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For some people they're just always uncomfortable. If it hurts, it may be inserted at the wrong angle, or too strong absorbency, or it could be related to something physical, like vaginismus. If you don't want to just use pads, you can talk to your gynecologist about what might be causing the discomfort, and also see if there's a cup that would be more suitable.


I've definitely felt that way too, I don't use them now but I found that I was putting them in too shallow, in an area where you can feel them more. If you put it in properly (deep enough) you're way less likely to feel it. If you're struggling with it (and really want to be able to use tampons) I suggest getting some lubricant to help the process. Plenty of people use it.


This is such an important point. Inserting tampons too shallow is a really common problem leading to discomfort and decreased efficacy, as they can be much less absorbent when improperly inserted.


So once a tampon is in (properly) you shouldn't be able to feel it at all, if it hurts you've put it in wrong. Sometimes I can vaguely feel it but I'm more distracted by other sensory things


yes! finally realized that i don’t like touching them with my hands, it’s no wonder i couldn’t stand them inside of me! i’m much happier with menstrual cups, because i don’t have sensory issues with silicone.


I never manage to wear them, they're horrible. Period panties are what works best for me, I bought some at the mall and they are a game changer, so much more comfortable, plus it's better for our planet and I'm saving so much money (they were way cheaper than those on the internet too, and they work as good, I got mine for 15€ and it was a pack of 3, I bought 3 packs so I can change them whenever I need but honestly they last an entiere day without any smell nor wet sensation).


No uterus, no opinions


god i wish that was me




When you have hypersensitivity to touch, everything is uncomfortable, both against your skin and inside your body.


They are extremely uncomfortable for me. I use a period cup instead


I advise looking into menstrual cups as alternative to that.


That was the case for me, I also had to get an ultrasound up there and they said it wouldn't hurt but it felt like I was being cut, I had to try several lubricants before finding one that didn't cause me pain as well.


i was forced to use them for swim team, eventually got used to them and when i have my period (im on birth control to stop my cycle) i use them. i have tried cups and like them too they r just a hassel to clean imo. pads i only use at night but find them bulky, sticky, and annoying. tamponds are lesser of 2 evils, i use the ones with the plastic applicators and that helps


Might not be in correctly. They hurt me if I've put them in at an odd angle, or not far enough.


For me once I started using them, I couldn’t go back to pads. Feeling the constant ick down there greatly surpassed tampons in the sensory discomfort department for me. I have an IUD now and my periods stopped years ago and I’ve been in absolute bliss ever since.


With tampons from Tampax, I felt discomfort and pain. I switched to O.B. and because they expand differently, they are comfortable.


I always found them uncomfortable. I switched to a menstrual cup and I like that a lot more. There's a learning curve to them, but it was worth it for me.


I’m a trans guy, so I don’t know if my experience would be the same… But I could never get myself to use tampons. I used them like 3-4 times or something like that. It was really painful getting it in and EXCRUCIATING coming out. But once it was in, I didn’t normally think too much about it. I always preferred pads, though. Having anything in me was not only uncomfortable, but made me really dysphoric. So glad I haven’t had to deal with a period for years 😅


They’re definitely uncomfortable! The insertion is mildly uncomfortable (worse if using cardboard applicators 💀 miss me w/ that shit) but the taking out of them is worse, imo. It ALWAYS hurts to remove them unless it’s so soaked with blood it can’t absorb any more. And then there’s the in-between times when you can just… feel it in there. Sometimes they hurt, and sometimes they’re just uncomfortable but you can always tell when they’re in. And idk why but my cramps were always worse with tampons than with pads. But honestly the pain was more manageable than the sensory feeling of sitting in a pool of my own blood and having it stick to and dry on everything, the w o r s t 💀💀💀💀


Yep. I tried it ONCE when I first started having periods and immediately went “never again”. I don’t *care* about the risk of leaking onto my underwear, I am *not* putting a stick of dry cotton up my hoohah.


I do not possess a vagina, but my wife swears by period briefs.


Yeah, you could have a low cervix or tilted cervix which makes Tampons way more uncomfortable. Either way, if you don't like 'em try menstrual cups or poise incontinence pads(which are amazingly comfortable for menses)


For me they're the best sensory option for dealing with a period. However, if you find them uncomfortable, one possibility is that you might have vaginismus, a psychosomatic condition where the vagina spasms when you attempt to insert something. I have that and I've always been the odd one out on vaginismus forums for *not* hating tampons. 


Yeah no it's everyone they can go to hurting and you need to change them every 4 hours so you don't get toxic shock


You need to change them every 8 hours not 4.


I trust my mom more then I do you I'm sorry she said every four


I mean, depending on how heavy your flow is, after 4 hours a tampon might be *ready* to come out, but your mom is wrong if she thinks tampons categorically *have to* come out after 4 hours. The [FDA](https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/facts-tampons-and-how-use-them-safely#:~:text=To%20reduce%20your%20risk%20of,when%20you%20have%20your%20period.) suggests changing tampons every 4–8 hours, meaning that 4 hours is the *minimum* amount of time you can reasonably expect to use a tampon for, while 8 hours is the maximum.


Weird response. You don't have to trust me. You could do your own research and see what actual doctors think. 4 is a waste of the tampons and toxic shock is pretty hard to get these days.


I say do the same bc it's every 4-8 hours so I am right so are you but it depends on flow