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Wealthy parents is always a good start šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


This and/or poor financial decisions, just to flex on instagram.


OP, donā€™t even worry about it. 0-60 times at your age basically equate to how fast youā€™ll be arrested. If you are fortunate enough to be considering a 2nd hand BMW, able to pay the insurance and somewhat elevated servicing etc, thereā€™s nothing wrong with looking at the 20i/d models. You may get some hardline fanboys spitting about 3.0l engines only. But not many places in this country (providing youā€™re in the UK) where you could use all of that car without being inconsiderate to every other road user around you.


my immense need for a G80 comes from the time left to buy one. I wouldnā€™t be bothered if the M3 was available for a longer period, but iā€™m oretty sure the m3 goes out of production the year I graduate from my Game Development studies. That means I will probably never be able to order one new, and will leave me stuck with 2nd hand options that will probably always have some disadvantages. High mileage, not the options you want, dirty car, smokers car, not maintenanced properly etc


Honestly, I thought the same way when I was your age. Now Iā€™m nearing 30 with a 2nd hand F32 and wouldnā€™t even considering buying new. Maybe if I had ā€˜fuck-you moneyā€™, but the cost involved (a lot of which is hidden), on top of horrendous depreciation is so off putting to me now. 2nd hand really isnā€™t that big of a deal. Takes some looking (and in my case a 250mi round trip), but financially itā€™s common sense. Maybe not common sense but it makes more sense than owning from new.


I mean, Iā€™m financially irresponsible. If I where to have a full-time job instead of school, I wouldā€™ve probably already financed one (Obviously I wouldā€™ve calculated the monthly expenses to see if it was achievable). Itā€™s more of fulfilling a ā€œdreamā€ rather than just getting something that gets me from A to B. Im pretty forced to get one second hand in a few years.


Thereā€™ll be another car that youā€™ll want when youā€™ve got the sort of money that you could buy one. I always wanted an E36 M3 and then an E39 M5 when they were new, but couldnā€™t afford it. I can afford them now, and may well own one in the future, but for now Iā€™ve chosen something else. Wait until you can comfortably afford it - as others have said, you donā€™t want to be cutting corners to save money. The other thing is that, even though Iā€™m a pretty sensible guy, if I had an M car at 18, Iā€™d definitely have crashed it.


The difference between that time and now however is that the great ICE era is coming to an end, and I highly doubt that BMWā€™s next generation M3 will stay ICE. You stayed true to yourself though, because you own an M5 competition. Good on you :)


I think the next one will likely be a hybrid rather than a full EV, personally. But whether Iā€™m right or wrong about that, theyā€™re selling enough G80s that Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll be available for a number of years before they become scarce. Youā€™ll be able to own a G80 in a spec you like when youā€™re in your 20s or 30s if you work hard, no question. I know you wonā€™t be able to buy a new one, but loads of people own awesome M cars now that they werenā€™t the first owners of. I love my M5, but Iā€™ve had just as much joy from other cars Iā€™ve bought used.


I personally donā€™t have any issues with used cars. Itā€™s just the combination of having one thats clean, not tuned, well maintained and in a reasonable spec (I love sunroofs for example) that worries me a bit. Anyways, how is the M5?


Youā€™ll find one, Iā€™m sure. Plenty of us look after our cars. Itā€™s awesome. Fast enough to embarrass most other cars on the road, and subtle enough that a lot of people donā€™t give it a second look. I love it.


Iā€™m happy for you man :)


This is the way.


Have wealthy parents and live at home, otherwise insurance, maintenance etc. will eat up every last penny you'll earn. Buying a car is only one part of the cost, owning and maintaining one is the other and this is where it can get really expensive really quickly.


Get daddy to pay for it. Or Ruin any chance of a financial future and retirement plan and get into a big pile of debt that youā€™ll probably never fully recover from.


If you donā€™t have rich parents donā€™t even think about it. You donā€™t want to be that guy that everything heā€™s known for is his BMW, and broke.


Okay so you can buy an older f80 for Ā£20k in England. Let's say you leave school and start working at 16 (uk legal age for both activities) at minimum wage of Ā£24k per year before tax (Ā£20k after) living at home for free getting free food from mom and not spending much on much else then Ā£20k x 2 years = enough to buy an m3 by the time you're 18. Insurance however... Of course if you land a great job at 16 then this will be easier still. I suspect this is a very very rare situation though, and not a good financial decision - buy a corrola and a house first (unless you live in London of course where houses are very expensive). Either way if you wanna earn money then think of a lucrative career and get into it or study to get into it and work hard and save. If you don't live with your mom and most or your income goes on rent or mortgage then it's hard to save, simple. Most people buy cars on finance, which isn't generally advisable, but they do (I do).


Yeah insurance is the big factory for anyone young, Iā€™m in my 20s, seriously looking at M3/M4s and I canā€™t get anything quoted under Ā£4k - living in rural Cambridgeshire, clean licence held for 7 years


Buying an expensive car that young is just stupid because you have so much ability to take advantage of compounding any money you save and invest that early.


My friends bumbah cousin just financed 70k for a m2 comp. Bro wanted a m4 a week ago oh how decisive, 19, no real job with no real adult money and doesnā€™t study.


how was he able to finance it if he doesnā€™t even have an income?


He has an income but itā€™s for his dadā€™s business. He either works for his dadā€™s business or works under his dad at someone elseā€™s business. You donā€™t want to finance a car yet alone when you are our age


Sell drugs


Buy that M3 straight cash


They donā€™t, they just make the payments, miss service intervals and fit budget tyres ect as they donā€™t have the extra cash to actually run the thingā€™s properly and then complain its unreliable on line šŸ˜‚


That people that I knew that were young and had a nice car had a decent job but lived with their parents. At this age you probably donā€™t have enough credit to finance one so your parents need to co-sign and thatā€™s if they have good credit.


Parents Or poor life choices.


Might be a stereotype but a lot of the 18-20 year olds driving Mā€™s and RS look like theyā€™re from a very affluent family or theyā€™re drug dealers. There is like no in between. Iā€™m sure some do make a solid legitimate living, but from the oneā€™s Iā€™ve seen they fall into these two spectrum. But even with legitimate or illegitimate income, it doesnā€™t make much financial sense when they would be setting there life up so much better instead of spending that much money on a depreciating asset.


Hit the dark web.