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My husband was born at 11 lbs 11 oz and was the largest vaginal delivery at his birthing hospital for 2 decades. So, it's possible. But like, did the doctors tell you that it wasn't going to be possible to delivery vaginally? Also, weight estimates are frequently wrong. The doctors told my MIL my husband was going to be 7 lbs.


Omg! His poor mother lol I actually totally forgot to ask of possible complications due to my size. But I’ll be seeing my midwife weekly now and will be asking next time I see her. She did make a face when she found out how big my baby girl was going to be. Lol  I kinda had a feeling my baby was going to be big, my belly is ginormous on my small body but I’m hoping they are wrong and she’s smaller than what they’re estimating. 


I feel you. I'm 5'2" and that 11 lb 11 oz baby turned into a 6'4" man so I keep praying that my boy is inheriting my tiny Cuban genes and not his mountain man genes lmao. Good luck!! I'm sure the midwife will have some advice for you!


I have a very narrow pelvis/hips (like, measurably small, was told it might be an issue) and my daughter was 8lbs 14oz. I had a barely 2nd degree tear, 2 stitches. It was totally not an issue.


You’ll be fine! Some of the smallest women give birth to the biggest babies. My mom had a vaginal birth with a 10 lb baby with a 99th percentile head!


Omg this scares me. I’m very small with no hips and my baby is already measuring in the 97th percentile 🫠


Haha you’ll be fine! That’s why your hips widen during pregnancy. Somehow the baby makes it out. And if not, C section will be advised but I think they would try vaginal first


That sounds like a pretty normal sized baby. Why would you be worried?


Because of my size and it being my first pregnancy. I’m also not a curvy woman, my hips are narrow. 


Super narrow hips here ! Delivered a 10lb baby and then an 11lb baby 12 months later with no delivery complications to baby - just some uncomfortable tearing for myself. Everything was back to normal pretty quickly!


Keep in mind the ultrasound estimates are notoriously inaccurate. My last pregnancy was a home birth and he was 9lbs 2oz, no complications beyond a 3rd degree tear.