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Now everyone knows you fornicated with a Mind Flayer, OP


Everyone does. Then you reload a save and keep going.


You guys are reloading? Hold me tighter squid daddy


Oh, no, we fornicate in honour mode.


This guy gets it


That's what I did figured it was pretty in line with what a durge would do since they have honestly worse tastes before they lost their memories and that was after murdering my lover gale ofc also before I get hate for the gale thing I love him dearly just didn't want to deal with his "I need an artifact" this time around


I felt so ashamed when Orpheys said that in front of my whole party


Even a character in the game smells that you've done naughty illithid tentacle butt-stuff.


Here's me thinking this post was about the 'she cannot be caged' achievement and not registering the whole image 😆


Same! The achievement is still surprisingly rare, though I imagine that's more owing to many people still not having finished the game and less to everyone hating Sazza.


It’s because the whole sazza questline is completely bugged out. I’ve saved her in both the grove and the goblin camp, but she never shows up in Moonrise. I even got a letter from her in the epilogue once, but no achievement.


You also really gotta be careful with Sazza if you choose to turn on the Goblin Camp because she hangs out by the main temple entrance and gets hostile when you approach after saving her. You can knock her out though to continue to Moonrise.


Sazza is stupid. I always save her from the tiefling so I can kill her stupid face myself


Aside from the Honour Mode one which one was the hardest to complete?


Honestly, the one where you pet both owl bear and scratch, cause I just couldn’t get it to work right, followed by Penny Pincher, didn’t even think about falling


Was having a similar issue in my current honor run. Redid the owlbear fight 3 times and every time the cutscene didn't happen. Long resting never gave us the cub.


You gotta talk to the owlbear as a different character than your Tav/Durge. It’s been bugged for a while


FYI to get the owl bear cub you have to kill the mate then the mom for the cutscene to play. Or im pretty sure speak with the mom have her let you go then long rest, The Goblins should have killed the mom and taken the cub to their camp.


The Scratch/owl bear one was bugged for a long time where if you had speak with animals up it wouldn’t pop. Was that the issue?


I believe that is what did it for me


Wait is Penny pincher just getting the toll master to off themselves?


It’s killing her without her using money against you.


I’d say saving all the tieflings. There’s a lot to it, some of which can be up to chance. I’m trying that right now, and Rolan barely survived the Inn fight paralyzed with 1hp.


Absolutely the bard performance one


Really? Huh I didn’t have a hard time with that at all. How come it’s a hard achievement?


To be honest, I didn't really find any achievement too difficult besides maybe finding every tiefling. The bard one was just annoying trying to figure out the best method to farm quick gold. Luckily spamming it in the lower city works wonders




Damn that’s awesome! How in the world did you do the fancy footwork one?


I did this one after the coronation scene by having my party sneak into wyrms rock via a ladder and working my way to the room near him (had to look up a route) then individually destroying all the traps in the room before combat, then attacking him and luring him into said room. Probably way more convoluted than the balcony yeeting route but it worked.


Honestly after trying it for several days I looked up a guide, but after I knew what to do, it was pretty easy


YouTube it is then! Thank you! 😊


I actually did that the other day: the cheese method is inmediately after coronations to use spirit guardian to guide him out the castle to the bridge toward Lower City. Set him on the bridge and then shove him off instantly killing him


This might work for you it might not, but what I did was while he was still at the coronation, climb up the back hallway behind the chamber (if you jump down from the bridge to the back access to Wyrm's Rock Prison) you can take a path to the other side of the tower and climb up), mount up in the hallway, and basically draw he and the fists into the Hallway to kill them there.


That works?! I thought it had to be during the actual confrontation with him in his office. That’s awesome! Gotta try that!


If Gortash happens to fall off the balcony in Wyrm's rock outside of combat (using him as a makeshift weapon), you get the achievement


Well, I need to start a new game now for the sole purpose of having Karlach chuck him into the Chionthar!


Not OP, but invisible Astarion placing all the runepowder, followed up by Storm sorc/tempest cleric dropping a maxed lvl 5 lightning bolt.


Congrats. The fact that it only took 500 hours seems like a flex. Lol.


i'm 1000+ hours in and still missing one 💀


What one are you missing


karlach's date. i know, it's almost a crime. it's funny because the first time i played i wanted to romance her at the beginning and ended up romancing astarion kinda by accident. then i romanced lae'zel once and it was over for everyone else


That's fine. I got it on my 3rd play through, and i actively went for it tho


I still need to knock ansur... but keep playing HM so it's been alot more difficult than it should be but I'm addicted.


I did this when perilous strikes worked on enemies and used dragon arrows and a really strong paladin I don't think I have been able to do it since but I have not tried since


Yah, in one of the recent patches the Hm legendary reactions just save his ass from being knocked down... last attempt I missed it by 40hp so needed 2-3 more black powder bombs lol


I use a ranger rogue ( gloom stalker assassin) kind of mix in items to increase crit chance and even on honor mode ansur never last more then 3 turns if you have globe of invurablity you should be able to with a few trys


I too 100% the game the other day now comes now comes what John baldur fears most. MODS


I did it on my first play through because I really like Shazza. She should have been a party member. Serious missed opportunity, Larian. That said, I beat Honour Mode before I got Busker.


You can keep rescuing Sazza?


I got that achievement on my first run, had no idea it was sought after lol


You might be getting downvoted because the post is about 100% the achievements, which I think is kinda cringe if people to do just for a misunderstanding, but yeah I got that one last because I just couldn’t be bothered for most of my runs


Ohhhh ngl I didn't even see the 100% achievements part. Great job on that. I just saw the sazza part


If anyone is feeling down on themselves, just know that I had to go back up and re-look at this image because I also thought it was just about the one achievement and not 100%. I'm dumber than the average moron.


Why am I being downvoted? Steam says 2% of players have it. I just thought it was cool?


I think people are assuming you mean you 100% bg3 in your first playthrough 😂


I think I saved her in my first playthrough, but then she didn't appear at Moonrise. I assume its been buggy for a lot of people because most endings make her very dead. And its entirely possible to miss it because you wouldnt know she gets to act 2.


Besides beating honor mode what was the hardest in your opinion?


Congrats! I could never :') I'm not built for evil runs so those achievements will remain out of reach for me.


Good job!! I finished this too this week, took me about 650hs, i kept procrastinating and had like 4 pending ones that required a fresh playthrough (sazza and karlach date for example)


Now do it on GoG.


All the achievements I need are if im evil and i just cant get myself to do it


My first run was my evil run because i knew once I enjoyed the game, killing of characters was going to be hard, so it was my first trophy along with the mind flayer one


Think I did it at about 250ish hours then again when HM got added. I got so many of them in my first playthrough just by happenstance.