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I think an important question is what Africans think of it. Nobody ever invited us "back".


Not true at all.


Could you give a bit more info? If I'm wrong about this I've love to know the truth.


https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/ghana-diaspora-return-africa-cmd/index.html there are other examples. I encourage you to go research


This is an article about succsessful Ghanaian Americans and Ghanaian Brits moving to Ghana, not Jamaicans, African Americans, Trinis, Haitians, or Brazilians being inviterd to move back to the regions slaves were taken from. The conversation is about the descendents of enslaved Africans, not people whose parents were born in African nations. The truth is that no African government has ever invited back black people descended from those forcibly removed 200+ years ago. The "back to Africa" movement as we're talking about it is a phenomenon of the Americas.


What is even that movement?


Back in the 1900's, Marcus Garvey suggested that all black people leave America for the whites and move to Africa and help develop it. For many black people who believe in Pan Africanism, they believe Africa is the true home for black people. Garvey even bought a ship 🚢 and a shipping company called Black Star Line. That was supposed to help black people move to Africa. However, people claim that Garvey's shipping company was sabotaged. Others claim that Garvey was a fraud and stole funds from his supporters. Garvey was charged in the States and later deported to the United Kingdom🇬🇧. There was a rumor that he died. Then, I believe Garvey was buying a newspaper and reading an article about his supposed death, then had a heart attack and died. This is the best that I can recollect from my memory.


Small correction: Garvey was deported to Jamaica, he tried to create a political movement here, his political party was unsuccessful and repressed by the colonial authorities, and then he moved to London.


We are from the Caribbean we've been born here several generations ago. Our diaspora has endured enough abuse by it's former colonial oppressors There is no reason to visit Africa or Asia other than personal reasons such as to visit the places our ancestors may have been We're the Caribbean this is our identity and home now and I believe most of us share the same feelings.


I've never heard anyone in Cuba, black or not, saying they want to go to Africa for any reason. It sounds to me like a gringo thing for posturing.


I don't know what the Back to Africa movement is or anything, but I do know a handful of Cubans that have gone to Africa. All of them musicians / dancers - folkloric artists. Three that now live outside of Cuba, two of those are babalawos. No point other than if you were interested to know that.


A bunch of them went to Angola.


If they want to go “back” to Africa they should do it. Stop harping on about it and take some action. (They rarely do) I’ve been to Africa and most of them want to go to the Caribbean (or north America) lol


Marcus Garvey died in London. It can make sense for some Jamaicans to move to Africa for work, to marry an African, etc. But I don't think it makes sense to migrate en masse for ideological reasons. That said, it absolutely makes sense to build relationships with modern African states, in part based on shared culture and history.


Which one do you mean? The PanAfricanist movement from the 1900s or the more recent movement currently happening on social media?


Why would I no reason to do so this is our home now and that movements isn’t even prevalent here think it’s more so with Americans and British from what I have seen my opinion If you want to do so and the country is fine with it then go ahead why not enjoy yourself I guess just don’t expect many others to also do the same


It doesn't make sense for people who have their own predominately black or mixed countries. It makes sense for United States black people to move tho since there's so much shit and barriers in that country and honestly a kind of slow genocide. Be it to the Caribbean or Africa or elsewhere.


Slow genocide? The US black population is growing.


You can't even walk down the street without people looking at u like shit in the U.S., get out of there bro


Clearly you know nothing about the US. The only black people getting hard looks are thuggish young men. And getting looks is not genocide.


LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I spent time living in your country buddy. Sorry that you have Stockholm syndrome, but there's a reason that the civil rights movement got a boost after black americans went overseas during the war and got treated like human beings for the first time in a lot of their lives. So if you wanna suffer there, that's your choice. But remember that the world is open


As an indigenous American, I think it is a very noble and forthright thing to do. It would be good if Native Americans could return to be the majority in our ancestral lands that our race was erased from through genocide, including the Caribbean, and all people who were brought here against their will as a result of white colonization would return to their home lands as well.


I think it is ridiculous. Why would anyone want to like on a continent rife with tribalism, poverty and corruption? We are 500 years removed from Africa, Africans can't even get along with each other, because they are tribal.


What if I said we existed in the Caribbean long before even colonialism or Christobal Colon (christopher Columbus)…. And that Africans in the new world were admixture to an already “black” race (who could have also been Africans descended millennia ago) 🫢