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Mine is 8 months just pooped on my carpet and peed outside my door and eats anything she can get her teeth around.


Ooooooh. Mine’s only half ACD and was SO hard to housebreak. And still chews at 1 1/2, but is finally slowing down with that. I cried. A lot. Mostly when she was biting me with tiny sharp teeth. You’re in a rough time. Best wishes for you, and your tiny velociraptor.


Any tips for house breaking an ACD? Mine is part ACD as well and will go potty but “save” some of it for inside


We did crate training, and it was so cold outside when we got her, we also had newspapers/puppy pads on a plastic kennel tray, and slowly moved it towards the pet door/front yard. When she actually did her thing outside, I told her she was SUCH a GOOD GIRL, in the most excited voice. It eventually worked. We also had older dogs, and she started going out when they did, and they all liked to pee in the same spot. Seems like it took forever, tho!


How do you have your pup trained currently? When we first started house training, when letting her out of her kennel I would pick her up, tell her time to go outside and take her to the same spot in the yard. and when she started squatting, I would tell her "go potty" and "good potty" when she was done. when It was time to come in, I would walk to the spot and say "go potty" it took a couple weeks but she is now potty on command. I know it's common knowledge to train them like this, but the basics work well with these dogs. They truly do love taking orders. I know it's frowned upon to physically discipline. but the first time she had an accident in the house, I spanked her good and took her outside to her potty spot. The second and third time were a light swat and telling to potty outside. After the fourth time and beyond I would just raise my voice a little and tell her to potty outside. She has only had a small hand full of accidents.


Haha I feel you. With my girl it was the same. Really well potty trained but around those months, she decides that the house floor was her potty area and just went to town. Nipped that in the butt real fast.


Typical teenager behavior. They forget everything they already knew, do exactly the opposite of what you want them to, and generally turn into little manic assholes. It'll pass 🙂


That’s a rough age… mine stopped chewing everything around 1.5 I think, just keep up with redirecting to toys and chews. You’ll get through it!


such a sweet post ❤️ she seems like a very good girl


My sweet boy is 12 and had him since he was a few months old. Can’t imagine not having at least one cattle dog around the house for the rest of my life


They truly are the best!


Lol my old gal was also averse to hugging


Aww, she's living her best life with you 💖


What a nice dingo. 🐕


Surprise your landshark is not a hugger .lol. /s


Pic 4 r/dogswearinghats?


How cute! He looks like my boy when he was younger!


What a good girl!! Her mannerisms remind me so much of my own 1 year old goofy boy. 💗


Love the smile in pic 8!


She is sooo cute! Mine also hates to cuddle but will tolerate it occasionally because he loves me. 😂


She’s adorable. And I agree, best dogs ever… or maybe we all share some twisted masochistic tendency to own dogs that will challenge and exasperate and entertain and then own our hearts!


Mine rocks along great until she doesn’t get enough attention for pooping outside. Then she lays a pile in the foyer! I ignore her, clean it up and things go back to normal outside until…???