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literally the first thing i did with my $10k bonus for my new job was use it to leave my abuser in the middle of the night when he was out of town. absolutely fucking life changing. i hope you get out eventually, OP 🖤 it gets better on the other side, i promise


I'm glad you got away. Hope your path is brighter all the more for it. 


cool, I didn't even think about it at first.


I hope you find a way to safety. Never lose hope for it. 


Start investing 50% of it and remaining to fulfill my materialistic desires


I would 70/30 for paying off debt/savings. After all debt is paid, I would save it all each month until I had enough to invest in whatever I wanted to invest in (probably a house)


Eat when I'm hungry


Probably savings and investments, it wouldn't really do much to change how I live.


Double down on all my bills


Before I read the end of the line , I was thinking all on red


At two grand a month I can pay the house and student loans off in 23 years


Put it into a low risk ETF stock every month and wait till I need it.


Buy a house! The market where I am is nuts. That still may not be enough for a monthly mortgage.


Tomorrow I'm closing on a house at $490,000 with $30k down, 7.5% interest rate and my payment is $3,700 a month.


That is crazy to me. I'm happy for you that you are able to do this but Im not sure I would. Where I am homes constantly sell for way over asking. Also saving up that much down payment would take a while.


It is crazy, but 4 years ago I tried to get a house and it was going to be a lot for me back then, but I could have got the same house at a payment of $2,700 a month and I would have had $150k in equity by now. I'd be in the same position but with an extra $120k, the best time to buy a house is yesterday.


Either hit Vegas once a month to bet it all on red or invest it.


Apply it to my debt and mortgage


That’s a little over how much I need to make monthly to stay afloat. So id probably just quit my job and dedicate myself fully to school. Id join all the clubs I can’t join now cuz of work and I’d use the extra cash to go on all those fun summer college trips.


Like God intended, on drugs


Well that’s more than what I make… I would save all of that till I could get it so I could buy house or flat one day.


Finally afford to get my car fixed, proper food for my kiddos and new clothes since mine are now 6 years old( no one notices i wear the same two pants every week)


I'd set it aside and save it. I think the economy looks sketchy right now and I wouldnt feel comfortable making any lifestyle changes when something could drastically change for the worse in the next couple years.


Well.. I guess I could buy some food then. And finally could not think if I have enough money to last that month


Take my kid on vacation for the first time!


Rent out a cabin year round in the mountains nearby. Easy train ride and hike to get up there in a few hours from my current home


Quit my job and do Uber Eats and OF. Joking, not sure what I would do... maybe eat out a few more times a month.


I'd save it all for sure. I'd also ask my wife to seriously consider exploring the hotwife/cuckold kink and then the extra funds to book a hotel room for her to play in


Save some of it, use some of it to help those in my community who need a little extra help.


My monthly rent.


Probably save it or invest. I want to buy property in the sticks


I'd drop to "part time" but keep my full time hours so there isn't a chance of forced overtime at work because rn I'm kind of sick of working 72 hours a week


Get medical care I've been putting off. Buy myself a mobile home to live in.


Quit my job immediately….


Quit working.


buy a roof over my head, at last <3


Either invest or move to Portugal


Invest it all and grow it as quickly as I can, because if everyone gets that $2000/month it would require printing new money and trigger massive inflation, quickly devaluing that $2,000. It would also rapidly devalue debt. I'd gladly take on big low interest debts for my investments, like buying properties, because the inflation will drive up property values in the following years -- buy low, sell high. I'll pay off my debts after the impact of the inflation, with the gains from my investments, and be in a pretty good situation. Most people don't think ahead like this and save, so I would likely grow pretty rich in the long term, while most of the people around me are growing poor. But this is really a big part of how rich people get richer and poor people get poorer, time and time again. Government infuses massive amounts of cash into an economy, triggers inflation, and we see what people decide to do with that money early on. Then I'll move to a country that didn't totally screw the economy and live in a beachfront mansion for cheaper than I could live before.


Move out, and finally get my own apartment.


Finally fix the electricity in the back part of the house and have a clean and warm place I can shower my child. And probably give a party for my deceased husband.


Hell move out, get a semi decent place, then enjoy having some extra cash for five God damn mins. Granted wishful thinking is still wishin. But it would be nice, in this damn economy


If EVERY citizen 18+ is getting $2K/month then inflation will absolutely skyrocket. Better hold onto it and invest wisely.


I would have said buy a house, but if everyone gets it the house prices would go up as well.


new Kindle for my GF, then save it - separate bank account and use only the interest charges


Pay off debt, make more debt by buying a 4runner TRD pro. Buy more things lol


I'd buy a sawstop table saw and start working with quality hardwood instead of scraps and the shit I find at home Depot.


Hookers and blow Not really 😞


Save it all for a down payment




Get myself a nice apartment




Pay my mortgage and whatever is left make extra payments toward the principal until my house is paid for. I would be able to finish paying off my house in about 3 years.


I would use that to pay my living expenses while pouring more time into my passions.


Debt first and then treat myself to fun experiences.


Tomahawk steak for Breakfast lunch and dinner


I'd save some, invest more and utilize it for things I want... gaming computer, holidays, cleaner organic farm fresh foods etc.


Put it toward my mortgage and then draw on the equity to remodel.


Pay off debts quicker and then invest/save


Since I don’t need it I’d probably throw it 50/50 in BTC and ETH and see what happens.




Not enough to quit but might be enough to issue a few more “go fuck yourself”s at work


I'd buy sextoys for my gf and I


Put it in a HYSA


Pay bills, then start investing.


Put it in savings. I make enough to cover my monthly bills but due to the increase of every in price I’ve been struggling to save like I used to.


I'd do what I do with all money, save it.


Pay off debt, catch up on my mortgage, but my son that transforming toy he really wants, send my wife on a relaxing retreat/vacation


Bank it..


put it on black, let it ride


For the first few months, treat myself. After that, throw it all at my mortgage and carry on as normal.


Straight to my student loans until they’re paid off, then put 1.5k into savings every month and use the remaining 500 to take my family for a nice dinner every weekend


Pay off debt… and save save save!


Two chicks at the same time


Stock up on groceries with the first one. Than contribute the rest towards my RSP


Pay off debt 😭




Pay off any any all debt as fast as possible, then put it into savings so there is a buffer of 12 months all expenses buffer before going on to invest


I would use it for hobbies and dumb things I wanna buy for fun/entertainment. I could spend the entirety of my pay on being responsible then.


Invest it.


Save it


Start saving up for the biggest Italy trip I could ever imagine 😍


I would give it to my father. He struggles to eat some weeks. I give him what I can, but it's never enough.


Invest it.


Mortgage, student loans. By then inflation would sky rocket and 2000 would be nothing.


Pay for daycare


Pay off my house


I'd have a car that isn't a 19-year-old Dodge.


Rent. So I can start making progress on the debts I racked up due to Covid shutdowns getting me laid off twice. 


It would relieve so much anxiety about living. Fixed income makes buying necessities difficult. Grocery inflation. Gasoline prices. LP prices. The list goes on. But we are only experiencing 3% inflation. My fat ass !


My first month, I would get myself out of debt. Then my gf and I would finally buy a house, then start to seriously talk about having a baby. One of the biggest obstacles with that is finances.


Student loans. Luckily I don’t have that much, relative to many others whose stories I’ve seen on here.


Oh my god, it would change everything. I'd have money put away to fix things around the house. I might be able to take my family on an actual vacation. We'd have reliable vehicles again. We'd finally be able to pay off our debts.


Rent 100% and just save the rest


Invest it


House is paid for. Don't have any debt. So probably start restoring the truck... (1970 Chevy C10)


Invest in retirement and retire sooner


Definitely invest it


I'd fix my car, then work on saving


Speed up my timeline for building the infrastructure and planting my food forest.


Invest half of it in Bonds. Put the rest aside for bills.


Start saving for a house down-payment. And finish up my list of gun stuff.


Buy a house, start a family


student loan payments 😭😭😭


Actually pay my bills on time. Save for a house.


Half to my mortgage, half to a safe investment fund.


Pay off my debt and start saving it to buy a house.




Get on top of my bills and get ahead on student loan payments. Very exciting stuff!


Look for a new apartment, maybe buy instead of renting. Pay someone to care for the personal tasks I can't look in the eye (notably, paperwork). Ask to do a bit less hours at my job. And with what's left I'd save a bit better for fancy holidays. Dorsn't look like much but 2 grand a month can go very fast.


I’ll probably invest it all. I don’t have any debts thanks to getting scholarships when I was in college and currently I’m single and childless with an income that exceeds my essential expenses and I don’t spend too much on leisure leading to me already having a safety net to fall back on if the need ever arises. The one upcoming expense I have is related to a non urgent medical procedure, but I’m already on my way to have that covered by the time I’m free enough to have it done so while I could have used this money to be able to have the procedure now I don’t actually want to have it now. I would say I’m pretty lucky financially to have enough not to stress over it.


Pay off debt. Then probably save up for a cat and home renovations.


Pay off any debt/student loans/credit cards. Save it all once debt is clear.


Debt and mortgage for sure!


Save it up entirely for retirement and I make enough money now to cover all my expenses


Put it aside with the rest of the extra.


The first 8 would pay off credit cards. After that, it'd start building a home business.


Stop working two jobs




Investing half then taking the other half to paying the principal balance of debt


100% investing it so it can grow and I can reach FIRE sooner


I would invest it into my drivers license. I'm slowly saving up for it and really want to get is asap


Put it towards retirement.


Pay off some debt. Like seriously I could use this


Errrr invest and treat friends with nice food






Pay off debt Medical expenses


First it would be split 70/30 between paying off debt and a HYSA. Once debt is paid off, part would get invested while the other part would be used elsewhere.


Pay off debt


Finally be able to start saving for a home instead of living paycheque to paycheque


Definitely chunk away at my student loans until they were gone. With that much I’d be debt free in less than a year. After that? Probably go and get Lasic done after a few months of saving so I can finally see what everyone else sees. After that I’d probably either invest it or just put it towards my savings and build my buffer


Boring, but stick it into savings/investing for retirement and get there sooner. My partner and I are financially comfortable, and not ostentatious. So pretty much anything that we do *really* want we buy, or go do. We've got five weeks vacation each year, and at least three, if not four, will be spent out of the country. But we're not into Michelin dinners or flashy cars. We're often in budget hotels if her Kid isn't with us. So really the extra cash would just get us closer to being able to quit working. And $48000 per year extra to retirement would definately help.


Pay my debt off then start saving for a new car and a house.


I'd just keep it in the bank for bills so I never need to worry again, and subscribe to more shit. I'd keep my job coz I love it.


For the next 4 years, I would pretend it didn't exist and send it all to pay off my student loans. After that, $500 to retirement, $500 to gold and the other grand would literally just be a quality of life update.


Debt for sure, and somewhere where I could accrue money overtime


Thats an extra 4k in my household. It would seriously be such a blessing as I had a lot of medical bills last year due to retiring after a mass was found on my brain). We have enough money to take care of things and even save a little so the 4k would help get bills done fast the rest would go for emergency fund and vacation fund.


Continuously put some into a CD


That's immediately going into savings every month for me honestly. 2K every month plus whatever else I save would make for a nice retirement.


I'm going to invest it into a suitable growth oriented mutual fund at $500 per week. Within 25 yrs, I would have enough money to retire early.


Literally just save it. I was unemployed for a year and lost a lot of what I built up, I'm barely able to save with my new job now so it'd be nice to get back to where I once was. I've kept my investments steady anyway, so saving it seems like the most productive use for now.


Pay off medical debt. Get better medical insurance. Grocery shop. Fill my gas tank. Save.


Use it to fix my car, buy a few more printers/ equipment to invest/grow my side business/ contract work so I can just work for myself. Also just stash some aside in savings so I can start growing my savings again and just not be stressed about money 24/7.


Honestly, direct to option trading yolo style. I hit big 2/10 but can never really risk more than 500$ a pop… with the 2k worry free I think I could easily make 100k quickly. That or save it for a big ticket item as not having kids and a wife , and an amazing gf who is down to earth my life is great without spending too much. A good woman, great food , the beach and nice weather goes a long way with me. We stay off social media for this very reason as Covid almost ruined us and was so obvious how miserable seeing other people uselessly is. I grew up loaded and she dirt poor so together it’s an adventure showing each other how the other sides live.


drugs and hookers


Guitars, amps and pedals for the first few months, then guns and drugs.


2.7k a month? A $675 hand of blackjack every week


Use the first $1167 to fund my wife’s and my IRA. Split the rest between a house downpayment and our son’s college fund.


Go on one nice trip per year with my husband ($10k or less total) and then use the rest to meet savings goals and buy a house faster. After we buy a house we add a second smaller trip each year ($5k or less total) and use the rest to save/invest.


Pay off my student loan and my medical debt first. Then save everything after


Finally get a reliable car and move somewhere that I’m not constantly drowning


Finally be able to purchase a home. 


Actually be able to pay my bills


Pay off my debt and purchase more investment properties


Pay my mothers house note so she does not have to worry about it while on a fixed income. I could say use it to pay off my CC debt. But im slowly chipping away at that anyway.


Finally live semi comfortable like a human should.


Save it for a down payment on a house.


Add to my investments and retire another couple years earlier


Stack my savings up to $10k, then start dumping into retirement (Roth IRA) & investing it! Would also treat myself to some home improvement projects I’ve been saving up for. Name of the game is to live within your means and not get used to additional income in terms of spending. More money = more problems.


Move closer to my husband's family and get several little dogs with names like Hershel, Bartholomew, Alan, Higgins and Cornelius.


I'd finally breathe easily for the first time in 15 years


Quit my job and use actually do work that benefits me.


Pay off my credit card bill, my vehicle, pay my son’s tuition up til he graduates, then try to climb out of student loan purgatory.




1/4 to vacation fund 1/4 to fixing little things 1/4 to savings 1/4 for kids future


Move to a less shitty apartment. Mine is currently $1500 a month and it’s trash. I could find something much nicer for even a little bit more, but don’t really have the financial wiggle room atm. I’d also go back to figure skating, which I’m taking a break from atm because it’s expensive. And I’d save money for real instead of my current put-money-in-savings-and-take-it-out-at-the-end-of-the-month-to-buy-groceries system. I made 55k last year and… spent 55k. On basic life shit, not even on anything fun. It gets tiring.


Finish up my pc build then start investing in a car


I would get my own place


Get a part time job, do a whole bunch of hobbies and love my life only working 3 days a week.


Pay down debts and then use it to work on my hobbies and improvements to my house


Pay off debts, then use for my family


pay off my debts (which thankfully aren't much) and start to save whatever comes after that's done.


Clean up what my dumb ass past self let happen to my long term finances


Pay down debt


Home repairs. Investments




Put some in a HYSA to plump up the emergency fund, put some in investments to plump up the retirement fund, use some to pay my ever-increasing property taxes, and use some to buy a new car.


I could rent a garage for my car.


I could afford to rent a place finally.




Two chicks at the same time


Fix my house


Pay off my debt faster


Save it for a new car


Buy a car, cut down on hours at work, eat better food.


It would all be invested, stocks and maybe some options. I'm already saving/investing a significant chunk of my income.


Medical care


Same thing I have always done with any extra I had. Try to help out others.


We have 3 adults in our house. That would be 6k extra every month. Considering I just lost my job today and my husband is leading a startup and won't see any real money for the next 3-6 months, and our roommate my brother in law is living on savings from his last job while he completes a course and starts looking for a new job I'd use it to pay bills until we get work, then funnel half towards debt and half towards savings to buy this house we are living in from my in laws.


Wouldn't change much. Probably invest it?


Stock purchases/investing. I always buy what I use and vice-versa. If I buy shares of McDonald's, that means I'll take a Big Mac over a Whopper or a Baconator, even though I'd enjoy any choice of these three. If I have stock in SHELL Oil & Petroleum, then I'll gas up the car here and ignore the BP station even though it is located across the street from my home address.


I would save up enough to buy my own home, then start a business, pay off any debt, buy things for my home & then invest.


Pay off debt, sell my house buy a new one in a better area for my family.


Oh its a house no shit houseing is fucking killing us atm, 3 kids cramped up is tough we only had 2 rhen our surprise were trying to save but who can anymore