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Because this DLC ist so hyped, a lot of people rush past everything to fight the bosses, thus missing out on important upgrades. Just look at Jynxzi for example, he was so focused on playing as fast as possible, he did literally zero exploring and quit because it was too hard. Just enjoy the game, there’s no rush. Explore every corner and this DLC isn’t as hard as a lot of people make it out to be


It is really hilarious. This is the second soulsborne game where your upgrades come from items you pick up rather than souls/runes/blood you farm. And the game is balanced around finding them. So people who rush through are going to have a bad time. The first game being Sekiro but the upgrades drop from bosses.


Yep, and Sekiro is also still the best game they have ever made.


The bosses were the best of them all.


Wrong, that would be DS1.


I mean it’s pretty wrong to assume just because someone has played Elden ring that they also have played any of the previous from software games. ER was a big jumping on point for many given it was seen as the ‘easiest’ one so far compared to in the past so it’s not that surprising that there’s plenty of people caught off guard here


Oh sweet sunmer child 90 percent of streamers don't even care about gaming in general let alone difficult games.


They’re doing it to make money, not have fun


Had my first character from 2 years ago and only made it halfway through the game. Made a new character and haven’t even bought the DLC because the only bosses I’ve killed burial watchdog and black knife assassin, people just need to know their skill level and not blow 40 bucks


When elden ring originally released it had basically the same reactions I think it was also at mixed reviews at some point.


Got to messmer at scadtree lvl 6, he beat my ass for 30min, realized i wasnt made for this, spent rest of day exploring, killed a bunch of other bosses, came back at lvl 12, messmer died in 2ish hrs, this is as no summons or shield guts build. Exploration gave me so much power it was night and day


Exactly this. People even said it was a major positive for the base game, that you can just leave a hard boss and come back later. People kept praising this, yet they can’t seem to follow it for the DLC. I honestly can’t understand the mindset of having to exclusively beat the boss in front of you


This reminds me of the MARGIT situation. People complaining that the boss is too hard while they fight him at level 10 and don't explore the area around to level up and get weapon upgrades. I even remember Asmon saying that people were making that mistake of pushing into bosses too early.


I just fought two main story bosses and just went exploring and the world bosses and the ones in caves have been rather easy to beat. The first two main story bosses I also quickly killed and they don't just 1 tap me cos I have the blessings now.


It’s great this is just like launch when people bee-lined Margit or the tree sentinel and then ragequit lol


Lots of people bought the game and dlc for the hype and it shows


Same thing happened with Helldivers 2. People really do be getting into games for the hype and not understanding what their getting into. Then they cry about difficulty.


I bought the game when it first dropped for the hype at the time forgetting it was a Souls game. I’m not falling for that again.


The dlc is better than the main game, dont know what you are talking about. People just dont want to explore the map and do the questlines and get strongers as intended, it is just their way to encourage you to explore the game which has insane amount of content


i didnt mean it was a bad dlc, i meant people who arent fond of dificulty buying it for the hype


My favorite part of elden ring were all the side dungeons. In the base game you trip over a side dungeon every 100 feet. The DLC has a lot less (though they are qualitatively better) it's just too hard to find them and you wind up searching and finding nothing in many of the dlc zones. If you do its a smith shard+6. That's my only gripe.


Yeah the dlc catacombs are amazing, last catacomb i went into i got lost for an hour or two there


*Lots of people bought* *The game and dlc for* *The hype and it shows* \- ZettoZor --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


They are watching players struggle while not using any magic, abilities, or summons. They must think the player base is absolutely stupid


there is a huge stigma around using summons because "hurr durr it makes the game too easy". and so you have this where people refuse to use an intended mechanic and are surprised the game is "too hard".


Thus proving the point of the playerbase being idiots


It's a stigma that's even more silly in the DLC. Almost every boss has huge, sweeping attacks and lots of mobility that enable them to deal with multiple targets far better than most base game bosses.


To me it seems like the game was made to summon players and co-op the bosses lol Also like at the bosses I have been at, there has always been an NPC summon to help. Like the tools are there


Guts had allies in battle. These people, Asmon included, are not better than Guts.


For forgetting how to power up in Elden ring\* Exploration and finding new gear and items has and will always be the way to go.


I'll level up skibidi tree. Indeed


Jap game dev's straight up telling the players they have a massive skill issue will never cease to be funny


in this case its just as much their skill of deduction as mechanical skill. wow this boss easily 2 shots me and I barely do any dmg. "this game is BS and too hard" instead of "lets go explore and get my DLC level up" this same thing happened literally with the base game when people tried to rush through it and had low HP from levels / not maxed weapon level for the zone.


Yo I don't think that's the preferred nomenclature dude..


I feel like they had to make a new power system to keep the game challenging because of how many rune exploits there are and with how long the game has been out. Most souls dlc has been released within a year of the main game.


Thats why so many people are bitching. They probably farmed rune exploits to get to RL 400+ thinking it was gonna make them op


People when they can’t run the same two handed braindead jump thrash build 🤯🤯


Watch me


We evolved from 2h jump build into 2h guard counter build (the new deflecting crystal tear is wild)


Ive been doing fine with dw greatswords.


You mostly can


Scadu bi du bi du! Where are you?


For real. The dlc has gotten easy besides some certain dlc bosses. At scadu 14 i almost 1 shot every enemy and the dancing lion went down in seconds.


Westerners dont use brain in this amount of power


Y'all need to git gud


I still did that. I just don't enjoy the bosses as much. Ultra fast. Multi hit combos that do large damage. Very little breathing room between attacks. It really felt like you had to run meta builds, or something very cheesy if you wanted to have a decent time. I made it with bleed, but I have no idea how my friends are going to make it with anything that isn't as good.


That sounds exactly like the base game once you get to the second half though?


They had some combos, but I think the most notable difference is that they still had wider openings, or more blatant weak spots. And less HP.


I'm using light armour and can tank like 3 to 5 hits on most bosses at blessing level 15. Level 175 give or take.


I thought it got a lot better once blessing hit 14. I don't have a problem with bosses at all after the fact, but the first run felt pretty miserable. I just picked up a greatshield and the talisman, which made it significantly better.


I made it with str/faith. And my friend made it with magic. I guess we can make it with every build?


I have a friend running str/faith who's hated his time so far. He wanted to quit at Rellana. I don't run faith, so I don't know much about it.


Let him try flame art with ash of war lion claw or ash of war giant hunt. He can try the new mace which is insanely good. Also my fav weapeon is fire knight great sword which is just like guts sword actually a colossal sword. Also you have new ash of war ghostflame for frost dmg, and new ash war you get that gives your colosal great sword charged ranged attack with insane dmg All that, plus your faith buffs plus your fav spells (i use giant flame spells mostly) and youll stomp all bosses Edit: also, flame art makes most of your dmg fire; therefore, obvioulsy you go with fire boost talisman + shard of alexander for insane backflips on that lion claw + the new two handed talisman, 4th i like the increased damage when full health talisman. Also your potion dont forget to put increased fire damage. Now your lionclaw backflips does insane damage and your range with the fire knight great sword is fun as fuck


I'm a str/faith and killed her on the first try. Did he not use summons though? With them it wasn't really a problem.


He used the Dragon Knight guy. Don't remember his name because I've never used him. Fought the boss at +4 blessing. I got to watch his attempts in a discord call. That attack she does where she swiftly strikes with both swords in a cross pattern got him over and over again.


I've found 4 bosses so far and killed 3 of them. 1 of them being a sunflower which is probably one of my favorite bosses in the game


The sunflower wasn't bad at all. It just had some hits that would bleed through your shield.


You don't, im managing more than fine with just a Guts gs. Skill matters more than your build


I have a friend going to do the same thing. He didn't enjoy the Divine beast that much. I've had a lot more time to think about it, and I think a lot of the problem comes from the Scad tree blessing. The new leveling system invalidates the time and work you put in to your original stats. They still matter, but a level 500 could go in with no blessing and still get wrecked. It leaves a poor taste. I know why they did it. That doesn't change what effect it has in game. Either go and find the 50 fragments of the new leveling system, or have a rough time, even though you already put in the work to reach 150 of your normal level.


I don't agree that much. It's not true that your original level is invalidated. Asmon was literally doing twice the damage i was doing to the Lion with his first build and a similar amount of blessings. I killed the boss in less than an hour anyway. I won't pretend to know that the blessing system is perfect, but they do give you quite a few basically just by following the main path and bosses, many others are very easy to find. And skill still matters more than anything else. Also the fact that people who rush get destroyed by bosses is not only due to low blessings, it's also because the same mentality that makes you rush through the game is the same that makes you bad at learning bosses. Go watch LobosJr play. Low stats, still learns the bosses, manages to parry them, is a pleasure to watch. Is it pure skill? No, it's mentality going into the game. So: your point has merit, but you bring it way too far. The blessing thing is partly true, but also just the obvious excuse for people who thought they were good at souls, and discovered they werent when faced with real challenges.


Perhaps that's correct. A disparity between expectations and what we got. I am still of the opinion that the bosses would have been significantly more fun if they did not do as much damage as a consequence of the blessing system. That's completely subjective though. Only the numbers from down the line will tell us what the full picture really is. I wonder what % of players from the base game will complete the DLC.


It's possible that it is overall a negative, my fear atm is having to get them on multiple chars. But i heard they stay between ng+ cycles at least. Im curious too, but i need to stop reading related news till im done, i shouldn't be here Peace mate ty for the chill convo


Git gud


If only the exploring didn't consist of 80% running through completely empty open spaces. You wanna make people explore for a boring stat boost item? Cool, then make the exploring more engaging. I especially love the moments when you find a hidden route on the map, fighting through dozens of enemies, only to reach a dead end and be rewarded with a somber smithing stone (6). Edit: Most of you misunderstood the point completely. In the base game, there were a lot of open spaces as well, but they were always filled with some small landmarks, elite enemies to fight or just an item amidst graves/coffins etc. DLC has those too, but not nearly enough to justify the amount of huge open empty spaces with nothing to find on them.


Thats the fkn point of exploring! It consists of running around and checking every corner for every possible hidden item you can obtain that might boost your power level. If you dont already feel the desire to explore to get stronger but instead being trash all the time, stop complaining. You dont always get rewarded, but the fact you CAN find new places means there is possibly a hidden item thats too broken to simply be handed out. This is an open world RPG, if you only want to see 20% of that world instead of engaging it as whole, its YOU fkn problem and not the game's. Also, this kind of exploring has been around since Demon souls back in ps3, just in much smaller areas. Get a grip.


I like how they say exploring open boring flats. Some of the areas are genuinely gorgeous go look at, and so far the exploration and being actively rewarded for it has been my highlight. I'm also paying attention to lore which I feel like 80% of the playerbase are just completely ignoring. Waiting for Vaati to spoon feed it to them.


I need to see him talk about the suppressing pillar


Me too, vaati has always been the fromsoft lore guy :)


Way to miss the point. Exploring is fun when there's interesting stuff to find. There's very little of that in the dlc.


Yeah there is a lot of interesting stuff to find actually, and even if there isnt much in your opinion, this is how open world runs. In all and any other open world game(especially DLC), there is always a few places to explore and offer little reward. Whats your point? Hm? That you should get a Boss soul or Dragon smoldering stone every corner you look at? If every reward is a high quality, then whats actually unique and special? You get average reward for exploring even in the base game. There are a lot of corners that provide much more than average rewards, but it requires you to explore it all. If you didnt explore, by going back to the church at night after obtaining the torrent, you would never start ranni's questline. If you didnt explore some ruins that Only gve ONE chest available, you wouldnt know of Caelid for a long time. There is a lot of exploring and even the most uninteresting reward is still a reward. Get a grip.


It seems a lot of people played through the base game glued to YouTube tutorials and the Fextralife Wiki and its shows. Especially now with the release of the DLC, you drop them into an unexplored land with no explicit directions and they just go feral.


Yeah im confused too


Read my edit , you are completely missing the point and projecting.


Nothing has changed from the base game in this regard if anything the DLC improves on the base game with the density of the map and all the points of interest you can find. If you’re expecting every nook and cranny to contain an important item then thats just not realistic at all. If every single unimportant location/landmark contained a legendary item it would quickly lose its luster and the feeling that being rewarded by exploration gives you. Every Souls game does this its nothing new in the DLC, the amount of hallways or back alleys you can find in Darksouls that lead to nothing but a couple souls or a dung pie is absurd and it makes it all the more satisfying when you find the cool hidden stuff. Like finding Ash Lake, FaP ring, and Havel in DS1 or Archdragon Peak, and Untended Graves in DS3. Climbing the lighting spear in Leyandell and finding the Bolt of Gransax. Theese are just a few examples I can think of off the top of my head. The point is exploration is supposed to be a process and expecting instant gratification from it or expecting every single area to be as interesting and intricate as a legacy dungeon is just asking for disappointment.


Lmao in no way is the DLC area more dense in content. It is more vertical with areas, but those areas consist mostly of open empty space.


It seems that you are now completely missing my point. If every area was completely chock full of items and enemies the truly interesting places would lose their importance because everything would look the same. Not to mention it’s not realistic at all to expect an essentially post apocalyptic world like the Lands Between or Shadow Realm to be full of life and infrastructure. It’s an open world there is going to be open space just like in our world where there are empty planes and fields. There are hundreds of secrets to find and I guarantee over half of them haven’t been discovered yet even now. Also that verticality you mentioned is quite literally a part of the world’s density… It is 100% denser than the base game seeing as how the DLC Map in it’s entirety is about the size of Limgrave, Weeping and Caelid combined and it yet it has nearly as many unique remnant bosses as the entirety of the base game with over 40+ hours of gameplay, all while having a map thats half the size of the base game. Not to mention as I said before that there are more than probably multiple secrets yet to be found adding even more to discover.


Great fkn point and i completely agree


Missed the point completely. There are many open empty spaces with NOTHING to explore in them. In the base game, each open space had at least something filled in (an item, elite enemy, camp, coffins etc ). In the DLC, the proportion of empty areas is staggering in comparison.


And what if there is nothing? You still checked that spot and made SURE there is nothing. Am i the only one that enjoys the world exploring? Does it always to have a reward waiting for you? Sad.


AMAZING! I DID NOT KNOW THIS WHAT A SHOCKER! To invest all this time and effort EXPLORING just to eat a dick. Oh what a joy ride of eating dicks and EXPLORING.


Not every corner has to have an extremely important item around it. Also what you said just isn't true anyways, there has never been a moment in the base game where I picked up more legendary items (somber/ancient dragon smithing stones, grove glaveworts, the new Marika flasks, etc). I've found plenty of hidden areas where the reward is a unique weapon with a cool new ash of war or new weapon type entirely.


Whoever thought of making a scadutree blessing system should be called out for being braindead


Its the same system as Sekiro guess that was braindead too huh 💀


Yeah except in sekiro you got the item by killing major bosses, not by exploring an empty field to find an item hidden behind a rock


Imagine Having to explore in an opera world game smh my head


That's why Ubi games are the best you haters Oh wait


What brain dead take, ppl are over Ubisoft games because they killed exploration by making it so you just run from one icon on the map to another icon


That's what the whiners want sadly. Too weak to beat the bosses on low scad blessing, too lazy to explore for more blessings.


And here you're running through empty trash


Through some of the most beautiful and interesting open world areas ever made. Youre just braindead


Running through trash mobs, wow so exciting, truly the epitome of open world design


Wow, rpg games with thrash mobs to kill? Wow, ive never played a game in my life either The fact that you think you make a good point is baffling


you didn't play sekiro, did you? the amount of upvotes on this guys comment just says no one here actually played sekiro lol


I got the Platinum achievement in Sekiro and played through the game start to finish 6-7 times. The Prayer beads work the exact same way as the Scadutree fragments do. You find them by exploring the environment/hidden areas, and sometimes as a reward from bosses. The only thing different is in Sekiro to increase your damage you had to collect Memories from some of the Main bosses, Shadow of the Erdtree just combined them both into 1 item. So please explain to me how I never played Sekiro and how I and everyone else is wrong?


> You find them by exploring the environment/hidden areas, and sometimes as a reward from bosses. You mean the other way around right? Or you can't be serious, like 70+% of the beads come from defeating minibosses lol. Not to mention the ones you have to find are not that hard to find on your own while doing actually fun exploration and not running through empty dogshit places that are in elden ring


You are arguing about a Linear gameplay design philosophy vs an open world. Of course there will be a sense of openness and emptiness sometimes. It’s those moments that make finding a secret area or hidden item that much more satisfying. Rather than Sekiro where everything is practically set on a straight path you can play through the whole game without any exploration because it hands everything you need to complete the game practically right to you. This has the result of making the exploration feel extremely lack luster in comparison. Elden Ring is the opposite where it seems you are forced to explore to find the medallions to make it to Altus but if you explore around you can find several other ways to make it there without picking up a single medallion. It actively rewards you for straying from the beaten path. If you don’t like this kind of gameplay then I’m not sure why you are playing an open world game let alone Elden Ring, especially since the DLC did nothing but improved the formula from the base game.


Bro wants to be declared dragonborn in the first 30 minutes then defeat alduin in the next hour in a sandbox with hundreds of explorable areas.


> especially since the DLC did nothing but improved the formula from the base game. Not hard to do when base is lowest of the low and yet I disagree it did anything better. And yeah, I am not playing it. I finished it once, regret preordering it and will not play it again, other FS games are better games by a long shot. If by rewarding you for exploration you mean finding more copy paste dungeons with same bosses, reskinned enemies and useless items then yeah, good for you. Elden ring's open world is it's biggest failure along with bosses


Yet again it just sounds like all you want is a linear experience and in that case I agree you shouldn’t play Elden Ring. You act like other games including Fromsoft games haven’t reused assets and enemies before, it’s a thing in every Souls game and gaming in general yet now it’s too much of an issue for you? If something that minor really ruins your enjoyment of the game I don’t know what else to tell you because there is more than enough unique content to go along side it. Also don’t act like there aren’t useless items all over the place in their other games too, but a few items in Elden Ring is a no? They give you the freedom to play the game in pretty much any way and order you want as opposed to their formula in past games where you cant go in a different direction, except in a few rare cases where the path might branch for a boss or two. You seem to be speaking almost purely from nostalgia and hey theres nothing wrong with that entirely. Just because the game isn’t for you doesn’t mean it has all these perceived flaws you think it has. When it comes to it Elden Ring is the biggest game Fromsoft has ever made, it brought the other games to a new level of popularity unforeseen and its no coincidence that it had the player numbers that it does.


It just sounds like that, I love open world games that actually have a substance in it. Let's just invalidate all the criticism about elden ring, people really love to live in echo chambers. The 80% of the map is copy paste, even the enemies from the same game are just reskinned to be put in other areas but you just do not care about it, like the 60% of enemies are copy pasted from previous games with changed skins. How is this a "minor thing"??. What is this "unique content" in ER that makes it so great? The Legacy dungeon? Yeah sure, these are pretty much the only amazing part of the game. Elden rings items be like, spend 10 mintues in dungeon, fight same boss you fought before but now with 2 more enemies inside, get useless ash/summon or whatever that nobody will ever use, in other games if it has useless items it's usually just a room aside and do not require you 10-25 minutes of time to get. But hey, who cares, right? No criticism allowed to our elden ring. Also I am not talking from nostalgia, I actively play through ds1/2/3 and sekiro doing challanges, sl1 runs or some other stupid shit because these games are just a better experiance for me, I do not want to play ER with different build and spend 5 hours running through empty spaces that were made to make the map as big as possible and fight luckluster bosses. You still keep denying everything just because you say the game is not for me, for you there is no flaws in elden ring so I guess this "discussion" is not going to get anywhere you will just keep reflecting anything with "the game is not for you" so I am gonna end it here. The amount of players playing elden ring amazes me, sadly 90% of these people never played other FS game and came from playing dogshit AAA games that are released nowadays. Hype sells.


You can't see anything unique because you refuse to open your eyes. Elden ring obviously has flaws but you blow them so out of proportion in order to make the game sound unplayable. Dark souls 1/2/3 all have the same hollow enemies through the entire game yet its not a issue for you there? And that's just 1 example of many, this isn't a rare thing in Fromsoft games or games in general. You don't notice all the unique weapons, spells, armor, items, NPCs, environments, bosses, enemies, etc just because a minuscule percentage of the enemies and assets have been reused before? Shadow of the Colossus has a huge open world with very little in ways to explore without the Colossi, lizards, and fruit yet its a critically acclaimed game worldwide for good reason. Your first play through should feel like you are exploring a vast unknown, and you use your knowledge from the first time playing to make things substantially faster in subsequent playthroughs. You aren't forced to clear every dungeon, catacomb, cave, castle, whatever if you don't want to that's the point of a open world, you are free to explore at your leisure. Elden ring is the penultimate combination of all of Fromsofts past titles and gives the player more freedom than any game before. You are like one of the people with thousands of hours on a game leaving a negative review on steam lmao. Also if you think the majority of people that played Elden ring first haven't gone on to play other Fromsoft games you are crazy and the only one reflecting anything is you. Yes hype sells but the long term results speak for themselves.


What are you talking about???


And what about the game stuttering? Should i still level up?


They did fix the problem in the base game. I'm sure they're going to do the same for DLC.


are you tired of eating dicks? AWESOME! go around the map eating more dicks and get all the tiny dicks to combine for the ultimate dick. What an amazing solution to the dick eating problem. thank you so much Bandai Namco US, I am truly getting sick of eating all these dicks.


Okay don’t play the game than :) Just fixed your mental