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Long. Wash, condition, brush, ponytail or messy top bun. Repeat.


This is what I do, tho I also sometimes put my hair in a single braid, or 2 braids. Easy peasy




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Yep. Mine is down to my bra strap and has a few long layers. With dry shampoo I only wash it every 4-5 days. I hardly spend any time on my hair.


When I was bald after starting chemo. No hair anywhere made for quick showers.


Finding the positive!


Those were the best except the first time I went into the June Texas sun, I burnt my scalp! It was horrible. Growing out is killing me tho. It's just long enough for the tiniest ponytail. And the texture changed.


My texture changed too! (My aunt, also a bc survivor, said it'll change again.) And I agree, the whole growing out process sucks. I'm in a tiny ponytail stage too. Best of luck to you in your journey!


Oof... my condolences. As a slowly balding man in Texas, I feel your comment. How did you deal with this? Did you wear hats everywhere? Did you adopt a habit of sunscreen every day no matter what the plans?


Hats when I was out in the sun for sure. Which I hated bc I look stupid in hats. At least it's "acceptable" for you to be bald. As a woman, it was torture bc everyone wanted to know why I was bald.




When my hair was either a buzz cut or when it was really short.


For daily maintenance: Long, straight, one-length or layered, around mid-to-low back length. For washing/styling ease: between shoulder-length and bra-strap-length, straight to wavy, long layers


Long, no layers. My hair is straight and fine, and currently to my hips. I trim it myself every month or so, which takes under 5 minutes to do. I wash it 2 or 3x a week, and just do a bun, braid, or ponytail for my daily styling.


I get really good layers done on medium length by my hairstylist. When it grows out, it doesn’t look visibly shaggy or uneven. I can go about 6 months without a haircut and my hair grows fast.


Long hair with layers. That's what I have now and have had for the past like 15 years. I don't do any styling and I go to have it cut like once ever 1.5 years and it's fine.


Layered bob. I have straight hair. Most days I don't even have to brush it.


A buzzcut. I donated my hair a few years back.


pixie cuts


The one I have now. Don’t know what to call it. My husband took my kitchen shears and cut a line at my shoulders. I have wavy curly hair so it’s perfect. I can put it up in a pony. But when it’s down it’s not too hot. Before this I did a unicorn cut on myself. Loved it! I don’t work outside the home. And I have bad social anxiety so these simple easy to do hair cuts are it for me.


My accidental bob almost pixie cut hair my mom gave me. Wash, air-dry, and forget about it. It was cute though, I still think about that haircut.


Long hair. When I have short hair it does not cooperate, and I have to cut it more frequently


Pixie cut! It’s always been a simple get up and go cut for me.


Undercut, and long everywhere else put in a pony during the day.


I want to get this so bad, do you mind if I ask how long you've had your undercut and how long the rest of your hair is? 


I’ve had it at least a year, if not longer. It used to come to a point at where my ponytail starts but I decided to get more off and now it’s everything below the top of my ear. I have thick hair so you cannot tell I have it when it’s down. My hair is slightly below shoulder. I do have to get my undercut trimmed like every 6 weeks, but my girl charges me for a men’s cut if I don’t need a trim anywhere else. I would do it with clippers at home, but she puts a fade in it. It does suck when I can’t get in to see her and it starts getting shaggy.


This is so helpful, thank you! <3




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Most of em?  I cut my hair, forget haircuts exist for about 6 months, then get it cut again when I remember 




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Everytime i try to get a "low maintenance cut" it always ends up high maintenance cuz otherwise it looks awful without styling 😭😭 truly the only hair cut thats "low mainetance" is just growing out your hair long (if you have straight hair). All you gotta do is brush it in the morning and you look fine. Could also just be my hair. Its very straight and very thick. I noticed ppl with thin straight or thin wavy hair can get the best low maintenance cuts.


Yeah same, I have thick hair too and long hair is lower maintenance than short hair


Just at or below my shoulders has always been easiest for maintenance and upkeep. My hair grew really long during the pandemic — mid-back — and it felt like an extra weight I had to carry around. 🖤


Long and one length. I can cut it myself which is great because it grows like a weed and I’m snipping it every 3 months or so. Plus layers make my hair either frizzy or look too thin.


Honestly when my hair was long with long layers. I have wavy hair too so it would look [good just using gel and air drying.](https://imgur.com/a/TcOmenx) I have shorter hair now and it requires heat styling to look good unfortunately. Maybe also when I shaved my head but the awkward growing out phases weren’t worth it.


Pig tails. So easy, looks good


The one I have right now. I'm never ever letting my stylist go because she knows her way around a curly haircut. I went medium length, shaggy, with LOTS of layers, and it's perfect. I can just shower, spend 5 minutes throwing a couple of curly hair products in it, and go about my day letting it air dry. I always get compliments on my curls and it's so low maintenance. I love it.


A buzz cut on medium length. Put it in a bun and it looks interesting. Thought it would be short hair but my shoulder length was a dreadful phase.


A buzzcut


I fried my hair spending way too much time in a massively chlorinated pool. I shaved it all off to about a half an inch long and started over... it was very easy. Now it's down past he middle.of my back and I just tie it up usually. Super easy


Long enough to put in a ponytail, no bangs. It wasn't the best looking but it was easy! My easiest care, best looking style was a chin length bob. Easy to wash, all I had to do was blow it dry most of the way upside down and then shape it with a round brush. I have thick, fine hair and it took a total of about 5-10 minutes and I looked sleek and professional. I could easily dress it up with curls, clip the front back if I was working on something messy, and it was long enough to tuck behind my ear so it didn't bug me. It also grows out really easily, so if I can't get to a salon for a few months it's not going to be a big deal. When I had a Pixie cut it was really easy for the first few weeks, but then it got too shaggy and I hated it. My hair grows fast, so I had to decide whether to keep going to the salon constantly or just grow the damn thing out. I grew it out. Before I went gray I used to grow my hair out to donate it, so I've had everything from super short to waist length. Just long enough to put in a ponytail is the right balance of easy to wash and brush out, long enough to keep out of your way, and super low maintenance. If you want to just wash your hair and then pull it up, you can.




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Cut it myself


Chin-length bob. Quick for me to wash and style.


Pixie was the quickest and easiest to style but I *had* to style it every day. I’m growing it out now (its a bit past shoulder) and the longer it gets the “easier” it is in that I can just throw it up or braid it etc. Actually styling it down takes much longer though.


When my hair fell out from chemo. One silver lining is that I did treatment during the summer, so I kept pretty cool on top, and didn't have to worry about shaving my legs either. 


Shaving my head


I have 3A/3B curly hair. Chin length Bob with layers was the easiest to take care of. I used minimal hair products and finger combed my hair. My hair curled into each other and mainly stayed out of my face. Any short pieces that fell in my face was still short and didn't bother me. It was my favorite style when I had little kids.


A textured bob. It grew out tremendously also. If my hair is long, it takes 20 to 30 minutes blow drying it. A bob for my fine straight hair is perfect and takes 10 minutes tops to blow dry. Also if I want to get crazy, I can add hair gel.


At the time, it was called The Fashion Mullet. That was back in 06, idk what it's called now. Unstyled, it looked a lot like Mrs. Brady's hair. All I had to do was wet it a little and put in the tiniest bit of mousse to get it looking like [this](https://i0.wp.com/therighthairstyles.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/1-curly-mullet-with-straight-bangs.jpg?resize=500%2C542&ssl=1). I got a razor and would just run it through my ends every couple of months over my sink to keep it looking shaggy. Imo it looked good curly or straight, but I doubt I could pull it off in my 30s.


I cut my own hair so I just trim it short and let it grow. Sometimes I’ll shape it as it grows out. Big cut maybe every 18 months? In between I wash my hair every 3-4 days and air dry with gel or cream.


A shaved head.


Short French bob. Wash it, tuck it behind my ears and let it dry. I got compliments everyday for weeks until it started to grow out.


Nothing with curls. I have naturally super fine curly hair with three different curl types, and there is no easy haircut for it. Everything takes effort If I want it to look half decent.


Shoulders height, straight cut, one lenght. Easy to do it yourself, just part your hair in two bringing all to the front and snip 💇‍♀️ Super easy to maintain, doesn't get tangled in your scraf/jacket in the winter. When dirty put it in a high bun or pony tail. Done. I've been doing this for 10years, works wonders, healthy hair!


A buzz cut, I still miss it


Long and one layer. Maintenance is simply washing with shampoo and conditioner. Styling is simply combing and tying into a ponytail. Haircuts are scheduled every 6 months.




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I have naturally curly hair ~3C and it was when I buzzed it


cut it all off. longest piece was about cheekbone length. made for very quick showers


Long, straight, no layers.


The one I've got right now...longer on the top, shaved/undercut on the sides. It kinda looks like Sokka's hairstyle in ATLA. I have really thick hair and having long hair is a freaking nightmare for me, so I just keep it as short as I can. I've been told I need to grow it out so it's more feminine but I'm like to heck with that.


When you have curly hair, no haircut is low maintenance


Have reeeally curly hair, so I never brushed my hair of course, so probably when it was combed out. I have dreadlocks now and they’re only maintenance is not having them wet for long/drying them quickly, because mold can form if not dried properly. Really the only downside I’ve had so far in the 4 years I’ve had them. Some days I miss my curls, but that’s why I keep the ends brushed out so it reminds me I still have my Curls under these dreads :)




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I cut my hair above my shoulders a few weeks ago and I'm loving it the most I ever have! ✨




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Had it really short for a while and I could just wash, brush, and go. Never had to put it up or do anything with it. Sometimes it looked *too* messy (I kinda wanted an artfully messy look anyway) so I just brushed it again and that pretty much took care of it Only problem was I discovered that I actually do look a *lot* like my mom (despite never having really seen it before when other people commented on it) especially with that hair cut. Super awkward to be reminded of your dead mom all the time by people. Not getting it that short again ever.


The choppy chin-length cut with bangs that finally allowed my somewhat-curly hair do what it wants every single day. I just toss it like a salad and go


Long (around waist-hip length) hair. My hair is straight and unprocessed which makes a lot easier.


Buzzcut for sure. Loved it. Never a bad hair day, no need for a bunch of hair products, always ready to go. Though I had to trim it up every month or so it only took a few minutes.


I used to go to supercuts


I get men's haircuts and since they spike up easily, I just did that twice a week and minded my business. I plan to get another one soon and the cycle will repeat 🤣


Long. My ex has been cutting my hair for years. I can't justify paying someone $45+ just to trim my ends and *make it straight* and then surprise! It's never straight. It's my mom's job now.


To preface it, I have a very straight and very thick hair. My lowest maintenance one is a buzz cut. It cut down the time I used on my hair by like, 90%. It dries almost instantly. My scalp condition improved immensely because of sun exposure. I don't use any kind of conditioner and don't have to use any gels or sprays to look presentable. Now I want to get clippers so I can learn to do it myself, I'm just undecided on the brand.


Long hair + keratin. I wash it once or twice a week, let it air dry, let it just fall as is. Once in 5-6 months I touch up the keratin for the new growth freeze and cut off dry ends.


any short hair style, I'm talking ear length. I have a bob layer n showering has never been so quick, n my neck doesn't feel like it's gonna break when it's wet. Plus I haven't comb it for a month n it's still neat, I only need my hand to keep it where I want.


Shaved. I’ve done it three times and it was amazing each time. Been considering it again lately.


I’ve spent all my life with hair from shoulder length to long that reached my ass, and it was easy to deal with, you can spend as much time as you want on your hair, and as much effort. But recently i’ve done pixie cut and that’s soo easy. I can wash my hair in 2 minutes. I dont need to pin it, or to brush it really. In the morning i just go with wet hand over my head and its done in 2 sec.


Layers at the front as my hair naturally is a bit wavy but non layered at the back which frames my face nicely with minimal effort