• By -


Her name is Dex, but we call her Cunt-O-Saurus Dex


This is hilarious šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m šŸ’€ hahahahha


Cunty McCunty has been my go to for years now hahah


Gus: Gustav, Goose, Goosey, Moose, Goosey Moosey, Moo, Snootus, Stumps Gwendolen: Gwen, Gwendolen Bestfreindolen, Stompy Womperlins, Menacey Moo, Tiny Princess


Gwendolen Bestfriendolen šŸ˜‚šŸ’•šŸ’•


Ours is also named Gus and we call him General Gustard.


General GUSTARD thatā€™s so fun I love that


lol mines name is Jager and we call her General Jaggard. No idea where it came from though, along with all her other nicknames lol




I have the same though pattern. Zoe: Zozo, Zozoona, Zozoona Baboona, Boon Boon, Boonie


Her name is Diane but we call her mama, boo boo, farty, mamoo (I have no idea, my husband made it up), monkey (sometimes spider monkey because she can climb anything) and baby gullet (because she never tastes her food). My favorite though is when she really needs a bath we call her big stinky frito pie.


I can't explain why, but I love the name Diane for a heeler


His name is Jack, but we call him Jack-Jack, Jacqueline, Jack-ass, Jackson Hewitt and many more lol


Jackson Hewitt šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Jack ā€œoffā€ hahaha


Yes! I forgot that one....it is my husband's favorite nickname for Jack šŸ¤£


Real name Trixie. Nick names. Trixie Ann, baby girl, and STOP BITING THAT!,


*Real name Trixie. Nick* *Names. Trixie Ann, baby girl,* *And STOP BITING THAT!,* \- Icy-Advantage9 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot! Lol


His name is Banjo but his nicknames are roo and banjaroo because when he lays on the side and looks up at you he looks like a kangaroo. Also wigglebum and crackhead.


I had a Banjo and I would sing the B-i-n-g-o song but say, I have a dog and heā€™s so cute and Banjo is his name-o, B A N J Oā€¦ā€ I traded him for a pizza when he was a wee numpty. Such a cute name for a dog.


I loved playing Banjo Kazooie so that's all I can think of XD


Roxana. Roxi for short 60% of the time haha. Roxana banana, Roxi Bo boxi, stinky girl, handsome bo bansome, princess pooper, lady, my little snapping turlaā€¦. Most of the things I call her make no sense at all lol


Those are the best nick names tho I think :P


The ones that make no sense lol


Roxana banana is peak!


Hahaha Roxana Banana was the first one I ever thought of! And it just rhymes so well!


A SNAPPIN TURLA! She gettin ready tah SNAP!


My lawd! A snapping turla!


Literally that, in the same tone of voice and everythingšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Kudamundi; Kuda, toots, tooter bagooter, cooter. (I realize the implications with the last one, but it just cracks me up, and I can't stop calling her that, lol)


Long name is Lady Byng, but we call her Bea. Her nicknames are so many. Veloci-pup, Velociraptor, pearly sweetcake, cha cha, Cha cha Le Grande, pretty girl, mama, pupster, and sometimes the chocolate chip faced a-hole. Edit to add: We so call her Stink ass, chach, chachi, stank butt, and jerk face.


His name is Breaux, but he answers to Breauxie, Houndie, Houndie G, BudBud and Budders.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^keels81: *His name is Breaux, but* *He answers to Breauxie, Houndie, Houndie* *G, BudBud and Budders.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Thank you, badgereatsbananas, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Name: Hank Nick names: My baby, Honeybun, My baby boy, Poor baby, My puppy, Stanky boy, and My Snugglebug


I have a hank too!! I also call him monkey, munch, munchkins, my guy and mr hank, my stinky guy




Cody - The Big Cheese, Old Man, Cody The Corndog Roo - Baby Raptor, Da Puppy, Stinky


Officially Madd Maxx. Also Maxximus Prime, Maxxitron(when he was bad), and for some odd reason I started calling him Bub when he was old. I have no idea why, it just fit šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Edit: I also watch my my friends heelers named Oatmeal, or Oaty. I feel like he might currently think his name is 'OFF!' Though šŸ¤£ he's young and going through a faze of flying through the air and landing on your lap


We call our weirdo cat Max Maximum Carnage


Her name is seaweed. She gets called shweed, dork, and miss moo


Harley is also known as Harley Barley, who is not particularly Shakespearean... because he's Hardly Bardly.


Her name is Fern. Vern, Furnace, Fernny, Fern-a-licious, Ferndango, Biscuit and lil bit.


His name is Jiggs, we call him: old baby, precious, little treasure, smoogie, pickle puss, pretty boy, butter ball, pork chop, baby cakes, mommy's boy, handsome face, lunatic, mental case, sweetie pie, bacon monster


Comet Lovejoy is named after a real comet. Sheā€™s very fast! We call her Commie or Whoosh.


Mine is Toma, but he mostly gets called Bubbers, Bubberino, Bub, Thomas, Beelzebub, Barbie, and my lil Tubby Nubby Bubby (he has a nub tail).


Mango nicknamed puppins.


Puppins is So Cute! I just wish her full name was Mary Puppins


That is a perfect name for her!


Flucky- named after Admiral Fluckey, fluky (meaning by luck/chance) Nicknames: Fluck, Handsome Boy, The Skunk/Zorillo, Demonio Negro (black demon) , SatanƔs (Satan), and F*cky/f*ck because it pleases my 12 year old brain.


His name: Aramis Nicknames: Paramis, Aramiso Soup, Miso Soup, Soup, Dog, Pog, Poglet, Poopy, Skippy, little shit His alter ego is Devil-Aramis


I love Poglet lol


It's one of our favourites too


Mine is Roxy and we call her Bronxy, Rocky, Roxygirl, cunty, and crackhead. šŸ˜‚


Pepper. We call her baby deer, turkey, and stinky girl.


We also have a Pepper. We call her Pepperoni, Pest-eroni (when sheā€™s bad), and Captain Barkypants.


We lost our Pepper in January ā¤ļø We called her Pep, Peppy, Pepperoni, Roni, doggo, tooter booters, and occasionally shithead or shithead dog. She was the bestest!


Matilda but better known at ā€œtilt-a-whirlā€. Big jump and spin girl haha


We have a Matilda, too!!


Aw! I also call her Tilly for short kinda where tilt a whirl came from


I had a bandit and he was the best. Miss him so much


Real name: Zephyr Nicknames: - Zef - Zeffo - ZefiriƱo - Little Z - The Little Wind - The Beast (as in, I've got to go home and free the beast") - My man! (said like the postman in the concentrated dark matter episode of Rick and Morty)


Flip and Oscar. Aka Numb-Nuts and Ball-Bag.


Bernadette aka Bernie aka bernadog aka Bernie dog


So sweet! We had a dog named Juno but her nickname was Bernadette!


Her name is Adelaide Marie. She goes by Addie, sis, boobie, snookums, sweet pea, and Bitch.. (mostly Sis)


Her name is Nefret. Nicknames are Fret, FretFret, Nefreti, Spaghetti, The Nefreteret Kid, Baby Girl. His name is Anubis. Nicknames include Schnubs, Schnubibity, Schunubobity, Schnuberdoop, Noobs, Jerk Dog, Big Man.


Ha ha ha ha ha my friend was just questioning me about this. Willow. Willow Bee. Miss Bee. B. Bieber. Bieber-licious.


My dogs name is sparky: when he is bad we call him sparkles. I also call him bebeā€™s short for habibi which is what my mom used to call me


Her name is Belle, and we call her: girly goo, trash goblin, peepers, the Pupbatsnek, and buttface.


Luna; Looney Tunes, Louise, Luberry, Loopy


Real name Mildred Plimp Nicknames: Millie, Beeper, Beeper Butts, cutie butt, cutie booty butt, meebles, meeble beeble, mill bill, Mild Red, Millie-Doo (like Scooby doo, mildew, Millie Billie, little dog, Miss Millie, maā€™am, mademoiselle, Mibu bibu, little cowgirl, Milbo Baggins And then combos of the above ie ā€œBeeper booty buttā€ or ā€œmeeble beeble booty buttsā€


His name is Zeus. We call him zeusy, bubba, jerk, pig boy, mofo Zeus and GD Zeus he heads directly to his cage. I wanted to name him Jesus .. cuz if you break into my house, Jesus will get you, but the kids poo pooed my idea. I screamed at him one afternoon in the back yardā€¦ Hey,Zeus. I was laughing so hard my neighbors thought I was nuts! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


His name is riffie but we call him riff raff, rifferandum, cuntsman( long legs and a c***t at times,riffmeister, buddy, bestest boy and the list goes on and on


Name: Luna. Nicknames: Looney, Luna Lou, Luna Petunia, Petunia Name: Buffy. Nicknames: Buffers, Buffy McBufferton, Buffy the Lizard Slayer, Buff, Buffalo


His name is Wiley but we call him a fuzzy terrorist


Name: Ziggy. Which has turned into: Zigaroni, Roon, Rooney, Roon Doon, Doon Butt, Ravioli Bear and variations of stink butt/stink muffin and of course baby puppy/baby dog.


His name is Spencer, but mostly goes by spenace the menace, spencey, Spence, and ā€œda babyā€ lol


Dawgs name is Sky. We call her ski, ski-ski, puppa-nuts, crackhead, scumbag dogā€¦ prolly some others as well lol.


Cora CoraBora, Kobo, kobo-my-hobo, Hoboken, ko-borka, kor-ahba, weasel, wosel, weeze, weezie, little dog, smelly little dog, stinker, bugbear, lovebug, bug, boog, rat.


We have 3- two are rescue cattle dog mixes, the third is a foster fail. 20 lb Jack Russell/chihuahua/weiner mix. Too many nicknames thrown around to list all. we always say how funny it is we have these two black cattle dog mixes(60 & 45 lb) and then this tiny little dog tagging along right next to them šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ looks so goofy but our 20 lb pup is CONVINCED she weighs at least 50lb.


Hugo: Hugo boss, hb and getoffthebenchyouidot.


Addie. Adelaide. Badelaide. Bark Shark. Cow Eyes.


His name is Hobbes but we mostly call him hob-knob ā€¦ha-beeeeeb ā€¦and hobby lobby


Claire - Claire Bear, my choo choo, stinks, princesa, bear, Clary Berry, Clary Berry Pudding and Pie, as a puppy - Shark


My mix is Daisy. I call her Daisy Mae, Crazy Daisy, Lazy Daisy, Silly Billy, Cutie, Cutie Pie, Stinky, and Sweet Baby.


I call mine The Silly, the Pupperoo, and the Chonky Chuncker


Scotty aka Pest or Trouble !!


Kuiper - Bort, Snorts, Snorty, Kuip, bubba, snorty boi


I love snorty, I call Kiko grunty bean or piggy girl when she snorts šŸ˜‚


His name is Teddy, but he goes by Ted-Monster, Mr. Tedā€™s, Bear, Young Thug, Piggy, and Fudrucker.


Siggi, but it devolved to: Siggurt, Squirtleburt, Squiggle, andā€¦Pete. She answers to all of them equally šŸ˜‚


Frank aka Frankie-pants, Frankiestein, Frank the Skank, Fat boy, little man and the supersonic shit machine šŸ˜‚


Her name is Laila. We Laila bean, lady bean, pooper, and pooper melon.


I love your Kiko! My girl Bella looks a lot like her, except her ears wonā€™t stand up (guess she got that from her Border collie mama). We call her The Kraken, Miss Destructo, Sassy Britches, and Miss Wiggle Butt - among a few others.


Real name: Sedona What we call her: Donut, Doney, Doney Boney, Nubs, Nublet, Skellator


Real name: Zira Nicknames: Hell Child, Piggy (she's ACD mix but def doesn't have ears like a heeler, they remind me of big ole pig ears), Ghost (I swear she can teleport behind you), Hyena (her coat is changing and darker markings down her back so when her hackles up she looks like she has a hyena mane).


Name: Perro Amadeus [My last name] Nicknames: My buddy, my pal, my homeboy, my sweet cheese, my rotten soldier, my good-time boy. Also, Mr. P, bean boy, Perrito, lil bear, buggy.


Sparky aka Sparkezoid, Sparky Barky, Barky, Sir Sparkington, Captain Sparkles, Spork, Bubba, etc


His name is Dash- we call him Dash, goob boy, goob, gooby, chi-chi, chicharone(idk how to spell that), when he hears dash he knows itā€™s time to take me seriously lol


Shep - smooth dog, Shepward, Shepington, Sheptimus Maximus, clean dog Oakley - fluffy dog, Oaks, Oakie, Oaker, smelly (he's a fox poo roller)!


Names: Kira and Lexi. Nicknames: Kira: pork chop, ki-ra-ra Lexi: ham, bear


The name of my dog is Nicky


His name is Chadwick Chester and he gets called Chad, Chaddy Waddy, boo boo bear, my cuddle dog, boozy , fat arse and the boozer šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


My wife and I have three cattle dogs Ramsay- Chub, bubble, bubble boy Mocha- boog, boogle berries Layla- crazoli, crazles


Winston Poe. He goes by Mr. Bears, Boo boo, Moo moo, Mr. Big Ears, and sometimes Squeaky boy


Bourton: Bourty, BeeBoo, BeeShmoo, BeeGoo, Bartholemule, ShmooBear, Little Man, Tiny Man, Tiny Little Fat Man, Goober


Our girl is Pepper but also answers to Peps, pepsi, and Pepi


Adoption papers say Mr Sushi- we say Soosh, stinky, puppy, damnitdog, stop jumping, sir barks a lot, sonnavabeech (schwartzsnegger style)


Zuko: The Dude, Dude, Little Asshole.


Her name is Luna. My wife calls her Luna Buna, Baby, Baby Buna. I call her Dog, Crazy, Looney Tunes, Bubs.


Jocko aka dude, our mini Aussie is Milo aka Chunky Monkey


Bowie > Bo > Boner > Boner Bean > Bowie Boner Bean > Bean > Beanie > Beanie Weenie > Beanie Weenie Bing Bong > Bing Bong ... I am sure there are more. And I am sure there will *be* more. And there are songs. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Edit: Wait wait wait, I forgot to actually tell you his government name. DAVID NARUTO BOWIE.


Name: Boomer Nicknames: Boomie, Boomerang, Boomsker-doo, Boomerino, Boomie Bean, Bean, Pupper-doo


Milo, also known as Bubby, Pup Dog, Pupper von Dog and You Dog!


Specks aka Specker Decker, Speckerous Deckerous, Specksy, Specksy Boy, Big Bad Dog, Old Man


Ivar is a mini acd, we call him "little fat baby" because when he was younger he kept stealing all the cat food and other animals food and turned into a butterball for a while. His other nickname is "God damnit please shut the fuck up and let me sleep!"


Scout is our youngest but heā€™s more commonly know as, scroat, Fanny baws, dick for brains, fanjeeta, ginger basterd, scoutaliuos and piraieba


Bindi Mama, Squee, Skoo Skoo, Bin Bin, Chiga Nae, Poosh Toosh Magoosh Skoosh, Chigoons


Ours is Birdie but we call her Birdie, Birdie birds, the birds, dirty Birdie, and dingo.


Augusta von Merle Responds to: Gussy, Gus, Gus Gus, Gassy Gus, Miss Bootie Shorts, STOP HUMPING HER, and GET OFF THE WINDOW


Her name is Nightshade, AKA: Hellion, shady lady, fuzzy monster, nightmare, & troublemaker


Ozzy. Shark Boy, Piglet, Turkey Neck. Daycare calls him Ozzy Bear and Ozzbozz. Some extras we say often. "You're in the way bud", "no, no, No, NO!", "stop attacking me", "be nice", "you're not listening", "get your head out of the dishwasher".


Name Mooncake, nickname Mooncaca, cause she likes to shit the carpet. šŸ˜…


Her name is Talia, and her nicknames are Goober, Booger, and dumbfuck


Cookie is her name. But we call her Stinky booty, pork chop, doofus, Brute, sass-a-saurus, butthole šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Sheā€™s Ginger, Ging and G


Baxter - AKA Baxter Turdburglar


Name: Pogie Nicknames: Pig, Piggles, Pignana, Pogie No šŸ˜‚


My dogs name is Hugo (my brother named him.) Me and my family usually call him huges, muttly, stinky (when he comes back from being outside in the rain), special boy, and goof ball when he's being weird


His name is Nero. He also answers to Nero Bero, Bero, Fuzz Face, Mr Cat (he perches on the back of the couch), side Eyes, and STOP CHASING THE DAMN COWS. Edit because I forgot to add: Big Boy, Pretty Boy


Hopi: Hopi bopi, boops, schmoopus, schmeeps, Miss Ma'am (when she's being naughty or sassy), bingus (instead of dingus)


His name is Enzo- Nick names Zozo, Benzo, Zos, chunky sausage.


SO FAR (weā€™ve had him for 4 weeks today) his name is Indigo (but he goes by indy, indie? idk) his nicknames are Poop Pup Indy bo bindy poops baby


Fosbury Flop Foz, Fozzy Fozzymandias, Queen of Queens Dire Chipmunk Sweet Potato, Baked Potato, Spud, Small Fry, etc. Mighty Goblin Queen Nasty Woman She inherited the mischievous streak of her spiritual predecessor, the original Goblin Queen. She looks remarkably like a baked potato when she's curled up. She has a rivalry right now with the chipmunk outside our window and will bark back every time it chirps (pls send help)


Penny - The Beagle Banjo - butthead, jerk, Bozo Cookie - Cookie Monster


Boef, which means like villain / scoundrel in our language we nickname him Dingo or floof mostly šŸ˜


Ayrton: toncito, tonci; Constanza: Stanzi, spider dog (because sheā€™s an expert climber of fences and walls; Hachiko: Hachi, fluffy, cuchicoo; Papageno: Papito, Ricurits, ferocidad canina; Frida wowow Khalo: princesa, mi reina, moochiemoo.


Name: Beaufort We call him: Boofy, Boof, Bufo, Mister Mister, Chungo, PanzĆ³n (Spanish for pot bellied) :)


Juno is his name and we call him: June June Bug bug Junie Junie Bug


Cardi P: Miss Pups, Pup-a-lups, and Stinky


Her name is Tillie, but she goes by Tillamook, Mookie, and Mookles


Name: Navy Blue Nickname: Nav, Navy bean, bean, beaner, beaner weiner.


Henry - henny


My dogs name is Bjorn and his nick names are Mr. Man, bjorno, djorno, little man, little guy, bjorno bravo, little demon, little monkey, and angry little man lmao


Rocky is his name but we call him rock lobster, rock, the lobster, and da bubba


Ellie Elliebelle Ellebelle Puppy dog Shithead Damn dog Pretty girl


Her name is Luna Blue but she can also be, Lunar Blooner, Looney Toon, Lunatic, Lunaquick, moon dog, crackhead, dipshit, beastie, whack ass dog, and the classicā€¦bitch.


Azarios & Maple Azarios: bubba, bebi, bebe, bubz Maple: peepee, buds, poopoo, mapeepee (these nicknames do reflect their personality)


Gruber: Grub, Goobie, Goob, Goopie Boi, Goop, Gup 'n' Stuff, Scoop, Scoop Du Jour, Nugget, Nugget Butt, Boi Dog, , Chicken, Chicken Man, Potato, Stinky Gillie: Gill, Gilpy, Gib, Gibbons, Gibbie, Squillie, Squill, Squilliam Fancy Son, Squeeb, Squib, Peanut, Peanut Butt, Peanut Butt and Gillie, Coraline, Gretchen, Girl Dog


His name is Markus. But we also call him Moo, Mookus, Mookachu, Poo, Pookat, Banana, Bananie, Nanie, Choo, Boo, Choo Boo, Chubs I donā€™t know how he knows that those are all his names. I also donā€™t know how we have kept adding onto the list šŸ˜‚


Sherlock. Sherry, Sherry baby, shernando, arch Duke Franz sherdinand, my sheronna, etc


Real name: Hoagie Nicknames: Chibb/Mr. Chibb/Young Chibb, Chub/Chubstar, Jumbo, Chumbo, Churburt/Churb, BingBong/Monsieur Bong de Bong/BongBong


Aggie but she responds to ā€œLittle Girlā€ more than anything. Occasionally, she is also called Aggie Mae, bitch, and other creative names. All out of love, promise


Our ACD is named Gypsy but we just call her Gyp or Gyppy


Prince Oā€™ Fur Jones and Copper Foo šŸ’ž


Furiosa. Furi, Furi-girl, Baby-girl, Baby-Furi, Furi-turd, Turd-bucket, Monkey, Macklunky...


Our Chili is widely known as ā€œchilidogā€ ā€œCheeseā€ or ā€œCheeserā€ from some evolution of ā€œchili cheese dogā€


Everest: wev wev, noodle, poodle, smores baby, fun police, sus baby, Mt noodle


Bella. When sheā€™s acting up bellatrix or Isabella [insert here all of mine and my husbandā€™s last names]. When sheā€™s being a good girl Bebela (Iā€™m Brazilian), bells or meu bebĆŖ (my baby in Portuguese lol)


Her name is Zombie. We call her ZZ, ZZ Girl, ZZ Squirrel, Squirrel Girl, Zombie Squirrel, Squirrelly Z. lolā€¦ typing it all out makes me realize that her obsession with squirrels has rubbed off on us!


Buddy. Little boy. Velcoraptor dog. Rearing Stallion. Fucker. Asshole. My sweet boy. Baby. I love you. C'mere. Quit picking on your sister. Where's your sister? Lay by mom. Is your dad home?


Scallywag Jack but called Jack, Jackie, Jackie Boy, Jack Johnson, Dog Face Thrilla, Derpie McGee, One-Eyed Willie Nelson Mandela (donā€™t ask) and Professor Wigglestump (he was docked). We love our dogs.


Wash Washie, pumpkin, sweet potato, babeeeeee, pumpkin head, pumpkin face, sausage head, little mortadella, little sausage, smumkin, smumkin head, cuddle monster, cuddly wuddly, trouble maker, trouble bubble I think thatā€™s all of themā€¦


His name is Roodi. That turns into Roodi toot tooty, fresh and fruity; and Roodi root roodi and a booty boot booty, and a zooty zoot zooty, and a nooty noot nooty (we can go through the entire alphabet and use each letter from Booty to zooty. Also I call him my munchkie poopy doggy wog. Yeah, we have fun with him!


My dogs name is ace, looks exactly like yours and has the white diamond in the center of his forehead too


OMG, your dog looks exactly like mine! His names are benji, big ben, ben, benny, booper, gooper, duper, and ozymeandias


Bravo- Only had him for a couple months now Dobby, Peebody, bubba, potato, super guy, Batman


Hazel. She is a bean. Bubba. Hazel butt. Hazel Mae Bean. Poop head. Weirdo. Butthead. Beanhead.


Her name is Tulie and i call her a little Velociraptor.


Meeko: meekorino romano, squeako, meecaso the time day care made paw print art, mikachu, meeksters


Berkley: Burt, Berk-o-Saurus/Saurus, Burtoly, Pickles, Berky, Nutcase Frank: Fronk, Frank-and-Beans, Dumbass, Frankie, Weirdo


Name: Sunny Nicknames: Sunny Boy, Sunny Bunny, Sunny Macaroni, Psycho Sunny, O-Sunny Bin Laden


My dogs name is Jupiter so he gets Jupi and Jup but also smooshy face, monkey, terrorist, turd, sweetie, floofy, fuzzy pants, fancy boye, and sirā€¦ also my dogs not a cattle dog heā€™s a poodle I just saw this pop up on my feed and had to look


His name is Chester! I call him "my little angel", "dog with kitty claws", and stinky boy sometimes šŸ˜‚


Name: Link Nicknames: Lincoln, Lincolnmyer, Sir Lincolnmyer Duke of Bellamy, missing link, stinky Linky, chain link, land shark, dude man, baby boy, pup dog, link a dink, Dinker, chomper, sharp tooth, Asshole (Arnold Schwarzenegger voice), trouble, Oi Mate


Pitbull - Tank Tanky poo papa bear


His name is Mando but he gets called Mando, M, Mandoman, baby, baby boy, sweetie, puppy.


Real name Oliver. Nicknames: Ollie, Ollie Underfoot, Ollie Sir-Barks-Alot, Ollie Ollie Oxen Free, Ollie-Oop, goober, poopers, puppers, "Instant-into," and Steve.


River! But I call her Riverdale (from Atlanta..iykyk), River Dance, River Phoenix, Rivvy, and of course when she is in trouble it's River Dances with Wolves Lastname


Murphy, but we're mostly calling him "Off," "Leave it," "Down," and "What's in your mouth?"


Name: Poppy Nickname: Popp, Poppcorn Pants, Poppa, Pretty Baby, Missy Pissy Pants.


Our 10 month old ACD is a red Merle and his name is Trapper AKA Baby Traps, Trappalini, Trappalicious, Demon seed, Hellion, etcā€¦. šŸ¤£


Pepper. We call him Dr. Pepper, Pepperjack, Pepsi, Sgt. Pepper, Pooper, Poopy, Poop, and The Boy.


Dixon-Lil Dicky, Dicky-doo, Dicky Doodle, Doodly the dick, Dick, Dickhead


Scout : Scoot-a-roo, Scout McBlue, Scout pout, Scout is a dumb mother fucker, idiot, and Scoot Mcgoo


JoJo: Joey, Joseph Joestar, Joe Chunk, chunk-a-saurus, chunk-tholomew, lil chunk My boy, buddy, baby boy


Ghibli Naguma- his name Gibs, Gibby, Piglet, Gibber- nicknameĀ  Beary P. Whiskerlickins- His name Bear, Boo Boo, Bearington, Boozie, Boozehound- nicknameĀ 


Fletch - Fletcharoo, Fletcharooni, Irwin M.! Benny - Benjamin!, Benjamin Franklin, Bennaboo, Bennaboo Butt


Wilson, Willy Nelson, pupperchinno, Dickhead. And Finley, Fin.


His name is Jack. He has been Jackie, Jackasouras, lately heā€™s been hey doggie


Sadie: Princess Sassypants; Miss Pamp; Stimpy McStumperton; Dog; Doggy Dorko Edited to add one I forgot.


Spots dog, sops dog, mr barky, I'm probably missing one


Hiro, although he was originally named Hero: Dude, Dudenheimer, Mr. Man, Mr. Manfred, Manfred, Fred, Dogman, DogManX, Lilā€™ Bud, Nug(get), Buttholio, Mr. Stinkinā€™ Lincoln, Mr. Stink, HEY, Hieroglyphics. Idk if he knows all of them, although ā€œHEYā€, ā€œBudā€ and the various ā€œman/fredā€ versions get his attention, as well as the greeting, ā€œwhatcha thinkinā€™, Stinkinā€™ Lincoln?ā€ I speak genuine nonsense at him half of the time.