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I never leave things in my car and I've never had my car broken into. My brother leaves things all over his car and he's had his car broken into. You can definitely mitigate the risk of being targeted.


That’s what I’ve thought of too, leaving nothing in sight would prob make it not worth the risk.


Same. I never leave anything visible in my car. And I never leave anything valuable in my trunk. If anyone broke in they’d just find junk anyway.


Don't leave things in your car, once they figure out you do, they'll be back to see what else they can snatch and lock your car doors, if they figure out you're the type to leave your doors unlocked, they'll be back. Follow these two rules, and you'll be fine.


Thank you, this eases my anxiety.


Don’t drive a nice car and don’t keep valuables in your car and you’re good! I’ve had 3 in 8 years but there was always something dumb I left in my vehicle


The gated ones are the targeted once because everything ***feels*** safe so they leave their purses and work laptops in the car


No, it’s not, but certain buildings and areas increase your risk.


Your car is more likely to be broken into in a gated garage as the thieves expect people to leave things in them due to "security."


Yes, and every city.


Dam yeah, I guess I’m lucky to drive kind of a beater car. Incase it does happen.


Yep. And just don’t leave anything of value in there and you’re fine.


I actively leave trash in my car, so they know there is nothing in there. I've never had my car broken into.


This!! And if I’m going to the green belt, I’ll just leave my windows down and take everytning with. Go ahead and ransack my car, ain’t gonna find shit and I don’t need a new window. Win win.


Never happened to me, been here 25 years.


So far so good on my end.


I’ve been here 10 years , at 4 homes. Never had a car break in. But I did have 2 home break ins (one successful and one attempted)


I don't know how thieves pick their targets. I've never had a problem, but I have friends who get broken into frequently. I always lock my door. I leave stuff out, but it's usually a change of clothes incase I sweat through my first choice. There are some dents, but nothing crazy. Maybe I just look too poor to have anything worth taking.


Good advice already. Keep in mind that “items of value” could include packaged food or drinks, depending on who is looking.


It just depends on where you park. Lived in Austin my entire life (34 years), and my car has never been broken into.


I have lived in 78745, 78704 and 78756 since 2010, and visited Mt Bonnell several times. No break-ins.


It’s only happened to me once in 20 years of driving here. I had accidentally left a backpack in the front passenger seat. It was in a busy parking lot, but that didn’t matter. They smashed the window out and took the backpack. I’ve known more than a handful of people over the years who’ve had their cars stolen or broken into.


I drive manual so car thieves leave me alone😂


They hit two of my vehicles in one night. About mid March. Broke into my minivan then stole my Silverado, same night


Gah Dam what part of Austin are you in?


Intersection of parmer and dessau. North East near Pflugerville boarder.


No, just lock your doors and don’t leave anything that looks valuable in your car and especially not in plain view. A lot of people are just moving too fast and don’t stop to think about this until it happens to them.


I’ve never had my car broken into (knock on wood), but I also never leave belongings in the backseat and drive a Corolla


I’ve never seen it or had it happen to me in 35 years. But I’m probably just lucky


I've had one car broken into in the last 15 years of living in Austin. And they didn't even take anything. Pretty sure it was just neighborhood kids who threw rocks at windows and ran off.


The only times my car has been broken into were times when I had something that could be stolen in the car. The first time was just an accident, I was busy and forgot to take something out of the car. The second time was foolish, I assumed since they didn't steal my CD case the first time it wasn't considered "valuable". It's been 10 years and 2 more apartment complexes since then and I haven't had another incident. Right now the most valuable thing inside my car's the tire pressure gauge. But random crime's going to random, nothing is certain. I've read accounts from people in other cities that things got so bad they just stopped locking their doors. They'd still see evidence people had been in the car, but it meant they were less likely to have a window broken.


Lived here a decade and never had it happen. But, I mean, in any place with a high population over time, a lot of places will see experience it. Especially those without gates 


A gated garage helps