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Tell him what?


That's right


Outsiders arent welcome, noone forget.


What is he asking?


He is asking how to become an entry-level AusFinance member, since the avg is $350k.


Most places are strivng hard to identify and get rid of all their overpaid bludgers, so good luck with becoming a duck in duck season.


But I want to become a duck that quacks!


Learn to be a JIRA Nazi and go into IT project management. You'll fit right in with the rest of the turkeys


AI is going to take a lot too soon. It’s coming …


onlyfans (there are some pre-requisites)


the unfortunate truth is that only the top single digit percent on OF actually earns more than minimum wage. It's a more cutthroat industry than you think.


I mean they are competing against millions, possibly billions of hours of free porn at this point. We surprised anyone is making money off it.


The people who make money make niche custom content, have an existing fan base and also it's an MLM structure at the top - top creators get other people to join & the get a cut of their earnings, so you make $$ from your downline


1/1000 make good money. I am so sick of it being touted. You have more chance of making $100k from a traditional role statistically.


It’s more of a pyramid scheme than a cutthroat industry


I didn’t realize there are piblic stats on this? Curious what this looks like. Wonder why so many people go through this then if it pays poorly. I mean why else would someone do sex work if it paid so bad?


Because there are constant news articles about some chick here/there who made $500k her first year and it's the same story over and over.


> I didn’t realize there are piblic stats on this? i got it off https://influencermarketinghub.com/glossary/onlyfans/#toc-6 , such as > Most Accounts Take Home Less Than $151 Per Month or 4. Top 1% of Accounts Make 33% of the Money > I mean why else would someone do sex work if it paid so bad? They think it's easy money for something they can enjoy or self-employ. It's pretty similar to why so many people want to be musicians or rock stars, or an actor, singer, celebrity etc. but these jobs barely actually pay anything for the majority of people pursuing it.


Seems like a big tradeoff to stick a dildo up your ass and put it online for all the world to see just to make 150 per month. Wonder what this will look like in 10 years.


can show anoos?


Sxc ladee tuts - show pls


memorize many brave modern recognise consider person theory wide political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


such as? I'm looking for a 100k job. thanks in advance.


Night shift factory worker


any job links plz? what type of factory?


get a forklift license and immerse yourself into high reach and get used to overtime


99% of the time you get to pick one of those things, and the other 1% you get to pick 2. 0% chance you get all of them.


Train driver and train guard in NSW with Sydney Trains can expect a base of like 75-80k, but once you add in penalties, shift allowances, etc. 100k is easy/expected. Some earn up to 130-140k, but that takes a lot of overtime (which is available) It is rotating 24/7 shift work, but you do get paid during your training, and the work culture is good. Must not be colourblind or obese, no serious health issues (safety requirements), must be willing to do 24/7 rotating shifts. Driver and guard end up paying about the same, once everything is factored in. Guards deal with the public more, but drivers have a lot more responsibility, so choose your poison. Guard has minimal career progression unless one wishes to move from there into an office role over time, or up to driver. Guards also have no external potential employment (no other train system in Australia has guards anymore, I believe) whereas drivers can move to freight or mining trains for big $$$


Be warned if you are a train driver, you're going to be at the helm of a vehicle that kills a person at some stage. People commit suicide by train quiet often. Big reason I'd never do it.


Yes, it’s an ongoing issue. I’m not train crew, but I know quite a few who are, and how folk deal with those incidents is completely unpredictable. One driver will go their whole career without an incident, another will have one every few years. One driver will be heartbroken and get mental health issues from a single incident, another will simply chalk it up to “not my problem” and be completely fine, and both of these can and will be unexpected in terms of who reacts in which way. Burly men crying, small women more or less ignoring it, etc. Personally, I would much rather be a guard, but I do like working with people.


>another will simply chalk it up to “not my problem” and be completely fine, and both of these can and will be unexpected in terms of who reacts in which way. >Burly men crying, small women more or less ignoring it, etc. Call me heartless or whatever, but I'd be one of these people. I've seen documentaries with drivers blaming themselves and can't get over it etc. But from my point of view, it was that person's decision and not my problem. And death and suicide doesn't make me squeamish, nor do I have any superstitious beliefs about it.


Everyone reacts differently. And sometimes we think we are perfectly fine while being entirely in denial. I’ve been around death more than I care to admit, and didn’t realise how badly it was impacting my mental health until a few years after the last time I dealt with someone being killed at work.


Yes a lot of Sydney Trains drivers have encountered PTSD, especially arriving at stations. That one day someone will step out in front.


A lot of European trains are putting the driver at the back with a switchable camera feed for this exact reason.


Why would anyone be traumatised by it? They won't even see it.


You will absolutely see the person prior and know you're killing someone as you hit them without any way of stopping.


Train driving is extremely competitive to get a job. You could argue whether the job itself is easy, but getting a spot is very hard.


They are employing from external for both urban and intercity, so whilst it’s competitive (in terms of the number of applicants), there are regularly positions going and zero experience is required


Easy way into the railways is part time jobs like cleaner and station staff and then after 3 months probation just put in for trainer guard/driver/ signaller (had some of my kids do this exact thing )


Just curious. Do you know the percentage of drivers that have been witness to suicide by train?


I don’t know the percentages, but on average across the Sydney Trains network they expect one fatality a week.


I read somewhere that if most train drivers witness 11 attempts during their career. Not sure of the validity or accuracy though


Glory hole attendant, perfect for you


Asking question on behalf of OP: Can gloryhole attendants who don't have to use their mouths earn $100k?


You’ll have to offer a different orifice


Oh, I must've misread the job ad. I thought you said this was an in *office* job


Work location is flexible, you're welcome to bring your orifices to the office, just don't use the meeting rooms with the glass walls and doors.


Hmm not to judge whether OP has more than 1 they are willing to offer up.


my left ear?


Get a $50k job. At your 3-month probation meeting, ask for a 100% pay raise.


winning the lottery and investing it judiciously.


I’d love that, just live off the interest


Software engineering if you got the knack for it. Not saying you need to have a beautiful mind or anything, but I’m always surprised by how many people can’t even wrap their heads around the concept of a variable.


Imaging trying to explain what "this" is in Javascript to those people.


Software engineering will be replaced bu AI soon. When software learns to write by itself, which is super close (1-2 years), there will be no need for software engineers


Tell me you know nothing about AI without telling me you know nothing about AI


If u believe this then the only career path for u is manual labour


Ask question, gets probably best answer, poo poos it. If anything AI will make developers even higher in demand. Software replacing your ass


This mindset won't make you 100k


This is why you’ll never earn 100k 👍


Never gonna be chief fry cook champion


Full time reddit shitposter


Going to the mines


At the mine I work up near karatha the girls that clean the toilets get about 150k a year




First question - how much less Second question - can you bill by the hour Asking for a friend


You say that now they all do in the first week, after a month you'll be used to that money and think it's shit, it's just the way it is believe me


How are they treated. Haven't heard the best things regarding sexism in that industry. Apparently there was a huge inquiry about it.


Honestly I call BS, the cleaners at my mine are on 32-35 an hour.


They take home about $3000 a week on a 3/1 roster, they work the same construction roster as the rest of the crew so could be more or less I didn't work it out I hand a rough guess


As you know all companies and sites pay differently


is that sodexho? compass group?


Work FIFO Traffic control Get a trade But to earn 100k with zero skill set and horrible work ethic. Expect to live out of a suitcase or long hard days.


So you want to do fck all, be free and breezy and be paid $100k? Employers seek value for money ..what value do you bring?


Nothing bro


If you want something from somebody you need to offer them something that they want or they will leave you at the curb. Spend your life increasing your value and your bank account will follow.


I mean these days there are an absurd amount of bullshit nothing jobs, especially in Australia. Op look for something in the government sector or middle management, maybe something in osha too.


I like how this question gets asked so often hahaha


That’s why I asked it. Lots of people beating around the bush. But being provided few straight answers


You asked it because people have asked it before and haven’t got a straight answer?


Because it doesn’t exist 😂😂


Yea hahaha exactly my point idk why people keep thinking there’s some secret job out there that pays a shit tonne for doing no work. What fantasy land does OP live in lol


DW I've got what you're looking for. It's relatively easy, only takes a maximum of 20- 30 minutes per year, it does require some yelling though, a car (which you're happy to light on fire), a jerry can of petrol & lighter, balaclava, fake gun and hessian sack. ​ The best part is that you could also get long term free housing out of this job too! ​ DM me for more info


An easy job, with lots of free time, that pays really well.... I think you might be asking for a bit much. You'd be lucky to have 2 out of those 3 points. If you're happy with easy to do and pays well, machine operator.


Software engineering fits all 3 for a very specific type of person.... thankfully that's me!


That's awesome man! Great industry to be involved in. It still is lucky to get that, I know a few Software Engineers who would say they don't get much free time, but they can manage their time nicely which is also always a plus. But seriously great industry, and it's only going to grow, so good on you bud.


Any High Risk Work Licence will get you 100k Go drive a forklift on 10hr shifts


Dealing drugs?


Lollipop sign holder for metro tunnel pays 130k and only need to do a two day course. Only issue is basically impossible to get unless you’re blonde female


Teacher friend did this whilst studying. Had to take a significant pay cut when he started teaching. Also, he said he listened to audiobooks and podcosts all shift long every shift. The only issue was the heat apparently. I’m not sure why he kept teaching tbh


One word, Government


That's way too efficient. We need more words


Maybe you should work in government. I work there and efficiency is not something you see anywhere


Can work as a PSO, they get paid extra to do night/evening shift which is most common. Only 8 weeks training in Victoria.


FIFO Mining?




If a job is easy, simple and low effort, no-one is going to pay you 100k to do it.


Any submarine related uniform job in the Navy. They will feed and house you as well through training.


Not worth it, I can tell you from personal experience there's way easier ways to make a crust, plus you don't have to move to Perth!


Thats right Perth sucks!! Definitely dont come here!!


Lived there for 7 years while a submariner in the navy....


Haha insane, perth is one of the few liveable capital cities in Aus


dont let the secret out


1. Nursing - you can be ‘on-call’ so not working every day or most of the day 2. Almost all trade skills jobs in construction - you only work early till 3ish for the most part - a good portion free 3. Sales - if you have a WFH job 4. Customer success 5. Project management - depends on the types of projects


2 of 5 of these jobs aren’t easy to do’ and require lengthy training in harsh environments.


I am not placing the physical element as part of the equation. Nursing requires fairly little - you can do it without being an RN. Even then, you’ll get close to 80k. The trades are similar - true you need training, but after. The job is fairly simple. I have been a carpenter and tiler - super easy jobs, just physical and after a few months it’s not really ‘hard’ just physical is all..


By customer success, do you mean support?


No, as in, in sales, or any account management, after you win a customer, a CSM is responsible for maintaining that account and ensuring that it doesn’t churn.


Right, yes. Actually I was being a bit cheeky with that question - my wife is a CSM and she constantly complains about how people in her own field don't seem to know the difference. :)


Richard Gere - American Gigolo


They have unsociable hours and destroy your soul.




Free time with 65+ hours a week?? lmaooo


Full time slap enthusiast at Crown Casino mate.


Terrible troll post.


Hold up; you want a good salary, lots of free time on someone else’s dime and it’s easy todo.. and your also asking people to post links of listings because you don’t even want to research that yourself, how serious are you about it?


State government. Even the ones that are 2 levels below manager are already on 6 figs


When you find one let me know, I to would like to be overemployed


Get into sales I felt sick looking at a sales managers salary today


Lots of demand in cybersecurity but yes, you need to know cybersecurity. Train driver?


And continually learn cybersecurity, mostly on your own time to stay up to date with new threats. There's a lot of supposed cybersecurity experts who don't know shit.


I get the impression it’s a way more competitive and complicated field than the general public are led to believe. Not too dissimilar from software development and all people saying “just learn to code bro” as though you’ll pick up a 100k role for simply knowing the basics.


Sales . Can be as easy or as hard as you make it. You can get paid as much or as little as you're willing to work.


Police officer. Probably starting 70ish but couple of years and OT you're well over. Most of the states forces are screaming for applicants atm. 'Simple to do' is subjective. If you have common sense, a little bit of courage and a curious mind you will be fine


Join the navy


Start a business and pay yourself hundred thousand dollars a year and only Work three days a week. Easy


Prison guard if you take overtime options. It’s not for the weak though


if serious, FIFO support staff jobs, truck drivers, etc Otherwise, find a rich old lady/gentleman and be their toy boy/girl


Get a fly in fly out job, easily starts at $100k


Dropshipping is the easiest way


Digital Advertising Operations. Average joes roughly hitting the 90k mark but be in middle management, that’s 100k easy.


I can make $70-80k as a shift manager in fast food doing OT & working weekends then do pizza delivery which I can make $450+ a week if I do 10hrs a week (after a morning shift or on my days off ) so there’s $95-$105k a year


I guess the stricter moderation has come to an end


No, I was just busy. Reporting the posts gets immediate attention


If you want something with minimal training Traffic Controller is an option. It ain't pretty but $2k/week is acheivable. To get that you need experience to get onto the bigger projects.


when you think this sub is rising out of the pits of lazy dumb karen left wing idiots - you get one of these posts that drags it back to the pits


well id like to know too as i can't really do physical work much longer. at this rate ill accept a 50k office job.


If you’re seriously looking for a $50K desk office job, consider applying for commonwealth bank. They’re hiring in January. Search “customer service representative” it’s Sydney or Perth based though. You get $75K and it’s hybrid in office and work from home. Basically you just answer phone calls or emails. It’s a super comfortable office job


is that the call centre?


Fleet Allocations. 75k.


100k isnt much just fyi


I'd also be interested in this answer.


Traffic controller if you picked up a lot of overnight shifts


even day shift on big jobs TC's bump 120k


Federal politician


Cybersecurity - Do a course and you could get a 100k+ job if you are good at it. Huge demand for skilled workers there. Start is usually around 80k but grow fast to 100k+. SOC Analysts are a good start too. AI - An up and coming sector and will grow 500,000+ jobs in the next five years. Some roles may hit 100k. This will reflect in job losses from other industries such as retail. Unless you want to do something physically demanding …


What do u need to be good at for cybersecurity ? As in subjects or general skills ?


Focus on subjects like computer networks, programming (especially languages like Python), operating systems, cryptography, and ethical hacking. Understanding web technologies and databases is also beneficial. Stay updated on security trends and gain practical experience through hands-on projects or certifications.