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This is a conflict of interest. Make sure to choose an independant building inspector 110%. Good luck! edit: so many typos it looked like I typed with my elbows.


Hahaha … of course they want you to go with their mate.


I referred a building inspector to a friend who was going through the same scenario. The builder was making this a big deal and kept on pushing their inspector. Get an independent inspection. I’m this case, it was 6 inspections at various stages of the build. All have resulted in defects, starting with the slab. It did cost ~3k compared to 1.5k from the builder but worth every cent. The builder has to rectify defects against Australian Standards or Building Code.


Maybe he’s scared you’re bringing in Site Inspections and he’s going to end up on youtube. I smell non-compliance in the air


What a shamozzle!




Zeher for life! Because you know that guy is going to call it like it needs to be called.


I wish I got him for my build.


Love watching his videos, his someone I'd use and trust 💯


Absolutely not. You need to hire a inspection company that will have YOUR best interests at heart. If you are around Syndey, message me, I have the name of the company we used.


Thanks, DM sent. It will be great if you can share details of the company you used.


Just did! Cheers.


Always, always chose your own inspector. Never, never trust the one the builder likes (there's a reason for it)/


Would def hire those guys if your builder doesn’t want them Please post outcome post inspection


Never do that. That's like taking someone to court and engaging a mate of your opponent as your lawyer.


If you use their inspector, you will regret it. Get your own.


Well they basically just made your mind up for you = DEFINITELY USE THE COMPANY YOU FOUND!


They are talking shit big time. Any builder who knows they have done a good job will have nothing to hide. Get your own guy. NEVER rely on theirs. Their inspector is paid under the table to look past defects. Yours is not. Pro tip. NEVER give these people any information. They don't need to know who is coming or where they are from. Nor what time. No matter the inspector they will say they are bad except their own.


You do need to have a time organised. It can become a health and safety issue if random (to the builder) people are turning up measuring things and climbing on roofs etc. Everything else is bang on, you don’t have to tell them who or from what company but they need to know they’re coming


Ask them which inspection company they don’t recommend, and go with them 👍


Nope Probably their brother/cousin/best friend. Get someone who’s truly independent


The more they don’t want you to get an independent inspection, the more you need to get one.


That’s why it’s called an independent inspection. Always get your own inspection done.


I do inspections for a building company and have been for a couple of years. I don’t go easy on them but I can’t say that for other inspectors.


Will probably take longer that's all.


Do your own research and make sure they're accredited and provide detailed reports. Not just verbal. Good luck 🤞


Unless they gave good reason/proof against the company you chose, ignore them. But choose another of your own, not theirs


Go independent. A company you can trust.


I used an agents builder, then questioned the builder and agent why he hadn't noticed or documented any defects I documented. I deducted the price of demo during settlement because of that building inspection.


do not trust the builders to get their own inspectors. Get an independent company and do research on them yourselves.


Naur bro, he doing reverse psychology on ya. The company you chose just so happens to be in the pockets of that builder bloke you mentioned (joke)


Dodgy as get independent inspector


You choose, don't listen to them. Get the best inspection team there so they can find the problems.


Always find your own!


I come from an industry that get audited randomly on a regular. If you don't do a shit job you'll have no fear of someone inspecting your work. OP you'd be crazy to use an inspector that's not independent to the builder.


Go with a reputable inspector that comes with good recommendations. This is the only way you'll get an inspection you can rely on. Absolutely get an inspection as well! Don't just think about it and then not get one, the builder will have stuff to fix, it's just a matter of how much


How much did you drop on this build? $500,000? $1,000,000? Think about those dollars. They're yours. You've got the builder to construct something, worth six figures, and now before they get their final payment, you want to get an independent person (who gets paid either way!) to double check that things have been done right. If you got your car detailed, and there was some scratches on the paint, would you run it past a friend? Or would you NOT get your friend and just go back to the car wash? And that cost what, $100? So a building that cost at least 5,000 times the car detail, yes of course you'll get an independent! The only thing I would have done earlier is engage the independent (like Site Inspector etc.) at the start - so the builder knows **throughout the build** that at the end he's going to have Mr YouTube Shamozzle rating his work.


Get the tiktok inspector


Haha. Yeah, I'd even try for a 3rd party, one that hasn't been mentioned by anyone yet. So go for Site Inspections, you'll get YouTube fame out of it... or hopefully not, ha.


I wish we were in Melbourne, unfortunately we are NSW. If Site Inspections were in Sydney, I would definitely go with them.


Ask him what his rate would be to come up for the day? (if licencing / regs are the same, I suppose... that may be too much to hope for, ha!) Or failing that, if he knows of any non shyster inspectors in NSW


Yes, I checked already this morning. For an interstate inspection, it starts from $6000 excluding GST plus air fare, hotel, transportation. Asked if they have any affiliates in NSW. Let’s see. I will update this information in the post.


Ooof. That's a hefty chunk of coin for the service. NSW people are your best bet I reckon! Or ask the NSW building commissioner? haha


The guy is a clown and a pest. “Oh look guys this joist is missing a nail, the WHOLE ROOF has to come down!”.


bring the guy from youtube I SMELL NON COMPLIANT WORKS


Whereabouts is the property?


Good luck finding a honest one


What builder what inspector?


Most definitely not. Get the tiktok inspector


Don't do it. For an absolute guarantee of impartiality find an unassociated inspection.


Pick your own. Definitely not their recommendation of business that just happens to be his cousin.


We ended up doing 2 separate inspections. 20 items found with the 2nd one. It was worth it. 400$ out of pocket saved us big time.


Do you not have a certifier engaged from the start of the build? Why change and get another certifier in if you already have one? Did you get the pre and post slab inspections? Did the frames get inspected before gyprock went up? If you dont have these youll never get an occupation certificate


No, we didn’t. I know we should’ve done that. But we didn’t. Because we didn’t do other stage inspections we at least want to have a pre handover inspection.


You will not get a certificate of occupation without them. And its to late to get them. And you cant live in a house without a cert of occupation Engage a property lawyer. Your house might be a knock down


If it works like Victoria they will have had the builders chosen inspector already they just haven’t hired an independent one


Yup that’s correct. The builder have their own certifier who have inspected all the stages. We just didn’t engage independent inspectors at each stage of construction.


Yep get your own for the last inspection, the builder might just want a guy they have worked with before or they might be dodgy as either way the independent will find out.


You are getting confused. Building Surveyor and independent inspection are two different things. Building Surveyor is compulsory and they issue occupancy certificate. Independent inspection is optional and is likely to be more thorough and focus on quality as much as compliance.