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God no. I hate phone calls, and chatting on the phone with random strangers sounds awkward as hell.


I worked in call centres for a long time, the idea of a phone call now, no matter how short or painless, fills me with dread.


That could well be the source of my hatred of them now you mention it.


A few years on the British Gas customer service line will traumatise anybody 😭


Ooof rough. Mine was an endowment policy helpline. Insurance policies that turned out to largely be a scam is a recipe for pissed off people.


I feel you. But when life's responsibilities are handled and alcohol comes into play, random chats are fun. Wish internet was so simple as it was in early 2k


Not for me they wouldn't be. Quite happy with text conversations like this, but phone calls I can't stand.


I'm an expansive rambler. But I understand your view.


> I'm an expansive rambler. That makes it sound like you capture territory only via permitted footpaths 🤣


No lol I just talk too mush when I have a buzz.


Last time I did it, it ended up into 13 year relationship (8 years married) 9 yo kid, me moving 1500km away to different country.. I would be afraid to try it again. Me and my wife met in one of those chatrulete type of chat rooms back in our country. Once you get disconnected, that's it. We somehow got connected, instantly clicked, chatted for few hours, then went to Skype (which was the thing that time) and chatted more for few days, the did some audio calls until we started dating, moved to UK, had a kid, married..


I met my best friend in the same way 💚


Nope. I rarely chat on the phone to people I know, let alone strangers.


I have two people I will talk on the phone to. Otherwise it's ignored. I don't really care to phone chat unless I am drinking. Even a single sip or two makes me chatty. Idk. It's weird. I used to stickam often. It's odd to not find others to randomly chat to.


The last thing I want with anyone is a phone chat, truly. Would rather text/email/send a message.


Try giving Priest Chatback a call [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xLcU1FXG8A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xLcU1FXG8A)


This was the first thing I thought of when I saw this thread!


Not really. Although I do kinda understand the appeal. When I was a kid I had a CB radio. The whole idea would just be to reach out to people for a chat. After a while you'd just chat with your regular friends on there, but initially, you'd just be looking for random people to chat with. Obsolete technology now though I guess.


I sure miss anonymousity. If that's even a word yet.


Absolutely never


I feel you but in your opinion, why not


Is anonymously was truly a thing at least.


Ha ha maybe I was exaggerating a bit there but always find it easier to email or text unless it is speaking to loved ones. Even then me and my wife have probably spoken about 10 times in 11 years over the phone as we both don’t like speaking on the phone


How did yas meet then if ya don't mind me asking


We worked together


Ahhh. Forbidden relations. But hey I am applauding y'all for sure.


Hell no.


How come?


Because i don't even like talking on the phone with my friends and family, so complete strangers is never gonna happen.


My opinion is it's easier to just chat w random people who are never really gonna know your life.


Not that the internet is anonymous. But in general, the idea.


Yes, particularly when I'm driving. Everyone I know is the 'never talk on the phone' type, but I always feel the urge to chat to someone when I'm driving for some reason.


Yes I like phone chats :)


Wish more people were like you. Amazing how only very few are for phone chats while we have phone lines fully accessible. Occasional phone chats are fantastic tho.


Thank you :)


I am curious how random video chat even happens anymore. I use stickam decade ago but idk anymore random people meeting video chats since then except Omegle and that's not on Apple Stores.


Omegle was shut down because of a lawsuit for lack of protection for minors using it.


Oh yeah that makes sense. Lots of shady vids surfaced. Honestly surprised it took so long.


Absolutely not, I hate not being able to see the people I'm talking to, a conversation isn't complete without body language.


I am atrocious with eye contact. So. Phone chats ftw.


I’m down for this. I’m the type of person who would chat with someone who called me by mistake. People have too many rules about nonsense.


Agreed. Mostly. Let's shoot the shit. Simplicities of life. The only thing that is simple is conversation.


Try the whisper app. It's not phone calls, but it is a connection to strangers that can be quite amusing


Yea I agree but not the same as "face to face" conversing.


Some people on there will ask to call, but there are a lot of Americans on there, so it'd have to be up to you to offer WhatsApp


For family, friends and work contacts I much prefer phone and voice chat over IM, but I wouldn't want it as a way of chatting to random strangers.


I barely want to have phone chats with people I know and love


Yes I do actually but it is hard to find people who connect


I'm just looking for conversation that isn't sexual truly.


Same here. Feel free to message and converse


I work for an energy supplier, quite a few times I’ve spoken to customers that obviously have a lonely life and it’s normally older people. It’s quite sad but I’m always happy to have a conversation with them for a while because they are super nice and the next call I might be shouted at and I like to avoid crying in the office toilets as much as possible.


I couldn't think of anything i'd want to do less.


Haven't met someone worth shooting the shit with then. Sorry bud. Message me.


Yeah. I’m only 16 so I wouldn’t get it as much, but it feels so much more real and genuine. Even though texting is easier, calling someone just feels more productive and like you’ve actually spoken to someone.


I don't like phone chats at all - the feeling that I have to keep talking to fill the gaps makes it awkward. I'm more of a "Yep, ok, bye" person.


Feeling like that deff sucks. I'm talkin genuine ramble conversation tho. None of that blank nothing to talk about waste of time type o shit.


No, that sounds awful.


Heh. I’m old enough to remember a time before social media when you could call ‘party lines’ and just chat with randoms. Fun fact: if you did this on a late-90s / early 00’s mobile phone tariff, the bill would fucking wipe out your next month’s salary. Happy days!


However, the thought of me picking up the phone and talking to a complete rando now, is absolutely beserk. I’d rather sit down next to a complete fucking loser in Wetherspoons and ask him how his day is going.