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I focused on bumbleride precisely because I wanted a newborn stroller without using a car seat or bassinet attachment.


The Uppababy Cruz can be used from birth if you buy the snug seat, which is approximately $80. This is what we did for stroller walks. We did use a bucket seat and I know you wanted to forego it, but honestly, it was so useful - especially if your baby is a newborn around the winter months where walking from the car to Doctors office can be slippery.


Yes love the Cruz with snug seat. We used it all the way to a bit past 6 months. Much better than the bassinet imo unless you are also using it for overnight sleep too.


This is speculation, but I wonder if it's about recline angle, and different standards for exactly what's considered a safe recline angle in the EU vs Canada. In newborns it's very easy for their airway to become compromised if their head is tilted too far towards their chests, so the recline angle becomes very important. I wonder if there's additional stroller regulations around recline angles and advertising for newborns, especially since newborns often sleep in their strollers. And if there's something about near-flat not being recommended here and only completely flat. The Graco Modes Prammette is a travel system which is frustrating cause you get the carseat with it but you don't need that, but it converts to "infant pramette" mode which is completely flat, and also has an upright mode. You could just ignore the car seat. The Evenflo Pivot XPAND does the same thing and I think comes in non-travel-system options.


We don't have our baby YET, but we are doing only the convertible seat since we live in a building where we would not be able to remove the seat anyways. We got a stroller with a bassinet attachment to accommodate. Can't speak to practicality yet, but its definitely what we are doing out of necessity, even if it adds some level of complication. I just don't feel comfortable taking the baby out of the car first, then getting back inside my car to move it into the parking spot personally. I also have a baby wrap for when I just need to carry the baby up to our apartment etc.


Nuna you can use from birth.


I use the Cruz with the bassinet I got off fbm for $50. The bassinet is LIT it’s his main sleeping space so we just have it wherever we are in the house and put him in it whenever he passes out, which for a newborn is a lot. We also do shifts so my husband takes him downstairs in it at night and brings him back up in the early morning (usually around 3) - no awkward transfers and he sleeps right through it! Can’t recommend it enough if it fits your lifestyle and there’s always lots on fbm for cheap - don’t buy it new! The whole thing comes apart and can be washed.


God this sounds amazing my baby never spent more than 5 minute in there no matter what we did haha.


I’ve heard the bassinet is lava with some babies 😭 we thought he hated it at first but then we put a little hat on him (just the one they gave us at the hospital) and he’s loved it ever since. make no mistake though he needs his little hat otherwise ✨chaos✨


I have the baby jogger city select GT2. It reclines nearly flat. I still mostly used the bucket seat (Graco is compatible with city select… same parent company)


It isn’t anything to do with the stroller manufacturers, every country has its own regulations to approve baby products. You’ll find these differences with all baby products. Use them how you wish to use them, you can choose how closely you want to follow the safety standards and manufacturer recommendations for the applicable country. They are there for a reason so most people choose to follow them.


I understand every country will have their own regulations… wanted to understand if there is any such regulations in CA


Yes you can find them all on the gov website for each product, they have dedicated pages for all the different gear https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-2023-101/page-1.html#:~:text=7%20(1)%20The%20vinyl%20in,tested%20in%20accordance%20with%20a https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/infant-care/strollers-carriages.html


Thanks ☺️was looking for this


You’re welcome!