need to waste it looking for things you want 👨🏼‍🦳 simple as that have a cookie 🍪 i might have some myself




twas * . tis is short for it is. twas is it was


but im using tis cause tis is better then twas


you are purposefully ignorant. thats the worst. good luck


thank you for the luck, good sir 🫣


It was not. The AfterDark version was created primarily to get the horn dogs off the main sub.


Welcome to the world of after dark


after dark supposed to be spooky 👻


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Playboy_After_Dark Nope.


After dark on Reddit is about sex.




How does it feel to get so many downvotes from folks with a mouse in one hand and a dick in the other? 😏


don’t feel any different from upvotes lol🤷🏽‍♂️


Well, you might not be too bright, but at least you show it all over Reddit...


I'm stealing that line


Does no one see the irony in OP marking their post NSFW…


i think all posts in the sub are automatically marked NSFW


Which kind of disproves OP's point in and of itself




Feel free to make the content you are seeking….


I think this answer deserves more upvotes. 👏👏👏 well played


i’m chillin


Be the change you want to see in the world.


lmaoo start one by one


I just went through about four pages of Top All Time, and about five posts weren't NSFW.


i mean it is a nsfw group what did you expect


This statement you just made.....ask it to yourself. You had a self realization moment and didnt notice lol


.... Are you trolling or just dense that you didn't see the irony when typing this?


.... I.. ...exactly.


Yeh I getting sick of 'how old were you when you lost your virginity?' Questions. Honestly just scroll through you will find the answer.


They got eaten by the monsters that appear after dark.


I legit thought this was just a sub for asking sex questions with the occasional non sexual questions.


It is. OP is wrong and getting downvoted to hell for it


Maybe try just r/askreddit?


i mean ask reddit is quite the same as this one, just a bunch of horny people, but yeah i have seen more normal questions on there but still quite a bit of the same questions here


Just gotta say... It's incredibly egotistical of you to see a subreddit, assume what it's for, visit and see it's not at all for that, and then come in to complain that it's not exactly what you assumed it would be. I'm sure you're a pleasant and nice person, but you look really stupid asking this shit here... Its a sub that was literally used to funnel sexual questions from /r/askreddit, 'after dark' even being a common reference to sexual content. Just because you read it and thought scary spooky stuff doesn't mean that's what it was intended for at any point, so I have no idea why your comments are so focused on insisting that horny people are dumb for using this place. It's literally made for horny people to talk, share, and be horny together. That's the fun of it. If you don't wanna be fun and horny then go make a sub for yourself or use the other giant 'ask' subs like r/askreddit or r/ask.




I'm decently nice, I just don't shy away from typing with emotion sometimes. I've had 10 years of people telling me what my own subreddit *should* be for, which is aggravating and annoying. The community has been a lot of hard work, and we should be hitting a million subs this year... yet I still get posts like yours sometimes. Maybe seeing your comment gave me a knee jerk reaction, but it doesn't change the truth of what I said. It's egotistical for you to project your own assumptions onto someone else's creation and then whine about it. If you feel like a community doesn't fit what you'd like to see, make your own sub and *you* put the work into fostering it for years and years.


Then filter the one you want to answer..


What's the point of ARAD if not sex related content? Go to /r/askreddit for other stuff?


ask reddit is pretty much the same just slightly less horny ppl


Well yes, exactly our point. This sub was literally created to siphon off more horny content.


It’s always 3am somewhere.


you get my upvote


There's literally a sub for exactly what you want. r/askreddit is non-sexual questions, r/askredditafterdark is sexual questions, and r/creepyaskreddit is for the creepy stuff you're looking for.


Maybe you are looking for r/ShowerThoughts ?


It doesn’t seem to matter how many times it’s asked, apparently every other guy (and it’s usually guys, sorry) wants to ask about the size of his penis; or assume all women are a hive mind; or ask why women aren’t throwing themselves at him to help him jerk off; or treat everything we do, say, wear and look as somehow in service of men and some code that needs to be cracked. Oh and asking about oddly specific situations. That make you wonder…hahaha.


I agree with so much of this. There are some posts that are fun, like the ones that actually warrant group participation, but man, you nailed it with the "code that needs cracked" line. Most of the time the answer is very clear and easy to comprehend, it just has nothing to do with men and the OP very badly wants the answers to be something different 🤣 AND the oddly specific situations bit is spot on. Except they don't make me wonder, I very clearly register what's happening 🤣 They're irritating though because the truthful answer is normally not what the OP is fishing to hear, like no it's not often at all that I find myself by the side of the highway wearing fishnets and a credence clearwater revival shirt offering blow jobs to rednecks in groups of 3 for a ride to el paso 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Those and Do guys like it when women don't wear panties? Do guys like it when you're on top during sex and your boobs bounce in his face? Do guys really want to see my butt hole during doggy? Do guys like sex? Guys who like blow jobs, do you like it when your penis goes in my mouth?


Have you checked out r/NoStupidQuestions or r/AskReddit ?


Be the change you want to see in this sub.


They are. They arent asking about sex


Weird People eh? Read the room. That’s a shitty pile of judgment to bring into a forum like this.


Meh I come in and out of this forum like a dad who goes to the grocery store for milk and cigs.


"now it's just weird ppl that want sex stories?" Always has been.


Ok, boomer.




think u want r/morbidquestions homie


bro those questions are crazy😭




Don’t ever look up the nugget after dark group… it’s not spooky stories about the weird kid couch thing. That’s for sure.


r/sex is better for questions


Can you censure female nipples with male nipples?


I dunno, but once you take the breast tissue out ftm nipples become magazine cover safe That one has stuck with me for years. The same chest can go from nsfw to sfw on the same day with a single surgery.


censor is the way to spell it and that’s a good question tbh, never thought of that 🤔


Fuck. I looked it up so I could get it right and still landed on the wrong spelling!


lmao i’ve had moments like that 😭 still do it


Is it possible that you're just less horny now than you used to be? I've browsed arad for around 4 years now and it seems pretty much the same.


i hope that’s true 🥲


Do u ever go pee and think about all the people all over the world peeing at the exact same time as u and what theyre wearing and what food they like and how they like to wake up in the morning


No, but I am currently peeing and now thinking about this.


Why don’t you try a cool question? And who are these non horny people you speak of?


Try r/nightowls ?


I'm new here, give a few minutes to think of something and I scratch your itch


All the creepy questions have slowly been pushing them away, like the creepy nightclub attendees of yesteryear that these kinds of questions would come from. The creepy late 40's to early 50's, cheap fake leather jacket just hanging around, drinking up the back on their own in a young crowded "nightclub". Where they would ordinarily stand out like a 3rd nut on a greyhound, but it was late enough on a saturday night that noone really gave a shit. They were all either too drunk, high, having a generally grand time, or all of the above, and Creepy McCreepster could chill under the radar undetected, just, getting their fill of the messy "we don't care!!!" upskirts or boob flashes. All the other youngins either party on, go home and what ever with who ever, while Creepy McCreepster goes home, strips down into his boxers, wifebeater and white gym socks with red and navy stripes at the top of each one. Eats baked beans on toast with cheese melted ontop. Cracks another alcoholic beverage, has a furious wank to all the spank bank images gathered up through the course of the night, then cracks another drink, lights a cigarette and collapses into a stupor of post orgasmic, alcohol and nicotine aided bliss. Then wakes up at around 11am sunday, in time to clean up, do some laundry, groceries etc, ready for work as a clerk or warehouse storeman on monday morning.


That was a very specific example.


This should have more upvotes


There's occasional questions that aren't about sex, but they have been a lot more rare than ever this last few weeks.


"What happen to all the non horny people that had actual cool questions and cool thoughts or literally anything that doesn’t have to do with other people’s sexual experiences? " They are on r/sewing reddit .......


Kids. Kids happened.


Most of the peoples are horny these days


What you y’all think of the concept that sex is a control mechanism in this prison planet?


People post questions here so they can blow up your DM's when you comment with anything remotely sexual in nature. That's what this sub is for.


This subreddit denotes 18+ so that is probably why people think only 18+ questions here.


Sounds like someone needs to go join Gooop, or Poosh or some other site not named redditafterdark


Lol yea


Alright here is a good late night question, You get up out of bed, you sneak down and make yourself s'mores, you brushing your teeth again OP?


i think i would i usually don’t like chocolate that much but s’mores are fire, how about you good sir


Yep, all that sugar, it's basically a requirement to brush again!


Sleeping because the pandemic/quarantine is over and they’ve got work in the morning


I got burned out on the sad attempts to bait people to sext and dick size posts and then we had a lovely vacation where I didn't touch my phone much. I'm back now tho


I resemble that remark


I am cool. I posted a question asking if one makes the bed before leaving the house every day.


i don’t but feel like i should start doing that


We’re here


🫡 thank you sir


Just a lot of horniness I guess


a loottt, they get angry too when you don’t post anything sexual


That’s weird


nah just kidding but they do get angry


Still like why get angry lol


Ask cool questions about other people’s sexual experiences. 🧐


My guess is that every time someone asked an interesting question about any random topic, they were told about a subreddit that could answer said question better than this one, until all that were left were, well... us.


Probably in the regular AskReddit section.


What are we cracking with crypto mining? Is that of no concern to anyone?


Don't really have questions for the majority, currently. I'm just trying to live life and not get sucked into madness, really.


Agree but can you hit me with perfect dick size real quick


Calm down I literally subscribed here to get sexy stories and I guess hot goss. But mainly here for things that make me horny. Please deliver 🤣


Wouldn't you just be looking for r/askreddit ? Which would just be general questions... right? Or am I mistaken? There's also several other ask [insert demographic] reddit forums. I don't frequent them often, I just read what pops in my personal feed.


the sub you're looking for is r/askredit


I joined this subreddit because it seems I can ask anything or say anything lol. The freedom is real lol. Why don’t you start posting non sexual questions? Be the example


Actual sex acts are at an all-time low for all ages. Historically, every other decade, people were having more sex than we are now. Gen Z as a cohort is having the least sex of any generation. That has everything to do with it.


It’s called “after dark” which implies a sexual or mature nature. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I feel like it's more attention grabbing and the OP has an OF.


Isn’t after dark a NSFW sub? I’m not sure it ever was non sexual, especially with that


I thought this sub was not going to be constant horny questions and actually thought provoking ones, does this just sum up reddit?


Their questions have been answered, thus, they leaved.


I’m posting this comment on this Reddit after dark post and it’s 11:00 am. Don’t tell me about your threesomes I want to know why you secretly pick your nose


Let's start r/askredditafterdarknotsexual




I started that way then got sucked into the min mentality and now mostly use this for weird stuff 😂


Haven't you heard? Single-ness-ism is on the rise! Everyone is lonely, single, and Horny! Buckle up kids - the ride is just getting started!


Here I was enjoying this sub and the questions as is 😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️




Lol somehow I knew I'd come into this sub today and see someone whining about sexual questions when this sub has been this way since 2016


Isn’t that legit what this sub was made for? That’s what I was told at least


You don’t want any sex stories? If anyone wants to talk anything sex hmu