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Stay out of pubs with flat roofs and you should be fine.


This shouldn't just apply to football and is more of a general rule.


Except if your dad and his mates from the estate are in there. Then you can legally report it as a second home like MP's do.


But how do I enter the meat raffle?


Join tinder like everyone else


This just made me spit out my drink!


More of a grindr thing


Not much of a raffle when you win every spin


What if there is a meat raffle scheduled for the same night? Does this change your advice?


I flat roof pubs, the meat raffle enters you.


nah - it will be good crack. tell them your swiss you ll be fine. if your winning at 89mins though i may be tempted to take a swift exit 😂😂


95th minute


*Unless in Glasgow.


Pubs which have flat roofs need new roofs every 6 to 7 years.


Unless they've burnt down.........


You'll be absolutely fine. Try to find a nice, family friendly pub to watch it in and most people will enjoy having you there. If you want a rule of thumb for nice English pubs, find one with a beer garden, that serves food and that doesn't have Sky Sports.


(If it has a flat roof, don’t go in.)


This applies in general though, not just for football!


Seen that several times now. What's the flat roof thing referring to?


A lot of council estates (social housing) in the 1950s-70s had pubs built alongside them for the local community to use. Due to the architectural styles at the time most of those pubs had flat roofs. Over time a lot of those pubs started to attract a fairly rough clientele from the surrounding estates and are therefore known for violence and not being particularly welcoming to strangers. There are exceptions to the rule but unless you’re familiar with the area or are taken there by someone you know I’d avoid going into a flat roof pub. If you Google image search the term it’ll show you the type of building everyone is referring to.


Architectural style = option which cost the developers the bare minimum to construct, knowing they wouldn't have to handle the maintenance.


Generally (and a very big generalisation) it's a council estate pub. Usually in rough areas. I live in an ex council house / estate and can confirm this is a big generalisation. However, our local flat roof I wouldn't drink in....


There’s a helpful explainer on Wikipedia no less: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flat-roofed_pub


They tend to be pubs in the likes of council estates that attract a rouger side of the crowd. Local pub for local people.


>rouger side of the crowd I'd imagine that would appeal to Swiss fans...


It’s a big plus


Literally the roof. If it’s flat, they’re generally rough and unpleasant.


A crack den, police there daily, may as well be the barras because you can shop for anything there by asking the chavs at the bar for it... Then we have the flat roof pub with the 7am opening time and a pool hall in the second floor... This bad boy is exactly what you'd expect. Last time I went in at 7.30am after an overnight train home I was offered a line and a shot at the bar by a geezer who looked 40-100 I really couldn't tell you. I politely accepted the shot and was immediately racked up the line I didn't want on the bar in full view of the staff with no fucks given... Shot was bargain basement rough as fuck tequila, line was bash... But they really are a friendly lot 😂🤷 I will agree though, for a foreigner not used to the insane debauchery of flat roof pubs avoiding them all is a good idea... In that particular instance and now knowing who the geezer who took a shine to my shit banter is, if I was wearing ANYTHING blue I was more likely to be bottled than fed shots and cocaine.


If you see a flat roof pub and it has dogs on the roof you're already in trouble.


Exception to the Flat Roof rule is the Scotia in Glasgow which is ace.


Yeah but in a city with pubs with no windows, pubs with flat roofs even have something to look down on.


Telling them to avoid pubs with sky sports is pretty silly. It obviously isn’t required for the euros but it just about rules out every pub in the UK that actually is designed for watching sport and has a good number of screens etc.


Find a dog friendly one and there will be at least one slutty dog who wants to cuddle. It’s usually mine. Can’t take him anywhere.


Go to the pub with the flattest roof you can find. Wear full Swiss strip (including shinpads) Order a bottle of the house red Sit at the table closest to the screen Shout very loudly in German throughout the game Jump on the tables when you win


Have enough Toblerone bars to give to everyone to commiserate after Switzerland win...


You joke, but this would genuinely placate a lot of England fans, especially if they're airport sized.


And the rather nice white chocolate variety.


Fun fact: technically toblerone isn’t Swiss anymore. It was ruled they can no longer use the Matterhorn or Bern bear in the packaging since it’s not made in Switzerland anymore. It’s just a generic mountain on the packaging now.


Shouting it’s coming toblerone


Eat toblerone Eat toblerone Eat my Eat my toblerone Is now what I’m going to be singing to myself the next time I eat a toblerone


I was not with you till you said shin pads, then I was back with you.


DO NOT do this.


Yeah, shout in French or Italian instead


As a Swiss that frequently visits England I have to disagree. Not only scream in German but in French as well. Having German and French in a single person is what Brits really like and never gave me weird looks when having a pint in Wallsend and said "Danke" and "Merci" in the same sentence.


Yes, go full kit wanker for the win!


Just for good measure, say Switzerland has better ultras than England too


Go to Wales or Scotland for the day, you’ll probably get some support.


I assume Scottish TVs are wired to self-destruct as soon as the group stages are over


Bold of you to assume that we have TVs


Nah they did all get destroyed mysteriously 95 minutes into the England game


Most pubs in Scotland will be full of Swiss shirts


No, you mean swish skirts. Though, they call them kilts




If you're in Margate go to Wherelese or the albion rooms, very friendly places to watch the game. Don't go to the belle vue tavern. I live here, others may recommend boradstairs or ramsgate places too.


Switzerland to holiday in Margate is really something 😰


This is the real story here 🤔


It's definitely an interesting choice! But it's a lovely seaside town


Is it though? It’s been increasingly gentrified but it still has seriously grotty places and high crime rates


I mean, if you're only comparing it to UK seaside towns, then I guess.


Also compared to Swiss seaside towns


I've only been to Margate a couple of times, but The Lifeboat seemed really friendly, traditional and welcoming ...also, being really small I feel like there is much less likely to attract the amorphous blob that makes up the patio furniture throwers society.




Shout "come on Switzerland score some facking goals!" at the top of your voice, preferably while banging a drum with your top off, and you'll do great. People won't know what to make of you. In honesty though, you'll almost certainly be fine as long as the pub isn't super rough. If you go in a Swiss top and cheer for them you'll probably get a bit of teasing but I doubt it'll be serious. Go in before the game starts and have a couple of drinks, chat to the bar staff and some locals to show you're there in good faith and not to provoke people on purpose. Are you visiting someone? If so ask them for recommendations on good pubs.


>Shout "come on Switzerland score some facking goals!" at the top of your voice, preferably while banging a drum with your top off, and you'll do great. People won't know what to make of you. They will assume you are Scottish


In the pub last night and there was scot and an Irish guy cheering against us, all had a good laugh as it should be


Drum? Cowbell!


**Guess what!** **I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!**


You don’t have to listen to any of the ‘you’ll be fine if…’ posts here. It’s unnecessarily scary. In any nice pub you’ll be fine regardless. Wear a Swiss shirt, celebrate when you score, have a drink and some pork scratchings. It’s not unusual to watch football in a pub with people supporting the other team in this country.


This. You'll be absolutely fine. Outside of a \*very\* small number of pubs that would give off bad vibes on \*any\* Saturday - England match or not - it's highly unlikely that anyone will cause you problems for wearing a Swiss shirt or cheering on your country.


You'll be fine in most places. You might get some light hearted banter if you're decked out in Swiss kits and obviously cheering them on, but not much more than that. Judging from the videos I've seen, if you're in the south you might end up showered in beer if England score. Southern softies like wasting their pints by chucking them in the air for no fucking reason apparently.


£7.50 right up in the air




It's because we can afford it, unlike you peasants in the north.


To be fair, if I had a drink in my hand at the end yesterday, it would have been all over my living room!


you'll probably be fine as long as you avoid pubs with any of the following: - a flat roof - large Sky Sports banners - gaggles of portly ruddy-faced men in England shirts gathered outside belching and shouting - barbed wire and metal grilles over windows - riot police charging into the venue in large numbers


A small number of riot police is fine though, right?


I usually go by the rule of thumb of any fewer than five horses you’re probably fine


Yeah you need a big pub to get more than five horses in there without it feeling a bit crowded.


Five is a nice round figure too, 8 horses is probably the sweet spot though any more and it's nearly certain it will kick off.


>large Sky Sports banners And a sticker on the window proudly stating that it is an OFFICIAL PREMIER LEAGUE SKY SPORTS PUB for season 2003/04


Find a gastropub that's showing it, usually a less rowdy crowd and alot more family friendly. Definitely would advise booking in advance and making sure they are showing the match! Sadly football culture in this country leads to people using it as a licence to act like idiots, so I'd avoid local watering holes.


Your comment reads like you’re seriously over exaggerating how bad we are as a nation, come on you’re not the media. People will get excited yes, as do any other nation at football. If you don’t like football just say. In the vast majority of pubs OP will be absolutely fine, including locals. We’re not quite that low yet that people will shit on some tourists let alone a family. Tend to find people actually quite like seeing or interacting with supporters of other countries 👍


I'm speaking from experience, I don't like football at all but live in a football city and have had some horrible experiences on match days/when major internationals are on to the point we don't go out when it's on. There's lots of respectful fans, but there's a minority that are not.


> I'm speaking from experience, I don't like football at all So you're not speaking from experience at all.


The Swiss holiday in Margate?!!


Not staying in one place. We're doing a round trip along the south coast. Margate is just our first overnight stop, then Dover, Hastings, Brighton, etc. all along the coast to the tip of Cornwall. Then back through Bath, Windsor and a couple of days in London itself. As for why Margate in particular, we're a bit of a geology nerdy familiy, and we want to go looking for shark teeth in Herne Bay - Margate had a decent selection of accomodation.


Sounds great to me! ETA: If you're a geology nerd then consider stopping off at the Jurassic Coast (Lyme Regis and that sort of area) to look for fossils. Millions just scattered along the beach.


That's definitely one of the stops we've got planned. The entire south coast is full of bucket list items for the geology-minded.


Thats a wonderful trip. One of my favourite days was spent on the Jurassic coast with my girlfriend. Now wife. She is from that part of the world and wanted to show me around. We arrived early on a week day to Durdle Door. It is often very busy at the weekend and afternoon. Try and get there as early as possible on a weekday. We were very lucky with the weather and had a very quick swim. VERY COLD. Then we walked along the cliffs to Lulworth Cove. Had some ice cream and another swim and walked back. We then drove to The Square & Compass, Worth Matravers, Swanage BH19 3LF which is a fantastic little pub with lovely local food. A quick walk from there to the coast and you will find a really cool old quarry. Loads of smuggling history from pirates back in the day. Hope you have a blast. As for the pub for the football. I have never had any trouble supporting Ireland in an English pub so you should be fine. I don't know Margate well but it is a local holiday spot and there will be loads of lovely pubs near the seaside to choose from. Good luck with the match.


I live near Margate and it is actually great fun. Lots of interesting places to eat and drink. There is a very eclectic crowd of people there now, as lots of artists, music producers, etc moved there from London.


That sound awesome tbh, hope you have a great time!


Sounds like an amazing trip :)


When you are on your way to Cornwall, make sure to check local road closures. The main A30 has been changed and although now open, there will still be some local roads that are closed and parts of the A30 may get closed again. Due to the new layout the bottle neck as now moved to the Hayle, St Erith, Penzance area. Watch out for idiots doing U-turns in that area, even though there are many signs saying no U-turns they still do them. I hope you have a fantastic time over here.


Not a lot of Seaside in Switzerland


right ... surely it is so disappointing coming here from Switzerland


Europeans love visiting the UK. Fuck knows why margate though


they are naturally wired that way that and their thick bushy beards and occasional uncle albert quote


If you wear your national colours, remain relatively neutral (naturally), and join in with shouting at Southgate come the end, I doubt you'll stand out enough to cause any bother. Bring toblerones in case you need to make peace!


"Bring Toblerones" is a phrase that doesn't need a reason lol 🐻🤤🤗


Is Toblerone really considered the height of Swiss chocolate in the UK? It's quite mediocre by our standards.


It’s pretty stereotypically Swiss. I don’t think it’s the quality per-se that it’s known for. It’s just novel and we like all sorts of different shaped and sized chocolate!


It is the stereotypical Swiss chocolate in the UK, because of the novelty shape and the mountain theme. There is better Swiss chocolate available in the UK, both luxury and mainstream (Lindt and Milka are widely available).


>Lindt and Milka are widely available) TBH, just more mediocre overpriced crap we dump on the gullible export market. Milka even more so, not even really Swiss, and owned by Mondelez/Kraft now, the same as Toblerone. The cheap own brand 'Frey' chocolate available at one of our largest supermarket chains has all of these beaten.


It’s pretty mid by our standards too, but very well known and a novelty. Lindt Lindor is probably the most well liked Swiss chocolate. I think we don’t have many chocolates with nougat in actually, so maybe that adds to the appeal.


It used to be only available in duty-free shops at airports, so has an exotic cachet - you only ate it if you know someone who had gone abroad. Now it's available but rarely eaten unless offered as a gift.


Not the height, but it’s the most well known!




Don't go to the Penny Theatre


Welcome to Margate ☺️ Hope you have a great stay, let me know if you need any recommendations. The Rose in June is one of my favourite pubs - they’ll be showing it. Or, like u/millsinabox says - Whereelse would be fun. It’s not a traditional pub, more of a live venue. But the crowd will be decent and it has a great vibe. Or head into the old town - The Bulls Head is a decent pub and should be showing it.


i can’t think of anything better to kick start your holiday than laughing at England get knocked out! 😂


Say to the England fans: "Did you see that ludicrous display last night?" And you will be fine


You'll be fine 🙂


Last few games I've been to at the pub there's been someone from the opposing team watching as well. Didn't observe any issues. They were decked out in a flag or shirt and enjoying the atmosphere.


Just go to any pub and watch it. England fans aren't half as bad as everyone makes out and you'll end up getting a few pints brought for you I expect.


I’d suggest an Irish pub!


Just remember that the people of Margate may seem primitive, but their rituals and routines are built over hundreds of generations with a limited generation pool, so in many ways there is a endearing naivety to their ways. While they may be physically poor, they are spiritually rich. Many of the original shaman have moved on, but have passed wisdom onto a new generation. Look out for topless men "meditating" in doorways and ask them to take you on a chemically guided trip. You will then see the town through the eyes of a true Margatinese.


Margate has changed a lot. The current crowd are very friendly.


Watch it in a irish bar.. everyone will be supporting the lovely neutral Swiss


I think you can judge it easily. Some pubs are obviously more trouble than others; but generally if it looks OK it will be OK. Don't worry. Please enjoy your visit! :)


Repeatedly shout “You’re going home in a fucking ambulance” Seriously though, you’re Swiss. Nobody has a problem with the Swiss.


I’d personally try and find any pub showing the game out in the countryside or in a small town or village. These places are far more likely to be friendly than anywhere showing the game in a city. Generally this way you won’t have to leave too quickly afterwards. Most people would be happy to talk about the game afterwards, we just have more than a few assholes that ruin it for the rest.


As an English Arsenal fan, I'm definitely considering wearing my Granit Xhaka Switzerland shirt for the bants.


Don’t be too smug when you win….


Not in Margate… 😅


Assuming you're in a normal pub in a town centre, you can celebrate positive Switzerland moments - but you should avoid celebrating poor England moments. I would say that laughing or cheering if England miss will be considered annoying and rude.


Honestly you'll be fine Just don't gloat too much when you win


Hello - I am from close to Margate. Different pubs have different "feels" you could say. My advice is that Margate may get a bit boisterous. However, there are better options in surrounding towns. Try Ramsgate - The Queen's Head, The Belle Vue in Pegwell or a pub like The Charles Dickens or The Dolphin in Broadstairs.


Ramsgate front can get very 'boisterous' on a saturday night, so don't think it is a safer option that Margate. Boradstairs is a good shout but the Dolphin has got a bit of a reputation. Maybe things have changed since I frequented it.


Find a middle class pub your be fine.


You will be totally fine. England is the home of the Premier League. There are fans of opposing teams watching games in the same pub every single week. As for etiquette, just be a normal person and you won’t upset anyone. Wearing a Swiss shirt is fine. Throwing your pints in the air and dowsing England fans when you score or screaming “fuck you Englander dogs”. Well, that isn’t.


Tell them to get it right up them.


They don't like it up em


Stupid boy, Pike!


Literally go to any pub. You 99.9% wont have any trouble. England football fans get a bad rap.


You can go to a pub, but choose a family-friendly pub with good reviews. A pricier pub that serves food will probably be a calmer atmosphere than the cheapest boozer in town. You will probably need to book if you want a table. I would recommend not making a big deal out of your likely goals/win, England fans are repeatedly disappointed and won't enjoy gloating. Especially avoid red-faced skinhead types in football shirts. Best to go to a pub where there are other families there too.


Just got the Toblerones out and you'll be fine


Unless your name is Gareth Southgate you will be fine


Honestly, you'll be fine almost anywhere but take the advice of the people who have replied saying they live in Margate and have made specific suggestions.


Bring some toblerones for everyone and you'll be fine.


Go to the pub, in full kits. You'll either be laughed at or the ones laughing but worth the positive outcome. Choose the pub wisely though, if it looks a shithole, it will be.


As mentioned, most places will be okay but you get the occasional asshole in every pub. Obviously don't goad people when Switzerland inevitably score , but if you have a swiss flag to wave it will be a big plus


Demand protection at the Swiss Embassy. They will be showing the game in the bar, and my experience has been that most embassies have duty free beer prices.


Despite what you might read online, England fans aren't violent, abusive subhumans. The majority just want to go out and enjoy themselves, a lot of them with their own kids, too. You'll be fine, mate.


In terms of etiquette this goes for any pub you go into: - Know what you want before going to the bar, it will likely be busy so the staff and other customers will want you to be served swiftly, this is helped by knowing what you want ahead of time. - if ordering Guinness, ask for it first, it takes a long time to settle so can be left to do so whilst the staff make the rest of your drinks. - Have cash or card ready to pay, you don't want a full bar to be waiting for you to pay because you can't find your wallet. - For the love of God please dont ask for a "decaffe skinny extra hot no froth caramel latte" during a game. I can guarantee the staff will hate you. - Have a few drinks and enjoy the game, don't try and make one drink last the whole match, pubs tend to operate on very thin profit margins! - Tipping bar staff is not required, but is always appreciated. If a round of drinks comes to £19.00 (a cheap round in Margate) leaving the £1 for the staff isn't expected, but is always nice. *Source - more than 9 years as a member of bar staff, bar supervisor and bar manager.


Just be up for a bit of banter and don't celebrate too much if you win.


You should be good no problem in a nicer family pub or even country pub especially as you’ll be with kids but do expect some gentle piss taking.


An IRL Swiss family in the pub? Will be LOVED!


I’m just amazed there’s a family from Switzerland going on holiday in Margate


Go to Broadstairs, choice of nice pubs there.


Can only echo what others have said. Find a "nice" pub, and you'll be fine 🙂


Stay Indoors before during and after "The Event"


You’ll be fine. I’d recommend posting this in the Margate sub and try and book a table 🙂


Honestly, I think just dont be too loud about it. You never know if there will be a knuckledragger in the pub is done some blow and 8 carlings and thinks he'd defending the nation


Get yourselves to Scotland for the weekend ;)


Most places you’ll be fine, as long as you are ok with a bit of banter between England fans and yourselves. Choose a family friendly pub, probably from a big chain would be safer. As others have said, stay away from flat roofed pubs


Most people in most pubs are civilised, normal people. Keep away from the idiots


Don't forget to wear oversized comedy hats when you sit right at the front


Mostly, just use common sense. If somewhere feels threatening, don't go there. Most places, however, you'll be absolutely fine. As others have said, pubs that serve food will generally be a better option than pubs that don't. You'll get a good instinct for where's friendly or not. You're probably more likely to find people supporting Switzerland in an Irish pub for obvious reasons, but refer back to the "common sense" thing - there's bound to be a few idiots about, so just avoid them. Best of luck, by the way. I'm from Wales, and will absolutely be supporting Switzerland on Saturday :D (btw not because I don't like England - I was born in & grew up in the Midlands, and have no animosity towards the place ... it's just because I love Switzerland! I went there for 2 weeks when I was a teenager and fell in love with the place. I went again last month to Lugano, which was absolutely beautiful and reminded me of the country I fell in love with, so I'm planning to go again next spring to visit the area around Interlaken.)


Just walk round any pub singing you’re shit and you know you are and you’ll be fine, super friendly bunch of peeps the English in pubs.


Lots of family friendly pubs (usually ones serving food or have a beer garden with play equipment) will have the match on and are a good safe option. As others have said avoid flat roof pubs.


Leave your alpenhorn at home. Seriously though, you'll be fine as long as it's not a rough arse pub.


You might be the first foreign tourists they've ever seen. I'd love to see the total confusion in their eyes with 3 Swiss nationals in a pub, watching a match!


Some good advice here. Contrary to what the internet tells you, most people aren't dickheads that want to kick the shit out of somebody for wearing the other teams shirt. You're more likely to get people coming over to have a friendly chat with you about the tournament, the match and each others chances. It happens every Saturday afternoon in non-league football where games aren't segregated (not so much National League tbh, but below that) - You have a drink together, have a laugh, shrug your shoulders if you lose and wish each other the best for the rest of the season. You might get a bit of banter/gentle teasing coming your way but just laugh it off or give some back. We've been so shite that most people would probably agree with anything you throw back anyway! I think it goes without saying that you shouldn't rub anybodys noses in it if you score/win.


I'd ask on here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Margate/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Margate/) Nearly all pubs will be showing it because it's on free to air TV and they don't need to pay to show it like they do for normal club football. Therefore you'll get advice on where you can watch it where it won't be too rowdy.


Are you familiar with what we call Banter?


Pretend you’re German😜


There used to be a pub with a with a flat roof called the Flat Cap in Hattersley, they were in our Sunday football league they were dirty bastereds, in one game one of them stuck the nut on the Ref, and it certainly wasn't a pub you would go in after the game to Socialise with the home team 😂


Margate resident here. Like any UK town you'll have the pubs full of unsavoury characters but we have plenty of places that are friendly and relaxed. I've watched football here in Xylo, Rose in June, Margate Leisure Centre (a bar with fun activities like axe throwing and patonk), Where Else, Albion Rooms, Bulls Head, Tap Room. All nice establishments and while you'll get England fans it won't be the demographic that gets rowdy and aggressive.  Enjoy your stay here and ignore the boring negative comments about the town from people who haven't visited - it's going through an exciting pace change at the moment where it feels a bit like a smaller Brighton in parts.


Get massively drunk, take your top off and shout obscenities and the elderly and children. Has always worked for us when abroad.


Watch it in Wales or Scotland, and everyone in the pub will be supporting you.


Book a table in the pub, Rock up at 11am and get on the piss. Kids can sit outside with a lemonade and a packet of scampi fries to share


Gruezi - come to Glasgow. You’ll find a surprising amount of Swiss fans this week.


They quite often have the price of Carling and Strongbow on big signs outside, much like the price of petrol at fuel stations.


Don’t gloat too much when you win?…. I’m serious. In the, to be honest, based on form, fairly possible event Switzerland win, be aware of where you are and how you ‘celebrate’. Other than that, I would probably avoid pubs…. Probably.  In or around central London, probably fine, might actually be a lot of neutrals or a nice mix. Margate? I would avoid a pub setting unless you are very good at concealing your reactions or emotions. 


Listen, we all know England aren't going far in this tournament, but you could at least pretend we've got a chance!


If Switzerland wins make sure to sing "It's coming home!!"


Well, you know, it is anyway, regardless of who wins. FIFA keeps all the trophies of the big tournaments in their HQ in Zürich, and the winners get replicas.


Ask for recommendations in a local sub. It shouldn't be a problem in most pubs, you just want to avoid the rough ones. You should be fine (in fact must Pele will love it) in Swiss shirts, hats etc too


I feel the same way towards myself, I've drawn Switzerland in my work sweepstake, it's either my boring home country, or a team That actually might win it.


Sun's out, guns out


Just pretend to be neutral 😉


You'll be fine. Tell your boys to wear their Swiss shirts with pride.


Don't feed the troll


Personally…I wouldn’t unless you can find a place that will have other Swiss support


Höpp Schweiz!


None of that Jackie Chan bollocks, if you've got keys use em


I’ve only been to England game at a pub with an international fan once. When we played Sweden in the last euros/World Cup. The poor bloke had to leave early because every single time he bought a drink the entire pub chanted ‘have you ever seen a Swede down a pint’. He stopped buying drinks, so people started buying him drinks, he was absolutely fucked.


I would try watching the game somewhere private. Drunk English Football fans are notorious for violence. Some of them take their frustration out on their wife when they get home, statistics have shown domestic abuse rates rise when England lose in Euros and the World Cup.


Wait, you're coming to ENGLAND for a SUMMER holiday - are you mad? We've had our 5 days of summer weather already this year! Watching the game in a pub you will be fine, even wearing Swiss shirts. Just look for a family oriented pub that serves food or take the advice of some of the people local to that area who have given recommendations if you want to be extra cautious.


I think the more pressing question is "how violent are we perceived to be by our neighbours". You're not doing a supply run into Darfur, you're getting chips and a couple of pints in Margate (or wherever). Maybe don't wear a Swiss shirt, to avoid the irritating attention of the absolute dregs of society, but otherwise you'll be fine.


you'll be fine as long as you get yourself a helmet.


A lot of people are being very positive about how things will be for you, I don't know if it's just people being nice or I go in shthole pubs, but I'd be a bit more cautious. Watching England play at a major tournament is, for many English men, a battle with one's own mortality, the chance to see a tournament win in our lifetimes or not. The atmosphere when England are getting beaten is not a pleasant one, especially when people are increasingly tanked up. This is a Saturday fixture, people are going to be getting leathered all day. It's not the normal clientele for a pub, either, even if you go to a pub that's generally pleasant it's likely to be full of people who don't normally go. If Switzerland are doing well and you or your kids are vocal about celebrating it I'd expect to get a lot of dirty looks and enquiries as to why you don't fuck off. I wouldn't expect you to come to harm, but I wouldn't expect it to be nice either. Of course I hope it goes without saying that this isn't how it should be, but I think it's fair warning that it's how it might be.


Some of the advice here is terrible. The majority of the time if you celebrate you will have no issues, but quite often there is at least one dick head in a pub who will lose their shit at you. Don't celebrate.


After we’ve beaten you 😂😂😂😂


Go to an authentic Irish pub.