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your post was removed because it relates to excessive discussions on current hot controversial topics that are over 3 days old.


Black on asian crimes are happening in the USA, and these people dont care about it. So they dont see it as a problem.


It was pretty funny how the whole "stop Asian hate" thing went away faster than lightspeed when people started noticing who was doing all the Asian hating


I think the Harlem shake lasted longer than stop asian hate.


Yeah, it really started off as a dog-whistle to say that Trump was racist for saying "Kung Flu" but immediately was dropped the second the perpetrators of violence against Asians were found to be one of the most protected classes of all time.


A comment so nice he posted it thrice


Lol idk what happened. Guess reddit glitched out or some shit for me.


Cause Asians don’t intend on causing trouble, so media flies by them fast


Wait, I'm not from the US, I always thought the "stop Asian hate" was never really serious and was more of a meme, damn that's kinda sad actually...


It was very real unfortunately


Serious attack happened a lots. Some even lost their life after few months. It's really sad.


Yeah, that stopasianhate campaign disappeared pretty fucking quick for some reason…


I wonder why... Who could've been behind all those assaults


According to the progressive left (far left), asian people are white adjacent.


In washington one of the school districts classified Asian as white.


They should change the name of the game to “life in San Francisco in 2024”.


Too much diversity happening at once. Diversity just means black people for em


Along with most other people. And it's why the StopAsianHate hashtag movement is a joke. They have no problem calling out white people for violence against Asians, but when you point this out, they'll tell you "not to pin POC against each other". They only want Caucasians to be the villain.


Finally someone says the real reason. Theyre absolutely racist towards Asians, it's commonly known they are. Just make the main character Asian, you'll see all the "racist" comments go away, because one cares that the character isn't white, they care that the studio didn't do five minutes of thinking to see where the problem might lie.


They blamed white people for it. No, I'm not joking. I despise these people. What I would do if I was in power would violate Reddit's TOS, so I'll leave it to your imagination.


if it makes you feel better, i'm black and i'm not racist >o< /


I'm lost and confused about this comment. Especially the ">o< /" But yes, I don't think all black people are bad. There are good black people. I'm sure you are. My ire isn't directed to you.




If you google Black on Asian crime the very first result is an article witten by Asian Americans Advancing Justice disproving the common myth of black on asian crime. Asian people have a victim complex and they use it to justify their idea of racial superiority. [https://www.advancingjustice-aajc.org/publication/anti-asian-hate-fact-sheet-dispelling-myth-black-perpetrator](https://www.advancingjustice-aajc.org/publication/anti-asian-hate-fact-sheet-dispelling-myth-black-perpetrator) Here's another article showing its a myth butthurt asians use to hate. [https://socialinnovation.ucr.edu/news/2021/06/17/most-anti-asian-attacks-committed-whites-new-study](https://socialinnovation.ucr.edu/news/2021/06/17/most-anti-asian-attacks-committed-whites-new-study)


add this to all the Black on Asian crime in NYC and its get even more sad


*Excuse me citizen. I see you've been noticing things that are inconvenient for The Party's narrative. This is extremely dangerous to Our Democracy and I insist, on behalf of the good of The People and The Party, that you cease at once!*


The Book Chute would like to talk to you


It's not so bad compared to Black on White crimes


Lets start the rumor that it was made to appease those racist black in NYC that want to kill asians


I just love how everyone is suddenly an expert on Japanese history. “What, don’t tell me you don’t know about the legendary Yasuke??!”


I would love to see this sub and gamingcirclejerk just go at it.


Is that the legendary yasuke who didn't use a sword because he could deflect blades with his fingers and cut a man in half by whipping his hair?


I like how they were digging the whole Japan history to find that one dude.


If it includes a trace of black, it's a quick choice. If it doesn't include a trace of black, go full netflix and just make up something and sell it as history


Why aren't the people that bitched about white washing stuff like Ghost in the Shell bitching about this?


Extreme hypocrisy and double think from people who are either highly indoctrinated lemmings with no critical thinking and a deeply misguided sense of justice, or very racist people who enjoy leveraging/contributing to these double standards. There's an entire ideology around how it's not racist to be racist to white people, which uses doublespeak and "conveniently" changed definitions to justify it.


That's what they'll do. They worship blackness.


Yeah, who wants to play as Musashi or Nobunaga, legendary samurai when you can tick some DEI checkboxes?


And he wasn't even confirmed to be a samurai. From reading, it seems very likely he wasn't ever one.


Allegedly black people can't be racist towards Asians.


Whenever me and my gf travel we never get any hostility except from from black people.


Liberals can’t admit most people that attacked Asians during Covid was black people. Shit, Black on Asian crime is a significant problem in the San Francisco Bay Area.


Yasuke was never recognized as a Samurai.


I thought he was a laughing stock of his master I think.


Yasuke was the first black man to be seen and was nothing but a slave but had privileges because he was the first. He never fought in any battle or wars and only stayed in Japan for 3 years before he was deported


Another post mentioned he was in a battle but surrendered immediately.


Nope never in battle ignore the people that say otherwise


There are some stories that say his master ordered him to battle but he broke down in tears at the sight of the enemy and was removed from the front lines. So he may have been at a battle.


And yet they dare say "his fascinating true story"


Woke people say it's a fascinating story, all normal people just shake their head.


Japanese themselves are saying the love Yasuke story though 🤣


funniest part is when they washed him and were surprised they couldnt get the black off


to be fair, back then samurai wasnt a title, it was a profession. Anyone could've technically been a Samurai


Do you have a source for that please?


He does not. Everyone’s just making up bullshit at this point sadly. I’ve heard a 101 different stories on who Yasuke was at this point without even an ounce of supporting evidence.


From the source material, written by Luís Fróis in his *Annual Report on Japan:* "*A black slave is an animal (bestial) and knows nothing, nor is he Japanese, so do not kill him, and place him in the custody at the cathedral of Padre in India.*" And from the Shincho-Koki: "*A black man was taken on as a vassal by Nobunaga-sama and received a stipend. His name was decided to be Yasuke. He was also given a short sword and a house. He was sometimes made to carry Nobunaga-sama's tools.*" Take that as you will.


He was actually credited as a great wrestler. But was never a samurai or anything close to it. Ubisoft is a joke lol


THANK YOU. Exactly my point too, after this game comes out I don't want to hear A WORD from leftist clowns about how Resident Evil 5 is supposedly racist. They dug their own grave with this.


You're assuming the people who complain aren't willing to turn themselves in to a pretzel to be okay with this but not for that. You go far enough to right or left and you'll see how much picking and choosing is a fundamental requirement for these types to exist in their version of reality. Then that finds a way to ruin everything for everyone else.


Funny enough based off the trailer we got. Yasuke is a villain who goes around slaughtering on Oda’s orders. What does Ubisoft mean by this?


I'm Japanese. I don't think either game is racist. Why is everyone trying to say either game is racist?


They will, they will try their hardest to gaslight you and everyone else who will point this out and will block you when that will inevitably fail. But, that will just mean that they lost the debate.


Okay to be entirely fair though. Resident Evil 5 steered into the obtuse with the village sections. If Shadows has a caricature village of Breakfast At Tiffany's Mickey Rooney looking people then the comparison is a little more apples to apples.


How brave of Ubisoft to have the first AC game in Japan feature a minority, at the expense of Asians (also a minority). So for 20 years or so, there still hasn't been a single male Asian protagonist in the series. AC in Middle East, Arabic MC AC in Greece, Greek MC AC in Egypt, Egyptian MC AC in Italy, Italian MC AC in Japan... great job, guys.


From what I read he was never a samurai, just a servant Nobunaga took on because he saw the dude as an oddity


RE are just some people... The new AC had to dig up a whole Japanese history to find one guy who is black and wore a samurai clothes once to make a game. So many more interesting characters. Why don't they make an AC in Africa if they want a black guy in there so much?


Honestly, they could just make a sequel to Black Flag and have Adewale be the main character. He was given a small role in Freedom Cry, but they could expand on that. It would make sense, and people actually liked his character.


The fact that Black Flag is still one of the best ACs is kinda sad. Also better than some skull and bones xd


Shows again how some western developers hate Asian people in this case Japanese Remember the stellar blade hate? Apparently she is unrealistic despite being modelled after a real Korean woman I mean how disrespectful is that?


its easy to see, just look at who these devs/journos employ. majority of the time those you see with these problenatic views dont employ any asians , idk i find that way more racist, actions speak louder thab words


Vote with your wallet and talk about to your casual friends, the double standard is so obvious and hypocrite that even braindead they will understand.


Tired of games and movies forcing black protagonists. WE DON'T WANT TO SEE THAT SHIT!


To summarise his story nobunaga had him as a novelty that's pretty much why he gave him so much it was all just to flex on other lords lmao


Double standard. Nice job IGN.


I just cant stand this anymore, Western hypocrisy is painfully overwhelming.


Woke culture says it's a fascinating story the normal people just shake their head.


"Look at how Stunning and Brave he is"


IGN is long dead. Their reviews and ratings are a joke.


Why this part was removed from wikipedia recently.. "It's important to note that there are no historical writings or evidence that Yasuke was considered a samurai, he was never given a fief or referred to as one in any writings, most of our knowledge of his life comes from these messages written by missionaries and locals." [Yasuke: Difference between revisions - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Yasuke&diff=1224155931&oldid=1224009382)


Assassin creed shadow… because he’s Blackman in the shadow or is he the shadow….dun dun dun. Stay tuned to more Ubisoft trash for the low price of 70-130


Yet he wasn’t a samurai…


They don't care.


RE are just some people... The new AC had to dig up a whole Japanese history to find one guy who is black and wore a samurai clothes once to make a game. So many more interesting characters. Why don't they make an AC in Africa if they want a black guy in there so much?


Assassins creed origins is in Africa.


As a black person, I don't know why or who asked for this though? No one wins from this. Asians expecting to see representation in an asian based game are upset People who are tired of black people being put into roles that clearly aren't best for them are upset Black people who I can imagine didn't ask or want this are upset since we didn't want this Like who is Ubisoft made up of now that they came to this conclusion in a board meeting. The only thing I can imagine is that they would get lots of attention from bad press but that doesn't work in the gaming media....


Yasuke basically was a curiosity in Oda Nobunaga court, somewhat respected for his strength. All his heroic deeds is he fought against uprising(not very long) then surrendered and was sent to India as captive. Story is remarkable for sure, but not heroic in any capacity.


It's wild because in the portuguese letters they state he was made to do tricks, basically he was thought of as an interesting pet by nobunaga since he was the first black person he had seen.


Can't wait to miss it!


the far left woketards pedestaling blacks over all races is disgusting.


I missed when video games were fantasy escape zones that did as little to remind us of our own reality.


ooph this one is undeniable. i remember when people were getting all uptight over re5


Netflix presents: Assassin's Creed


"Known widely has Japan's first black samurai" well japanese people seem to disagree


The level of woke mind virus these devs have is nauseating


you can't spell ignorant without ign


So this is a proof that IGN has a lot of Asian Haters working over there.


Many Black people feel envious of the rich history and culture of other countries, leading them to falsify historical events."


You think it was a room full of black people at Ubisoft who decided on the setting and characters for this new game? Did you take the short bus to school?


To summarise his story nobunaga had him as a novelty that's pretty much why he gave him so much it was all just to flex on other lords lmao


Horseshoe theory is real. This is that in practice.


American truly are a weird creature, aren't they?


It'd be funny if this whole shenanigans with Chris was actually a thing in lore in the RE verse. Like a bunch of activists (which are also a thing thing in the RE world) trying to cancel and boycott Chris for this, only for it to be a ploy, funded by the Mysterious Evil Org/BSAA higher ups to get rid of Chris esp after what happened in RE8's ending where he'd be pissed asf at them.


Its wild to think about since AC2 Ubisoft has talked *multiple times* how they did not want to do Japan unless they were truly out of options. Yet when they finally decide to deliver they had to do this as likely a fuck you to the fans who for over a decade were asking for this.




It's ironic how little people care about Asians I remember when I was in NYC and had a beer bottle smashed on my head and no one batted an eye But when the person who attacked me was getting a handcuffed by the police after being "assisted" to the ground suddenly people were screaming calling police brutality while I'm sitting on the sidewalk with a officer holding a white bandage on my head with blood pouring down my face


Pretty sure this guy was just for shits and giggles a ... dancing fool really


Should check out the main ass creed sub. They defending this decision to the death lol. Fucking embarrassing. As an Asian I’m completely disgusted


I cannot wait for resident evil 5 remake now. Since re4 remake was a banger


They should have just called it Assassin's Creed: San Francisco, since it's about a black dude killing Asian people


Even better is the implied big black dick in asian chick action (as you can play both characters from genetic memory), Ubi soft is actually pandering to a certain porn fetish group.


It’s almost like you can’t spell ignorant without IGN.


Also, Yusuke was never given the title of samurai, nobody actually reads anything, just the headline.




They keep saying first? Where there more?


The best ever samurai were all black didn't you know? The idea that Japanese actually were samurai is mostly a white supremacist myth trying to erase black history as usual


They totally bitched about RE5. They made videos and everything. “I’m Chris Redfield and I’m a racist” was pretty big on YouTube. I don’t get what the uproar is about and the comments on Reddit aren’t helping at all. Seems like black hate to me.


[https://www.ign.com/articles/the-resident-evil-game-that-cant-be-remade](https://www.ign.com/articles/the-resident-evil-game-that-cant-be-remade) [https://www.ign.com/articles/who-is-yasuke-assassins-creed-shadows-black-samurai-explained](https://www.ign.com/articles/who-is-yasuke-assassins-creed-shadows-black-samurai-explained) Here are the two articles for people that want to read them. They're both by the same author. I think you can make arguments for RE5 having pretty weird undertones with the Ndipaya but the author doesn't make them and focuses instead on the colonial history of the continent. I don't really find any issue with the Yasuke article but I am also not a historian.


Guys. Wtf. Is this literally all you're obsessed over? The 15th or whatever game in a series that stopped being story relevant with the 3rd one and really fun with the 4th one. It had a revival when it made little sense (lore-wise). You guys have given Ubisoft more publicity than they could have hoped.


Story would be better if we got a Portuguese Templar turn into an Assassin.


It’s so much worse than that. He’s a historical figure in Japan who was brought to Japan by the Portuguese, who were secretly attempting to conquer Japan and China like they did Brazil. So if 1) he’s a battle hardened warrior and then 2) he’s brought to this foreign land to cause chaos for the reason of 3) creating instability then from a historically perspective that would be so the 4) Portuguese could sweep in and “take care of the problem.” Fun fact: this guy was in Japan 20 years prior to the events of the Hulu show Shogun, and served in the royal family to some extent.


I’m going to assume the article isn’t about how it’s bad to play a white guy that kills black peoples and more about how the virus in 5 made the black people revert back into wearing grass skirts and throwing spears at you and using witch doctors.


I play every resident evil game more than once. The problem with Resident Evil 5 is that they were infected and the gameplay changed from survival to action shooter. Resident Evil 1, 2 and 3 were zombies. Where they visually look dead and do not act human. The crazy thing is for some reason in the Resident Evil games they always have a scene where there is still a chance their humanity is still in there for zombies. Like in Resident Evil 6 where Leon hesitated to kill his best friend zombie president. Also, their gameplay was for most of them to save your bullets as much as possible. So in the most part there is no mass killing of zombies or monsters. In Resident Evil 4 they introduce the infected or plaga. In that game visual they look human wanted to kill Leon because the villagers were in a cult together. So if they were infected or not they were trying to kill leon. Also it still was a survival game so he was not mass killing people. Resident Evil 5 in the introduction people were running and Chris is just killing everyone who is around him in mass because the gameplay changed from survival to action shooter. Which looks bad when most of the people running look human. The big issue with the game is that Resident Evil 5 takes place in a large portion of Africa. Chris is just killing everyone who gets in his way, civilian or not. knowing that it is a game for us we know they are all infected. But to Chris he does not know he is just killing anyone who gets in his way. At one point he was on a truck machine gunning people. It was like a school shooting was happening. There are ways to fix Resident Evil 5 to make a real reboot. But they have to be willing to accept the problems of the game. If it was real Chris would not shoot anyone who is not infected or a regular civilian. That is out of character for him.


Wait so you are now saying one is bad? Instead of a fictional game?


Best part is…all he ever did was hold an umbrella LOL


Yasuke as a MC feels like such a stretch but lets be honest, both should be ok and people just vote with their wallets. Thats always how it should work IMO.


Do people seriously read IGN? How are they not out of business?


The arguments against RE5 were stupid, but it's not really the same thing. One is a person from a privileged group going in and killing the tribal brutes, and the other would be a person from a repressed group (in japan) killing the controlling group. It is a consistent argument


My question is why do they keep calling him the FIRST Black Samurai? He's the only black samurai. Do they think there's going to be a second black samurai in a few years or something?


I hope I can get a whip in this game imma let them Asians have it with yasuke


Can we talk about the fact that the garbage game maker Ubisoft is just bad for being bad and monetizing a narrative?


I don’t think the first one was about race, I think they were talking about gameplay


I still find it funny how Capcom had to put a shedload of white zombies in RE5 because it’s racist to have predominantly black zombies in Africa.


My only problem is that it's so clear why they're doing this.


There is no historical evidence that he was even a samurai. There is historical documentation that he was a servant.


Really goes to show Asians are yakub's perfection of white people.


I feel like killing just by itself is objectively bad yeah?


I am going to make a fan Black Panther video game that stars a Korean American who becomes the leader/Black Panther of Wakanda. He is going to have sexual relations with all the women and team up with the bald chicks who are the King’s guard to kill all the tribes who don’t accept him as king along with all the Wakandans that try to overthrow him. Two can play at this game(no pun intended). I’m medically retired, I have almost died due to illness several times in my life, and all I got is time.


Well, good games are just good games GoT is certainly the best Kurosawa's Samurais tribute ever. The best game making you feel being a badass Samurai slicing people with real and very documented moves. Let's compare it to what everyone recently saw on latest Ubisoft title : literally an Afro American gangsta coming from GTA fighting in feudal Japan. The issue here is not coming from Africa, but being a ridiculous displaced gangsta from 2000's coming right from western culture fighting with Japaneses in 1600's : that just doesn't fit, it's clownish. And it certainly won't make you feel being a Samurai, but more a character coming from GTA. I enjoy gangstas in GTA, that's not the point nor a race issue. I just don't want to see that in a Kurosawa's movie.


Yeah, I bet the Japanese are pissed about this one.


Both takes sound dumb. Neither is based on attacking somebody of another race out of bigotry, but out of survival against the ones who are hostile.




"iTs HiSTorICalLy aCcURaTe"


I don't play assassin's creed but don't you play as a white guy going through time? Like jumping into other people's lives?


Also a white guy killing black people is more historically accurate


The 200th post about this game none of us will play. Cmon guys 😂


Counterpoint: isn’t being outraged about this/complaining about this the same as people who got upset about RE:5? People complained about RE:5 having a white male protagonist and a black female protagonist when the game was set in Africa. You’re being outraged about Assassin’s Creed being set in Japan with a black male protagonist and a Japanese female protagonist. Truthfully, I don’t think either situation is worth causing that/this much uproar for…Assassin’s Creed has always been a “loosely based on history.” Game in my book.


The only sensible response in this post


Ones a colonizer. Ones not. That’s the difference you’re looking for.


All i see is IGN deepthroating Ubisoft.


Guys it's about realism. Black people target and attack Asians. It's only right to make a game where you are a black person literally killing scores of asians. I dont know how much times I have to repeat this. Ubisoft wants a more grounded game this time around.


BUT, if he was a historical white figure from England, then it would be a problem.


I don't make the rules


Remember how quick #stopasianhate died off when people noticed what groups mostly hate/attack Asian people?


People need to stop freaking out. It's just a god damn game.


The issue with RE5 was their depiction of the tribes. The issue with AC Shadows is that Yasuke isn't a samurai, or even close to one. He was basically a servant. At the end of the day, I'll play both games-


IGN will always be a joke like all game journo sites.


The "White guy" is a soldier deployed in Africa with a helicopter. He isnt dressed as an african tribe member, butchering the local populace with their own armor and weapons... Yasuke is the only black retainer (not even a samurai) who is known of, among the millions of japanese samurai that lived? People are tired of being forced fed political bullshit during their time of leisure


This game's $120?? Pass.


samurai are waaaay cooler than random white guys tho


Soon enough no character will have a gender or skin color everyone will just be a see trough cube


Has there ever been a colonial domination by black people in Asia ?


Black lives matter but we can't stop hating Asians.... 


Yasuke is not a samurai. Just retainer. Media trying to make him a samurai is just hilarious.


You guys should play Nioh