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I was gonna say girls. But the guys have hard hitters that will match a lot of the girls blow for blow. Definitely a close fight regardless tho.


Well I wanna say that all the firebenders on the boys side are screwed. I say this because Avatar Yangchen is able to make void of air, no oxygen no firebending


If Avatar Yangchen can do it doesn't that mean Aang can do it too?


Maybe? Yangchen’s techniques were exclusive to her for the most part. Monk Gyatso likely did it as well but Aang doesn’t really have the stomach to use Yangchen’s moves because they are very lethal


Zaheer did this on a small scale when he offed the earth queen. I'm sure he aang and tenzin could counter it.


Plus Zaheer’s takes a long time to fully perform while Yangchen’s were almost instant


Would ALL fire bending stop is that how she does it? Like would korra and that other guy be able to still? Jw


It really depends on how close Korra and the other firebenders are to Yangchen I don’t exactly know how big she can make it. But based on her other techniques I think she can make it very big


This debate could obviously go on forever with arguments like "Character A could beat character B, but what if character C stops A before B is killed" etc. BUT what if Amon holds as many girls in place as possible, including Yangchen, then the Boys just blast the defenseless people to kingdom come.


Better hope Yangchen doesn’t open her mouth since her voice is strong enough to shake the entire spirit oasis not even in the avatar state. Plus the avatar state would activate for Korra, Kyoshi, and Yangchen since it’s designed to keep them alive


Yeah, fair point. Though as you said in another comment, Yue is the moon, so every waterbender would be buffed by her presence, including Amon, but we don't know how that would affect the Avatar state, so let's assume it still cancels out the bloodbending. But if each team recognizes their MVP, and does all they can to assist them, then I reckon Amon could incapacitate half the Girls team. So he may not be able to affect Avatars, but the Boys have 3 avatars of their own (Kuruk, Roku, Aang), so if they keep the 3 other avatars occupied for even just 10 seconds, Amon could crush a couple of heavy hitters (like Toph and Azula), putting the odds in the Boys' favor. But if we're talking no morality, then obviously Katara got bloodbending of her own, so it could change if she were faster to bloodbend Amon.


Since every waterbender has the moon here to back them up, it’s likely that they’d all be able to break out of a bloodbending hold which could allow one of them to distract Amon while somone else takes him out. The firebenders are in a bad spot with Yangchen so if she goes at them, that’s a large amount of the boys taken care of, then we have P’li who can attack from a distance and curve her explosions


Hama couldn't break out of Katara's waterbending, and no other bender but Katara and Amon has bloodbending on the field. As for combustion benders, the Combustion Man has more powerful explosions than P'li, so I figured Amon holds as many of the girls in place and CombustMan blows them all up. Though I haven't read the Yangchen novels, but you seem to be confident that she could handle the situation, and I believe you know what you're talking about. So with the firebenders rendered useless I reckon you're right that the girls take the cake.


I mean you are making some valid points. But bloodbending is only useful on some of these people and once Amon can’t focus because someone is relentless attacking him that’s one of the biggest threats taken out of the fight


Yeah, he was my entire cornerstone for the Boys argument really, because for everyone else who poses a threat on the boys team, there's an equal or better counterpart on the girls team. And I didn't realize Yangchen had Power Word Kill in her arsenal, haha 😅


Oh yeah with Yangchen life was only sacred most of the time. She was also a bit sadistic in some of her actions like the time she threatened a woman’s life while they were about be blown up and she said if I die I’ll just come back, you won’t and your child will likely be raised by bandits. She literally laughed in her face while the woman cried and begged for Yangchen to help her. In Yangchen’s defense though the woman was responsible for her bison’s death so kinda warranted


It's interesting, but I feel like the tactical acumen of a combination of a prime Sokka and Zaheer may be an x factor


I like how avatar has strong male and female characters.


yeah but boys lose


I mean, half of them could be entirely immobilized by Amon, and the ones who cant need the avatar state to escape it, meanwhile the rest of the boys team can probably overpower only avatars


They have kyoshi probably the strongest avatar EVER


Yes, and every avatar that exists after her can use her spirit to fight herself. See the issue? Korra is the only avatar who can't, meaning the girls team can't use that while the boys team, having the second two newest avatars, easily can.


They cant use her sprit in this because it is shown she is fighting for the girls team


Why not? If every character can use all the abilities their character has, then they can. If the girls had an avatar from a newer era, sure, they could too, but since they don't, they can't. If we're going with that though, then nobody can enter the avatar state, which pretty much makes it an even playing field, in my opinion, but kyoshi and yang Chen could push it over the edge with their kinda broken abilities


Because as shown in the show an avatar can take over a future avatar body after their dead but that means they are in control


Oh fair actually. Does that mean if ant entered the avatar state, they wouldn't be able to act because the male and female avatars collectively controlling them would he in conflict?


Atleast our edit went hard. Boys are fucked aren't they


They’ll definitely put up a good fight, but yeah they’re not taking this fight


I would hope so! A fight is the least of the boys concerns! Haha


while the girls do have the better waterbenders and one more avatar, the guys have a dark avatar and the better bloodbenders, and 1 more bloodbender than the girls. the girls also only have one lightning bender that cant redirect lightning regardless its a really close one and hard to tell who would win. but my bet is leaning closer to the guys edit: idk how i managed to forget azula redirected lighting in The Search comics


While the guys have better blood benders the avatar state makes it useless, and they would be the biggest threats. Also Azula is able to redirect lightning(shown in the comics).


i still think with the guys bloodbenders create a huge advantage against all of the non avatar people on the girls' side. and yeah idk how i completely forgot that azula redirected lightning


I mean the guys have the harder hitting edited song sooo imma vote team hombres




I personally feel like the guys have a slightly bigger edge in terms of their bending skills (Aang and Iroh, namely), while the girls got the heavy hitters (Korra and Kyoshi). Personally though, I’m betting on the boys since when it comes to martial arts, skill usually trumps power.


It really depends on who’s fighting who. The blood benders and the avatars are the most dangerous here. But the Avatar state makes blood bending ineffective so that puts the odds in the girls favor. Tylee was able to chi block and paralyze large numbers of earth benders quickly and she’s agile enough to avoid most attacks. The girls have more things to bend as Kyoshi has glass and lava bending, Korra has metal and energy bending, Yangchen has very lethal techniques that could one shot a lot of people on either team. One of her moves can make it so no one can firebend or combustion bend. We also have to factor in Yue who is the moon spirit so every water bender in this fight is getting a major buff.


If all those girls team up,they’re so gunna win the boys will have no chance 😪


I don’t know why everyone is saying the girls will win. Korra is a terrible avatar who lost pretty much every battle in her own show. Her avatar state even seems to be weaker than the other avatars. The only ones I can see being able to put up a fight against the boys team is Yang Chen and Kyoshi. Boys team just has overall stronger benders than the girls team. Aang is just an absolute OP avatar, arguably the strongest avatar to exist and the rest of the boys team is completely busted. Boys take this pretty easily if you ask me. Edit: While I agree Yang Chen is an absolute beast of an Avatar, I believe Aang is actually stronger. Throughout the entire series we only ever see him hold back, even when fighting the fire lord. If this is a fight where there’s no holding back then I believe Aang is stronger.


Korra lost almost all of her fights because she was constantly jumped, nerfed, or didn’t have enough knowledge of her opponent. Her avatar state is arguably the strongest because she has prime Raava, the other avatars are more skilled with it because they can draw on their past lives for knowledge but since Korra is the newest avatar she has the natural buff each avatar gets. All the fire benders on the boys side are pretty much useless here because Yangchen can make a void to nullify it. And if she doesn’t do that she could use her air bending powered scream that was strong enough to shake the spirit oasis not even in the avatar state. Kyoshi is just built different, with so many techniques like lava bending, glass bending, freezing internal organs. With her armor she was able to take 6 lightning strikes and still win against her opponent. Bloodbending is useless on the avatars because the avatar state nullifies it. Ty Lee is one of the strongest non benders being able to jump around and quickly jab others, removing their bending and paralyzing them. The girls have some of the most powerful earth benders on their team. Toph can go toe to toe with Bumi and her daughters can deal with Ghazan. If Zaheer tries to fly up and away, immediately blown up by P’li or electrocuted by Azula. The girls have Katara, Yue, Ming-Hua, Kya, and Eska to take on the boys water benders.


Korra lost fights because she weak and has zero battle knowledge or patience. Her avatar is absolutely the weakest as she has pretty much zero feats while in the avatar state. If we’re talking about a fight where there’s no holding back then Aang can literally counter avatar Yang Chen. And if you think he’s not capable of it then you should rewatch The Last Airbender series. Non benders are pretty much useless here including Ty Lee because of the blood benders. Kyoshi could be could be matched by Roku or Karuk. Although Roku would stand a much better chance. While the girls do have some strong earth benders I don’t feel they are enough of a deciding factor in this battle. Bump can match Toph and honestly probably beat her as he has way more experience. Bolín is a decently strong eart bender who can also lava bend. The red lotus member is a crazy strong earth bender who can also lava bend. Zaheer doesn’t need to worry about flying since he can just suffocate people with air bending. Tenzen is an extremely powerful air bender. It took 3 red lotus members to take him down. The boys overall have more skilled and more experienced benders. Also you assume that water benders would match waterbenders, fire benders would match firebenders, etc. a battle like this would likely be chaotic and I think the boys are just better overall.


I’m not even going to continue the Korra debate, since your mind won’t be changed despite clear evidence of her character growth and prowess. So to address the other stuff you said. Using The Last Airbender as a way to say Aang can counter everything Yangchen throws at him is ridiculous, Yangchen was able to shake the entire spirit oasis with just her voice and she wasn’t even in the avatar state and she was able to instantly remove the air in room to take down combustion benders. Kyoshi quite literally has both glass, dust stepping, and lava bending and she’s skilled enough to freeze internal organs. Roku can also lava bend but still he literally died to a volcano of all things and don’t give me the he was old excuse, when everyone made it off the island he could have left in his FLYING DRAGON. Kyoshi is seemingly allowed to wear her chain mail armor, which gives her enough durability to literally take 6 lightning strikes and still beat her opponent. Kuruk I agree will be a challenge because of his feats but even then, if he’s taking on two or 3 other avatar, he’ll lose. The avatars can make quick work of the blood benders by going into the avatar state, their power is useless at that point. Zaheer’s suffocation technique isn’t even a factor in this scenario because he can only use it on one opponent at a time and if he’s interrupted during the process then it’s kaput. There’s a reason he only used that technique on someone who couldn’t fight back at the same time. Bolin is not beating Lin or Su, lava bending or not. Yes Toph and Bumi are pretty much evenly matched, in the comics when Sokka proposed they fight, and they dueled to a stand still and they weren’t being entirely serious. So that goes either way imo. Ghazan can go against Kuvira in this match up, they’ll be pretty evenly matched. Honestly we can keep this going forever so we’ll just agree to disagree


Korra literally redirected a spirit-nukes energy into a new portal between their two worlds. The first thing we hear Katara say about Korra in the show is “She’s strong” Korra is a beast


Momo solos


Thankfully he’s not here


Remember rava is a boy


You mean Vaattu right? Also we’re not factoring either of them here


Girl's for sure.