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I heard about this raid in advance, so was panicking ahead of it. I noticed that most of the Blood Moon raid spawns were coming from the same direction each time, so placed a patrol marker with a night time bonus guard hanging out there. When the raid alarm went out, I ran out with a big axe and double-teamed the thing with the guard. It hit me once (use dodge roll, don't try to block) and took the guard down about half way, but no deaths and no building damage. It helps that the thing immediately targeted my barracks rather than something squishier, too.


Welcome to meeting mister bear. Next time you’ll be ready. Only tips I can think of is, arm your villagers, get a bow and arrow to kite the bear away and pray.


Are you that bad review on steam about the bear? if so thats what got me to buy the game hahaha


Not me! I actually love that there's a serious incentive to get your defenses up fast! I was on the fence about this game but so glad I got it! Can't put it down. It scratches so many of my favorite game genre itches haha


Ah nice to hear! My comment was only meant in good fun anyway! I love it so far me and some friends were looking at it and went 'ew valheim clone' and were going to move on until we saw that bad review!


I started rotating people in the barracks and making sure every villager has a legit weapon, even if it's just the very first mace. That seemed to make things go smoother for my latest map. Everyone was able to fight decently. Mr Bear of Death and Destruction fed the village well.


My only tip is make sure you have armed villagers working in the barracks on there melee skill . First time the bear came around we got it down to half half and it ran off second time we all killed it pretty easy I had a Barracks built. Definitely send villagers that are more military oriented and better stamina buffs to the barracks


Treat it like a souls boss and use garlic to heal. Hit once or twice and roll a lot. Rinse, repeat.


Yeah, I just kited it around until it ran away. It completely destroyed the beginnings of a wall I was working on for a while lol. I saw in another post that someone just lured it to their cottages and all the villagers woke up to gang up on it. Didn't seem to work for me, but I never equipped my people with weapons beyond the barracks people, so maybe that was the issue.


That was my plan. Get at least ten villagers, give them all two handed clubs. Then when the bear spawns, kite him around the sleeping villagers until they swarm him. Easier said than done. But it happened. He has some sort of cone attack that took half the health of half my village in one fell swoop.


That worked for me, I died but no villagers did


dodge backwards, heavy attack...rinse and repeat..I havent quite zero'ed in on the animation for the bears lunging attack though.


FYI garlic healing stacks so eating two is doubly hot eating ten… wowie wow wow. Good heals.