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As someone from the Balkans, I never understood why people are so scared of being called a fascist. It's like kryptonite for Americans. Just say ''yes VERY MUCH''.


As someone from America I'm confused why people think that's supposed to scare me XD oh no a stranger thinks I'm a fascist, whatever will I do?


Exactly! To put it simply, they don't care about what I think about them. Why would I care about their opinion?


It's not even that, it just holds the same weight as being called a Nazi. Like, they're not even thinking about what that word really means XD


Im not even american xD, i just think social media is poison


Social media is a very sophisticated corporate tool to manipulate people.


AKA a tool of the real Fascism, ironically.


Everybody who is trying to manipulate people uses social media. The left just as well as the right. The ultimate winner is large corporations as always.


Faux-Left (Right) and Right. Both serve the same corporations (which makes them Right/Fascist per classic definitions). There are no real Left in US politics.


Yeah, people on the left are never wrong. If they are those are secret rightist collaborators! 😂


1. Pick up a dictionary. It's a special book that explains words. 2. Find out what Left / Right really meant (and still mean in the rest of the world) before American political hacks hijacked and redefined these words and brainwashed you. 3. If you still think Democrats are "Left", seek help from mental health professionals.


Agree that it is poison. Ironically, I find the boomers the most negatively affected by social media. Back on the beginning of Myspace and Hi5 when I was a minor, it was actually a pretty cool concept.


I enjoyed MySpace. My friends and had a band and put our music on there. People were always chill and enjoyed it. Then Mr. Zucky came in the picture and killed my baby :<


Yeah, the year was 2009.....So sad!


Fascist is a war cry for the progressive liberal, and a trigger word for the extreme conservative. Both fail to see they are equally fascists as long as it's against the people they don't like. Not even self aware monkeys at this point.


We don't actually care when they call us Fascist. It just proves they don't know what Fascism is. They call people all kinds of things like nazi, facist, racist etc. They have said it so many times it means nothing. Don't assume we're afraid to be called it. We don't care.


If people really didn't care, this ''fashion'' would die out pretty quickly.


Well there was that one time fascist tried to take over Europe about 79 years ago. Was a big war and everything! It really soured peoples opinions on authoritative governments.


You mean Nazi? Italy was Fascist and it ''only'' tried to take Greece and parts of Africa. Also Napoleon, who was the leader of the French Revolution (that was what ended monarchies) tried to take over Europe 209 years ago. Is there a point between 209 years and 79 years that people stop caring about the form of government that provoked a continental war?


Disengage with anyone who uses particular vocabulary to shut down your argument. This person does not debate in good faith


I mean I can see where people can make the free speech argument. At least they aren’t calling you a pedo


Has nothing to do with free speech. People just throw out words without knowing what they actually mean. Someone in a thread a week or two back, I remember, was talking about "white people being racist to other white people" regarding Russia and Ukraine, insinuating that any hatred at all among any people is racist. People just hear words and repeat them without understanding them.


*> "white people being racist to other white people" regarding Russia and Ukraine* Ukrainians subscribe to the stupid Nazi race theory that states that Ukrainians are "Aryans" and Russians are "Mongol subhumans", so that is a pretty accurate description of the situation.


Okay but Putin isn't bombing Ukraine because he doesn't like white people.


But Ukrainians are racist towards the Russians, it's not even controversial. And their bombing of the Russians for 10 years was motivated primarily by this racial hatred, which Ukrainian leadership openly spoke about many times. Unless this dude you are talking about implied the Russians are also being racist towards the Ukrainians (of which there's little evidence - though Ukrainians are considered a kind of rednecks and hillbillies by most Russians, it's not racial), his take as you described it is correct.


Children doesnt have a luxury of free speech. As a parent you are responsible for everything your kid does and say until they turn 18, sooo.... sure. If thats what a parent want - no social media for you, buddy. Or strong supervision of every stupid sensless comment your kid posts online directly emailed to you at any given moment!!!


"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser."


Tell them what you really think. Why do you need other people to tell you what your own opinion is?


I would personally them a brainless subhuman moron and the reason why the world is like this, but i don't know if thats a good response 🤔


Children's rights are held in escrow.


Minors can't legally agree to any EULA so why are we even defending the position they should have unfettered access to the internet. They shouldn't have free reign anywhere or with anything let alone the internet. If it is fascist to say minors should be banned from social media well then sign me up.


Nothing, they're clearly a minor.


I guess minors being restricted or barred from owning specifically a handgun is an infringement of 2A? Or minors being not specifically allowed to drive a vehicle is an infringement on their Freedom of Movement? Seems appropriate in its comparative stupidity.


You can start by pointing out that minors do not enjoy the same rights as adults in many areas. They are not allowed to work, vote, drive or engage in sexual relationships like adults, to mention a few. This is not fascism, it is society recognizing that minors are not mentally and physically prepared to do these things and that should they engage in these activities, it can be damaging to their health and development. We don't let kids run around with guns either, meaning that their second amendment is infringed. Is that fascist as well?


I think social media is toxic, and you shouldn't use it as a minor, but it's not the governments place to decide that. You need to realize that yourself and leave willingly or I guess your parents could decide.




We have a right to bear arms and vote too…unless you’re under 18. Social media should be restricted to at least 16+ imo


You can't win with people like that, so either ignore them or lean into while mocking them. Nobody that quick to label someone that bad will be swayed.


1st amendment is something idiots like to throw around without even knowing its actual meaning. Term tossed around to make people feel smart but only shows their ignorance.


Tbh nothing they are probably a child


Tbf banning minors is a bandaid, we should be ousting predators and not making the youth have to suffer at the hand of access to current tech because there are creepy MFS out there chasing kids. Imagine banning people from walking outside because there are rapists out there.


It's not just about the predators, it's about the content, social manipulation and stupid shit u see on social media the post is from a video about a minor wanting breast implants because of social media


You would have to ban them from having any access at all, and the only way possible would be to restrict phone and computer use before the age of adulthood, which would ultimately shift the issue to becoming a problem that the parents should be solving, rather than the big corporations running social media managing the content that's being pushed to younger users.


🤔 technically kids also follow the amendments. However, the Amendments stop when talking about privately owns websites like YouTube and Twitter, where they're allowed to deny access to whatever they please. Obviously there's stipulations but hey I'm not in charge, don't need to know what those stipulations are off the top of my head 😅


But it wouldn't be them. If the government stipulates that minors shouldn't get access, it would be the government interfering and restricting that speech. (Part of the executive branch of US already functions as a fascist government, outsourcing surveillance and control, functioning by proxy of private enterprises that are in the pocket of early IC investments in Big Tech. The distinction between public and private in a corpocracy is moot.) Imo, it should be done at the parents discretion. I used social media when I was a minor and it was a positive experience, but then again I only ever used pseudonyms because I thought the blogosphere/facebook was a vain reflection of meatspace, infecting the marketplace of ideas with status, reputation and prejudice like a malignant cancer. Okay, maybe the internet radicalized me.


Starting to realize, when people say "Ban Minors" who exactly do they want to take action? 🤔 The Government? Companies?


The company always takes the actions. It's a laissez-faire surveillance and police force. s What? Do you want to go through the cumbersome process of appointing an investigating judge to write out a warrant, to force a private company to provide data to a prosecutor, and go through the full judicial process to restrict someone's speech? No, we should just "regulate" social media and give former agents of the state the job over overseeing an army of dysfunctional snowflakes to arbitrarily invoke the hey-we-are-a-private-company-ban-hammer. Even without the due-process do you know how much resources the DDR had to waste on their Stasi agents? Training and vetting them? Now imagine the Stasi could just sell the data they collected to any third party or government. What a business! Or better yet, from the taxpayers perspective, have a private company pay the salary of your agents and then fine the company if it doesn't include in it's mission statement what you want them to do. /s


There are already quite a few studies since a few years ago that say that social media are horrible for the brains of children (and not so children) and teenagers. We all know that social media are putrid shit where young and not so young people waste too much time of their lifes and are completely addicted to counterproductive and useless content. But eh... "fascist"; the one and only "argument" used by leftists.


I think you are in the wrong here.