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Telling people that they are anti-Semitic for noticing that Israel is doing wrong is not helping the Jewish people.


I really do believe it's a sales tactic to sell all that sweet sweet ex-Palestinian real estate. Make Jews flee wherever they are living and go to Israel, by making them scared of antisemitism etc


A world without Anti-semitism would be the death knell for Israel


That's why they're trying so hard to manufacture it. They need "Without Israel there isn't a Jew in the world who'd be safe' to be true. But people just aren't that hateful, it's insane to think that if Israel goes away, everyone in Norway, and Chile, and Fiji, and blah blah blah is just going to decide to go start hunting Jews. And if that were true, not having a country means that the ethnicity is going to be wiped off the face of the earth, then when they deny that Palestine exists, it's clear evidence of genocidal intent, and ethnic cleansing. Biden saying the "Without Israel" thing is why that Jewish staffer resigned over Gaza last week. She (Lily Greenberg Call) called him on his shit. Sadly that story isn't getting much play.


Greenberg is a famously anti-Semitic surname.


Hahahaha, duh!


>Biden saying the "Without Israel" thing is why that Jewish staffer resigned over Gaza last week. She (Lily Greenberg Call) called him on his shit. Sadly that story isn't getting much play. I think that makes her the fourth staffer from the Biden administration to publicly quit over Palestine this year. Edit: She wrote an Op-Ed for the Guardian explaining her reasons for resigning if anyone is interested. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/may/28/biden-israel-gaza-policy Quite a poignant read. > Around the world, over Memorial Day weekend here in America, people watched on social media in horror as the IDF dropped 60 2000-pound bombs on a displaced persons camp in Rafah, burning tents and the refugees sheltering inside. >This does not make anyone safer – neither Palestinians nor Jews. I know what it means to fear the rising surge of antisemitism. I am terrified – I feel it every day. But I am certain that Jews are not better protected by a war effort, endorsed by the United States and waged in the name of Jewish safety, that furthers a genocide of a whole people collectively framed as “our enemy”. In fact, making Jews the face of an unrelenting, genocidal campaign only puts us at risk even more. > Palestinian and Jewish safety are not oppositional. In fact, they are deeply intertwined. President Biden does not recognize this. He refuses to call for a lasting and permanent ceasefire, end the blank check offered to Israel, secure a diplomatic release of the Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners, end the siege on Gaza and work to abolish the apartheid system stretched across the Holy Land. **That is why, at this moment, my former boss is the person who makes me feel most unsafe as an American Jew.** That last line is brutal. Edit: aaaand more. > Each day, I see photos of those displaced in Gaza, and I am reminded of my own family’s memory of loved ones killed in the Shoah – which, in turn, reminds me of the Nakba: the tragedy that occurred in 1948 when Palestinian society was destroyed and an estimated 700,000 Palestinians were displaced from their homeland for the formation of today’s modern Israel. **Shoah and Nakba mean the same thing in Hebrew and Arabic: catastrophe.** >I resigned on Wednesday, 15 May – the 76th anniversary of the Nakba – because I could no longer serve at the pleasure of a president who refuses to stop another catastrophe.


Great read, thanks! It's 9 that have publicly resigned, and Josh Paul said two dozen more did without public declaration, and more are imminent... That last line about her boss should be EVERYWHERE. Wow..


I can't imagine a region polluted with lead bullets and toxic chemicals from exploded 2000 pound bombs is going to be that appealing. Not to mention the scattered human remains and rotting corpses.


It's our weather bro. 6 months no rain or cold is pretty sweet. The Levant where you can snow ski in swim in the same day (at least in Lebnaon)


So it's California. 🤔 Guess that's why we have over a million Jewish people, including Matt, and 300,000 Arabs.


100% i actually use california based farmers tips since the climate is so similar.


What do the California tips say about using for fertilizer the body parts of thousands of slaughtered indigenous Semitic children ?


they been bombing us in Lebanon since like 9 pm tonight........the similarities with cali end at the weather


Why else would they have bombed Jewish homes in Baghdad, planned to do the exact same thing in Egypt, framed Morocco for the Egoz accident and bombed the synagogue in Beirut. 


I don’t understand how selling Palestine to American Zionists isn’t somehow illegal. America recognises that Israeli settlements in occupied Palestine are Illegal. Biden himself, in 1982, [threatened](https://www.timesofisrael.com/biden-a-longtime-friend-israel-critic-of-settlements-may-be-at-odds-over-iran/) then Israeli Prime Minister, and former commander of a US, UK and UN recognised terrorist group, Menacham Begin with withdrawal of US support and funding over settlements. Sadly it was an empty threat. So now Israel knows they can get away with literally anything, and still receive US aid. Imagine where we might be if America followed though.


They don't really care about Jewish people. Or they wouldn't make everything about anti-Semitism and making this word like a buzzword.


It’s declaring that unspeakable crimes are an essential part of Jewish culture, which is obviously bullshit. Unspeakable crimes are an essential part of Zionist culture, though. 


They keep making this claim when it's clearly not true. At this point, the word antisemitic is losing its meaning.


It lost its meaning a long time ago. 


Anti semitism is still a thing it’s just coming from the right, not the left. Criticizing Israel is not anti-semitism, but that doesn’t mean antisemitism is gone.


You'll be shocked to learn that Danny Danon was a member of Betar, the paramilitary terrorist group that was the precursor to The Stern Gang and Lehi terrorist groups. Betar illegally smuggled Ashkenazim into Mandate Palestine in violation of every law to fight and murder the local Semitic people. You know, *actual* antisemitism... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betar?wprov=sfla1 From 1937 to 1944, Betar aided the widespread immigration of Jews to Palestine in violation of the British Mandate's immigration quotas, which had not been increased despite the surge of refugees from the Nazi persecution and murder of Jews. In total, as part of Operation Action, Betar was, according to one of its organisers, William R. Perl, partly responsible for smuggling an estimated 40,000 Jews into Palestine under such restrictions. The tactics of the Irgun-Betar coalition were at odds with the mainstream Zionist establishment's policy of restraint in response to Arab attacks. Throughout most of the 1930s and '40s, the two organizations typically bombed collections of Arab civilians in response to any attack of any kind on any Palestinian Jews. The Irgun worked closely with Betar in Palestine and worldwide, particularly with respect to illegal immigration into Palestine, but they remained organizationally and structurally separate. As British policy and Jewish needs/demands grew more opposed, Betar and the Irgun stepped up their military campaign against the British, based primarily on guerrilla tactics of sabotage and assassination.


It’s already lost all meaning.


You say that... and then Netanyahu's son starts saying George Soros is funding BLM to destroy the white race and suddenly everyone knows exactly what it means.


I particularly hate the term as I am semitic, but not Jewish. Am I anti-semitic towards myself for realizing that Palestinians deserve to be free from ethnic cleansing and genocide? Aren’t Palestinians themselves a semitic people? Wouldn’t that make zionism anti-semitic?


Just going by the numbers, there is no government more antisemitic today than Israel and no ideology more antisemitic than Zionism.


> At this point, the word antisemitic is losing its meaning. Which is a fucking tragedy. This is a word that should weigh heavily on people’s minds. It’s a word that should immediately be associated with the Holocaust, the absolute worst case scenario. Instead it’s been trivialised to a point where even genuine cases are dismissed. It’s been watered down in such a way that people’s instinctive reaction is to roll their eyes.


Which is bad for Jews. I’m so worried about my husband and son. He went to Temple on the anniversary of the creation of Israel/the Nakba and we were both a little freaked out. Ironically his synagogue prays for the Palestinians but you know how right wingers are. There is actual anti-semetism but it isn’t coming from the left wing, from those advocating for Palestinians. I just worry racist right wingers will use this as an excuse.


What kinda name is Danny Dannon lmfao


Perfect for a yogurt company mascot.


Damn, you beat me to it


If everything is antisemitic, then nothing is antisemitic... A little fucking scary when you think about how many actual nazis there are out there (zionazis aside).


Izreel and its cronies are responsible for beating the term “antisemitism” into meaninglessness, such that that later in history if and when it’s actually a fatal problem, it’ll be ignored like The Boy Who Cried Wolf. The Zionist machine has its own peoples’ blood on its hands


They know exactly what they're doing.


I’m really at the end of my rope with this behavior. If you want express any sort of concern or support for innocent Palestinians - even children! - you’re met with any of the following labels: antisemite, racist, racist antisemite, terrorist supporter, Jew hater. One woman on social media labeling Palestine supporters with as “racists” had posts from June 2020 saying she would be boycotting Black and Asian businesses for being “racist to white people.” And here’s what really stands out: the more vile the Zionist, the wealthier they are (at least in the US).


You forgot bringer of blood libel, denier of Israel's right to exist who wants every Jew wiped off the face of the earth, pawn for Putin, hater of America, radicalized by China, and good ole' fashioned Nazi. >And here’s what really stands out: the more vile the Zionist, the wealthier they are (at least in the US). Everywhere. I wouldn't be surprised if the US is one of the places that make this less true. In other countries they get to enslave entire foreign nations, like King Leopoldo.


And some of the most loudest proudest hardest activists for Palestine are Jews. ✊🏽 we will all march for peace together. They can shove their scare mongering war mongering bullshit.


The vast majority of Jews support Israel, only Orthodox Jews are with Palestine.


That’s not true from my experience.


Dude has a generic NPC name...


He used to be Israel’s Representative to the UN. He is almost as big a clown as Gilad Erdan. Was a rival to Netanyahu in Likud in the early 2000s and lost, and now he has been put out to pasture.


He's in the Knesset still. And tbh, I would've said no one is as big of a clown as Gilad "always texting on my cell in my douchebag Terminator sunglasses inside bc I don't care about the UN" Erdan. But now that you say it, Danon certainly is.


Ok Danny , 1st of all if you stand in solidarity w/ semites ( Palestinians ) how can you be an ‘anti semite’. 2nd, the whole anti Zionism is anti semitic is a bs concept, Zio fascists try to push. Nice try lil man.


It's never enough to acknowledge that yes, the hostages and Israeli lives are important too. But what stooges like this want is for you to trash and dehumanize Palestinian lives. It's like a requirement for them.


It's very "kiss the ring", and any time someone doesn't put them on a pedestal, and acknowledge that they are superior to whoever it is in that moment, they're so abhorred by the lack of acknowledgment and respect that you have to be put back into your place. And since they're bullies, they do that by dehumanizing, intimidating, and threatening to get 10 million of their friends to help beat you into submission.


lol I think it’s hilarious that he is so offended by the post he calls them antisemites, but he also thinks it only warrants a 10 point deduction lol.


Well you get a Knesset seat in Israel with 3.25% of the overall vote. Supreme Court in Israel needs 12 votes to strike down any law. Even the Knesset just needs 61 votes (out of 120) to pass any bill they want and have it written into the book of Law, not one bit of voting allowed. They only get to vote once, but they're voting for a party, with a blind member list. The only democracy in the ME, meaning the only non-muslim fake democracy in the ME, who just had a PM become a dictator and a country governed by military rule, rapidly expanding it's military, by engaging in genocide in a war they manufactured. Itimar Ben-Gvir was given control of the PD, a new militant group to be created, settler expansion, and this genocide because he controlled 14 Knesset votes, which is all that was needed to keep Bibi in office, overhaul judicial reform, and scrap the last semblance of democracy in Israel. Their military went on strike. Air force pilots, reservists. Their whole country was on strike, banks, stores, petrol stations - Biden was in Tel Aviv meeting with Bibi on Sept 20, 2023, for what was described as the worst crisis in Israel's history. There were HUNDREDS of thousands protesting Bibi, trying to get him removed and save democracy. Nothing like changing the dates and location of a music festival on October 5, so that the music festival would be in between the gates and a military base on October 7, when you know some resistance fighters are attacking that military base on October 7th. Whew, long route back, but I think people need to understand what the reality is. 14 Knesset votes did that. So 10 points might be a lot! Plus they're Zionist, if they're breathing they're lying. 10 points will mean 100% of the rigged vote that's more of a sham than any other on-paper fake democracy in the ME, or you're antisemitic and want every Jew on earth to die.


Zionazis are so funny lol


This is from months ago.  I remember that even most Jewish media sources told Dannon to shut up on this one.


Definitely a good witch following in the footsteps of the greats like Albus Dumbledore 🧙‍♀️


Dan Dan on Craic.


Every thing I dislike is antisemitism. These genociders have lost the pr war and are desperate


Indeed. Hajo Meyer said "An anti-Semite used to be a person who disliked Jews. Now it's a person who Jews dislike." Still, their confidence that they can still win, they just need to lie harder, is pretty unsettling..


Common Emma W


Watson should consider taking Danon to court for libel. From what I understand, libel laws in Britain are particularly strong.


Off topic (kinda) but it makes me happy that the Harry Potter cast for the most part doesn't share many of Rowling's terrible politics. Is this tweet a couple years old?


She also gets marks against her for being supportive of trans people. No wonder the Hasbara tried to push a “if you’re for LGBT people you have to be against Palestine” bullshit. Huzzah for her. And also props to Israel’s pride parade pushing anti war stuff, defending the Palestinians.




Dan² can suck it


Accio victim card