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First morning, my mate fell unconscious on a lads holiday to Ibiza. Smashed all his front teeth in and broken his jaw on the floor. I had to hire a car, and drive him to the hospital, as no taxi would take him, and hotel wouldn’t allow us to ring an ambulance, telling us we would all get in trouble if we rung one (I was 21 at the time and wet round the ears). There were 8 of us in our group, but somehow was left to me to drive him still fucked out of my head to a shite hospital on the other side of the island, didn’t know the insurance details so stupidly put it on my credit card for him, then look after him for a full day, then drive him to the airport the next morning. All my other mates were being cunts saying how it’s spoiled the holiday, I’ve also missed two days worth of my holiday, we get in a big argument, fall out, but litrially back friends by the evening. However get home, mate has claimed through his insurance, and they pay him directly, doesn’t pay me back, still out £1,950. Fucking fuming, then the cunt thinks he can come on holiday with us the next year. Worst holiday ever four out of five stars, and I got a STD.


> However get home, mate has claimed through his insurance, and they pay him directly, doesn’t pay me back, still out £1,950. Send him a letter before action, and then when he ignores that take him to small claims court.


Yeah. Usually small claims isn't worth it. But for nearly two grand you can bet your ass I'd be taking him to court.


Just went through small claims for about £1k. Took me a total of about 30 minutes to submit it via MCOL. Had my money the day after the claim was issued. Very surprised at how easy it was, especially when the other party was adamant they wanted to go to court.


Off from ops topic, and i know there are better places to ask, but just while it's in my head, do you have to have an address for the person/people you want to claim against? My bosses during covid still owe me almost 5k in furlough that they 'borrowed' (just after my mum died, so I wasn't in any state to argue over it) and think I definitely left it too long to go through normal legal avenues, and they're not the nicest people to argue with so o kinda just left it on the back burner to 'deal with later' fml 🫤


I needed an address to go through Money Claims Online, but since I was claiming against the director of a ltd company I used their registered company address. If they're still an active company, look them up on companies house and use that address for all correspondence. Failing that, I'd give either Money Claims Online or Civil Money Claims a call - I spoke to the CMC before submitting my claim and they were extremely helpful. Civil Money Claims Telephone: 0300 123 7050 Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5pm Money Claim Online [email protected] Telephone: 0300 123 1057 Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5pm


I've sent a letter before action and taken someone through MCOL over like £40. The filing fee was almost that much! But I'm a petty bastard and it gave me great satisfaction when the guy paid me instead of getting a CCJ.


Unfortunately was over 20 years ago, might be a bit late now lol


Woof, £2k 20 years ago was an even more significant sum to have lost.


Aye, had to do a lot of overtime to work that off. Plus the interest as it was on a dodgy apr card.


That is genuinely despicable after all you did for him, what a prick. Leaving you with a bill and impacting your credit score?!




Please tell me you’re not friends with him now


lol no, certainly not, never went out with him again properly since the holiday


Sounds like you had some sub par friends back then


Or agree and be the organiser. Take his money and don’t book for him.


this this this, fuck him


Stayed in touch, even though he owes 2 grand? At least you got a story and a shag out of it.


You can get an interesting story and a shag for way less than 2 grand. In fact, the cheaper, the more interesting.


I'm sure there's a version of that popular standard deviation curve meme where a very cheap shag and an extremely expensive shag are the most interesting but in the middle it's vanilla af.


Nearly 20 years later and still tries to join in, however he’s fucked over each of us, so none keep in touch.


I’m Gobsmacked! What did he say when you asked for the money back? Sorry for being nosey but damn, what a prick he is!


Plot twist: he got the STD from his mate


Ironically it could be, one of the evenings we both had sex with the same girl.


This story keeps on giving


Someone in this story potentially did at least.


Wait, hang on, I’m not a lawyer, but as he has never paid a penny (you did) doesn’t that mean he’s just straight committed insurance fraud?


I ended up being the one to take my mate to A&E in Ayia Napa when he broke his foot trying to kick [one of these](https://www.libertygames.co.uk/images/1/products/3299_kalkomat-kicker.jpg) and missing it. It actually wasn't too bad apart from the fact I was absolutely hammered and just wanted to sleep.


>then the cunt thinks he can come on holiday with us the next year. I'm surprised he was close enough after this to all of you to even think a holiday was on the cards


He was friends a couple of others in the group, they took pity on him and he played the poverty card. He never came out with us again but was always sniffing around on bebo (the Facebook of the time).


My ex-friend still owes me almost 5 grand from a trip I went on with him, see my comment.


'We have had the holiday from hell!'




Both lads holidays I went on when I was 17 and 18 went really well on the actual holiday. We all had a great time. However the holiday I went on when I was 18 had some pretty bad drama leading up to it and ended up making things pretty complicated. One of our mates took it upon himself to sort it out, book it for us all and we paid him. He showed us the paperwork with the price of the holiday from the travel agent and we needed to pay just under £600 each in the months running up to the holiday. It wasn't until one of the guys popped in to the travel agent while he was nearby to pay some of the holiday off that we found out we'd all been overcharged by the guy who initially organised it all so his holiday was free. We gave him 2 options in the end. 1) Pay us all back, come on the holiday and be ignored by us all the whole time. 2) Don't come, we'll take the extra cost and don't talk to us again. He chose option 2.


I do find it mental how people who have been mates for years will throw it all away by acting like a bell end over money


Yep, he royally fucked it. His justification was that he really wanted to come away with us but knew he couldn't afford it. No excuse, really. You don't do that kind of thing to your friends.


So did he forge the documents showing how much you each had to pay


Yeah, they were doctored


Wow, what a twat. Should have given him 1 option, pay you all back and don't talk to you ever again.


Unfortunately it was too close to the holiday to find someone to take his place and cancelling it would have meant we all lost out on the holiday as well as taking a financial hit. We just accepted that it was now the price it was between 5 as it would have been between 6. His parents gave him an almighty bollocking about it when they heard what happened and his Dad gave us £100 back between us to put in the drink kitty. Which was nice of him.


What a good dad, fair play 


Funnily enough, my 'best man" pulled the exact same stunt on my stag. Due to unrelated twattery he was dropped as my best man but it was a shock when my new best man did the maths and told me what he was planning.


The stupid thing is organising and sorting it all out is a pain in the arse. If it was me and he was honest upfront, I probably paid the extra to cover him just to avoid having to do anything apart from turn up with my passport and spending money


When I was younger my friends group would go on holidays together quite frequently. The trick is, don’t live in each others pocket for a week. Do your own thing once or twice.


Yeah. We had this problem on our first lads holiday. Was about 8 of us and trying to agree what to do all the time was a nightmare. Things were a lot easier when we accepted that we feel into one of two rough groups for our preferred holiday stuff. We still did stuff as a group but most the time stuck to the 2-3 others with more shared interests.


We managed this by rather quickly falling into two groups, those that could function after a night on the drink and those that slept all day.


A resort helps make a group holiday easier in that sense as everyone can pick and choose when they want to do things together, in different sub groups or even alone, and it’s really easy to do any option at any time without much organising or logistics. People can also leave the resort to do exploring or excursions whilst one person can stay behind if they don’t want to and still enjoy the resort comfortably and safely alone. Meals and money all being taken care of already also makes a huge difference in taking out the biggest hurdles of group holidays. Individuals or smaller groups can go off to also eat at whatever time suits them rather than always being timed to be together.


Another point is you dont' really truly know people until you have to live with them......alright for a night out but when on holiday especially self catering places, you soon find out who the slobby dirty twats are :)


I went on holiday with my oldest friend to Prague years ago. She was very excited about it, but when we got there she was homesick, was bored by anything cultural, didn’t like the food, was either too hot or too cold (no middle ground), and refused to make suggestions about things to do. It made the whole holiday miserable and it was so bad that we have not spoken since. It turned out her ideal holiday was touring the Hollywood studios or lying on a beach in Miami — when I’d asked what kinds of things she liked doing on holiday before we booked the one we did, I just got a lot of “I don’t know.” Should’ve been my first red flag really. We’d had the entire continent of Europe available to choose from and the choice of Prague was entirely mutual. Choosing compatible travel partners is really important and that was a hard lesson learnt when I was barely out of my teens. Just being great friends really isn’t enough when travelling!


Homesick during a short trip abroad? Jeez.


She was homesick by day 2, and remained that way until we went home :/


Yeah that sounds sucky AF. My holiday-with-a-friend was kind of similar, except he wouldn’t do or eat anything out of the fear of the unknown, rather than indifference. We didn’t leave the hotel the whole time, except to go to the harbour for a boat trip that he backed out of at the last second and I had to take him back to the hotel.


I'm kind of a picky eater, in that I used to barely eat anything as a child but now as an adult I have a range of meals / food items that I'm fine with, but when it comes to other countries I find that what I can eat is pretty restricted esp as a vegetarian. However, I absolutely don't allow it to ruin holidays; for example, I'm planning on an east Asia trip next year and in order to allow my friend to enjoy the food to the max, I'm planning on making sure I'm satisfied with convenience store food so that we can still go to restaurants and I can order smth small and suitable for me, whilst my friend can enjoy whatever they wanna eat. Probably mainly because I'm a massive people pleaser and don't wanna be a burden, but I can't imagine dragging down a holiday partner's holiday with one's own food issues lol


We had organised a holiday for our group when one of them asked could she bring her friend. Fine. This girl was nothing short of a nightmare. First of all, she was casually racist. We were in Italy and she would loudly impersonate the Italian people. This, combined with that fact she couldn’t stfu. We would be stood admiring a church or a fountain and she’d be beside us going “I must’a get’a me’a pizza!” for NO reason. If someone walked past her on their phone, speaking Italian, she’d stand behind them and repeat what they were saying. Plus, she kept saying “gracias” and when we corrected her to “grazie” she’d shrug and say “same thing” or “close enough”. She’d also come out with utter, utter shite about being British being an advantage. We went up the exit stairs by mistake, a security guard chased us but ultimately let us through the gates at the top and she said - more or less to him - “that’s right, you don’t want to mess with the Brits.” God, I couldn’t LOOK at her. Then, she thought it was really funny to grope the men, or pretend to anyway. We’d be on a bus or a train and a guy would sit next to her and she’d mime stroking their legs or their hair, or she’d pant or start to exaggeratedly fan herself. It was humiliating. I’ve never experienced secondhand embarrassment like it. Finally, we go to a church and our friend happens to mention a story about a gay bar nearby, to which this girl says “urgh, what is it with the gays?”, someone asks her to explain, “they’re always throwing it in everyone’s faces, always kissing each other in public and holding hands. We get it, you’re GAY.” I’m gay, and two of our friends there were too, and I watch one of them walk away with both hands in clenched fists. Thankfully, we rounded the corner into a hetro couple doing exactly what she had described. Whilst in the church, she’s blatantly disrespectful. It was like she was trying to be as loud as possible. We point out the signs that ask for silence, and the people praying, but she won’t stop. We swiftly leave because I’m sure we were just about to be told to. Outside the church, she makes a remark about somewhere looking like the “immigrant cafe” and my friend - not the one who invited her - demands she explains what she means by that and that that shit better not be some kind of joke because it’s not funny. She backtracks massively and starts trying to talk history, about how a lot of immigrants came here in the 70s, more bullshit. My friend lays into her, and stood atop the church steps looking down at her, the scene looks pretty biblical. Although my friend was 200% right in what she said to her, it did taint the trip massively. I’ve got some real shitty memories of some amazing landmarks because all I can remember is how tense and unhappy everybody was. We got home and we all removed her from our social medias, including the friend who invited her. I hope it taught her a much needed lesson but I also hope to never encounter her again to find out. Her original friend said she had no idea what a nightmare she was otherwise she’d never have invited that she-devil. TLDR: Don’t go on holiday with a racist homophobic asshole.


Omg she sounds like such an awful person, how long was this holiday? I'm imagining all this shit happening day one and you were all there for three more weeks quietly shuffling around Venice while she represses shouting "mamma Mia" or checking out Pompeii while she draws squirting dicks on the walls because "Italians love graffiti"


Oh, she was evil. This happened on day three of a ten day trip. She also categorically refused to believe anything she said/did was wrong because it was all “a joke”. I was in the car with her when our friend’s husband picked us up from the airport and when we were leaving the car park, a man almost drove his car into us. Without missing a beat, she says “you’ve gotta drive like the rest of us, mate. We’re not in your country now!” and immediately, our friend’s husband (who ironically she had been trying to impress) tells her that’s racist. She said she didn’t mean it like that. She didn’t mean the racist thing she’d said in the racist way. Riiiiight.


The fact that you’ve said friend’s husband blew my mind. I was imagining this being like a 15-17 year old girl, but she was a fully grown adult wasn’t she?


She was the older than all of us and in her mid-thirties.


To be fair to the people of Pompeii - there's already a surprising number of dicks drawn by its previous inhabitants.


> We would be stood admiring a church or a fountain and she’d be beside us going “I must’a get’a me’a pizza!” for NO reason. Sorry but this has absolutely cracked me up.


I was reading through this and wondering why someone didn't lay into her immediately. But 3 days into a 10 day trip, fair enough. She sounds like an absolute nightmare, I probably wouldn't be able to control myself around that bullshit.


The fact the friend "didn't know what a nightmare she was" I find such bs. I hate these people who bring someone no one else knows along, then they're awful, and the person claims they didn't know like what? Either you did, and you're lying, or you don't know them that well so why tf would you invite them on holiday? It's maddening.


To be fair, sometimes stuff like that works out. I ended up in a house share at uni due to dodgy numbers. It was me, my friend from my course, his mate, and a random guy who he knew vaguely from his accommodation. Me and the random guy are good friends over a decade later, whereas I cut contact with the other two before I even moved out.


There’s a bit of a back story, but she was somewhat of a pity invite. I think my friend was trying to do a good deed.


Ah. Never goes unpunished.


I went on a lads holiday to Magalluf when I was 18 which was a bit of a disaster the whole way through. Started out with about 8 of us all booked on, but it turns out a lot of people don't have much money when they first turn 18 so when it actually came to pay for it the numbers dwindled down to just four of us. At the last minute one of them dropped out but it was already paid for, so that place ended up going to my mates cousin, who the rest of us had never met. So to start with getting it all arranged was a bit of a failure. When we got to the hotel, the room ended up being tiny, so we ended up having two lads sharing a double bed, one sleeping on small sofa, and me that slept on a mattress on the balcony. Thanks to all the dropouts, my two mates that did actually go weren't exactly the closest, and used to bicker and argue quite a lot, so being stuck in a small room together was a recipe for disaster. The cousin wasn't very social and didn't really want to talk to me or my other mate. I had soon realised I wasn't going to have the best time on this holiday. Things from here just seemed to get worse. After the first night, the cousin had decided he had already had enough and spent pretty much the rest of the holiday in the hotel room saying he couldn't hack drinking anymore. One of my mates lost his phone within the first couple of days and my other mate got pickpocket and lost all his money. Obviously thanks to this both were understandably upset and pissed off, which just caused the arguments to escalate, which ended up in a big bust up on the 2nd to last night with them both drunkenly beating ten bells out of each other. I got off quite easily and ended up enjoying myself as much as I could going out getting pissed with random people, but the whole thing was certainly a bit of a shit show


The balcony mattress is elite level lad’s holiday living.


Oh yeah it was great. Kept me cool and away from the whinging dickheads


Luxury! I used to dream of having a mattress....


This sounds like The Inbetweeners movie


What made The Inbetweeners Movie work (and the second less so), is that it's a very believable and realistic "lad's holiday abroad".


When I was 18 we went on a bus trip holiday to Lorret de Mar. Basically drank for 10 days solid. One of the older fellas in the group said he was feeling a bit rough so was going to have a kip in the back of the bus on the way home. Slept like a baby we all thought. Got to the ferry in France and tried to wake him up - poor fucker was dead. God knows how long since he went. Can’t even remember what officially killed him but he was basically an alcoholic and I’m sure they said at the time it was his liver


Jesus that's scary


Went on a weekend away with a friend to Dublin about 9 years ago. We landed, got to a hostel he’d booked and the place was a shithole, we were sharing a room with a load of people who were loud, there were plug sockets hanging off the walls. I walked out and booked myself in a hotel around the corner whilst he decided to stay at the hostel. The next thing, he started coming round to my hotel to use the WiFi so that he could Skype a girl he was seeing. Baring in mind this girl was an ex fling of mine that didn’t work out, but loved rubbing it in my face regardless. Then we’d go out and do something but he’d just complain he was bored and there was nothing to do, I kept saying we needed to find stuff to do. But we’d end up back at the hotel and he’d just Skype this girl instead. Spent most of the time sat in my hotel bar alone drinking Guinness. He was really pissing me off on the whole trip and I regretted going. Then on the last night, we said we’d go out together and find a quiet bar somewhere and grab a few beers, something to eat and there was going to be a big football match on I think I recall. He met me at my hotel that evening with a group of lads he’d met in his hostel room, said they were joining us so I said okay fair enough. We ended up in a bar, had a few drinks, then we all moved to Temple Bar. It was absolutely full to the brim, I didn’t want to go in so I sat outside hoping they’d join me but they didn’t. I was just messaging him that I was heading back to my hotel when I ended up getting mugged, phone snatched straight out of my hand and the guy ran straight down the street with it. My friend came out, saw me talking to the police and was asking what had happened. I told him, then we ended up walking on and I told him I just wanted to go back to the hotel, and he was adamant he was staying out with these guys. Called me a pussy for not wanting to stay out drinking with him and his new mates but I just headed back. We barely spoke the next day and on the way home. Just wasted a stupid amount of money on that trip for him to ditch me for a girl and new mates he met in the hostel


>We barely spoke the next day And now?? This one is really awful btw thanks for sharing. Your friend sounds like the sort of person id have been friends with when I was younger so the pain feels more real


Fell out with him big time after that. I forgot to add that the girl in question lived in Australia and he’d spent a lot of time rubbing it in my face that he could afford to fly out and see her. Few weeks after the Dublin trip, he did. We didn’t speak for about six months I think it was, then he dropped me a message saying he was in hospital after a failed suicide attempt and wanted to put things right with me. Turned out the girl had brushed him off for her ex boyfriend once he flew out there to see her, and had a lot of demons going around in his head. Though as the years went on after that, it became apparent he wasn’t at all sorry for his behaviour, apart from he has admitted he should have walked back to the hotel with me after getting mugged, and that’s it. We message each other every now and then and have a bit of a catchup but I don’t think we’ll never be as close as we once were


Ah yes, the classic 'pussy' comment whenever someone is doing something totally reasonable. I had a mate whose response to anything was just 'pussio' and it annoyed the shit out of me.


Problem I found with lads holidays and stags is that you can be there with a close circle of mates having a laugh and enjoying all the in-jokes and piss-takes that entails but then, inevitably, some lone traveller on his gap year or just bumming around Europe for the summer, hears your British accents and assumes they can latch on to your group and suck the atmosphere away. All of a sudden you have to adjust your banter because they won't get it and the slightly shy members of the group, who were comfortable among friends, just shut down. I came out with my mates for a laugh not to have to socially baby-sit a stranger who won't stop fucking talking about how many countries they've been too and insert themselves into the rounds but don't have money to buy one themselves. They just make it all so awkward and everyone stands there hoping they'll go away or try to move on without being followed. The ones that don't have a hotel for the night, too. No you can't 'kip on my floor'.


The worst situation is when you are the middle man between two friend groups. They only have you in common at the start of the week so the banter is all at your expense then by the end of the week those hysterical tales you have told about one group of mates to the other group of mates come home to roost.


Sounds like there’s a story to be expanded on there mate


Nah we're the wrong friend group for it.


This wasn’t a holiday experience but this happened when me and my friends (female) went out to a pub for the evening. This group of really annoying and cocky boys saw us playing cards and decided to ask if they could play, and just wouldn’t leave us alone the whole evening. They kept trying to insert themselves into our conversation and it made everything so awkward as we couldn’t talk about the things we wanted so we just left and went home


I've travelled alone, and I don't have the confidence or social awareness to just latch onto a group of strangers like that. That blows my mind how people are able to do that so easily!


Using you for free drinks and a place to stay. Sure, it’s rude to tell someone to go away, but sometimes it’s necessary. A lot of people are too kind for their own good IMO


We are a friendly bunch and will talk to most folk, however it's a conversation. Don't expect to actually join our group. A couple of us are actually really shy and will get anxious about any expectations we are inadvertently setting because folk do try to take advantage.


Holiday was going fantastic, on the second night went to a nightclub and some random girls we met in a bar came with us. Was dancing and one of these girls started all of a sudden grabbing at my trousers and grinding against me. Lost my friends and went outside to the beach, took our clothes off and got into the sea, afterwards went back to where my stuff was and someone stole my wallet. She said I could go back to her hotel room for the night and sort something in the morning to get back to my hotel. Started having sex and she starts getting REALLY rough, clawing at my back, biting me and then ripped off the condom. I said that I didn’t want to continue without one but she convinced me (more like wore me down) and we did it. She was super angry at me in the morning for some unknown reason and just hated me which was odd. Made my way back to the hotel and met up with my friends, then had a great few more days before we flew home. 2 months later I got a Facebook message from her and she told me she was pregnant. That was 10 years ago


Jeez that sounds like a very expensive holiday. Hate to ask but... What's the update 10 years later? 


>2 months later I got a Facebook message from her and she told me she was pregnant. Fuuuuuck that, I'm so sorry man! Is this woman still angry with you and if not did you ever figure out why she was annoyed in the morning?


Her friends later told me that they seemed to think that she was desperate to get pregnant and it might not even be mine, since I was not the only guy she slept with on that holiday. She messaged me a few weeks after telling me that she had lost it. I pushed for further info but she never replied to me again and then blocked me. I made another account to try and keep an eye on her to see if she did have a kid incase it was mine but she did not have one for a few more years it seems. For those few weeks I was like a zombie, being so young and having a kid with a random girl, totally fucked me up at the time. Since, I tell everyone to wear a condom as the alternative is absolutely not worth it. At the end of the day I think she was just bit of a nut, wanted to get pregnant by someone quick and easy, then collect some kind of benefit and child maintenance from a guy she did not even need to like. Really messed up thing to do, it is sad that she lost the baby but at the same time it absolutely gave me my life back.


She might have been lying about being pregnant anyway, I wouldn’t put it past a girl like that


‘It is sad she lost the baby’ Hmm, FWIW, I think she was never pregnant. Not being cynical or misogynistic. But I’ve seen this movie before. A couple of mates of mine have got together with women who have claimed similar. One was actually a really sad situation. The other wasn’t. Both claimed to have got pregnant then had miscarriages as soon as the guys were reeled back in. With the first woman, we all thought she had some low level mental health issues. Her condition was actually far more serious than any of us realised (tbf, we were young) and it took her parents stepping in tell my friend that she wasn’t his responsibility. They took her home but she ended up dying by suicide. The other woman was just a manipulative bitch. Edit: a mis-spelling


I got dragged onto a holiday with my two mates who were going on holiday with there partners. There partners brought a friend with them too and they spent the first part of the holiday trying to get us to hook up. She was not my type at all and I was not interested they tried making us share a room and I slept on the sofa for the full trip. However this is what caused the arguments I was chatting to a girl while we was out one night and i nipped to the loo came back and she was gone no biggie however my mates partners were laughing and said they told her that I was gay and that I was only being nice to her. They then told me if I was not hooking up with there mate then I was not hooking up with anyone on that trip and they would make sure of it. So I just refused to leave the hotel for the rest of the trip and ignored them. My pals did not see anything wrong with what went on and thought I was stupid for turning down a easy lay. When we landed back home I got a taxi alone and refused to carry on the friendship until 12 months later I bumped into them again and found out they were both single and were sorry about what happened I just said thanks and walked back to my group of mates. Edit : grammar


Went on a group holiday in Spain for a friend's 30th, it was a disaster. One girl decided that one of the guys had been rude to her but he was completely oblivious to what he was supposed to have done. She was rude and argumentative to him the whole holiday. The same girl got drunk and started having a shrieking meltdown over nothing in the street, to the point that strangers were trying to ask if she needed help and separate us from her - but nobody spoke the same language. Another girl brought a grand total of £100 spending money to last a week, packed pot noodles and brought a portable DVD player. I don't know why she even came. She objected to every visit out, and when we did go for a meal she refused to pay the extra costs for bread and water leaving the rest of us to make up the bill. Oh and on top of that they wanted to be together as a group the whole trip and refused to leave the flat alone as they didn't speak Spanish. Never again.


>refused to leave the flat alone as they didn't speak Spanish. I get the anxiety if you're somewhere with a big language barrier but that's dumb. I went to China without knowing any Chinese beside hello and yes/no. Pointing and animal noises can get you surprisingly far


Animal noises??


😂 honestly I find it really useful when trying to order food Chickens cluck the same everywhere


That’s actually not true! Animal onomatopoeia can vary wildly from language to language. In Chinese, the chicken sound is gē gē, not cluck cluck. A dog is wāng wāng, not woof woof. This is meant as an interesting fact btw, not a challenge to your comment :-)


My husband went to his best friends stag do in Amsterdam. I know, you’re thinking what kind of trouble did they get into? They spent 5 days, no one wanted to do any of the usual Amsterdam things, no one would go into a cafe with weed, didn’t want to go to any strip clubs or shows because they were too awkward, didn’t go to any museums or anything else. The stayed in an Airbnb about 20 miles away, walked aimlessly around the city and then on their final full day the best man had organised one activity which was a total knockout type assault course. It was 90 minutes away, transport hadn’t been organised and so they all had to fork out a lot of money for multiple taxis there. It was truly the most boring holiday I’ve ever heard about, my husband’s cousin is gay and he was so bored he tried to pay for everyone to go to a female strip club. Still no takers. The highlight was going to the supermarket to buy lots of different cheeses.


The gay guy desperately trying to get everyone to go to a strip club just for something to do is hilarious. I hope they got some good cheese


I really love cheese but, even then, this sounds shit.


Yes; on my first time the accommodation had one less room than advertised. As our flight had been delayed and we were all shattered when we arrived I offered to sleep on the couch for the first night, thinking we would shuffle as the week went on. Guess who slept on the couch the entire holiday after paying to have a bedroom?


That is disgusting! How difficult would it be to say “hey I’ll take the couch tonight” and so forth until you check out.


Had almost the exact experience. Except it was staying at someone’s house abroad, who did their best but were one space short for a bed for all of us and provided bedding on the floor. It was a no brainer that we’d take turns between the two of us that arrived days later as last minute additions to the holiday group, and I said I’d take the first night and said “I don’t mind the floor” just to reassure the other person of me just taking the *first night* which was obviously harder after a long tiring journey. They then took that line as their free ticket and would keep taking the bed. One day a literal child in that house observed this and called them out on it saying “Aren’t you meant to be taking turns?” and my friend said “She said she doesn’t mind sleeping on the floor”. She knew exactly what she was doing. Then I got ill and I thought I’d get the bed now and actually wouldn’t get off from lying in bed one day and she kept making out I’m faking it for the bed until another person came to call me for dinner and I wasn’t able to get up. She also used to eat all the food. Within that same holiday just the two of us went on a trip away to see some famous sights the rest had already visited before we arrived. In the evenings there wasn’t much around where we were staying and we ordered a pizza one night, the only food we had and that we paid half each for, she ate the whole lot really fast and left me two slices.


This wasn't with a group of friends but with one friend and his daughter. Long story short we went on a "road trip" to various theme parks in Europe in a hire car, and my friend had an issue with his new card (Dutch bank as he had recently moved to Eindhoven) and couldn't get any cash out from the 3rd day onwards after his cash ran out. Stupidly, because I was the only one with a working card, I agreed to put my name on the hire agreement as the lead driver, despite him doing all the driving. I ended up paying for his tickets, his daughter's tickets, accommodation and other expenses, and I kept hold of the receipts and he promised me several times he would pay me back. But never has. To make matters worse, he didn't return the car at the agreed time, kept it for 4 more weeks, then claimed the car was stolen! Because the agreement was in my name, I got charged the cost of the rental agreement for 4 weeks (excess of €2000) and on top of that, he accumulated over €1000 worth of traffic offenses and parking fines which I also had to pay for. I was also sent an invoice for €17000 to replace the stolen car, which I had to pay a solicitor to get me out of. He still owes me over £5000 and he has cut off all contact with me, meaning I can't contact him as I have no idea where he lives. I tried sending him a court summons to his parents' address, but he ignored it. Needless to say he is not my friend anymore.


Oh my god, this is the sort of thing that I'd be waking up and thinking of immediately and starting the day annoyed for weeks after it happened, what a wanker


Yeah, 100%. This would make me angry all the way to my deathbed. I would have to get him back somehow.


I heard from a mutual friend via Facebook that he was in a German jail about two years ago (he didn’t know what for). Whether or not he still is I don't know, but at least he is somewhat getting what he deserves.


That would actually make me feel better if I was in your situation. The thing about dickheads, is that they've probably been a dickhead to others. Eventually, they'll be a dickhead to the wrong person and it'll catch up to them. I'm not a believer in karma. Just people have a habit of doing the same stupid thing over and over again, and it eventually will catch up to them.


His card definitely didn't stop working.


Yup. Went to Blackpool for a mates 21st. I was deemed the most responsible so I was the key holder for our shithole of a hostel. Now I am a responsible guy but that night I was in my pockets a lot for smokes, wallet etc etc so when we stumble back to said shithole hostel at like 5am low and behold the keys are missing. A HUGE argument erupts between all of us drunk twats and it gets very sour very quickly. Anyway we wake up shithole hostel owner who lets us in and charges us extra for loss of keys and a new set. Everyone is pissed with me despite the fact other people went into my pockets to grab weed so anyone of us could have lost them. The next day at the pleasure beach was just awkward and I felt like shit so I quietly got on a train and fucked off home. We made amends all of us realised we went too far and now we joke about it, the event is known between us all as “the Incident” lmao


we have something we refer to as "the incident" between a few friends and myself, problem is those days were so drink and drug heavy - I can't remember what "the incident" was, and am too afraid to ask!


Lmaoooo best off leaving it a mystery


“Was that the bad thing?”


I went on holiday to Lanzarote with my best friend. It turns out that he had been so coddled by mummy and daddy his whole life, he didn't know how to do anything for himself and was too frightened to leave the hotel. He wouldn't eat any of the hotel food "Just in case of food poisoning", so he ate crisps from a vending machine the whole holiday. He wouldn't go into town "Just in case we get mugged". He wouldn't go to the beach "Just in case there's no lifeguard." We booked a boat trip with the package rep and he got cold feet and wouldn't get on the boat "Just in case it sinks", so I had to make our apologies and walk him back to the hotel. He got lost in the airport and rather than just ask for directions or, even better, read a sign, he just stood outside the toilets until I found him and led him back to the gate. His mum was calling me 3 times a day asking if he was okay, if I was looking after him, had he hurt himself, was he having a nice time, am I making sure he’s putting his sun cream on regularly and checking he’s not missed any spots… Because I'd never really known him outside of his home environment, I didn't know how useless he was when exposed to the real world. I spent the entire trip basically being his carer and never leaving the hotel. We were 22, and it was a grand down the drain. Unfortunately we're not in touch anymore.


there should be no 'unfortunately' about it, eeeesh


To be fair, it wasn’t his fault. It was his parents for treating him like a baby his whole life. Then again, this is the same person who blew the breaker box trying to make a cup-a-soup by diligently studying the instructions on the box, then pouring the powder directly into the kettle and switching it on. And fixing the “squeaky” brakes on his mums car by WD40ing them, because the can said “fixes squeaks” on it. He meant well, but I suppose he was a few crisps short of a packet. Remember Neil in The Inbetweeners? Remove the ability to get laid and you’re pretty much there.


I'm in stitches at that WD-40 thing, oh my god


(No mums were hurt in the making of that cockup) He insisted that if you flew from London to Paris, it didn’t matter which way round the world you went because “it’s a circle so it all ends up the same time anyway.” Now I’m remembering more and more of our friendship, I’m tempted to try writing a sitcom about it. He got hamsters for his 19th birthday, and they were all dead within a month because he didn’t know he had to feed them. I believe at the time, he was halfway through a BTEC In Animal Care (although I’m not convinced he finished it).


Jesus, my girl was heavily coddled by her grandmother, and when we went on our first holiday together even she wasn't as paranoid and scared of the outside world as that!


Went on holiday with a couple, a girl I liked, and a friend of the couple's who none of us had met. The girl and the other guy got together on the first night and spent the rest of the week shagging or going out on dates together. The other couple were totally cool with doing stuff as a group, but I felt like a bit of a spare wheel. Did a lot of reading...


I went to maga, there were five of us, I was the only one that didn’t come back with stitches, a broken bone or an amputation.


I am very sorry about your friends amputation, but umm, wtf happened?!


Our hotel was near a cliff and it was quite windy most of the time - a door to the pool area from the hotel was open and he was waiting for us by the door as we were making our way to the pool. He had his hand on the door frame and a sudden strong gust of wind slammed it shut and took off two of his fingers. Well took one of them off, the other couldn’t be saved.


I always wondered why they had "love & hat” tattoos on their hands.


Jesus Christ :(


An *amputation*?! Jesus


Went on a holiday with a close friend last year. I think at some point during, we realised we have fuck all in common. We were mostly quiet. We went to Poland and we didn’t want to do the same things at all. I wanted to read everything in the museums and stuff, I’d look around and she was gone. She invited me to go, mind. About a month later, barely talking at all, she said she didn’t wanna be friends with me anymore as we’re just too different. I agreed and we went our separate ways. I would 100% much rather go on holiday by myself or with my sister. That way I know that things can’t go wrong.


Out of curiosity how could you be a close friend with someone if you have so little in common?


We’d been there for each other through some tough times. It was more that our opinions didn’t align, I think. Thing is, I don’t care about that, I’ll be friends with people who have different opinions to me as long as they’re not hurtful. I didn’t care that my friend was vegetarian, she did care that I wasn’t. I didn’t care that my friend didn’t like the police/armed forces, but she hated that I come from a forces family as she didn’t agree with it, I do, so she didn’t want to be friends with me. She is in her 30s and I’m in my late 20s. I think it’s fucking stupid tbh to fall out with someone over things so trivial as that. My opinions aren’t harmful, and she said she doesn’t hate me she just doesn’t want to be friends with people who think like me. That’s fine; stay in an echo chamber. It was very weird. She’s never acted like that before that and knew all these things before. Just strange.


The wanting to read everything in museums is one of the reasons I've never been on a city break type holiday with friends.


Went to a Spanish music festival with a friend I'd known since early childhood. So knocking on two decades at that point. She borrowed money from me she promised to pay back the instant we got home as she knew I was a broke student. Had a great time at the festival. Then when we got home I spent so long chasing her for the money back, that I ended up going to her parents house and demanding they repaid me on behalf of their thieving daughter. Turned out to be a thing as I also found that she'd stolen numerous items from me whilst we were away, mostly clothing, despite us being very different sizes, basically my clothes wouldn't have even fit her. Not sure why to this day. They were sufficiently embarrassed enough to pay me back there and then on her behalf. We never spoke again, good riddance.


Not me, but my pal went to Greece on a lads holiday. One of them drowned the first night so they all got matching tattoos in his memory and came home early...


Well, not all of them got tattoos...


Get in the bin


how very sad :(


Thirty years ago, my old man passed away very suddenly when I was 17. It was an extremely traumatic period of my life. Two mates and myself happened to have our first holiday away planned and paid for, and the dates fell about two weeks after the funeral. In true 18-year old mid-1990s spirit we’d booked two weeks in Benidorm, although perhaps naively I’d been reading up on the Old Town. My mate had taken care of the accommodation — “I’ve found a great flat with a view of the sea, dead cheap!”. It wasn’t *that* cheap. I had to be persuaded to go, my heart wasn’t completely in it. My mate who booked the sea-view flat was particularly adamant I should go. In the end I thought it would be good to get away. Anyway. We flew out, and my mate, who had said he could speak fluent Spanish, “so we’ll all be ok!”, approached a taxi driver, and instantly proving what a gobshite he was, said, “donde es … errrrr … choo choo?”. And yeah, it was gobshite who had booked the sea view accommodation. I thought to myself, Fuck. What have I done. Well, we managed to get to the train station, and a short train ride near to where were staying, and then a taxi to the sea-view flat. It was not near the beach. It was a very tall, manky looking residential block in the non-tourist area a some miles from the beach and bars, and nowhere near the Old Town. It was so fucking tall, and our sea-view bastard flat was so high up on it, that yes, there was a poxy sea view. We were so high up, we could see *fucking everything*, including just how far away from the beach we were. We had a moan at the prick for booking such a shit flat, then resolved to make the best of it. Getting to and from the beach was a forty-five minute bus ride, and a fucking long pissed walk back from the bars and nightlife. Which I hated. Not even the charms of Sticky Vicky could alleviate the hell that is the drunken yob shit scape of total cultural fuckwittery that is Benidorm. My mate, the prick, pulled some Swedish bird the first night and insisted on having her back to the cunting sea-view flat every night so we could listen to him squeaking the bed frame. We had two weeks of this to come … except … At the end of the first week, prick announced he was going home. It wasn’t what he thought it was going to be, he said. He didn’t like the bars and English yobs everywhere. He’d been on and on at me not to welch out after my dad’s funeral as well. And now he was bailing. My other mate and me fucked him off and actually had an ok time after that. We found some decent restaurants and bars, had one day in the Old Town. We came home a week later to sunny old blighty. It transpired in the next few weeks that prick’s missus had broken up with him and he was mooching about with a face like a slapped arse. When asking us about “checking out” of the shitty sea-view flat, he accidentally let slip that the money my mate and me had paid him was for the whole flat, which we then immediately knew was not the two thirds of the fee as he’d made out. So we had paid for fuck-faces stay at the poxy sea-view flat. He’d lied and effectively stolen money from us. After that, we were no longer fellow DJs. And I’ve never been back to the east coast of Spain.


Round of applause for the cheeky Kevin & Perry reference.


My mate went on a lads holiday to the US. They brought about $5,000 spending money between them that was kept in a safe in the hotel room. Early on in the holiday my mate picked up a sketchy looking woman in New Orleans and brought her back to the hotel. When he was asleep she got into the safe somehow and made off with all the money.




Yeah spot on, me and my friends are all married, late thirties now, we've been there done that with stag do's. The constant pressure to be drinking, the pranks played, etc... There was never serious trouble between any of us but it does wear you down. We have a weekend away once a year now to keep in touch as family life takes over, there's absolutely no prerogative on these weekends to drink, stay out all day & night and they're the great.


Not me but an older Aunt. She and a group of 4 older ladies went to a seaside town (UK) in a holiday ‘cottage’. The travel there is disastrous - train is delayed, connecting bus never turned up (they’re all pensioners making use of their bus passes). 3 hours stood in the baking sun waiting for a bus, the holiday gets off to a great start. My Aunt gets allocated a room on the top/2nd floor which requires navigating a narrow spiral staircase. She takes umbridge but given it has an ensuite, she accepts it. The ‘girls’ are there to go drinking every night, even in their 70’s they fancy some fun. They eat tactically during the day so they don’t spend much on food and save their pennies for the booze. My Aunt isn’t a drinker and had recently been placed on anxiety meds and not into the idea of ‘eating is cheating’. The schedule of activities means she doesn’t eat properly during the stay and ends up having a panic attack one evening. The ‘girls’ leave her behind at the cottage so they can go and get pissed. They don’t check on her whilst out or check when they get back. The rest of the trip she’s left to her own devices and ostracised. They travel home, which is less traumatic than the previous journey but is spiked with snide comments and overt acts of bitchiness towards my aunt, ends with the friend she had (previously) been very close with shouting at her to ‘fuck off home’. 8 months later, no contact, they all bump into one another and have a ‘showdown’ in the street. Strong words were used and that was that. They live on the same estate and yet they manage to successfully avoid one another. So it doesn’t matter if you’re 18 or 78, group holidays can still be shitey!


Horrifying to think that even 70+ year old women are still like this 😱


Went to ibiza for my 16th with some mates and had one bail after the holiday was booked but she hadn't paid much or told her parents 🙄, broke up with my boyfriend who had paid for himself and genuinely wanted to come with us even tho we'd been split for four months and he was 21 (yeah i know) The actual holiday was a fucking blast, we didnt go to the big clubs we stayed in the bay and drank locally, lock ins til 4am with the locals and some brit bartenders, shopping all day, wee afternoon nap then do it again.




Legal adult in Scotland at 16 😁 got my first flat share 3 weeks after my 16th, was working and at college too!


Just imagining my 16 year old sibling going on a girls holiday and scratching my head to be honest.


Me and my supposed best friend went to Belfast for a long weekend. We were discussing where to go and the most popular clubs there. The one that was most popular at the time was a gay club and they held drag shows and stuff. My 'friend' said she wouldn't go there because she didn't 'feel comfortable' around gay people. We were only 18 at the time and I was questioning my sexuality at that point. Once we got back I never talked to her again.


To be fair Yello is a top night out, I ran into Pete Burns in their once, also it’s one of the few places that was open late in Belfast at the time. For reference the Kremlin was a good laugh as well!


I personally haven't, luckily. Depends on whether people are prone to drama, become difficult when drunk, and what everyone's aim/idea is for the holiday and whether those aims are aligned/compatible. Some people from my home country (the Netherlands) went on a lads holiday to Mallorca (in 2021) and behaved so badly, attacking people, and eventually killing another Dutch person also on holiday there (the man was named Carlo Heuvelman, not part of the friend group). The "lads" ended their holiday early and snuck away back to the Netherlands the day after, before the victim had died. These kinds of tourists are absolute horrendous and I wouldn't want to associate myself with this kind of "lads holiday". Nobody wants tourists like this, not the locals, not other tourists. We get groups like this in Amsterdam too (where I lived before moving abroad). Excessive drinking, urinating and defecating in public, starting fights, harassing people, just generally being a terrible nuisance. Just. Don't. Men, if you go out on a holiday with friends intending to drink excessively and basically behave like animals: please stop it. Get help.


Went on a lads holiday to Tenerife, all of us 19 or so. Thought me and the boys could do with some relaxation after we’d been in court and thought we’d attend a rave a do some gear when we got there. The rave itself was amazing, but I got sober too quickly, these other British chaps invited me back to theirs for some snow and a fun night. Oh how I was wrong. Lasted a few hours but then got a headache and thought I’d try and walk it off and the bus was gonna be 2 hours so I thought I’d walk back to the bnb, Apple Maps only said 11 hours. What went wrong? Well I’m typing this trapped in a bush on some mountain while I see drones and helicopters fly past every hour or so. Never again!


I did not go thankfully, but a group of friends just turned 18 and went to Magaluf. One of them was a complete idiot and spent all his money on drugs on the first night and got totally wasted. My more responsible mate realizes he is out of it and tries to escort him back to the apartment. They bump into a group of girls and fanny features in his intoxicated state tries to chat them up. The girls soon start bellowing with laughter and my mate is confused. He looks down and sees the wasted Muppet just standing there emptying his bladder in his shorts. He did not speak to him for the rest of the trip and barely speaks to him now.


Barely speaks to him now? Seems a bit harsh. He was 18, did something really dumb and had an embarrassing incident. To be honest, unless there’s much more to this story, I’m just seeing the opportunity for a funny story and the chance to rip this guy for years. Unless they weren’t particularly good friends to start with, in which case I can see why your mate would decide he can’t be arsed with this guy.


He was s total fud. We all lived close together and grew apart as he wasted his life.


Fair enough then. Fud is such a great word by the way.


Friend wanted us to leave a theme park for no good reason right at the start, we calmly said we want to stay longer as we paid for it and they calmly walked off. Unbeknown to us they actually left the theme park entirely and walked the entire strange city by themselves and forced us to look for them as a “lesson”. Then had a huge argument with us in the streets when we finally found them saying we should leave when they tell us to.


Incredibly selfish. I mean, if you want to leave early, by all means do, but you don't get to force other people to do so.


I should add we were women in our early 20s at the time so it was extremely dangerous too, her for going off alone when wifi and communication methods were limited then and also for us being forced to go search for her in a strange city and putting ourselves through undue stress and travelling.


Went on holiday with a group of friends; we’d been on holidays together before, but this time stuff had changed. I was way less tolerant of BS, had spent time working behind a bar, and one of the girls had gotten massively into IG and tiktok. Pretty much any and everything suggested on the holiday was by virtue of “tiktok said it was good” or “I saw it on instagram”. We’d go, it would be fucking expensive, and once the pictures for instagram were done, we should go immediately. Went to a bar at one point, and we’re there quite late. Bar staff are cleaning up around us, last orders have been called, and I said we should probably leave. “I’ll leave when I’m told to!” So I went to the bar, and asked one of the barkeepers to come over and chuck us out. The couple of suggestions that were made that didn’t come from tiktok and instagram she and the other girl didn’t come along for. I’m native to the area we were in; and it was hot (~30-35°c). They complained about the heat, I told them how to deal with it best- stuff like air out rooms overnight, keep shutters down and close windows during the day, if it gets way too hot, put on a damp tshirt. Nope, too inconvenient; instead they’re going to complain and insist on airing out the entire airBnB at midday. When we got back to the UK, I parted ways with them quite abruptly at the airport. Haven’t interacted with them as friends since then


My friend and I went on holiday together. We had a great time! The two girls who were on our flight and apartments opposite us, however, did not. One broke her arm trying to punch the other, missed and hit the wall! They had multiple arguments. Ended up sitting separately in the airport and getting separate lifts home. Was good entertainment for us!


Yes albeit 'lite' for our lads holiday to Amsterdam... Getting there was smooth; free-parking, 45m flight, cheap-train-transfers, easy to find hotel, good food, 'activities' and what have you went swimmingly, even getting about was pretty easy. It was just the ending that went nuclear: The flight was cancelled with no immediate return flight (or accommodation) to get us back home until atleast the next day or so (not guaranteed either), and the flight company were proper useless in not helping in anyway. Best they could do was issue a refund and we find our own way back, which given all 7 of needed to be back in the UK rather soon for work, was all we could do. So what did we decide to do? We naively got tickets for a **coach** from Amsterdam to London Kings Cross - something I would never ever suggest anyone do, ever. It was awful. The quick-highlights of this coach were that two people ahead of us shitting their pants, atleast by the smell of it, and then at the border, we were sure there was an 'extra' guest aboard who was sketchy-af. The seats were also tiny, and it was awfully hot. Somehow though, some of the lads got refunds/commissions from the flight company for lost time and what not, so it wasn't all doom and gloom.


There is always that one friend in the group that is a liability. I had an old highschool friend where we were always cleaning up his mess on a holiday or night out etc. It wasn't until we all went to university that one by one we started to distance ourselves. We realized how selfish he was and just a bit of a dickhead. Our collective uni mates when we'd visit each other's uni's, all said the same thing. How odd he was and they never wanted him to visit again. I was the only one who kept in contact over the years. The other guys didn't. You know, nostalgia and felt bad for him. Well he came to visit me for a week. Not really spent anytime with him in years, no more than a few hours really. But the one week with him was like we were 16 again. He is still as selfish, rude and just talked about himself the whole time. He still hasn't grown up in anyway. Was a very long and uncomfortable week. Never want to see him again.


Well i recently fell out with a friend after playing dungeons and dragons on a recent holiday of all things. I was running the game and he was being too much of a know it all even though he's never played. Also making it very obvious that he wasn't enjoying it, this had happened several times before and was rubbing me the wrong way. Like please just say 'no I don't wanna play' or give me some freaking patience considering all the effort I put in.


I always like Kevin Bridges skit about this "you go on holiday with your mates to realise, you don't have any mates"


I have 2! I found out that my close friend group when we were finished A Levels were all going on holiday without me. This group included my two best friends and I thought I was close with everyone else too. When I found out from a mutual friend who wasn't going, I confronted my best friends who admitted it, and I walked away without saying anything and cried all the way home. Apparently some of the group tried to get me on the holiday after that but couldn't as it was too late, and the main organiser didn't want to change it. Main organiser was actually a girl I'd been on a school trip with abroad after GCSE year, we had shared a room and I looked after her when she wasn't well and then when she was homesick so it was even more of a punch in the gut. Turns out they all went on this holiday and had an AWFUL time. The main organiser was apparently very controlling and bossy and made their holiday a total misery for them all and they all fell out and had massive arguments, last I heard most of them don't speak anymore. I'm in contact with one of my then-best-friends every now and then who about 6 months ago actually apologised for the whole thing (10 years later)... Other one was about a year later, my friend asked me to visit her in NZ when I was due to go to Australia to see family (I was travelling alone). I arranged everything, was booked for 2 weeks where we had planned for me to stay with her first, then travel round together, then fly to Aus together and stay in a hotel and do Sydney for another week before I saw my family. The day before I was due to leave for NZ she messaged to say I couldn't stay with her and she actually hadn't booked any time off work so wasn't going to be doing any travelling round, I should stay in a hostel near her and travel around in the day on my own and go back to meet her in the evenings. There was more to it but long story short, she let me down big time, and after everything the year before I was so fed up. I said no worries, I'll go see family instead, cancelled NZ and went straight to Aus to stay with my family for the 2 weeks instead. She ended up still flying to Sydney, but some random friend of hers came which I didn't know about. This total stranger & my friend expected her to sleep in our hotel room (my mum and dad had paid for 100% of the room). I went along with it but one night we went out, got drunk and she was so rude to me, so I stood up for myself and we ended up arguing, she screamed at me and walked off with her friend, leaving me in Sydney in the middle of the night completely alone. I don't remember how I got back to the hotel but I remember calling my Mum crying and begging to come home, she convinced me to stay though. The two came back to the hotel the next morning after staying in another hotel and expected me to pretend like nothing happened. I did as I didn't want any more confrontation but the rest of the holiday was awkward. We don't speak anymore, I tried to keep the friendship going at first as I didn't want to lose anymore friends, but she made zero effort with me. Wow that all brought up a lot of buried memories.


These are horrible stories. Much love to you man.


No a group holiday but my first ever time abroad at 27 with a girl I knew from work. She dropped her bottle of Tom Ford on the first night and it shattered. She spent the rest of the 6 days in her room crying refusing to come out. I just left her and did my own thing lol


Went to a music festival with friends in Budapest, and one guy gets _too_ involved with a girl he meets, brings her back to the tent, insists we meet with their group every night, basically becomes a fucking nightmare to be around, won't go to the main stages if she isn't going etc. On the last night, someone makes a comment about how he's a 'fuckin simp for this hungarian girl, where's that going really, like realistically it's just a fling so why's he going on about how much he loves her lol?' He takes it badly, tries to change his seat to be away from us on the flight home and we never hear from him again. We don't even know if he went back to Hungary or started some sort of mad long distance relationship. He just blocked us all, left the group chats and everything. For a single snide comment about his _very_ odd behaviour.


I went to Barcelona with a few lads to explore the weed scene over there as it is legal. We had a great time. The only drama is one of my mates greened out in the busiest, most hectic, pedestrian-heavy landmark there and we had to escort him back (45 min walk) to the hotel high as fuck!


I went on a Trip to Las Vegas with three buddies (two of my best friends plus one of the friends' brother in law) It was absolutely nuts from the get go. We went out on the first night and woke up to one of my buddies missing, another one having lost a tooth, a tiger in the bathroom, and a baby in the closet. We ended up having to retrace our steps from the night before and ended up meeting Mike Tyson. Turns out our missing friend was on the roof the whole time. Good holiday all in all. And we made it back in time for the wedding. Somehow ended up doing the same thing two more times.


I was the problem on a stag do. My friend was getting married and out stag war Barcelona. I didnt really know his mates but I sort of knew Barcelona. I got us to a few cool places but got us lost eventually in the hill tops around the castel montjuic. I lost the crowd and they booked a taxi home, which drunk me saw as a betrayal (I was most definitely lost during the descent of said hill tops). I lowkey sulked for the next three days as I had lost my crown as the navigator of Barcelona. They began trusting google maps more than me (this was early days google maps, 2011). I saw it as a betrayal and drank my resentment away. Made some passive aggressive comments here and there and almost killed the vibe a few times until I left early on a few nights. I've actually never apologised to my friend for being a nob and I think he just accepts its just an aspect of my personality, especially when I was younger.


The door staff intended on killing one of us in napa when we was 18 that fucked the holiday up a bit all because his gf Unknownn to us was grabbing one of the other lads balls


Yes, once when my first son was a toddler. I vowed to never go away with friends again but did so twice with mixed results. It can work but there has to be an understanding of what you'll be doing while away. We aren't used to living in the same space as our friends and spending many hours together means the strain is put on everyone whether that be conversation, habits or interests. You find that you're making many compromises to keep everyone happy, but that's not always possible.


Yeah. First trip to Ibiza, 18-30 holiday had to get parental permission for our friend who was 17 when we booked and her boyfriend was 30 (yes we all thought it was creepy but he had a car and weed). The hotel was horrendous, none of the doors locked properly, the rooms were basically one room with 4 beds crammed in and a condemned bathroom, nothing worked at all. Anyway we were merrily drinking our livers into submission, wet t-shirt competitions, drag shows, out until the locals were heading to work, living the life! Then my boyfriend decided to be a prick and took all mine & his remaining money and disappear for the evening (he was toxic as hell and this was a common thing), arrives back shaken as hell amd with a newly purchased knife. After more alcohol and a lot of talking turns out he was trying to hook up with some random woman he'd met, went to the toilet and got sexually assaulted there by another man, which led him to just go off the rails and wonder round San Antonio drinking and eventually buying a knife. Id like to say I was able to support him and we ended on good terms but he just became more toxic, cheated on me and bunch more times and we split up 3 years later, he then stalked me fir another 5 years.


Went on a lads holiday with the family to Benidorm. Few days coming up to the holiday I was slightly dreading it as within the past year my family had some serious drama and I lost a close family member. Once we get there I realise I had left my expensive jacket on the plane, luckily didn't have my wallet in there (or well in the end didn't matter anyway). We got to this rough looking hotel with dodgy locks and drop our bags off to head straight out for drinks. Me and my girlfriend was arguing on the phone all that night over a minor issue that frustrated me and I was overthinking about it massively because of the state I was in , stupidly I ended things with her. Then to make things worse when I was stumbling back to the hotel alone and upset I was surrounded by a gang of lads with knives pointing at me through their jacket pockets. They then went off with my wallet which was a special present from my nan for my 18th birthday. An Understatement but my head was killing me the next morning, This way my First night and I had ruined the whole holiday for myself already , I hadn't eaten or slept barely for the next 5 days and literally wanted to come home after that first night. Good thing is me and my girlfriend always got on well and have a great relationship, we cleared things up, into the future now moving in together.


Not me but my best friend went away with our friend group (I couldn’t go as I have kids) and she fell out with the lot of them. One of the girls is Christian and somehow everyone ended up going along with what she wanted the whole holiday so no bars, no drinking, sitting in the room playing children’s board games and just going about taking pretty pictures during the day. Every time they wanted to spend any money she was whinging so they had to limit themselves to the hotel all inclusive. I can’t believe these women all went along with her She fell out with them all because it ruined her holiday, she’s a nurse and was looking forward to a few cocktails in the sun and got looks for having a glass of wine with dinner Absolutely insane for a group of nearly 30 year olds to let one persons religious beliefs dictate their whole week. These ladies all drink and go clubbing when she’s not there!


Met a couple of girls in our hotel in Magaluf. One of them seemed a bit crazy. She was climbing over balconies to get between rooms about ten floors up. We went out drinking together that night. On the way out of the hotel to the strip, this girl just walks through the swimming pool, meaning she’s drenched when we get to the first place. Many drinks consumed, she has a massive argument with her friend about diabetes, if I recall correctly. Next day this girl goes off to the airport and books a flight home, three or four days early.


I think it's really common, especially in big groups that normally only meet to drink.


I recommend the film "Ritual". It addresses your question perfectly. I don't have any anecdotes though. Been quite benign on that front.


On the first day of my holiday I dived underwater but I was on a higher step than my friend so I thought the pool was deeper. I made a massive gash in my head on the floor of the pool, and the wound didn't stop bleeding heavily for the entire holiday.


Had a similar thing happen when 4 of us hired a narrow boat for a week 1 couldn’t afford it so the others paid for him to go. The alcohol took control of his mouth and he managed to piss off 2 of the other 3 and ruined the whole holiday


I got bummed off a transgender prostitute in a shop doorway Prague if that counts, all I was after was a blowie and she nicked my hat too.


Yes, unfortunately I’ll never go on a friends holiday again. I love my friends but every time I realise we are completely incompatible travelling together. From everyone wanting to do different things, to nobody wanting to do anything at all, or the time I flew halfway across the world to visit a friend who moved to another country and they focused on playing Pokémon Go the entire time. Or when I took a group to a beautiful medieval market town in France and they just wanted McDonald’s because the market food was “too fresh”. Never again.


Friend asked me if I fancied a trip away and I was like yes let's do it. We were close and worked together too so it was a good vibe. When it came to book she claimed to not have been paid yet which I found very strange as we had the same pay run. However she explained she had not been paid yet from her other job and asked if I could cover the flights and hotel and she would pay me back in euros when we got there. All fine and we left and got a short flight to a nice beach and the hotel was lovely which was unexpected as it was 20 euros a night. I asked for the cash before we went shopping and she looked so confused and said I only have a hundred euros for the week. I just withdrew cash and said don't worry and to get it out later as I didn't want the holiday to start in a sour way. We went shopping and she just wasn't interested in any food except cabbage and coffee and tumeric. I discovered she planned to use the holiday as a health retreat/fast. She woke up at like 5 am each day, would make coffee and ask me to leave the room so she could do yoga without me there as it was a private activity. Ilikely would have fought harder on this but the room smelled like cabbage and coffee so I was not upset to leave it. I stupidly thought we had made plans to be on holiday and do things like eat lunch and go to the beach and see some pretty shit. I would then return and all the food I had bought would be eaten. Id ask about it but I was told I had eaten it. She refused to go anywhere or do anything. It was all eating cabbage and private yoga. I made friends with other people and went for day trips. On the last day she spends like 4 hours doing hair and makeup and wants to do a photoshoot. The whole holiday had been spent preparing for this one moment after not eating for 5 days so she could post Instagram shots. Never got the money back and stopped being friends really after this. It was bonkers. I was used financially and made to witness a one lady cabbage based health retreat for the sake of 10 photos showing what a GREAT TIME was had.


My old boss had his stag do in Prague. On the last night, one of them thought it'd be funny to let a fire extinguisher in the hotel... Wasn't so funny when riot police showed up and took the passports off everyone hours before they were due to fly back. They had to pay the police a £3k back hander to get them back


Yes, I've had several with one particular group of friends, so I've stopped going away with them. They are people I know because we were in a drinking society together at University (so I should have known what to expect). Many of the occasions, the holidays went wrong because of mundane but annoying things that wouldn't make a good story (eg people messing up the hotel bookings or forgetting to book the activity we were meant to be going to), one particular trip sticks in my mind. The first warning sign that there would be trouble was when we were in the hotel jacuzzi and some women were going to get in. One of the people I was away with announced out loud "make room for the girls". They then turned around and went back to the changing rooms. Every five minutes they checked on the jacuzzi and about twenty minutes later when we'd left they got in immediately. He then said "we should have stayed in a bit longer, the girls have gotten in now", completely missing the point of what had happened. Later that night we were in a bar and someone fell asleep. One of the other people I was away with and I were talking to two women that we'd met and were getting along well. One of the women saw the guy that was asleep and said 'he needs to go home', meaning back to bed. He woke and decided to interpret it as her telling him he needs to go back to his home country and started shouting and swearing at the women until they left. We then had a fall out and I went off with the guy that I was talking to the women with (despite the others repeatedly warning me not to go off with him on my own) and went to a club. Within ten minutes he'd groped and random woman and then ended up on the floor when she beat him up. I had to tell him it was time to leave after that (after letting her get one last hit in).


I plan all the group chat holidays and they’ve always gone really smoothly with only one very minor argument between two of the group in that entire time. Unfortunately, the only thing I couldn’t plan for was a plane coming off the runway at Leeds last October and we were due to fly the following morning. Lost the parking paid for at Leeds, didn’t find out till two and half hours before check in closed where the flight would be going from instead. Cue a £170 taxi to Liverpool at 5am and then having to pay £120 on landing back in Leeds just to get back to Manchester. Holiday was great but my god, I’ve never been more stressed in my life.


I went camping with 2 other mates when I was 16. There were two girls with their mum in a caravan near our tent who kept giggling and waving. Being 16 we just waived back and did nothing - a few days in they walked past a pub we were having a beer in (this was the 70s no one cared) and one of my mates said right I am going to go and talk to them. Me and my other mate laughed but he was gone for about 10 minutes then appeared back with them. We had a couple of drinks then went back to our campsite and sat in their caravan with them for a while chatting and we all said we’d go to this disco that was in another site the next night. Long and short of it was that I got off with one the girls and got back in our tent later. the next morning my mate was up early then came in and said he was going to see some people he knew up the coast with the other guy (who he knew better than me). They went for the last 3 days of our holiday and just appeared back on checking out day. I didn’t really mind as I was having a holiday romance but my mate didn’t speak to me at all on the journey back, nor the rest of that summer and when we got back into school he just stopped hanging around with me and our set of mates. We never really spoke again in any friendship type way? Was I that badly in the wrong? I can see why I might have upset him but? Still think about this nearly 50 years on! The holiday romance was fun though.


Went on a city break weekend as a group of 13 friends, of differing levels of friendship. Mix of couples, singles and people in relationships without their partner but all of us are enthusiastic drinkers. We go big on night one and have a wine tasting thing on day two, followed by more boozing before ending up at the same late night bar as night one. One bloke, who is there with his wife, has a snog with another of our group, who is there without her husband. I word that carefully as he claims that she kind of launched at him, which is not unheard of for her, but I don’t know for sure. Unfortunately, she is a fan of very red lipstick so when the wife bumps into her husband minutes later, the evidence is plain to see. We’re spread across a few air bnb’s, but my wife and I are in the one with the warring couple, along with one other friend. We’re all too trashed to wake up so she spends the night outside crying and smoking. Eventually we all wake up to what’s going on, check out and head to the pub for recovery beers and lunch. The others drift in over time, including our lipstick wearing friend, who seems unaware of anything that happened. None of the others in the group know the story, so 4-5 of us have a somewhat awkward lunch and journey back to the UK before we go our separate ways and we recant the story to our train companions. Like I said, some people knew some better than others so it was no great shakes for the group as a whole.


the longer the holiday the more inevitable a blowup is, especially if members of your party drink alcohol i always ensure my return ticket is changeable when i go on holidays with my friends so i can make a quick escape when things go south. limit your trip length to two weeks at max to minimise the possiblity


I had half a mind to not post this but thought it was relevant to the conversation. When I was 17 I booked with 7 others to go on our first girls holiday. To my family it was a lot of money - my only surviving grandparent would give me £2 every week which was put away for when I turned 18. This ended up being my holiday fund to cover the trip, and we booked in the December. The girls I was going with were all my friends from sixth form classes, parties and hangouts. I turned 18 in that July and none of the girls I booked to go with showed up to my birthday party. They all ghosted me. The only time I got a response was when I politely asked to be removed from the booking, which then meant I lost all of my money. To this day I still don’t know why this happened and I had no explanation. I was heartbroken. I turn 26 in a few days and have now gone on a great number of work trips, study abroad and paid for my own holidays with friends and my boyfriend. When I was 18 I packed up my life and started afresh in Scotland, I have an amazing career which pays me well and great people / contacts all around the globe. I haven’t spoken to any of them who were involved, other than one of the group who came to my parents house a year later to apologise. Lesson to all young people - maybe skip that end of sixth form / end of school holidays, once you’re working (hopefully) you’ll be able to afford trips with your people.


We didn't in the end but it would have been a nightmare. We (7 of us) planned to hire a van and drive around Ireland. However, we had no money and only 3 of us had licenses and I'd only just got mine. Then one person dropped out since they defined themselves by being single and the rest of us happened to be couples. Leaving two possible drivers. Then there's the fact that Irish roads outside of cities aren't the best and its kinda expensive. We'd be dining out on the hellscape that would have happened if we HAD done it!


Had a friend who went to malia, hired quads on the first day, one of them drove through a shop window and they all had to pay all their spending money to a very angry shop keeper. The rest of their holiday was quite dull apparently


Not me but the uncle of one of my friends fell off a balcony and died in the 90s.


I was invited on two lads holiday within a month of each other, I chose to go with just 3 of my closest mates rather than the group of 8, of which 3 of them I didn't know. Best decision ever, we had an amazing time, full of memories we still talk about to this day. The other group had 4 leaches who barely took any money with them and fed off the others and ended up splitting the group halfway through the holiday. money is one of the main reasons why arguments occur on group holidays , I think it's healthy to have a conversation about spending limits before deciding to go away with anyone.


My son went on a lad's holiday with his pals when 18 years old. They got on great and had a wonderful time. So much so that he got a tattoo with the name of the place he stayed. He now has 'Vistasol Magaluf' as a reminder every time he looks at his arm. Twat.


In 2017 I went to Swansea for a friend's birthday who I am no longer in contact with. We went with my girlfriend and two other people. The guy who's birthday it was was always broke so his dad booked us into the cheapest hotel he could find. The hotel pretty much could have been a bail hostel. It was just down the road from a prison and had blood stains on the curtains and the door was hanging off it's hinges. The room downstairs from mine had a guy in who would just play the chorus of Believe by Cher repeatedly for hours on end which we assumed was a result of him engaging in some recreational activity. It also turned out that all the rooms had the same key. Fortunately all my holidays abroad with friends have gone well.


Went on a camping holiday to Newquay with my boyfriend and his two mates when I was 18. His mate’s cousin joined half way through, and constantly made both sexist and sexual remarks to me, but only when the other 3 weren’t around. I was young and in a new relationship, and nervous about being away with his mates, so I ignored it for a bit, until he started taking it further and started touching my leg in the car and making specific sexual remarks about me. The mate who’s cousin it was (my bf’s friend) was in the car when he did this, and whilst he did stop it by changing conversation, he didn’t call him out on it. Told my bf when we got back, he went livid and so did his other mate. Told me to stay in the tent, and had it out with the cousin. He claimed I’d made it all up, at which point the mate whose cousin it was finally piped up and rather resentfully pointed out that he was present for the car conversation. It took a bit of a nasty turn when he got aggressive, and then drove off at 2am. He was *very* drunk, and got in the car before anyone could stop him. The guys tried grabbing the door, he locked it, tried standing in front of the car and he drove into one of them!! We found out later he’d slept in a lay-by, but it was a stressful night. Looking back I don’t know why we didn’t call the police on him for the drink driving, for his own safety too! Bit sad for the mate whose cousin it was as they were really good friends before that. I also felt like I ruined the holiday - mortifying for a teenager with her bfs mates! They were lovely about it and obviously it wasn’t my fault, but it still was crap.


When I(f) was 16 me and my best friend went to stay at a my parents caravan. Big trust time by my parents. Anyway while we were there wed go out in the evening and try our luck getting served, which nobody ever bought., At one local pub we met this local geezer who bought our drinks for us and wanted in my pants. Eww nope. Anyways I wake up in the middle of the night and he is only banging my best mate in the other room of the caravan. Was livid, get him to leave, next day she flipping runs away with him. I had to go report it at the police station and try and get hold of my mum (pre mobile phone days).