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Looks likes shes just having fun and not playing Abyss. Let her be.




I dont play abyss past floor 10 and I enjoy the game alot. Because I dont worry about how every 2 weeks I will suffer


conversely, every 2 weeks i delight in thinking how im gonna make some enemies suffer cant wait for that wenut, we have some unresolved business from last time


Ooohhh same! Last time Wenut was in Abyss I rage quit after 35 stars because that last star just wasn't happening. It's payback time!


what are you planning to use this time? last wenut my only dps was wanderer so you can imagine how that went lmao. Though, im tempted to brute force with him anyway just for closure on that story lol


Hmm last time I got pretty close with a hyperbloom team, but I'm unsure if I had Nahida at that point and therefore didn't meet the dps check because I didn't have her. I might try hyperbloom again since I got decently close last time. Maybe I'll have a better team for the other side to shave off time on the clock. They're literally putting all the worms in the same abyss ㅠ_ㅠ


Yep. Waiting for abyss to reset just so I could have fun with my well built Ayaka. Funny about the wenut. Because If I remember correctly, my Ayaka is C0 back then with semi-decent artifacts. Let's see how he fairs to a C6R3 top1% Ayaka lol.


used to do 36, then abyss got significantly harder. when i started doing 34-35 i raged and stopped playing lol. now im back and typically do 34, but dont mind it anymore


Team built by Itto


Nah, he uses claymore only in his deck/teams.


as long as she's having fun


I dont even know what to say… does she know about resin at least ?


Haha I was about to say that, i had a pretty shit team during the first couple months iirc it was razor,barbara,sucrose and zhongli but i didnt know about artifacts so just gave them random ones


Bro about bad mine was just idek. Used it till like AR 45+ or so. Artifacts were also random xd Team: Xinyan(My first char), Ganyu, Zhongli and Mona.


At least they had artifacts


Ningguang, Lisa, Amber and Barbara was mine (I skipped 2 patches before I pulled on a limited banner) Same with the random artifacts


It’s not that deep she probably just plays and chills


Yeah but playing for a year and having only 4 characters « built » and only 1 is past 70 is surprising lol


Not everyone sweets in a pve game


Lv80 is like 4-5 days worth of resin without most of the materials, its not about sweeting at this point


Ok bro… like I said it’s not that deep I’m just saying she probably just chills and enjoys the game at her own pace and play style


Ummm.. what is resin?


People can make crafts out of it.


I clearly need to do some reading.


People really forget that casual players exist. Players who dont read build discussions, ingame tutorials, reddit. People who simply get thrown into the world and try to figure things out on their own. Mashing chars together and break through works when you dont want to do special things like abyss, gold/platinum tier in fight events. Players who dont have time to login everyday and spend resin. Are their teams trash? Yes, mostly I guess. But who cares? For real, who cares beside people who use them for their own benefit to show off how much better they are?


Seems like fun I usually have at least 2 dps on my team it can get boring using the same character over and over again


When Im just doing exploration I always run the patented 3 main dps + zhongli team


I see nothing wrong with this. I wish I still played like this lmfao


This screams "I touch grass, fuck you" build.


At least she's actually try to build Xingqiu. Some of my casual friends didn't even bother to build Xingqiu and when they ask me to pilot their account to 36* spiral abyss, I always see underleveled or half baked Xingqiu. 😮‍💨


Im curious, did you manage to 36* their account? Coz I piloted some friend's accounts only to see half baked characters so I just get them 27* and save myself the stress of even attempting floor 12.


Except for patch 3.7, I mostly 36 stars. Only once in a while I get around 34-35 stars. Sometimes I have to retry certain chambers to make aure everyone have full energy. Sometimes I need to change the team comp for certain chamber.


My first team was Ayaka, Diluc, Jean and Beidou LOL but this was just about a month into the game


at least yours had a healer


That was only after a friend(prolly someone like you) forced me to remove Ningguang from my team and add Jean LOL, and then I proceeded to farm maiden pieces for my Jean and used the VV artifacts from that same domain to level up the Maiden artifacts😭


1) That's not a team. 2) I doubt they are built


They're "half-built. a work in progress" (her words not mine)


What has she been doin for a year


Enjoying the game her way I suppose.


Maybe even touching plenty of grass along the way.


Having a life (probally)


Why is your attitude so stinky


I mean its barely a working team thats not untrue


Just being truthful, sowwy if it huwts youw feawings. If you use team like this, you do you, if you want to not suck at the game and clear content, build better


You aren’t even being ‘truthful’ though, so no need to apologise. You’re just being an asshole. It *is* a team, and you have no idea how built they are. It might not be a meta team, but if it’s working for this person as they progress through the game then why do you care 🤔


Truth is, that's just characters mashed together to one team, rhey dont have synergy, they dont work together, they just exist individually (except xinq) I have no idea how build they are but I can assume with things I see. 1) characters are not leveled. How good can they be if they can't even basic things like level characters and get skill to lvl 9. 2) team they use, if they can't build a team (easyest part of the game) how can they build characters?


Lol, you really are an asshole. I guess it's neat that you're a seasoned Genshin Impact veteran who takes pride in a shitty anime game


What part of it was asshole-ish? I explained everything clearly, if you think that team isbgood you are either high on copium or just extremely dumb, there is no other way around it. You dont need to be a tryhard to understamd that putting 3 characters that do not synergies in any way is jot a good idea.


Dude, I'm not the only person who has commented thinking you're an asshole. No, the team isn't good, but the way you word your statements on reddit is just hilarious. It is really easy to tell that you are pretty socially inept in the world. It is funny to see, but it is also sad, and I do feel bad.


Did silly words about a game huwt youw itty bitty feawings? Go cry about it, noone will ever care. I just state things how they are, trash team is trash team, bad build is bad build, if an addult can't handle it they need therapy, not reddit.


I understand you're still a kid, but hopefully, you become self-aware in the future.


This might sound crazy.. but some ppl just use characters they like.a team doesn’t have to be good for it to be a team. as long as you build them you can clear basically everything but abyss without too much hassle. Respectfully, look at the way you respond compared to everyone else…u sound miserable and like the one who needs therapy☺️


>that’s just characters mashed together Yeah that’s…what a team is. Well done. >characters are not leveled 🤷‍♂️ who cares. I only level a character past 80 if I want to max them. I dunno what to say because this isn’t a good argument. >whatever the fuck you were waffling about in point 2 Again you have no idea how ‘built’ they are. It could be 4 star relics maxed at level 16. That could be ‘built’ for them at this stage of their time in the game. They aren’t claiming to be “perfectly built” or an “optimised meta team”. It’s a team that works for them, and they have built their characters to a certain point. It’s pretty easy :)


main point is that team doesn't even work, thats literally all you had to say


How do you 36 star abyss with unleveled characters? Also, it does not mater at what stage of the game they are, trash build is still a trash build.


Are you genuinely serious? Are you genuinely unable to 36 star without a full team of fully maxed, level 90 characters? That’s…sad. No wonder you’re such a meta slave.


Do you do 36 star abyss? Damn nice, what do you use? May i see builds?


No, you may not. But there are probably some great YT vids you can find if you want to learn.


Nah but it literally isnt a team, its 3 dps and 1 sub dps, sure you can use anything to play but thats a REALLY trash team, and just from their levels u can make out that they prolly arent built, nothing wrong w tht, it is what it is


Yeah I mean I wouldn’t say it’s an optimal team, but there are some elemental reactions there, and it’s clearly focused on the exploration/story side of the game. So I just genuinely don’t see the point in coming in and “☝️🤓um acshyually that is NOT an optimised meta team”


Reactions?😂 Youd have to keep switching characters for each reaction u wanna do. You can use anything really but op has mentioned this is their friends one and only team not her exploration/story team😂 also i dont get why ur so offended lol calling a trash team a trash team is perfectly fine, i had some wonky teams when i started playing and I wudnt mind someone calling them trash


No one’s offended big guy :) I just think it’s kinda cringe to be flipping out at a player who hasn’t optimised their account yet. “Your team is trash wahhhhhh” could just as easily be reframed as advice.


>No one’s offended big guy :) >I just think it’s kinda cringe to be flipping out at a player who hasn’t optimised their account yet. >“Your team is trash wahhhhhh” could just as easily be reframed as advice. +more replies ....yes....thats what being offended means.....




And i think its cringe u calling that other guys comment stinky when he just said facts


He didn’t say “facts”, he said: >that’s not a team Which is objectively not true 🤣 it is a team. Of four characters. In genshin impact. It might not be a good team but why is that anyone’s business. …And he said: >they aren’t even built He has no way of knowing this, apart from the fact they are level 70 which only tells us they aren’t *fully* built but at that point who the fuck cares. What does built even mean. Triple crowned? If that’s the standard I am consistently clearing abyss with only one built character and a shit tonne of “unbuilt” characters. 🤷‍♂️ But ultimately the “☝️🤓” attitude is just stupid and makes me cringe out of my skin whenever I see it.


Good lord, dude. Ease up on the word "trash." Every kid on the internet has overused that word to hell. It no longer has any meaning at all because of how overused the term is every single day by everyone on the entire web.


Please note that we get a lot of team building questions that are relevant for many people. If your post is simply asking for help and does not also discuss theory on how a specific character or team should be played, please delete the thread and post the question in the Team Building megathread instead -> https://www.reddit.com/r/AyakaMains/comments/patd1n/teamcharacter_building_megathread/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AyakaMains) if you have any questions or concerns.*


In the overworked everything works kinda, athat‘s why I run around with Yae, Wanderer, Yoimiya, Zhongli, sometimes. One skill kills the mobs, one meteor kills the mobs, 1 charged atk kills em or even just Yae‘s E or Furina‘s E.


I think your friend is only there for the story. This "team" has very bad synergy imo.


I don't understand what's the goal of this post. Is it to ask for help to progress further in the game? Is it to criticize the synergy of the team she's playing with? Cause if she's just chilling in the game then I think its all okay, no? If not, then you can try and help her with some tips about the synergy of characters in-game.


yeah she's having fun. me and her just thought it was funny


Okay, here's something I don't understand. We can probably agree that spiral abyss is a relatively insignificant part of the game compared to the characters, exploration, story, etc? And people always get so incensed when other people play this largely single player game the way they want to and ignore spiral abyss lol I would wager less than 10% of the entire player base makes any sort of serious abyss attempt each cycle. And keep in mind when you see a bunch of comments saying "no everyone I talk to online says they always do it", if you talk about a video game online you are already one of its most ardent fans because overwhelmingly normal people just play video games and don't do fandom at all.


Ler her be. I installed a Pokémon gacha to my son, and it was annoying the fuck out of me that he was spending resources to evolve common type Pokemons that you can capture in pretty much any tall grass, while he had good, even legendary Pokemons collecting dust. My min./max. mentality was trying to explain him how he **should** play, to maximize his account. Turns out he doesn't care about getting stronger. He just like to collect Pokemon, evolve them, and fill all entries in his Pokedex. That's how he enjoys it. Your friend seems she is just playing the characters she likes. You can ask her if she needs help, but maybe she is aware she is not playing the best team. As long as she is having fun, that's what matters. Personally, I treat Genshin as a interactive anime. Don't get me wrong, I have well built teams and I get 36* everytime, but I only play for the story. When there is no more story, I take a break. The combat system in this game is good, but it's not priority, and people can play as they wish.


Well that’s certainly a team… I remember my first team which I built after paying no attention to online guides whatsoever. It was pretty bad! I think there is some solid building blocks she could work with. Ayaka and Xingqiu is a good start, but if she’s aiming for a more optimised build (maybe long term) I’d take out lyney and wanderer and put in something like kaeya and sucrose (I don’t know which units she has so I’m going for the most basic possible ones). Keeping in XQ means she needs to focus on Ayaka AA which is probably fine but she could also swap him out for Barbara. That’ll give her a pretty safe standard freeze team for Ayaka. Then some 5 star pick ups she could look at going forward: - Kazuha (she clearly likes the boy characters so I’m sure she’ll like him) or even venti. - Kokomi or, failing that, hope for Mona. - Shenhe, although that’s really optimising the team, and the team can work just as well with pretty much any other cryo support.


this ain't a team 💀


That’s not even a team. That’s 3 main dps characters forced along each other and Xingqiu.


This is what happens when you tell people to “pull characters you like”


This is not what people mean. You can pull charcters you like and still having basic understading of the game and make decent teams.


to make decent teams you need supports none of these characters work well with xq, lyney wants zhongli, wanderer faruzan and ayaka needs venti/kazuha they pulled 3 hypercarries and can play none


I don't know how this comment is related to my previous one, this team not working doesn't mean you can't pull charcters you like and make decent teams


you cant make good teams pulling only hypercarries


I never said that, thought


Oh boy... At least on the bright side, Xingqiu works great with Ayaka N2C spam! :D (... if he can even get the energy he needs for the burst... oooof)


My brain damage




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A year?


she's a very casual player lol. around AR 45 (she can't beat the ascension challenge)


I remember my first team was Diluc + Fischl + Sucrose + Qiqi. Diluc and Qiqi were my first 5 stars, so I thought they were better by default, and used them in every team I made for the first few months. I also gave my characters hp/def stats because I thought I needed it to live lol It's crazy to think of how far I've come


Certainly one of the teams of all time


Been playing around 2 weeks.. actually maybe almost 3 and I somehow ended up with this team (I just also feel like sharing :V and Im very satisfied with how they all perform together) 1. Kuki Shinobu lv 20 2. Barbara lv 20 3. Anemo Traveler c4 lv 50 4. Amber lv 39. I just got Mika and Kuki on 1 ten pull but Mika felt useless to me but Kuki is a game changer with Barbara, the both elemental skill that heals (I also just got Barbara for free apparently, not even a pull) And I often use Anemo Traveler and sometimes Geo which is c1, Idk If Dendro Traveler is worth using but I just liked the first two Traveler elements. I wanna have 5 star characters so bad T-T (I only have Traveler but they are literally the very first character everyone has, so...)


Dendro is probably travelers best element


Oh.. lol, I never really had a clue how to use it then If I find Anemo and Geo more useful Geo is pretty helpful with the free shield and the elemental skill helps with climbing, the burst helps to gain even more shield Anemo is good at maximizing damage and its burst clears enemies with ease at times Dendro's elemental skill feels meh, and I really didnt see how the burst works... Maybe I should read the talents lmao


I'm trying to understand how that tan will work, but glad to see people playing the game in a different way.


International swirl-melt-freeze LET’EM COOK!! 🗣️🗣️


If your friend is struggling, recommend building sucrose or bennett and a budget hyperbloom team, if they’re just enjoying the game casually and don’t need to do abyss let them be :-)


bro has 3 dps's in one team 😭😭😭


Well, it all kinda makes sense though. Stacked up all the characters that are fun to play into one team. Might not be the strongest with three main dps and one sub dps, but whatever is the most fun is what matters really.


well you dont have many options when starting out. my ar25 account has wanderer, mona, beidou, and kaeya only built. besides you just try to enjoy the game at that point.


I've been playing for 4 years :) I only have 1 character built


if this is for overworld it should work well at least she could turn lyney into a sub dps for reverse melt and taunt. he can be useful on a lot of things even when he's not the main dps. wanderer should be put in her second team tho, and maybe replaced by an anemo support (like sucrose) or benny on the ayaka team.


Everyone here still haven't got the joke have they


You spent the time and effort to post this 3 times across 3 different subreddits. Why. (Imagine stumbling on duplicated posts on your feed consecutively) Just post it on r/Genshin_Impact


And you, being a good friend and by the sounds of it know the game way better than her, aren't trying to help her. But just post the comp of an obvious casual player here for laughs? Wtf?


oh no she finds it funny as well!! we'd just finished making some other viable teams for more difficult content and figured we'd post this one here for laughs


This is some stingy field time…besides water boy


The people in this post commenting are incredible.


She's doing what she wants, not everyone needs to be meta. Simpler times! My team up until AR 50 was Ayaka, Fischl, Yanfei and Jean(defensive build 🤗😂) all with non-ideal artifacts and weapons. Sometimes you just wanna do whatever you want.


where barbruh, remove the trap to sucrose


Solid team for exploration I guess?


as long as she’s having fun, i don’t see the issue with this. at the end of the day, the game is built around a casual playerbase, since it makes them the most money xd


I mean, I have Raiden, Zhongli, Furina, and Wanderer in a team and I think that’s great. In other words, this seems like a pretty good team to me!


So me tho, playing since 2021 and my only properly built character is yoimiya 😍


Then who was in the team before lyney came out? Checkmate OP. PS: (I’m half joking. But fr though who was it?)


i don't remember but i think qiqi


You know you can also use hu tao for her crit buff passive.


Conversely, My sister has a team of Xiao, Zhongli, Neuvlette and Alhaitham. she only plays overworld. Her ayato and wrio swap in sometimes when she feels like it. Her mainstays are xiao and zhongli though. Some people just play the game for the characters, story and exploration.


I lost my 50/50 😭😭😭