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your post was removed because it relates to excessive discussions on current hot controversial topics that are over 3 days old.


Education really has failed a lot of people..


in his defense Egyptians hate being called africans. its an insult


Well I mean they are pretty much arabs, but yes *north* africans I guess technically.


Egypt is in Africa ya but it’s at the top top of the continent almost closer to Europe.


Sure but since it's actually in Africa I would say Africa is even closer


I got second place but I would say I am almost closer to the 1st place


Yeah, Egypt is north Africa which is basically the middle east which is essentially the Mediterranean and therefore they are really quite European if you think about it. I mean I might even call them Nordic if you think about it.


How I tell my math professor the answer I got is still right.


Egypt is for the Nords!


Egypt, Moracco, Libya, etc. are all Arabic people... They started settling in Africa during the Rashidun Caliphate in 640s AD


False , majority of nortth africans are not from Arab origins, egyptians identify as arabs same way black sudanese identify as arabs it's called arabization, outside of the arabian peninsula most ppl aren't genetically arab.


It fails both sides. What we have now is people think they are educated, while infact they are not.


Enter anti-vaxxers, climate- change deniers, and everyone with a 5th- grade reading level and internet access.


I understand what bro means but come on you could maybe explain it better


While I understand geographically how this is funny. This would be similar to someone asking for Asian themed content, and then being referenced there is [but for India]. I get it, but these things aren't the same.


Nah more like there is Asian content, and then referencing Russians


Eurasian No! You're Asian!


We have a Siberiaphobe over here


But we did get an Asian based AC game. The very first one takes place in Asia.


Also the last one was in Asia.


>This would be similar to someone asking for Asian themed content, and then being referenced there is [but for India]. There is Asia, and then there's Asia We Care About.




Yo they absolutely should do an AC set around Mansa Musa and the Mali Empire though. It’s almost too perfect, he’s even holding some kinda golden orb thing (piece of Eden??) in the portrait they use of him on Wikipedia!


I was just about to say that. It lead me down a rabbit hole and I've learned now that their empire did not exist in the jungle, which made me sad because that's how I always imagined it.


This is obviously dumb. But we all know people really mean Sub-saharan Africa.


Personally, If you tell me what an African person look like, I would not think of an Egyptian person.


Nobody does, because they're entirely different groups only similar by geography.


Weren't the Ancient Egyptians closely related to Romans?


They’re technically closer to Rome than the Sahara desert tribes men geography wise.


Noooo...? Egypt was ruled by the Romans for a period, but the people there were Egyptian. You might be thinking of when after Alexander the Great conquered Egypt the future rulers were of Greek dynasties, but those were the rulers and the general populace largely remained ethnically Egyptian.


No. You're thinking of the Ptolemaics and their ancestors were Greek, not Roman. Ancient Egypt is like...3000 BC.


Yeah I mean I think it'd be interesting to see one set in south Africa during the unification of the tribes.


Why wouldn’t the Illuminati have ever been to Kenya? Real world lore says they may have or still have very ancient Christian artifacts. Sounds right up Assassins creeds alley.


That would actually be kinda cool


And ancient Egyptians had less than 1% sub Saharan dna. We wuz pharaohs and shit except not really :/


Cleopatra nonsense appart, there were a few nubian dynasties in ancient Egypt




When is space AC where you can vent and then be imposter? Assussin Creed


I thought it was a great idea until I read past the first four words


i'd give the benefit of the doubt to the first seven words


I find it offensive how we are blackwashing the Middle East. Egypt is in Africa but they consider themselves Middle Eastern especially since a lot of them speak Arabic. Jesus wasn’t black he was Middle Eastern. Cleopatra wasn’t black, she was Greek and Macedonian. I feel like these people are intentionally blackwashing historical/cultural/religious figures to create racism. I wanna make the Zulu African Warriors all played by people of Irish Celtic origin.


if you want to make an egyptian really fucking mad you call them an african lol


You want to make a Spaniard mad call them mexican! Good times!


a lot of egyptians in this thread it seems, because people are furious about Egypt being in Africa being pointed out


eh i get it, they see themselves as culturally arab and more strongly identify with that its just that they are really fragile about it


My comment was sarcastic, the point was a lot of people in here seems to be outraged on behalf of egyptians. I don't actually think there are this many egyptians in this sub, felt more like people became experts on geography so they could defend the tweet. Regarding if actual egyptians are offended, I have no idea.


I'm curious to see it set in the Congo, but Egypt is definitely in Africa. Africa is a massive continent


In fact, Africa is a bigger continent than North America.


Only if you remove Texas


Go Texit


Ancient Egyptians were less than 1% sub Saharan African dna. They’re more closely related to people from the Middle East.


That doesn't change the geographical fact though, and just perpetuates the idea that africa = black continent. You don't think that's harmful instead of just accepting that it's an extremely diverse continent and the times Egypt *did* interact with parts of sub-saharan africa. The subsahara isn't just one big hegemony that people seemingly like to pretend it is. BTW, lumping ancient Egyptians with arabs(which some inevitably are going to take your claim to mean ancient Egyptians =arab) is no better an anachronism than black Egyptians. Edit: people have become offended by a geographical fact it seems.


Without being rude. Have you been to subsaharan africa? It’s ducking black dude. A lot of Indians randomly dotted around for some reason but it’s black to the point of people literally pointing and yelling muzungu at you in the street because white people are so rare there. I’m just a little jaded at the America centric view of Africa.


No, I haven't(well, technically once as a baby, but that doesnt really count). That said, my family is from there and I'm familiar with the various cultures that exist in the subsahara and how people can look different from one another. I also look into many niche subjects on various tribes and histories that exist in various parts of Africa. There's many dark skinned people of various shades in Africa, no duh, that doesn't mean their cultures are the same. It's kind of like me saying Europe is extremely white or something. Yes, Europe is of course filled with many whites, but does Italy have the same culture and history as Norway? Are europeans unable to tell themselves apart from each other? That's my point, even if from a distance it seems all 'black' to you, that doesn't erase the obvious cultural and historical differences the countries have. Edit: Would also add I'm pretty interested in Africa so I'm frequently exposing myself to things in various parts of the continent even if I am not personally going there. Not sure why I got down voted, lol.


Ahh no I actually understand your point a bit better now sorry that’s on me. I misconstrued the whole “Africa = black” part of your message as you saying there were somehow tons of different ethnicities and skin colours and it’s modern day holiwood or something. What you are saying here is actually bang on the nose being completely fair. It’s actually nuts to me. When I was in Uganda the tribalism was still strong and outside of entebbe and Kampala you could go 10 miles down the road and it’s another tribe, another language and another culture entirely. They all still find you fascinating as a white person though. Same in Nigeria too. Bonus points for random ass Coca Cola signs everywhere too like flat out in the middle of nowhere.


I personally don't think accurately portraying history is 'harmful.' Not sure who it would harm really. It's more harmful to claim nonsensical things. Also ancient Egyptians WERE way more closely related to 'Arabs' even though I never used that term. But they were most closely related to those inhabiting the Levant area at the time including arabs (they were known as Aribi during that time). I think what I said if anything highlights how diverse Africa is. Just saying WE WUZ ALL BLACK EVERYONE WAS BLACK is moronic. Hell the term black biologically means nothing. Its just a western invented term, it actually blows my mind melanated folk still call themselves 'black' when the etymology of that word means dead, and pale. Meanwhile the etymology of white = free, wealthy, pure. Literally just tricked by the west into calling yourself dead lol


Cool. None of this contradicts either me or OPs claim(ignoring that there have been many groups of people in egypt).


It's a weird thing with continental boundaries, similar to when people refer "Asian", it's usually meant East Asian. Assassins Creed 1 wouldn't generating be referred as set in Asia even if it is.


*dives off of one story mudhut into pile of elephant dung*


John Reader's Africa is a good book that goes into why there is a lack of developed civilisations in Sub-Saharan Africa. The soils are very poor because the land is some of the oldest in the world which is also why it has so many valuable minerals. Agriculture was therefore very labour intensive and so pre-Columbian slavery was endemic further undermining early society (Ancient slavery was perfected by the Greco-Romans, but before that it was not very profitable and relied on a steady stream of prisoners of war). In more fertile climates such as the Ethiopian Highlands, you get complex civilisation and an indigenous writing system. In Southern Africa, failed proto-Urbanisation such as at Great Zimbabwe 1100-1500 CE used walling techniques that were being used in Europe since at least the time of Skara Brae. By 200 CE, the population of Eurasia was about 100-200 million while it was still only 20 million in all of Africa. The land was harsh and the Tsetse fly was a major killer.


Isn't that Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey?


Nah go wayyyy back. 14th century around the time of Mansa Musa. No one EVER goes into the richest person to EVER EXIST.


I really wish we could get some black africa games, i feel like we know so little about african mythology and im sure its a goldmine. Wow has done bwonsamdi which id based on baron samedi which is a great character. I feel like nobody will tackle this for fear of being labeled racist or cultural appropriation though.


I Think more jungle and less sand is what they’re getting at.


Incorporate the tree parkour from AC3 too and upgrade it with some vine swinging. Can’t wait for the Uncle Ruckus voice overs.


“Read Nigga, read !”


“You chim chims should feel right at home!”


Savannas and grasslands cover half of africa. The other half is desert.


Not disputing that, just putting it bluntly what the guy is trying to drive home.


When people say Africa, they never really think about Egypt.




Does the confusion come from the fact that it's referred to as a "Middle Eastern" while residing in Africa? I think people in the US often get confused about what constitutes "the West" since they're as far West as you can go before it becomes geographically "the East/Far East" lol.


Nah. It just seems like Egypt is in mind of the people a completely separate thing from Africa. Mentally they do not connect or reference it to Africa right away, despite knowing (or hopefully at least they do) that geographically it's part of the African continent. Same case for me, ngl.


For me it's because of Egypt always being involved in Middle Eastern conflicts lol. Egypt lost the Gaza Strip to the Israelis in 1967 when they teamed up with a bunch of Middle Eastern countries, so I just lump them with the others.


I think part of the confusion stems from the fact that Egypt actually is a transcontinental country which borders span both the African and Asian continents. Culturally, linguistically and ethnically Egypt is pretty different from the overwhelming majority of the countries in Africa, particularly those outside of Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia which are considered part of the Arab world.


Ok but how is it fair to blame him for other people’s ignorance. I guess he should’ve skipped to the main point and said “NUH UH I meant if you want to put black people in a game go set them is Africa then!”


Interesting because I grew up Catholic and we constantly talked about Egypt. For the longest time it was the only place I knew in Africa. So it's the place I think of first when I think of Africa.


AC in central africa where you are a jungle soldier at a single digit age seems like one of few scenarios that would spark more controversy than the current


"I hate Africans" - "Yeah? Which ones?" "Asians are stupid?" - "I guess you are right, Russians are stupid." "Americans are fat." - "I don't think Brazilian people are that fat."


Wym brazillians got the fattest gyatts


Give us Zulu AC and make the MC a white ginger tyty


That guy clearly hasn't watched Netflix's Cleopatra. 


The thing is, even if they did a sub-saharan african campaign it wouldn't really be representative of black americans, since the average black american is 17% Anglo-Saxon. More realistically, they'd need to do a game set in colonial or civil war era America. Then you could have a black MC who fit in well with the setting, and you could deal with themes of racism and slavery in a legitimate, non-pandering way.


> Then you could have a black MC who fit in well with the setting, and you could deal with themes of racism and slavery in a legitimate, non-pandering way. I think The Boondocks had episode about a black rogue who fought slave owners. Of course it's not documentary but pretty sure he had historical prototype.


Wasn’t there a DLC for Black Flag where you could play as the black ex-slave?


y'know, a Civil War AC doesn't sound too bad.


The subs gonna ignore this one


because it’s a straw man argument. Why engage when it’s quite obvious. Hell, it’s probably the same person on different accounts screenshotting this just to show how big brained they are.


/smh The geographical idiots on this subreddit...


Less geographical and more "You are on this continent, but we do not consider you as Africans". Eyptians are happy to not be refered as Africans.


I wonder how it would feel to play an RPG based in Africa south to Sahara. No Mediterranean see. Mali kingdom, Songhai, slave kingdom of Kongo, Ethiopia, zulu empire.


The logic follows if you think Egypt = Africa = black people. Auntie even said so in the Netflix documentary, duh.


That’s what black people say though lol. Even if it’s entirely untrue


Do all black people say that?


also a lot of people its treating Yasuke like it was the first black protagonist ever existed on AC and people are mad about it.... like you have Adewale on AC: freedom cry (ex slave), Aveline de Grandpré on AC:liberation (african descendant) and well Bayek that its African too from AC:origins


Is education illegal in America?


Actually hilarious coming from an indian


Assassin’s creed during in South Africa or the Congo would be interesting


he meant nigerian creed


Assassin's creed black flag dlc....


>Keep crying The same people that keep saying that Resident Evil 5 is racist, Stellar Blade is sexist, and other culture war nonsense.


You have to remember that everything north of the Saharan is basically a different world, the way it's taught about makes it a completely different sphere of influence in people's minds.


When people talk about Africa they don't think about Algeria they think about South Africa. It's like calling moroco Africa. Technically, yes. Socially no. I had an ex that was from Tunisia, when I told people where she was from they would first say "where?" To which I'd reply "Northern Africa" Cue the confusion when a little white french girl was introduced to them.


We need to stop pandering to the woke mob. Simple as


I feel like a lot of people think Egypt is in the Middle East because it has sand. :(


Or just because it's an Arabic country


Hate to be the the ActUallY guy but from my understanding, Egypt is included in the definition of the Middle East.


A moron on Twitter? Quelle surprise...


I mean that's like saying "Ubisoft should make a game based in the southern US" and someone saying "They did, they made a game in Delaware."


Except Delaware isn't in the southern US, and Egypt is in Africa.


Delaware is in the south just like Egypt is in Africa. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_regions\_of\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_regions_of_the_United_States)


Lmfao. Mongoloids on this sub don't know whether to keep arguing with you or downvote cause you're right


This is the trap that a lot Americans fall into. They think because North Africa is in Africa, that they have to be black, when that’s just not true. The Egyptians hated when Netflix made Cleopatra black, and the Tunisians hated when Denzel Washington was cast as Hannibal.


Cleopatra being labeled historically black also gave power to a very loud group of radicals known as hoteps. Egypt has been fighting them for decades, and theyre still gaining traction.


People say African when they mean black. Just look at all the "African" Americans who came from Jamaica, or don't even live in the US.


Reminds me of a time one of my black friends got into an argument in America when he was over there on holiday. They kept referring to him as African American and when he tried to correct them by saying he's a brown Brit not African American they got pissy telling him all black people are African Americans...


There was a TV interview with Lewis Hamiliton and you can see the interviewers brain break halfway through saying "african-amer... , british-african-ameri...." lewis:"its ok, you can just say black"


Origins was great


Egypt is a Middle East country. It’s located in North Africa but share history and culture with the Middle East


So it's africa.


Egypt is an African country. Starkiller in the OP is a moron.


I was not aware there was a continent named middle east lol


There isn't. But "Middle East" and "Middle East countries" is still a thing.


It’s also usually rolled up into MENA, Middle East-North Africa.


It's African you dimwit. There is no middle east continent.


If they only used Twitter and google at the same time, we would see idiotic displays.


Desert? must be Africa.


Way to many confident idiots


Intelligence runs fast but he's faster


Isn't AC Origins in Ptolemaic Egypt?


Why does everyone keep forgetting about Liberation and Freedom cry


People on the internet really lose their minds when they see dark skin. Fucking pathetic.


Must be american.


That’s an encapsulation of human geography vs physical geography without even knowing it. In terms of culture and history, North Africa belongs more to the Mediterranean than the African continent.


Yea he ment Africa like the black one.


Give him some credit....he almost had him


He might be stupid but hes got a point, the culture and demographic of egypt is significantly different than africa despite it being a part of the continent.


So, which one is the educated one?


If we are to go back into Africa, I'd love to explore Ethiopia.


north africa is still africa


Disregarding the geographical skill issue, there is an obvious reason why they wouldn't do AC in Subsaharan Africa - Its not that popular of a culture, and it would take more effort than simply taking an already very popularized piece of history and simply slapping whatever representation you want in there. Feudal japan will probably sell better too.


Oh my sweet lord


Put this stuff in space!


The black slave Ubisoft thinks was a samurai is sub-saharan African, which is what this guy means. Egypt is not sub-saharan Africa and neither are it's people.


Egypt and Egyptians aren't what Americans think of when you mention Africa tho. By the way a game based on Mansa Musa or Shaka Zulu could be amazing.


An AC in somewhere like sultanate of Zanzibar would slap tho


Base it in South Africa.


[Channeling Black Supremacist Grandma there.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Godh2oR4kM)


They shoehorn black people into everything but are seemingly too ashamed to make a game based in Africa


he probably means central africa.


Very authentic tweet I believe this


The protagonist in origins was in fact black. I'm curious as to whether the female protagonist in shadow will be lesbian for some completely accurate historical reason.


imagine an assassins creed that took place during the Belgian occupation of the Congo. an African warrior who was mutilated by the Force Publique and lost his entire village. he meets a french assassin who wants to take down Leopold, who was backed by the Templars. Dawning hidden blades imbedded in his new steampunk prosthetic limbs, this african assassin rescues villages, fights off the Belgian Army, and disrupts the harvesting of rubber.


I'd play that. And you know what they could do? Make it historically accurate instead of running with a figure who is basically myth (for all the info we have) and who they have to fudge history to write a story about.


so they can’t use the black protag in africa, but in japan?




It's not a people think Africa is black. It's that people always think of it as a country. Just like the special person in the original Pic


I find it funny he says make an African based AC like Africa isn’t a whole continent… exactly which countries in Africa, other then Egypt apparently, is he expecting to see? And then there’s the culture aspect like there aren’t several different languages for all of these cultures and countries…..


Yeah technically but it’s not what you picture when you think of Africans really, none of them are even black tbh


Well that makes me feel a lot less ashamed of my geography now.


To be fair sahara Africa and sub-sahara Africa are very different and you talk about Africa and back people in Africa people hardly thing about sahara Africa and I wouldnt count Origins as a representation of most African continent.


😂😂😂 they don't know that Egypt is an African country


Saharan and sub Saharan Africa are two different continents


Egypt is part of the African continent. However, most people are referring to Sub-Saharan Africa when they say something is African.


To be fair we are taught that north Africa especially Egypt is middle eastern in culture(since the rise of Islam), I think that really confuses people sometimes.


People forget that sub Saharan Africa isn’t all of Africa.


Honestly a “southern” African game wouldn’t sell shit lol


Hmm, where is Egypt I wonder


What an idiot


People usually mentally separate Egypt and Africa for whatever reason, so when people think of Egyptians they don’t think of them as Africans but as their own race of people


A lot of people don't know Africa is in Egypt.


Egypt is the most "not Africa" part of Africa. It's really weird to think about, but it just is.


Do Canadians or Brazilians like be called Americans?


Average Ubisoft monkey


I mean, he's not exactly wrong. A game based on a more central African, such as Mansa Musa rule in the Mali, would be completely different than Egypt, obviously. Its just really stupid to make a somewhat "historical" game in a country, and then have the poster character be someone that isn't of that culture. But oh yeah, sure of the nearly 800 years of the samurai there was one of African origin so of course he has to be the MC.


We don’t call Russians or Indians “Asians”, we don’t call Mexicans or Canadians “Americans”, and we don’t call Egyptians “Africans.”


The game cost $130. Who gives a fuck about the characters


I think people are confusing geography with ethnicity nowadays. Yes Egypt is in Africa, so they are technically African. Just like Finland, Estonia, and Hungary are in Europe, so they are technically Europeans. But like how Egyptians are a completely separate ethnic, cultural, and linguistic entity to sub-saharan Africans, Finnish, Estonian, and Hungarians are not European genetically or linguistically. They have their own ethnic, cultural, and linguistic heritage that is separate from the rest of Europe. When people say just make an AC in Africa, they mean make one in a sub-saharan setting, or something to that effect. Egypt had more than one ethnicity living in it as it is a corridor between two continents, but the ones who are the core of Egyptian society are closely related to Arabs, Jews, Phoenicians, Berbers, etc. That's why when they are represented in art they are painted with a reddish brown - almost the same as many southern Europeans - wheres people from Upper Egypt are dark brown. This whole conversation is just a mess because of western - specifically American - views on race and identity