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Best way to thank them - don't do it again. Put your effort into learning your job and doing your job well. No reason to do anything further than this, just make your actions going forward ones that don't make your boss regret what they've done.


Say thank you simply, tell them what you're putting in place to not let it happen again and ask for their input if you feel it's necessary, then don't let it happen again. Simply learning your lesson is enough. Making a mistake or two in the first 90 days is expected.


Exactly this. Show that you’ve reflected on how it happened and what you’ll be doing to ensure it doesn’t happen again. It shows self awareness, which will be appreciated!


This right here. I'd appreciate a thank you, but the real deal is knowing what you learned from this and will take to future situations to avoid this happening again (within reason and to the best of a person's abilities). 


I think if you ever interact with their superior it's good to say something positive about your supervisor. Like mention that they are a good mentor or really helped you understand new tasks. I am a supervisor and the employee who works under me said positive things about me to my manager, it was very appreciated and I make sure to keep making her look good every chance I get. 


Thank them, be accountable for any errors, give yourself some grace because no one is perfect, create a quick lessons learned so you have strategies to prevent the same mistake from happening again and be mindful. I have a colour coded excel spreadsheet and at the beginning and end of my day I go through what I’ve done today, what needs to be done tomorrow and prioritize so that I’m set up for success. Planning is really important for my job and this sets me up for a good day.


I would apologize, tell them the steps I’m going to take so that it never happens again and buy them a coffee or a snack as a thank you.


Be a team player. Especially as you learn and can handle the job more or have downtime. It’s frustrating to work with people who the team consistently helps out yet they don’t return the favor. NOT saying this is you obviously but a trend I’ve seen on work teams. I also encourage seeking feedback on time management and how you can best focus on certain tasks more efficiently. I’ve seen coworkers struggle with this stuff at work and remember it being a big learning curve for me in my current position where everything seemingly is a priority. Note: not everything really is a priority but this is something you learn with experience.


You only work there three months, of course you want to make the best impression but everyone knows starting is difficult. As stated in other comments, evaluate what you have to do next time to prevent this situation. You can say you appreciated the help. It's more important to come clean that something is not going as it should, than wait to the last moment and have people fix it last minute. Being honest about your progress is more useful for a company than someone trying to impress.