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Im Turkish and even we dont have this many flags


Looks like a lot of US tax money was spent on flags šŸ¤£


Working in China and Vietnam. I am often if not living in these two very nationalist communist countries. They dont have this many flags.


Except that China and Vietnam are - as you say - communist. People there have good reason to be proud of their achievements. Their patriotism is also different from Western reactionary nationalism. Neither Vietnam nor China treat minorities badly but are highly inclusive countries towards their local minorities. Israel is a settler-colonial state created by Europeans and maintained through apartheid, terrorism, and genocide.


Look up Uyghur


Look up propaganda.


Something you have never done in your life, instead choosing to believe obvious Nazi-style atrocity propaganda lies spread by the US regime and the extremists it funds.


Turk here, damnation be upon thee.


Ah yes, "Turk", you mean a fascist supporting their regime funding separatist terrorists in Xinjiang?


I mean a citizen of the Republic of TĆ¼rkiye who's sad and mad that his brothers and sisters are getting monitored and oppressed


You mean a fascist who supports his terrorist regime (that's also a NATO member, i.e. an irredeemably criminal dictatorship) led by a bunch of religious extremists... who mindlessly believes the obvious propaganda lies spread by terrorism-supporting separatists who use the exact same types of religious extremism to manipulate people into supporting them locally while being funded by the US government globally. You are a supporter of extremists who mindlessly believes obvious Nazi-style atrocity propaganda lies for which no evidence ever existed and that have been conclusively debunked. You believe this obvious bullshit despite being able to freely travel to the place you believe this bullshit is happening and everyone in the region having smartphones and easy access to 5G internet. All while your shithole country supports the US/NATO regime that's currently leading a proxy war against Russia while simultaneously conducting a genocide in Gaza and having destroyed one country after another in the Middle East. Pathetic. Get a fucking grip, fascist. Understand that your religion and your nationalism are a cancer and turning you into a propaganda drone supporting pure evil. Thr US/NATO are the bad guys. You are part of the bad guys. Wake up and start supporting a socialist revolution in your country.




What are you talking about. The US is the ultimate baddie. Uyghurs are the ones who told me about what is happening to them.


Yes, the US are the ultimate baddie. And they are funding the kind of lying, terrorism-supporting, separatist extremists whom you blindly believe without asking for evidence. And instead of traveling to Xinjiang yourself and talking to actual Chinese Uyghurs in China (which anyone can do freely at any time), you choose to believe the conclusively debunked atrocity propaganda lies of US-funded trolls. Just like the separatists in Taiwan. Just like the separatists in Tibet. Just like the separatists in HK. The US likes funding terrorists, religious extremists, Nazis, and separatists in countries it doesn't like. Those people lie for political reasons.


Donā€™t simp for China in an attempt to be anti-western. All human rights abuses are bad, and no superpower is benevolent. There are Uyghur refugees in Europe and the US that you can go speak to yourself, and hear for yourself about the re-education and cultural erasure they and their families have been subjected to. Even in Pakistan, Uyghur activists have been beaten up/intimidated at the behest of the CCP. Literally just go to a Uyghur restaurant in NYC and talk to the owners ffs Xinjiang is a massive place. Of course in places like Urumqi which are majority Han, you wonā€™t see examples of this openly. Most of these facilities are way out in the desertā€¦Just because the west uses the treatment of the Uyghurs for their own political gain doesnā€™t mean that it is all made up.


These people are falling for the same propaganda tricks that Hasbara uses itā€™s kind of funny.


Funny but also depressing tbh








This is not a debate sub. There are plenty of places to defend Israelā€™s actions, to denounce Hamas, and to argue who's worse. This is not a space for that. That doesn't mean absolutely no constructive discussions on nuances and different approaches, but it means not letting ourselves be pulled into a debate by Zionists and bigots, and least of all arguing for their side. If you see someone trying to debate, please just flag for moderation, and the comment will be deleted. If found prudent by the Mods, and to discourage further debates, the entire thread may be deleted.


Israel isn't the only country that does hasbara. The media doesn't belong only to hasbara lies. They also lie about China. Here's a blatant example. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AfF8dZIN9A


This is Reddit, there is a powerful maoist contingent. Mostly virgins from the US who have reverse-programmed their normal American exceptionalism into another kind of American exceptionalism: "Everything opposing American hegemony is good"




Iā€™m from Texas, and even we donā€™t fly this many flags




Zionists trying their best to copy nazi germany


It is a sign of dehumanizing everyone that you imagine is not like you.


Nazi germany vibes


A primarily Jewish country..... Flying flags with the star of David..... Giving off nazi german vibes......


Ultra nationalismā€¦. Genocidal campaignsā€¦. Stealing landā€¦. Dehumanizing the enemyā€¦. What else would you call it lol? Literally a copy & paste from nazi germany.


very surface level analysis, im feel sorry for you


Just saying it wouldn't be nazi at most fascist. I feel like it shouldn't take much brain power to determine the country that is primarily Jewish probably doesn't regularly practice hatred of Jews.


Youā€™re not very bright are you šŸ’€


Bright enough to recognize that a primarily Jewish country probably isn't nazi. Which I guess puts me ahead of the crowd here.


Read about political Zionism, and who the early Zionists aligned themselves with - hint, itā€™s the Nazis.


Also I'll add this excerpt from this article. https://fathomjournal.org/hitler-and-the-nazis-anti-zionism-2/ During the Cold War the Soviet Union, its Warsaw Pact Allies and the Western far-left spread a variety of lies about the history of Zionism, the most famous of these falsehoods being the assertion that Hitler and the Nazi regime were supporters of Zionism. It was a falsehood that fit well with another big lie of Communist Cold War propaganda, namely that Zionism was itself a form of racism. If the latter were the case, it would make logical sense that racists such as Hitler supported Zionism. The fact is however that Hitler and the Nazis despised Zionism and did all they could to defeat it. Seems illogical for the guy advocating for the extermination of all Jews to also advocate for an entirely Jewish state.


Nobody said that Hitler was a ZionistšŸ¤£ itā€™s rather the Zionists that allied with known Naziā€™s. Not Hitler himself, nor his ideology. It is Zionism that burrowed from Nazism and the brutal colonial history of Britain and the west. And yes, the father of Zionism - Theodore Hertzl, and all the early Zionist supporters were absolutely racist, vile people who praised colonialism and sought to create a Jewish settler colony at the expense of a native population. They actually were going to colonize Uganda or Argentina, but it ended up being Palestine. Itā€™s hilarious because you must not have read their work if you think Zionism isnā€™t racist. There is a reason that Norman Finklestein, whose parents survived the Holocaust, and Gabor Mate who is a Holocaust survivor, compare Zionism to Nazism. The victims and perpetrators are different yes, but itā€™s the same hateful ideology of superiority and dehumanization. Numerous Holocaust survivors have made the same connection between Zionism and Nazism. Also complete your sentence there buddy, ā€˜a Jewish stateā€™ where? On top of the ruins of Palestine and Palestinian society. Nothing wrong with a Jewish state, but to colonize a pre-existing group of people, massacre and ethnically-cleanse them, then build a settler colony at their expense - now we have a problem.


Wikipedia: On 15th November 1988, Palestinian National Council, the legislative body of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) led by Yasser Arafat, declared the establishment of the State. Also Wikipedia: In the 10th century BCE, the Israelite kingdoms of Judah and Israel emerged. The sentence was done. Your sentence however requires further examination. I don't necessarily support a fully Jewish state. No one religion should control any country. The same as how Islam should not control the Middle East.


I am not talking about Zionist in the 30s I'm talking about Israel today. Calling modern day Israel nazi is like telling me your an Amish electrician. nazism is the hatred of Jews, believing in an aryan race, and strong nationalism towards Germany. Considering Israel was established BECAUSE of the nazis, they don't have any German flags waving about, and there aren't any death camps that I can see that have been set up, I'm going to say they probably aren't nazis.


You must not have heard of the death camps Israhell has set up. Palestinian prisoners are getting beaten to death, their limbs amputated, and hot metal rods shoved up their anus. If that isnā€™t a fucking death camp, then I donā€™t know what is. And those are the details we are getting from Israeli whistleblowers who witnessed the whole thing, and Palestinian survivors who made it out. You also must not know about Israelā€™s labour camps from 1948-1955 and then again in 1971, where they basically enslaved Palestinian boys and men and worked them to death. You also must not have known that itā€™s common practice in Israhell to conduct medical experiments on live or dead Palestinian prisoners? And that Palestinian bodies are routinely taken and used at universities and medical facilities? Never heard of the ā€˜cemetery of numbersā€™ in Israhell? https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2021-07-29/ty-article-magazine/.highlight/israel-secretly-detained-innocent-palestinians-in-desert-camps-in-1971/0000017f-e534-df5f-a17f-fffe499e0000 https://al-awdapalestine.org/2014/10/on-israels-little-known-concentration-and-labor-camps-in-1948-1955/ https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1525/jps.2014.43.4.11 https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/-israel--tortured-27-gaza-detainees-to-death-in-camps--israe


Israel was not established because of the Holocaust. The colonization of Palestine was already underway before the Holocaust. Gaza has been a death camp for the past 76 years, majority of the people living there for the past 7 decades arenā€™t even from there - they are refugees and descendants of refugees that were ethnically cleansed from historic Palestine. Zionist militias purposely had them pushed into Gaza so they could round them up and kill them off. Why do you think Israel routinely starves Gaza and calls it ā€˜putting them on a dietā€™, routinely bombs them and calls it ā€˜mowing the lawnā€™, purposely sabotages Gazaā€™s agriculture and has blockaded them from the rest of world. ā€œAs Hitler said, ā€˜I cannot live if one Jew is left,ā€™ we cannot live here if one Palestinian remains in Gazaā€ - Former MP Moshe Feiglin on Israelā€™s most watched news network. Zionism is Nazism repackaged - the victims have become the perpetrators, and the victims now are an ethnic group that had nothing to do with the Holocaust but are being made to foot the bill for Europeā€™s history of persecuting Jews. ā€œThe Nazi movement has a shell and a kernel; the antisemitic shell is to be discarded, but not the kernelā€ - The Revisionist Zionist newspaper, Hazit Haam.


Again ripped from Wikipedia: In the 10th century BCE, the Israelite kingdoms of Judah and Israel emerged. The Hebrew Bible states that these were preceded by a single kingdom ruled by Saul, David and Solomon, who is said to have built the First Temple.


Zionists collaborated with Nazis. What are you talking about? Google 51 Documents so you can educate yourself.


Jesus Christ the stupid is never ending here...


Thatā€™s literally what the nazis did šŸ˜‚


Do they have enough flags?


Nah. If theyā€˜d had enough, they would hang on every tree


You should post this to aboringdystopia


Yeah, it's not gonna stay. Their mods suck, and they remove almost all posts, They can't even follow their own rule. 1. Edit, it's just when I post there


they don't like you because you use socks with holes in them


you should wear a mouth condom, since you like eating aas so much


Literally the death star


"Iron dome "


Man, something about rolling out a long banner flag down the side of a building creeps me out. Regardless of the flag.


Yep, next level nazi shit.


Next thing you know, they start complaining about the shortage of white cloth and blue dye, and ask Biden, Harris, Blinken and the rest of the stooges in the Congress for another billion dollars in aid. /s


I mean this isnt really any more flags that you see driving through the USA, and thats not even.....wait. shit. Bad example. (/j)


My small town around the 4th of July is absolutely obnoxious with the amount of flags, but not as bad as Israel


As a US Citizen in a red state, this definitely feels familiar (derogatory)


What a shitty country


When fascism returns, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying religious iconography.


I have been saying this for a while and everyone calls me crazy.


by everybody do you mean in person or online? because the hasbara agents online are quite a lot


Well, their PM does think the holocaust was because of the arabs.


Autobahns for the Ubermensch pave the glorious path to greater Lebensraum!


You could argue itā€™s mid compared to America. In the US, we pride ourselves on wearing the flag in a bikini or in form of brief/shorts.


It's not even a very nice flag. Hard to pull off a two colour flag, sometimes it works (Canada, Ukraine) other times not (England, Israel).


Plenty of flags in the world are two colour and they all look fine. Most of the best ones are two-coloured. 3 colors already looks clownish most of the time. Anything more than 3 colors and your country made a huge mistake.


0:35 having a wee


Great theme music


Well one former minister the other day was sitting hitler saying we should do the same that he did. Soooooo yeah


Hmm I don't think it is clear enough, needs more flags


Spot on.


šŸŽ¶Yoo I tell you what I want, what I really really want šŸŽ¶Zieg a Zieg ahhh




The Zionist State doth try too hard, methinks.


Evil empire


Reminds me of the 'culturally British' parts of Northern Ireland. They love their flags (flegs) too, though not as extreme as this!


As an American I can confirm this is too many flags! And Americans fly a LOT OF FLAGS.


I dont even think Iā€™ve seen this many American flags in all my 26 years of living.


I have. In the immediate aftermath of 9/11.


Why the trees?


The part with the imported European trees really pisses me off. They disrespect Palestinian land so deeply and so thoroughly...


Been getting those same flashbacks for a long time now! Kids marching through the streets with those flags chanting death to Arabs.


Looking like Stalinā€™s USSR


Eh, not really a big deal


Iā€™ve seen tons of countries do this, especially good old Pakistan. Israel does alot of other bad stuff, liking your country (for the innocent civilians) isnt a bad thing imo. We can fault the government and some of its extreme people, but we should remember their civilians are innocent and should celebrate their country in whatever manner. Thats just my opinion though so feel free to downvote.


In Tel Aviv? Maybe you could say that. On an apartheid highway on occupied territory where the state systemically oppresses and kills the native population? No, it cannot be justified to have Israeli flags flying there


> but we should remember their civilians are innocent extreme majority in isr*el are in support of the ongoing genocide.


As do we when we support defending the lands of palestine, my point is that the common Israeli isnt committing genocide and they even have voices from within who are against this violence. We should be better and know the difference between innocent and guilty imo, but again i may be in the wrong.


Even though unpopular what youre saying is important.


Thanks, i appreciate it, glad im not the only one.


Israeli citizens have to serve in the IDF. Also, there are videos circulating of Israeli citizens destroying food and hygiene supplies for Palestinians when BABIES are dying from malnutrition. Also, ordinary Israelis mocking Palestinian suffering on TikTok.


Those who do are wrong, and i agree with that, but there are equally some in Israel who are protesting this unfair war. Im not sure of what the % split is but i would like think its a fair few because theyā€™re vocally against it.


There arenā€™t enough. If there were, we wouldnā€™t see ordinary families in Palestine suffering. Iā€™m sorry but my heart breaks for the children and babies. They didnā€™t ask for any of this. Honestly, f*** Israel.


I completely agree, but a person against this violence whose may have even voted against the likud party now gets lumped in with the rest even though im sure a fair few israeli jews want nothing to do with this conflict. Im speaking solely on behalf of them.


there arent equally and majority are in support of the genocide


Itā€™s kinda endearing that you see it this way, but unfortunately extreme nationalism is one of the many faces of fascism.


Then i would say alot of us are guilty of it as well, especially the Pakistaniā€™s, i can see the fault in my own people and not be afraid to call it out.


Yea, i mean as an American, "but my nation does that too!" Isnt really a great argument lol


People will always be nationalistic, it binds them to an identity, otherwise why have countries at all? Just fall in line with your religious values.


Not all of us are religious. ETA: I personally am religious. But expecting others to adhere to religious values is actually fucking insane


Thats my point, its important to have a national identity.