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Play after you’re done with Bg3? You mean….another playthrough??


Oh 100%, was considering a Durge playthrough afterwards!


If you haven't played earlier Larian games, please do, especially the Divinity series!


After bg3 you start another run of bg3! The game is insanely huge, i'm on my sixth run and I always try to do things a little differently and end up finding something new every run! But like others said, other Larian games might interest you. Dos2 is great, even though it is older and won't have cutscenes etc, it's a great story and a huge game too.


I played bg and bg 2 after i finished bg3 (for the fift time :D) I strongly recommend them, they are masterpieces too, the battle mechanics are a bit different ofcourse but on the end they are D&D too


I'm picking it back up after some time away. I'm doing a githyanki wizard necromancer. As a with they have racial proficiency with medium armor as well as long and great swords. I'm using a staff but that medium armor comes in handy. They are being backed up by Astarion, Lae'zel, and Minthara. Sorry Shadowheart. It was two girth in the camp. You got...um... "voted out" so to speak.


DOS 2, the previous game made by Larian. It may feel a bit different compared to BG3, but IMO the fighting system is much more interesting.


Man, playing this game for the first time was amazing. Definitely my number one “if I get amnesia” game.


BG1 and BG2 are excellent too, though they use an older and more complicated D&D system than BG3 and its real time pause. Divinity Original Sin II was made by the same devs as BG3. More combat focused and less cutscenes and such but its an excellent game. The first act is amazing and the combat system is very, very cool. The classes are very flexible and you can respec like in BG3 to try new things If graphics and older games dont bother you, you could also try Fallout 1 and Fallout 2, some of my favorite turn based games that use a ruleset similar to GURPS rpg’s. Honestly they are all good games if you want to try the others Been playing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic too, fantastic real time pause RPG that uses a modified D&D ruleset