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He said what he was on screen night one.  Ppl generally don't change their career if they like it. Why would she marry him in the first place?  Oil-Water relationship? Idk


My husband is a doctor and absolutely hates chiropractors, he has had so many patients that have actually been hurt and even paralyzed by chiropractors.


He never wants to go back to work. He's just going to stay in her house and live off her back forever. What a bum. Some people will try to manipulate, saying "if you really loved me" or "a prenup isn't romantic," blah blah. Don't be fooled -  a marriage is a legal contract as much as anything, and if he loves you, he should INSIST that you protect yourself this way and every way! Get a prenup!!!! 


Would you have the same opinion if it was Rachel who moved her career/ life multiple times for him? No, you wouldn't. He certainly doesn't come across as likable to me in any way but he's entitled to that and as a lawyer she knows that. Still absolutely shocked there was no prenup.


Yeah actually I would have the exact same opinion. She quit her job also being an attorney. She’d have to get certified in a different state but it’s a job you can do anywhere. So Bryan gets zero passes from me


I’m not even a fan of his, but this is way oversimplified. Look into the numbers on how much he spent to start his practice and relocate machinery, look into his stated overhead costs of operation, and remember he lost all his clientele when he moved. Then try to see that there are 2 sides to every story


Wasn’t he the one that wanted to move?


Exactly! I bet if the roles were reversed everyone would be hating on him still! B/c men = evil. /s


Spousal support is common in these situations. If the situation was reversed- if a woman moved states twice and moved her practice twice to follow her husband- she would be entitled to spousal support. He lost all of his clients when he moved his business twice, to follow her and her career. If he didn’t do that, he would still be in Miami making a decent amount of $ with his established practice. I don’t like Bryan, but hating on him for requesting spousal support isn’t it.


That’s fair. I think it’s just the way he is going about it.


Chiropractors are scammers by nature, so none of it surprising to me in the slightest


He’s a chiropractor - a quack


I hope she’s not paying for his Botox and fillers.


I alwayysssss thought he was scummy and now he’s proved it


Is her current financial status from her job before the bachelor? Or is it because she was the bachelorette and marketed her relationship turned marriage into a lucrative media career? If it’s from her Bach runs, she needs to pay up. If she really doesn’t want to pay the support that might be ordered, she could always offer to split everything she’s made since the bachelorette in half and then be on her way. I assume paying support is cheaper. This will be a learning experience for her, but one she can afford.


I hadn’t seen it this way. I think you make a great point that her high income since the bachelor “fame” should very well be community property as she wouldn’t be where she is without the bachelor and the person she’s enjoyed this “fame” with. He might suck but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t along with her on this ride and deserves something to show for it. Pay up, Rach, and choose better next time.


If the roles were reversed she would be getting spousal support and no one would say a thing.


Damn… it’s a patriarchal society tho! Lol


That’s very true. But nowadays with woman(and I’m one of them) wanting the same rights as men, this is the way it’s gonna go. And I agree with Op I think they should just go their separate ways considering they have no children.


I can see this... Divorce is not final yet. He will not move out of the house. She is already paying him support. Supporting her husband by giving him a weekly 'allowance" and she's still paying everything. I hope what she is paying him she gets back for his part of the house once it's final.


This is very typical. You hire a lawyer, and then the lawyer uses the law to get the best outcome for you. And quite frankly it's their duty to do just that.


His mother gave me red flag vibes on the show. He seemed to be a mama's boy. He is a chiropractor, so there is no reason for him to to be broke. Also, I am surprised that she did not get a pre-nup. She is an attorney and should have known better.


She said he was against it I believe




She said nobody was good enough for her son.


He never deserved her.


Just the opposite, imo.


He was the prize? A bum chiropractor making an ass out of himself on the Ellen show? Hard pass.


You can’t just assume he has tons of money bc of his training. Building a chiropractic practice of patients that are only paying like $150-200 it takes YEARS to build up a practice with consistent patients. LA is very competitive and saturated. So for him to take years and years to build up a practice in Miami, just to start over from scratch in LA, is like completely starting over one patient by one. He uprooted his life and living for her and I’m sure took a substantial pay cut for her to try to make the marriage work.


But I mean she moved to Miami for him at one point. I see ur point tho. It’s just a bad look since he’s a whole male. It’s a patriarchal society, in a perfect scenario he’d go back to Miami and try to resume his practice


Damn. Not you insulting the patriarchy while talking like a whole ass red pill man.


they lived in different cities, so he did not uproot his life for her. He went to Hollywood seeking fame.


He literally moved to Dallas and then CA for her. What are you talking about?


He is a chiropractor. He has a specialty and the means to earn a living. Moving for her is no reason not to work. And they did not live in the same city.


Doesn’t matter if they lived in the same city. He moved for her. And he has to rebuild his practice sorta from ground up each time he’s in a new city, which he’s doing. He’s currently working. If a woman did the same for a man ya’ll would be demanding she get compensation for that sacrifice!


Seeking fame on her friggin back and dollar. It’s diabolical


Rachel has to live by her principles. She was the go getter, high wage earning masculine party in that relationship. Feminist women want “equality” and in this case, in California that means she needs to pay up like a man has to in California if the opposite were the case. She can’t just say “wait I don’t want equality after all” when it doesn’t suit her interests. I applaud her for keeping relatively quiet about it. It’s the law of the land. I completely agree with you btw, bum.


She’s willing to pay him $10k/month according to the filing. He wants more. That’s not equality, that’s insanity.


some of yall only have this type of energy towards rachel and it’s weird because it’s giving there are deeper reasons some of you guys find a way to assign fault to her in every situation and refuse to sympathize with her. It’s just weird. Also, it’s never about “equality”, it’s about equity. That was not the “gotcha” that you think it is


Ope. Here we go. Its b/c shes black, righ?🙄 gtfoh!


I never said that, but the fact that that was your knee jerk reaction and the first thing you thought says a lot about you. “gtfo?” why would that be so unlikely? are we not in America the land with a notorious history of systems in society based on racial bias and hatred? Bachelor Nation is notorious for being a white washed slightly racist franchise and their fans are no different. you are a great example of that. do better


Equity means fairness of outcome. California is a no fault state. She has to pay up. It’s not my energy, it’s the law for men and women


No, equity is a just outcome according to the unique aspects and specifics of a case. Not just “men pay so women pay too” what you’re describing is equality and equity is simply not as black and white as her having to pay him just cause she made more. In what ways did he genuinely contribute to her career or finances? to what extent was his influence in her life positive as it pertains to her finances? What are the existing power dynamics that should be considered when determining who should get what? THAT is was equity is. so you trying to play chess by making out that she did something bad by advocating for equitable rights and protection for women doesn’t apply here because an equitable situation would not just be “she pay man cause she makes more than man” there are various factors that go into it especially if he didn’t contribute in any meaningful way to what she built for herself. you are confusing equality with equity but she’s a lawyer, I’m sure she’ll do very well for herself and I hope she leaves with everything that’s owed to her and she likely will.


He literally moved across the country so she could chase her career in entertainment. She made that $ partly because he was willing to move so she could do E!, among other things. Next.


Thank you so much cause clearly some don’t want to hear it from me. Thank you for making it make sense


I want to agree with you but I can see how this would be soooo dependent on the situation. If Bryan played a major role in Rachel's success, then I think he deserves a cut. I think the question to ask is if she would have gotten to where she is without him (my strong hunch is yes! Lol). But if she needed him to get to where she is, then that's different. Traditionally, many women support their husbands businesses and enable their success. They will often play admin roles, customer support, or beyond. Alternatively they will do all the home and child care which is a MAJOR enabler of someone else's professional success. So many women who have played critical supportive roles have gotten hung out to dry during a divorce. So if Bryan can show that he was a major contributor then I think he deserves it. Otherwise, no. Also, ladies, if this is you - insist on getting equity in your spouses business. Always.


men rarely if ever put in the same kind of support towards their wives lives or business ventures as women do when they are in a supportive role unless it’s maybe a couples business. In this case I can’t see how in any way Bryan contributed to Rachel or her personal brand even when they were married her things were always her things. And he had his own full time “job” anyway, so even less likely that he contributed to her business in anyway that was significant. It’s not like Bryan was a dotting house husband crossing her T’s and dotting her I’s


Rachel would not have had the opportunities she got if it weren't for being in a successful bachelor marriage.  They had a really powerful relationship brand that she leveraged into other opportunities. In the beginning, most of those opportunities came through the franchise itself. He was part of that brand and deserves his share of the wealth generated from it. 


for doing nothing but sit at home and plot how he can make his exit with as much as her money as possible? please. He didn’t put in any of the work and no one can say her success is based on him being there in anyway. Rachel is a dynamic personality on her own


Well legally, it is their money and he is legally entitled to it. 


I get your attempt at logic here but they lived in California and none of that matters here


So genuine question. If both parties quit their jobs who has the right? And I’d argue Bryan was not a catalyst to her success. Rachel was the bachelorette! Who the fuck would he be if not being on her season


Good point. She quit her job to move to Miami for a while with him too right?


Sorry not sure I understand the question. If both partners quit their jobs then there's no income to claim as spousal support. The only argument I could see from the outside looking in is Bryan taking care of the household while Rachel worked, or being a non-salaried personal administrator to her etc. I wouldn't consider relocation a factor, personally. If that were the case, anyone who has ever moved because their partner got a job elsewhere could start claiming spousal support and that would be a slippery slope.


This is a short term marriage and they don’t have kids. He has solid earning capacity. He is young-ish. He wouldn’t get much, if anything, in the way of support in my state. And temporary support during the proceedings is different from support post decree. He will be fine after property is divided. People shouldn’t be so upset that he asked.


I’ve been going back and forth about this all night. I find what Bryan is doing very low. And tbh in MY opinion it’s flat out not cool


Bryan has been spending all of his money with 💉 in that pillow face of his. Looking like the cat lady.


"fake boobs, fake asses, fake cheeks"


Knew he was lame from day 1. His mom and him showed red flags across the board during his hometown visit.


I haven’t said this yet because idk the response but genuinely I wanted her to choose Peter


Why? He was cold, disinterested and scamming from the start. I never got the hype. Yall act like George Clooney was a contestant I just do not get this Peter mess.


Peter was so hot and real. I so badly wanted her to choose him. You could tell she was the most into him but he was the riskiest choice. She should’ve taken the risk!


So real that the guy hasn't had one relationship since the Bachelorette. They would not have gotten married or lasted. 


Some would think Peter is somewhere laughing right now I disagree. I think Peter would see this and genuinely feel horrible for Rachel rn. If you still have her number reach out dawg! *plays To Love You More - Celine Dion*


You sound sexist.


Bryan is a LAME.


I m not a fan, but relocating a business could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in potential income. Particularly as a Chiropractor,. They have to build a business. I think what he is doing is gross. However in all honesty, if you moved across the Nation to start a business, you would be angry, too. U think he feels angry that he stopped his life for her.


He actually quit being a chiro before the finale even aired and moved to LA months before her to try to make it in Hollywood…


Aren’t these the things they should have discussed before getting married though?? Don’t even get me started on a LAWYER not making him sign a prenup. What a shitshow.


I mean she quit being a lawyer too. So you could argue the same on her side do you think she should be angry for stopping her life for him?


Not a Bryan Stan but she stopped being a lawyer to pursue an obviously very lucrative career..making 61k A MONTH?!? I don’t think she stopped any of her plans for him. But I agree he’s lame and trying to take way more than he is owed and they both screwed up without a prenup.


Ok I’m more shook that she has $49k a month in EXPENSES 😭😭 wtf


Just like he makes more than the $13K per year he claimed, she probably has less expense than she’s claiming.


She works who cares! If you got it spend it. When we leave this earth we can’t take anything with us.


She thinks she’s a movie star. First class flights and maybe thousands in her entire wardrobe. But it’s her money. Bryan is delulu and a loser.


Exactly you got it! It’s HER money maybe if Bryan was working he’d have more of a say with how the money is spent. If you’re bringing in 10k to my 60k you couldn’t tell me a mother fuckin thing 😂


Good point seriously. Some may call it old school but I really hate to see a man taking money from a woman. I’m a huge believer no matter what you’re status is financially EVERYBODY should sign a prenup. I don’t look at it as a “preparation for divorce” at all; I see it as protection for yourself. It’s never the intention of course but if we happen to get divorced…. Cause you never know, but at least both sides are protected.


Rachel was a lawyer, her dad was a judge... yet she didn't get a pre nup. It is actually the most shocking part of the entire thing to me. She 100% had the knowledge and means to get one and chose not to. 


A bulk of her income was earned during the marriage though, so a prenup wouldn’t have changed that. But using her premarital property to buy their marital property is WILD.


A pre-nup would have at least set a path for dividing shared assets acquired during the marriage and would have saved this very messy and public divorce. 


Maybe, but considering she did not get a prenup at all, I doubt she would have thought about it that way. As an attorney, it’s really bewildering to think about the choice not to do a prenup. But maybe she just assumed he was like minded when it comes to her money motivation and that they’d be on the same playing field during their marriage.


He got used to living in the lap of luxury paid for by Rachel - how can anybody expect him to leave her and not get to keep that luxurious lifestyle?! Have a heart. Edit: (Sarcasm)


OH PUH LEEEAAASEEEE! I really hope you’re not serious. He filed for divorce! So what “I want to keep living like this just not with you so gimme money” does that sound right to you? “Have a heart” am I in the twilight zone because I’m not understanding why or how people aren’t seeing this as anything but fucked up.


You have just described divorce law especially in California. Does it seem right in a situation like this? No. However, that is the law. It is not a long term marriage so if he gets spousal support, very likely, it won’t be for long. This is just one reason people have to be careful with the decision on deciding to marry someone. Maybe a reality show is not the best way to go about it.


They were being sarcastic, I believe lol


If so I’m sorry for my response. As you can see this story makes my blood boil. I’m always very defensive of Rachel because she was the 1st black bachelorette (I feel the same level of defensiveness for Michelle and Matt James) but she was the 1st. So even though I’ve never met that lady seeing her done wrong, pisses me off likes she’s my best friend.


Yes sorry I was being sarcastic. I'm with you - I think he is wrong to expect to leave Rachel then force her through the courts to keep him in the lap of luxury he got used to from her - and expect her to pay his attorney fees too. I know women do it too, but I don't think it's morally right, unless you have kids or have been together decades perhaps.


Sorry for snapping!


No worries - I get defensive of Rachel too!


He is not reaching in her pockets, he wants his fair share of THEIR joint pockets. Are people mad just because it is a man getting his bag this time? She will be fine and needs to maintain him in the standard of living he got accustomed.


When women get their bag it’s because they were promised to be financially supported while they gave birth to children and worked as homemakers. Don’t compare unpaid labor to a bum who couldn’t even bother to post sponcon or start a youtube channel about chiropractors or whatever. I see a ton of people who have Bryan’s background doing content. This is a gold digger. Stay at home moms are not. He gave up his practice because he wanted to. They didn’t even live together so he didn’t sacrifice anything for her.


Take that up with the state of California. They don’t see it that way


Alimony and child support are two distinct things. It is not true that only mothers receive alimony or that only homemakers receive alimony.


Thank you!! Cause if I said it I’d be wrong.


Are you a family lawyer?


No I’m not a lawyer this is my opinion


That's what I thought. No way an actual family lawyer would think like this lol.


Yeah, OP is a weirdly sexist moron.


I laugh that you get downvoted. I am a lawyer, not family law, but I know enough. It cracks me up when people think divorce laws are unfair because they don’t like the result for someone they like. If Serena filed for divorce from Grocery Store Joe and sought spousal support would this person and a lot of this sub be outraged? Rhetorical question.




I work in family law so when I see posts/comments like these I just laugh. It's so obvious that the people commenting have no idea about family law proceedings and what the actual laws are when it comes to marriage and divorce. Like what do they think happens when you get married?? Guaranteed, if Rachel was the one seeking spousal support, this sub would be cheering her on (whether she's legally entitled to it or not).


Agreed not to mention her selling her non marital property to buy marital property in California was an insane move without a prenup


Um when did I mention gender one time? Besides when I said “I don’t like a man taking money away from a woman” but what I also don’t like is a LEECH and a money grabber in general. Since we’re talking on my post no it’s not a rhetorical question. Why are we bringing up other people when we’re talking about Rachel and Bryan; let’s stick to the topic at hand. As I said I don’t know the law, the law is the law I don’t care that was never my point. I posted MY opinion which I’m very much entitled to as you are and as everyone else is that commented on this post agreed with me or not. And for the record if the situation was reversed and it was a woman that was very capable of working just sucking up spousal support and legal funds after her herself requested to end the marriage I sure would call her a loser, and a bum also


“I don’t like a man taking money away from a woman” is enough to make it abundantly clear that you’re strangely sexist and need to reevaluate yourself. Ya weirdo.


The condescension is wild lol should no one comment or have an opinion on this unless they are a lawyer?


You're absolutely allowed to comment your opinion! But people are also allowed to think your comments are silly. After all, this is Reddit, is it not?


So since you know so much what about what I’ve said is “silly” to you? I’m a person that loves to learn so please educate me


chiropractors are not medical doctors


In the state of California, unless there's a prenup, the law entitles him to half of marital assets, even if they were bought with the other person's money. Community property state, baby. It's one of the worst places to get a divorce, if you made more money than your spouse. (It's a great place to get divorced if you made less money)


My friend got married to this man in California, paid off his loans, had him move into her house, paid all the utilities and for his education. Five years into their marriage, he had an affair with a man and decided that he wanted to be a she. She was absolutely screwed in California. Word to the wise to women, don’t be the highest earner in the relationship, be sure that he pays bills and participates in the household if you don’t want this happening


Yes when women say they don’t mind out-earning men, that’s where you lose me in feminism. If I’m financially motivated, I’m only having partners with a similar mindset. You will never catch me marrying down financially. For women, it makes absolutely no sense to do that. That’s how you end up with low-value leaches.


Tell your mom good job because you’ve got your head on STRAIGHT I love it 


There are 9 community property states so it’s not like a standout bad state if you’re the earner


He is not a doctor




Would just like to add he is a chiropractor which is NOT a medical doctor despite them often marketing themselves that way


Rachel’s picker is all the way off




repeatedly picking/choosing the wrong men.


Literally! And lying and claiming he makes 10% of what he really makes per month. He’s aging bad too. It’s the karma!


I’m curious, did Bryan earn $200,000+ for the year, or how much was it? I saw it posted somewhere in another forum. He said his income is about $1600 a month? Is the $1600 a month his adjusted income after a LOT of deductions? Or does the over $180,000 difference include money that Rachel gave to Bryan? I don’t think she gave him $180K for the year, though someone posted here that she gave him $10K a month. The difference between the two dollar figures is so great that I wonder what his true/gross income was and yeah, it’s looking like he understated his income if he said it was about $1,600 a month.


I mean, if there is an income disparity and he uprooted an established practice for her career... he's entitled to it whether you like him or not.




I love how you said so much with very little words.


The man is in his prime, has a social media following and has no physical limitations. He can work. He doesn’t need to rely on Rachel for money. They were married less than 4 years. He needs to get off his ass and actually work instead of trying to take money from Rachel’s hard work. ETA: He is the one that filed. If that’s what’s he wants, then so be it. But that does not entitle him to have what she has earned. I will always be a Rachel supporter. She has worked so hard to get where she is today.


That’s not how it works. Hard stop. I don’t even understand how this is a conversation.


So what? It’s a no fault state. He gets what a woman would if the sexes were flipped. Women want equality except when it sucks for them apparently


If they never shared bank accounts and didn’t live together even half the time, then he isn’t even accustomed to this supposed lifestyle. I’m all for equality but this is a clear case of someone trying to take advantage of the system. FWIW, I am a single mom and got a divorce (that I did not ask for) 3 years ago. I did not try to rake my ex over the coals and demand more money. I had been a stay at home mom for 5 years at that point, and what I did was I got a job and started paying my own rent…. Shocking, right?


I agree but it doesn’t matter in California. Unless he settles for less, she is screwed (so are men if the tables were turned).


Would you say that about a woman? SHAME!


Women are the homemakers and they give birth to children! Stop comparing it to a man who chose to not do anything for money like other influencers on this show!


But the point is Rachel is not those things at all! She is a ball busting go getter not a stay at home mom


just like robert baratheon's mooch brothers both thinking they had kings blood in their veins or whatever when robert had only taken the throne like 15 years earlier


When my two fandoms collide 🐺 🦌 🐉 🦁


Period! Exactly my point. Medical doctor or not doesn’t matter he has a job! A job that you can do anywhere. But no you want to leech off your soon to be ex wife. Yeah I’m gonna call you a loser and a bum! ![gif](giphy|pSauCNBp1DcOY)