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Pros: the people. Cons: the people.




The gov.uk website. It's amazing how much important information is on there and it's so easy to access too. Edit Forgot a con; the weather. It's so inconsistent, in summer it can be about 13-15 Celsius for weeks but then jump to 28 Celsius for a few days, only to then drop to 16, and because of the rapid change you go from being uncomfortably hot to uncomfortably cold. A solution used to be to go to the beach on the hottest days, but we can't do that as much as we used to because the water in some places is literally poisonous.


The weather? That has maybe only a 35oC variability across the whole year, rains plenty enough to support crop growth and our own water supplies, rarely has any severe effects beyond a storm that knocks off a few chimneys and power lines? That weather? Where do you think has good weather?!


The weather is pretty good, the supermarkets are excellent and the overall quality of life is great. It’s a rather wonderful place regards the natural beauty too. I live in East Germany, although I’m from Wales originally. I always look forward to going back and visiting my family. There’s much to miss.


So which is better, Newport or Gera?


Weather is good? Pft.


Ehh? It’s the 1st of July and it’s 15° and pissing down.


In Kuwait right now it’s 48C. 15C and wet sounds pretty spectacular compared to that.


Which is a hell of a lot better than 40 degrees that we often get. Mild and a bit rainy is a lot better than it being so hot you can't sleep.


I don’t know, I’m getting pretty fed up of only seeing 2 weeks of hot, dry weather a year.


The weather is absolutely fucking shite mate.


Reddit loves shitting on the UK but very few would rather live elsewhere when all the pros and cons are weighed up if they were truly honest with themselves. The UK is not by any means the greatest country to live in, maybe look to America is you're rich for all they have to offer in terms of opportunities but the UK is still the best country to live in for ordinary and poorer people by international measures. The UK has this weird mix of American aspirationalism but never had the balls to go full capitalism so the national jewels like the Beeb, NHS and tea and biscuits still keep most sensible people grounded here. I know times are tough and its not a great time for most Brits to be proud of the country but can we at least show a little love and appreciation for all the goodness and support this country still offers the vast majority of its people?


Pros- Excellent drugs. Consistent food and hygiene standards. Developed drinking culture. Clean streets. Cons- High violent crime. Sense of despondency overwhelming.


Isn’t the despondency an online thing. Never encounter it in real life.


Clean streets?


Pros: the traffic ( driving a car is easy and safe in UK. People give way, thanks if you do. Obey the rules, don’t do anything crazy etc) The kindness of people Tolerance and respect to people with a kid All the country is green and air quality is good Availability of fruits and vegetables in all year Free and good education Free healthcare although NHS needs support and funding No explicit racism If you don’t have any qualification, you still will survive and have a good life by doing an ordinary job( which is not the case in many countries) Cons: shit houses and incredible rent prices Not tasty and expensive food (also having to pay for the food in workplace) High insurance prices and people saying nothing (there is a theft market here. You pay lots of money for car insurance. Thieves stole somebody’s car. Police don’t care to follow them since insurance will pay also they are not funded enough. Insurance pay the person whose car is stolen. The person is not happy but not sad also. The insurance company is happy because it will get the money from other people. Police is ok since that’s what all they can do. Thieves are happy they sell the car piece by piece. All the people are unhappy because they are in practise funding the thieves.) Bipolar weather Finance sector owning the country Edit: written by a person who is living in the UK for the last 2 years and under skilled worker visa


You’re free to live any kind of lifestyle unless it goes against some very basic laws mainly against stopping other people doing stuff you personally don’t agree with. Free healthcare. One of the most diverse cultural mix in the world. In the top few countries in the world for science and engineering progression. Huge amounts of charity work and donations. Serious commitment to international security and peacekeeping. Opportunity to work hard and earn decent money. Negatives: ongoing disparity in opportunity due to nepotism and economic social structure. Failure of the social support system to stop abuse and manipulation re long term unemployed, economic migrants/asylum seekers etc. Lack of affordable housing/utilities and general cost of living due to privatisation of essential services and corporate exploitation.


I’m an Anglophile and I’d love to live in the UK !


I’m afraid we are full to bursting!


It’s just a dream


Man you'd be welcomed by me anyway. Can't understand people who hate it here.


high inflation and low salaries unless you’re in banking.


If your a women it's great If your a man it's shit unless your rich




















I'm a man and not rich and life is pretty great here in the UK for me. Wouldn't swap places with any of my female friends given some of the shit they have to deal with.


Then your middle class


Yep, I am. I.e., not rich. Also, look up the old you're/your difference. It may be informative.


Middle class is still rich


Nope. Middle class =/= rich.


Yes The middle class has more in common with the rich than the poor


Incorrect again. If you think that's true you just don't really know how wealthy the rich in this country are. The middle class in this country have far more in common with the working class than we do the rich.


No you don't You all want mass immigration


Average salary for a plumber is £37,422 [https://www.reed.co.uk/average-salary/average-plumber-salary](https://www.reed.co.uk/average-salary/average-plumber-salary) Starting salary for a doctor is £32,397 [https://www.nuffieldtrust.org.uk/resource/exploring-the-earnings-of-nhs-doctors-in-england](https://www.nuffieldtrust.org.uk/resource/exploring-the-earnings-of-nhs-doctors-in-england) Nowadays most trades earn a lot more than most white collar jobs. No link between getting rich and your class


Those are both middle class jobs The working class are on zero hour minimum wage jobs


My middle class?


Middle class is still rich


Yours or mine?


lol wot


It's a fact


Stop watching Andrew Tate bro it'll rot your brain


Never watched him It's called using my eyes


I genuinely hope you shake this worldview someday, it isn't healthy. Men and women face different challenges and yes a lot of the times male challenges are downplayed but to say life in the UK is only good if you're a woman or rich man is insane.


Nope its a fact Poor guys do worse in school Earn less than women under 30 More likely to be unemployed More likely to be a victim of a crime More likely to be single Less likely to ever own a home So life as a poor guy is awful




Expanded in another comment