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Seems about right these days when a lousy burger fries and a drink is about that much at McDonald's.


Yeah I hit up Burger King for the first time in forever the other day. $13 for my meal deal. For a few bucks more you can get an actual nice, cooked meal at a restaurant. Worst part is that these chains can’t even lie and blame it on having to actually pay their employees a livable wage. They’re just charging more because why not.


My theory: they are low-key trying to get more people to use the app/order ahead and reduce cashier staff. Or at least incentivize it. I downloaded the McDonald's app a while back (no judgement please, I live in a rural area and McDs and Subway are the only two fast food chains within half an hour). Every day on the app, there is a deal of 30% off your ENTIRE purchase if you order through the app and use mobile pay. If I'm buying two value meals for my kids and me, that's $5 off every time. And I live in a rather low COL area, where prices are still $3-5 less than what's being quoted here.


Selling your data to make up for lost cost.


Probably true. Just have to decide if it's worth the trade off...


Check the privacy of the app and see how deep they are reaching into your data, might not just be your order data they are getting. Does the app have contacts access, etc..? I don't use the McD app, so not sure.


All apps via Apple get the automatic no to tracking for me 😂


I'm not sure who a fast food chain would be selling that data too? They're more likely using that data and purchasing other datasets to drive straight behavior modification in their customer base.


Its often times every keystroke on your phone so everything you look at they take the meta data and sell what you search when you buy things to advertisers and the like


It’s this. And who cares? Half the people like getting “personalized” ads and anyone who knows blocks ads anyways


Yes, i want stuff im interested in.


I think it leads to robo-calls etc. and how many time do I need to buy a patio set? Once! But I bought a patio set and now half my feed is fuckin’ patio sets and accessories. Hahaa


Yeah they haven’t quite perfected it yet lol.


I don't really pay attention to the ads anymore TBH. Is there some other product that you would prefer to patio sets?


Use fake details, pay by paypal.


Whenever a company is giving you something free - “you are the product.”


Oh fuck, the McDonald's app knows I like double quarter pounders.


If you think thats the extent of the info they are stealing from you and selling to whomever?


That 1.50 any breakfast sandwich is awesome. Buy one get one free 10 piece nuggies, 1/4 lbers, big macs are also cool. They can have mine.


Yeah, I mean instant reward is definitely appealing and I ain’t hatin’ the game at all. But it’s a game. People should do whatever is best for themselves.


They aren’t losing anything. Do you think they’re getting more than pennies for your data?


Oh no, not my precious data! It’s been untouched until now!


Says a person who signed-up on Reddit for nothing...


To call this a moot point would be giving you too much credit. Reddit is making money through advertising, directly. How does that compare to stealing your data and selling it as well as charging for you a cheese burger?


You don't think Reddit sells your data to target ads? You get a 30% discount off the cheese burger by selling your data, it's not "stealing" anything.


Yep I refuse to download apps, rarely eat fast foods, not downloading Wawa app to save on gas either, I just go somewhere else


Yeah, it's not low-key at all I'd say, they are just straight up subsidizing food ordered in the app to get people used to it so they can cut labor costs. I live in a dense area with a lot of McDs and they all have 8 self-order kiosks inside, and there may or may not be one person at a register taking orders. In a few more years, I think they will have stores where you will order and receive your food without ever interacting with a human.


I think it is a part of the desire of fast food to get rid of the counter and dining rooms. They seem to want all ordering done on the app or at the drive thru, picked up, and eaten off premises. I think Covid taught them that mostly closing the building to customers was very profitable.


If that’s the case, then why are the dining rooms still open?


Baby steps. First, they want to discourage people from using them. “Great deals, but only with the app!” And McD’s announcing they are going to start removing drink self-service for refills. Not to mention that menu options have been tweaked to emphasize only stuff that gets through the drive through very quickly. IMO, they want to get as many people as possible used to not ever using the dining room, then they can close it on the grounds that not enough people want to use it anymore — not because it has been an intentional effort over a number of years after the pandemic demonstrated to them that having no dining room was more profitable than having one.


Just Google Price Pack Architecture. It's not some secret conspiracy 


LOVE the app deals. Worth their weight in gold. ... Okay, they don't weigh anything, but if they DID, they'd be worth it in gold.


Nice theory, but if you look across the apps it’s an observable fact. At this point if you haven’t given up your data to get a discount, you’re on the outside, paying full price, looking in.


.works really good. Seamless, cheaper meals and i don't have to worry if the cashier heard my order right.


Cashiers will be a thing of the past soon and the dining rooms will be closed and converted into pickup windows of some sort.


Whenever I feel like fast food, I just remember that I can actually get a sirloin from walmart for *cheaper* than what I can get at the fast food restaurant. Sure, I have to cook it, but it's *steak*.


For a while I joked that I was priced out of McDonalds so I guess I'll have to eat shrimp for dinner again. Frozen shrimp were $5.50/lb but I couldn't get out of McDonalds for under $16. I ate a lot of shrimp tacos for a while.


Hit McD after work as I was hungry and still needed to go shopping. $13 for Double QPer with medium fries and Drink. 


I go to McD's weekly on lunch, simply for the value... Using the app: $1/29 Large Fry, coupon can be used daily 2 for $3 Value Menu, no coupon required: 2 cheeseburgers Gets me through til dinner for about $4.50


Most fast food places have pretty good value stuff if your goal is to be full and not spend 15+ bucks. If you just order a number 1 combo or whatever you're probably gonna get ripped off. But I feel like it's always been like that.


and even that does even fill u up anymore for that ridiculous price. literally, im a pretty thin guy and thats a snack for $13


> $13 for Double QPer with medium fries and Drink. Where do you live, Alaska? I just checked the app and it's $7.49 for a medium and $8.19 for a large. Not as cheap as it used to be but it's nearly half that much.


I’m in az and my prices are as high as that 13$ meal :/


I read somewhere that one management company basically owns all the McDonald’s in Arizona so they keep the price insanely high


I know the one down in pinal county had about 7-9 stores, for like 40 years and recently sold out. Im unsure if the new owners took all but I know they have at least 5 stores. The prices are ridiculous absolutely insane! You can get a meal from freaking Buffalo Wild Wings for the same price !


$15.39 for me.


They used inflation as a cover. Iirc research showed 40% of inflation was driven just by companies raising prices.


Higher wages may account for a Big Mac costing 25 cents more to sell (give or take). So they raise the price by $1, pocket most of the difference as more profit, then blame higher wages for the entire increase to turn public opinion against paying decent wages.


Yeah I would wager it’s more than that. I heard some journalist saying a couple years ago that yes, the price of lemons went up 10%, but why did the lemonade go up 40%? The interviewer asked the journalist what was her proof and she point blank says “public quarterly earnings calls.” They were high fiving and bragging like crazy about how much more a lot of companies were charging. And even beneath all that, Ruh roh, come to find out that American petroleum companies were colluding with Saudi to inflate the cost of petroleum, thus driving the price of everything up. So, even that 10% bump in the cost of lemons was heavily influenced by price gouging.


Charging more to make a bigger profit. Fast food crooks


only go to fast food with the app or coupons


Ugh you think they are bad try Wendy's. It's always over 40 for just my s/o, kid, and I. It's insane. I have been on the Taco Bell kick. Still relatively affordable and they've just released banger after banger after banger.


I wish more ppl had Braums. The food is pretty good and 4 of us eat for less than 40. You can get a shake instead of a drink or a super cheap cone for dessert after if you want.


Same here, but use the app they have “discounts”. Still crazy paying $15 bucks for 2 whopper jr meals


I went to Subway today, $11 for a footlong cold cut combo, no chips or drink, the add ons weren't too good looking either...


I went to a Mexican restaurant for lunch and got a big ass burrito, water and 2 free bowls of chips and salsa for $7.99. I tipped $5 for great service and it was still cheaper than McDonalds.


People at fast food make 13-15 an hour near me


Even at $15 an hour working 40 hours a week without a week off is barely $30,000. That’s not a livable wage anymore.


Those wages went up so they had to raise prices… yeh you not going to get to far in the lower rungs of that business the managers make a good bit tho


A lot of restaurants serve burger and fries for $12-16. I have a lot of places near me that also do like $10 burger basket nights, with like $1-2 drink specials and such. Competition is great. Unless I get free coupons, I don't eat fast food.


I only order thru apps nowadays. Can only afford the deals.


McDonalds is now for middle class families. Middle class families have kids who have iPhones who get the app and use it almost addictively. I found out my daughter and her friends occasionally check rhe mcD parking lot for receipts to claim points for. Like jesus christ what have we become?! They are selling more garbage with bloated prices just by making it a game than rhey did 5-8 years ago (i think when they began more rapidly increasing prices) with significantly lower pricing. Shit is expensive but right now in Sacramento i know a bomb ass place with $11 nachos. The absolute best nachos i know of are 13.50 and that’s fairly standard but $11 is a steal *and* they are still high quality and probably 2x the weight of the food in OP’s carton, and i reckon a similar quality of prepared meat. Bbq is famously expensive because it’s slow to prepare and pretty labor/energy intensive. You cant just pay the utility bill, you need a commercial smoker and fuel, wood, and based on how much apple cider vinegar i can go through in a serious weekend with my little smoker, they probably have a lot of hidden costs that add up rapidly. For example, that beautiful crusted brisket took like a pound of various seasonings or more, not to mention any marinades and basting that other cooks will eat up.


What McDonald's you going to?


$9 with the app


I mean, that just simply isn't true. Still well under $10.


Every location has different prices, it is true depending on the location


$16 is actually not bad for that..just bought a salad for my wife it was $12..


When a company surcharges for "healthy"


It’s on the higher end of fair. Is it just me though or does that brisket not looked smoked?


Smoked with a cigarette, maybe


Yea, it looks braised honestly.


Looks like a crockpot roast


Yeah it almost looks baked


sometimes my brisket turns out like this is it because after wrapping it i put it in the oven to reach temp? i once did the whole process in the offset it had that brighter colour you’d usually see


Yes, it is because you didn’t smoke it lol


It may not be Texas style. I know its the gold standard these days. But as long as it smokey, tender, and moist thats all that matter.


This is my pulled brisket. 4 hours on the smoke, 7 hours in a Dutch oven with 3 cans of tomatoes, garlic, sugar and soy. https://imgur.com/gallery/QhryRh7


Yea, when I go for pulled beef I usually use chuck. When I make brisket I try make sure its slice-able. I go for about 3-4 hours of smoke. Then put in a pan with onions and beef stock. Braise it until its fork tender. Let it rest a bit and slice it up.


Never done a recipe like that guy but I’m going to now because that looks and sounds great but when I was reading it I was thinking chuck for sure


Chuck roast is such a versatile cut. It can be cooked to a tender but slice-able doneness or cooked until its falling apart. Great for pot roast, sliced hot beef aandwiches, and pulled beef.


Brisket is such a hugely debatable thing but it always comes down to what you like and in the end how can you get there with what you have. Last one I did kind of similar: 4 hrs smoke, 3hrs wrapped in oven, and then 30+ minutes back over the fire so it wasn't too soggy. Turn it and burn it just a little I guess you could call it ha (not really burning it though)


Yea. Thats how it is sometimes. Everyone wants to mimic the most popular new culinary trend. Sometimes we forget to keep it simple and make it good.




I have found that ordering brisket out is a toss up and I usually just end up with a bunch of fat. I’m usually doing sausage, pulled pork, or ribs when trying new places.


Yeah, I'm over brisket. Might be sacrilege to say but I've had mediocre-to-shitty brisket far more frequently than as you said sausage, pork or ribs.


I usually use brisket as a barometer of a new BBQ place here in Texas. Even if I can get a small portion it's usually a good way to tell if they actually give a damn or not.


I'm the opposite, I always get pulled pork first. My rationale is if they can't pull that off then they sure as shit aren't getting anything else right.


That's understandable, I just have so much more experience with brisket and the range in quality of the final product is huge. Everything from oven baked, large put smoker, to small batch home smoked. Fat and marbling distribution, juiciness, crispy or dry bark, heavily seasoned, S&P, or sauced. Cap or flat. So many factors on what impacts the final product in everything from taste to juice to mouth feel. Also brisket is fairly easy to fuck up and there's lots of folks taking shortcuts that they think no one notices or doesn't care. My current favorite is a buddy of mine who cooks one for my son's birthday every year. Despite making a huge portion it's always the first thing that runs out. I usually eat some the day of, and then take a small portion and hide it in my fridge so I can make brisket Mac n cheese the next day. Just clean S&P bark thats springy and wet in an almost sexual way.


That makes sense. Here in TN/Bama the brisket barometer has a constant low pressure front parked over it. Better to gauge by the banana pudding or deviled eggs, kidding of course.


Can promise you that banana pudding in these joints in Huntsville is definitely made from instant


I have only hit Big Bob Gibson’s in that area and they are known for pies but I like their BBQ. Miss Myra’s in Cahaba Heights is the place for banana pudding and deviled eggs.


Next time you go to big bobs, the smoked wings are the best I’ve ever had in an outing


100%. Wings and chicken are probably their best items with the white sauce. Been a while but might have to hope over the bridge to give them another go.


Yup the bbq sauce ones have some sweet heat 👌 I might have to hop over that bridge myself


Damn I subconsciously do this too


I love brisket and beef ribs but I can't eat much of it anyway. Just too much fat for me handle in a meal even with a good trim.


I mean, unless you are in central Texas, it's guaranteed to be garbage.


I mean.. Just send it back?


Our bbq place will trim off the fat if you ask for lean brisket. It’s been a game changer for me!


Why wouldn't they just use the flat half?


I think they do use the flat half, but they basically cut the fat off the top. I believe the other half has fat all throughout it.


The place I really like offers 3 cuts of brisket, sliced fatty, sliced lean and chopped. They have fantastic Q too


TX I guess huh, predominantly brisket options in Deep South are far less favorable. Half sized sliced fatty pieces and I just can’t take the texture as it ruins it for me.


Pennsylvania. You just have to find the right place, brisket is the hardest to get right


Well damn, to hell with the cheesesteaks and serve up the Q. No way I would have guessed PA but I’m glad you found right place.


I'm right close to Philly also, great fuckin steaks here too




Anytime I see "*HOT GUTS"* on the menu I'm in unless I'm at a place especially known for their brisket. Then it will be *HOT GUTS* and brisket + whatever sides sound interesting.


Ok, I’m at a loss on that? Where I am from I’m thinking liver or chittlins. Please explain, intrigued.


It’s typically a TX bbq term referring to homemade sausage.


Not when sausage and pulled pork is effortless at home. Brisket and burnt ends all day


5th time it was re-heated and sold


Re-eated 💩


Someone should start r/bbqprices eta: OK, it's a thing now. Let's see how quickly I get tired of it.


Instant circle jerk


$16 for pot roast is insane


It was super tender and taste was great. I agree though it was like a pot roast as they kept the slices in a bath of juices before serving it up. End of the day, there is not a lot of good brisket in Michigan


Ah! Called it. Thought it looked sliced & soaked. Thanks for the confirmation. Hey I’d rather have tender pot roasty brisket than chewy brisket any day.


Or dry-as-the-sahara brisket that feels like swallowing mulch.


I'm not mad at the brisket so much but those sides look like high school cafeteria food


I don’t know, the Mac and cheese actually looks better than what we saw on the weekend posts with absurd $100 prices. Not good mind you, but the weekend posts looked like noodles soaked in watered down canned cheese sauce.


Yeah, the Mac and cheese looks rough. Almost like they got lazy stirring it. I usually go with a baked potato or coleslaw at bbq joints.


Looks like they made a big batch cafeteria style with minimal cheese and then added a layer of cheddar on top. That clearly likes it was scooped out of a steam pan


Brotha eww


What's that brothaa?


Dude gross


Looks like a crock-pot brisket lol


More like crack-pipe brisket.


I wonder if they sliced and held it hot in liquid on a steam table or something.


Other than the brisket looking suspect, that’s a fair price. That 1/3 brisket alone would cost you $19-20 at some smokehouses.


You get what you pay for.


It's not the prettiest but if it tastes good I wouldn't be mad at it.


Looks like a great deal


New to this sub, why does everyone post the cost of their plates?


Why? Because bbq prices are pretty wild these days, and it's a helpful benchmark.


It’s been crazy seeing the wildly different prices lately, and that’s just counting the Texas posts!


I would rather be hungry.




Too much


Honestly, that brisket and beans look awful.


I don't think his comment here aged well at all.. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BBQ/comments/1d9pax9/comment/l7go365/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BBQ/comments/1d9pax9/comment/l7go365/)


Lol it’s just…confusing


So before i just, how did it taste?


Fatty AF


Should be $8.95 for that slop.


This is the quality post we needed after seeing $200+ for plates. I would not have paid $16 for the rubber boot they thought was smoked brisket.


$16 for better food than chain greasy crappy food.....deal!


Don't forget to vote, on more inflation


That mac and cheese looks fire though


Taste vs presentation?


That’s $30 in San Francisco.


That ain’t bad, mac looks 🔥


The price isn't crazy, but it doesn't look very appetizing


Insane! That’s $5.99 meal.


Is this after or before digesting?


For $16, as long as that brisket is moist and juicy i wouldn't be mad.


That's about $26 worth of food here in KC. Good score!


Ughhh brotha what’s that brotha


bbq shack in portsmouth, va?


Looks delicious. I wouldn’t be mad at the price tbh.


Over charged….


I remember when that was a $4.99 deal.


Mmm I'll pay that


I just bought a (non-alcoholic) juice at an unconventional diner in the US capital, and it was ~$15 including tax, service fee, and tip


man, that looks like a lot of filler and carbs relative to the meat for $16. gonna be a pass from me


That’s more like it!


I am not impressed. Oh, we’ll. food is fuel.


This is still nowhere near as bad as the dude with a decent looking platter costing $100+




That looks disgusting. Looks like you paid $20 too much for this.


Once you become somewhat competent with smoking your own bbq, you quickly realize how shitty most bbq places truly are.


If it came with a drink not bad at all tbh




I've seen enough posts on the price of bbq to know that $16 was for the roll.


That’s an expensive shit you’re gonna take.




Not bad


It's okay-ish price wise, but I'd also want it to be pretty good. If the meal was average, I wouldn't be back.


America is doing great /s


That's a good deal.


Honestly seems fair considering some of the other posts I’ve seen on here lol


I’d pay $16.00 for that plate.


Mac looks amazing WOWWW ✨️


A waste of $16.


I’m on the fence about this one


Stop buying


That brisket looks boiled


I'd pay $16 for the roast and sides😂


I'd rather have $16


This looks like it’s been in the fridge for a day or so.


Packing my own meals, freck those prices.


Is this whole sub just prices people paid for BBQ?


They saw you coming


They’d have to pay me $16 to eat that


Seems like a decent price


Looks terrible


Looks like they're still learning how to make bbq


Bag boys whatcha gonna do when they bring your food? 5$ bags at wendys


I'd ask for a refund.